Hornets set up the skyslicer, they last for a month. The Dragon flies into the skyslicer, the Mites signal the team underground and they pop up to attack the Dragon.
The 5SB seals that make the Skyslicer...slice...are supposed to be in the sky. They are not in any way invulnerable, and I express (possibly paranoid, but who knows) concern that the sheer bulk of the Dragon could damage the seals. Also if they're in the sky the Hornets have to be pretty steady & coordinated to activate them all, since I'm reasonably certain that the individual seals have to be activated & within the plane of the central seal.

Can't we just have the base be on the ground, and have the string go up from there?
We aren't using Dogs at all. Hazou follows 2 miles behind the ambush team with his SC accompanying the actual ambush. No need to mention Out-weirdness. Hazou is sending an "Earth Clone" to help the Arachnids tunnel out into the ambush site.
So you're saying that if Prime does get noticed and attacked, he's fucked since he can't run faster than a Dragon.
Tunnel up from farther away so ground is undisturbed
Do you mean "Tunnel down"?
The 5SB seals that make the Skyslicer...slice...are supposed to be in the sky. They are not in any way invulnerable, and I express (possibly paranoid, but who knows) concern that the sheer bulk of the Dragon could damage the seals. Also if they're in the sky the Hornets have to be pretty steady & coordinated to activate them all, since I'm reasonably certain that the individual seals have to be activated & within the plane of the central seal.

Can't we just have the base be on the ground, and have the string go up from there?
They've been practicing it for the last two weeks, so I'm not too worried. Either they've figured out something that gets good coverage by now or they haven't. If they haven't we don't do the mission. If they can't fly steadily enough they could do as you suggest. Although the altitude would probably not be very good.
So you're saying that if Prime does get noticed and attacked, he's fucked since he can't run faster than a Dragon.
Hazou can instantly return to the Human Path if he feels a Dragon approaching. He's two miles away from the action and he can sense the Dragon through Out-weirdness. He's supposed to be underground the entire time. He dug an entire tunnel to the butte safely under those conditions. If the Dragon is heading his way his clone can dispel and give him the memory before the Dragon can cover 2 miles.
Do you mean "Tunnel down"?
Tunnel down to a good depth. Then tunnel over, then tunnel up to just below the surface.
They've been practicing it for the last two weeks, so I'm not too worried. Either they've figured out something that gets good coverage by now or they haven't. If they haven't we don't do the mission. If they can't fly steadily enough they could do as you suggest. Although the altitude would probably not be very good.
Might I then suggest that we confirm with Kumokogo that the preparations on her end are complete, or near-enough for the plan to work as-is?
Instead of trying to lie to the Arachnids, can we just say that we are bound by oath to not disclose the true nature of this technique?
This. All of the this.
[X] Happy 500th Chapter EJ Here's Some Dragonslaying
Word Count: 297
  • Spend the next two days preparing for the skyslicer mission and then execute it when SSA Consequence heals.
  • Prep days
    • Review mission and team with Kumokugo so far, abort if fundamental issues arise
      • Ask for Arachinds with tunneling and escape jutsu
      • Report concerns about dragonfire damaging the skyslicer.
      • Talk to bait teams survivors to pinpoint when Dragons are likely to breathe fire.
      • Design the skyslicer ambush so that the Dragon flies through the skyslicer before it comes into range of bait.
        • Hazou will send a Clone to assist tunneling. Clone type is secret
    • Request intel on potential ambush sites and review them, visit in person only if absolutely necessary
    • Connect the final ambush site to the tunnel to the Great Seal
      • Make sure the new tunnel can be collapsed instantly
      • Prepare the ambush site
    • Dry run skyslicer emplacement and ambush multiple times with appropriate teams
      • Ambush team hides just below ground in hidden foxholes
        • Tunnel over and up from farther away so ground is undisturbed
        • Distribute Tