Idea Proposal: Turn the Dragon Claw into a sword/dagger.

  1. Get chakra beast claws of various sizes and types
  2. Have our master blacksmith learn how to work those "mundane" chakra beast claws into weapons
  3. Once the master blacksmith has mastered that process (veterancy), give him the Dragon Claw and tell him to take his time (time ladder)
  4. Provide everything the master blacksmith might possibly need (creating aspects for him to tag in the process)
  5. Receive a Magical Dragon Sword (possibly for Yuno, for a future adoptee, or as an heirloom)
Confirmation of what? That we are at numerical disadvantage? My understanding was that Rock hit us with the Collapse and then they weren't at Nagi Island.
Confirm that the numerical disadvantage played a pivotal role in friendly casualties. If engagements are team to team, losses should be even. Something else is necessary to explain uneven losses. Higher skill, better equipment, home territory or calling back up. At some point giving up a strip of land becomes preferable to sending troops to die like flies, if only to not lose more land elsewhere.
But that just ignore what we need to do now to manage things. We can't just say we will fix it in the future when the problem will be happening now
True. It'd be real nice if Noburi could use nature chakra to FOOM but I think that's also a long ways off. Someone can look into the Koi math, but uhhh not it.
We could collude with Sasuke to sabotage AMITY, for the low low price of a blank cheque and one of his eyeballs.

As for how, we fully support Ami in obtaining Shadow Clone, then rat her out to uncle Oro as the one with independent clones.
Confirm that the numerical disadvantage played a pivotal role in friendly casualties. If engagements are team to team, losses should be even. Something else is necessary to explain uneven losses. Higher skill, better equipment, home territory or calling back up. At some point giving up a strip of land becomes preferable to sending troops to die like flies, if only to not lose more land elsewhere.

The fact that we have inflicted heavy losses on Rock relative to our numerical inferiority speaks well of Leaf's quality.
Confirm that the numerical disadvantage played a pivotal role in friendly casualties. If engagements are team to team, losses should be even. Something else is necessary to explain uneven losses. Higher skill, better equipment, home territory or calling back up. At some point giving up a strip of land becomes preferable to sending troops to die like flies, if only to not lose more land elsewhere.
If Rock can afford to send 2 jonin per jonin-tier mission and we can only afford to send 1, they're going to win most of those engagements.
The fact that we have inflicted heavy losses on Rock relative to our numerical inferiority speaks well of Leaf's quality.
Not enough information to make this assessment.
If Rock can afford to send 2 jonin per jonin-tier mission and we can only afford to send 1, they're going to win most of those engagements.
More like a jōnin and two chūnin, but point taken. Missions are mysterious. What objectives exist other than killing enemies or gathering intel? Basic domestic duties? In a world with no hard targets or supply chains, no reason to take any unfavorable engagements. If it is simple math and a losing war, why fight it? Or why is Shikamaru surprised?

Personally, dropping this topic until characters address it.
We should ask T&I to let Noburi keep every prisoner they have chakra drained. It will make the prisoners even less likely to escape than they already are, and give us a source of chakra that is potentially even larger than what we can get from the koi pond, given that there's a limit to how many koi we're allowed to have and individual ninja can potentially have hundreds of CP. I bet that jonin Akane and Yuno captured has a lot of CP by himself.

And there's probably tons of prisoners because of the war.
Idea Proposal: Turn the Dragon Claw into a sword/dagger.

  1. Get chakra beast claws of various sizes and types
  2. Have our master blacksmith learn how to work those "mundane" chakra beast claws into weapons
  3. Once the master blacksmith has mastered that process (veterancy), give him the Dragon Claw and tell him to take his time (time ladder)
  4. Provide everything the master blacksmith might possibly need (creating aspects for him to tag in the process)
  5. Receive a Magical Dragon Sword (possibly for Yuno, for a future adoptee, or as an heirloom)
Idea: If Gōketsu can't use it themselves we should consider using the sword as a bargaining chip to trade with foreign clans for shinies. This is the kind of sword that would be given to one of the 7 swordsmen of the mist, we could potentially trade it for the Kurosawa's secret Iron Nerve stuff, AND their help with churning out seals (or potentially for some of their sealing knowledge, they must have tons by now since they have a sealmaster every generation). Or we could trade to the Wakahisa for the knowledge of how to farm koi and the right to breed as many of them as we want. Or something else that is incredibly shiny and only makes sense to give up in exchange for turning one of your clan members into an S ranker.
As a reminder, this is from the plan that was ch377:

If [Ami] accepts your offer, talk shop about Hazou's Master Plan after implementing additional (and hopefully extraneous, but you never know!) OPSEC measures.
Be roundabout, don't refer explicitly to shadow clone, just tell her something like "Definitive plan to vastly increase power of all involved. Keiko can confirm the existence and viability. Not trying to get killboxed again, so can tell you more as situation develops, if it does."
If she can get into Leaf, we'll cut her in if she wants, modulo some reasonable conditions we'll get into weeds on at that time.
As a reminder, this is from the plan that was ch377:

If [Ami] accepts your offer, talk shop about Hazou's Master Plan after implementing additional (and hopefully extraneous, but you never know!) OPSEC measures.
Be roundabout, don't refer explicitly to shadow clone, just tell her something like "Definitive plan to vastly increase power of all involved. Keiko can confirm the existence and viability. Not trying to get killboxed again, so can tell you more as situation develops, if it does."
If she can get into Leaf, we'll cut her in if she wants, modulo some reasonable conditions we'll get into weeds on at that time.
[X] Action Plan: Dragons, Dinner, and Family

I express similar concerns to what @RandomOTP has said wrt Shrooms' plan. Also the quoted.
[X] Action Plan: Dragons, Dinner, and Family

Not gonna go back on what we promised Ami.

If folks want to work with her to come up with a solution that's better (ie; waiting until we're a bit further ahead in FOOM than she is, so she doesn't get eternally-ahead of us...) I'm all for it, but I'm not going back on what we said.
[X] Action Plan: Dragons, Dinner, and Family

This plan has my vote by merit of not going back on our word with Ami (although it's a fine plan on its own).

I think it bears being extremely clear: having just re-read the chapter in which we promised her FOOM, not only did we promise her FOOM, but it's pretty dang clear that a huge part of the reason that she's repatriated herself is so she can get FOOM. Not only should we count on her getting SC, we should be aware of the fact that if we try to sandbag her, we've made an enemy, and rightly so.

I've also updated my plan to be compatible with this commitment.

Sage help us and keep us on the right side of the chaos to come.

@Shrooms, @cdeevfrr, @Inferno Vulpix, @Eisenhelm, @ContextBot, @Oneiros, @Sentient Tree, @Paperclipped, @Sir Stompy, the plan you are currently voting for credibly makes an enemy out of Ami, or at least starts us down that road. Worse, it uses Mari as the weapon in that conflict, which can only end badly. Pardon the mass ping, but this seems bad. We all forgot about this and I'm a little baffled that we offered this no-strings-attached (hopefully we can renegotiate that part of things) but what's done is done and it would be the mother of all consistency screwups to change our mind after she's gotten herself citizenship.

(What clan would she even be? Kei? Nara? KEI?)
Confirm that the numerical disadvantage played a pivotal role in friendly casualties. If engagements are team to team, losses should be even. Something else is necessary to explain uneven losses. Higher skill, better equipment, home territory or calling back up. At some point giving up a strip of land becomes preferable to sending troops to die like flies, if only to not lose more land elsewhere.
If we start with fewer ninja and match Rock mission-for-mission, our ninja go on more missions on average. If each mission has a flat fatality rate, then our ninja will die proportionally faster. If Rock outnumbers us 3-1, then we'll die three times faster. And it's a runaway effect: as Leaf nin die one-for-one with Rock nin, the number of missions that we need to send our shinobi on goes up disproportionately.

This neglects nonlinear factors like insufficient or lesser recovery time and the ability to set the pace and location of encounters with superior intelligence and setup teams.
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If we start with fewer ninja and match Rock mission-for-mission, our ninja go on more missions on average. If each mission has a flat fatality rate, then our ninja will die proportionally faster. If Rock outnumbers us 3-1, then we'll die three times faster. And it's a runaway effect: as Leaf nin die one-for-one with Rock nin, the number of missions that we need to send our shinobi on goes up disproportionately.

This neglects nonlinear factors like insufficient or lesser recovery time and the ability to set the pace and location of encounters with superior intelligence and setup teams.
No numbers please. The brain meat frazzles.
Adhoc vote count started by Lord Marshal on Mar 9, 2022 at 6:41 AM, finished with 237 posts and 19 votes.
Voting is closed.

@Shrooms, @cdeevfrr, @Inferno Vulpix, @Eisenhelm, @ContextBot, @Oneiros, @Sentient Tree, @Paperclipped, @Sir Stompy, the plan you are currently voting for credibly makes an enemy out of Ami, or at least starts us down that road. Worse, it uses Mari as the weapon in that conflict, which can only end badly.
[X] Action Plan: We Need to Talk About Ami
Too late apparently xD
A thing I recently learned from @Velorien : "repatriation" actually means "return to your own nation". It's from the Latin "patria" (fatherland) and "re-" (again). It doesn't actually mean "change your patriation", which is what it looks like. (Also, I'm not sure if patriation is a word.) I couldn't find a word that meant "change your nationality" -- "immigrate/emigrate" are close but not quite the same. I went with "renationalize".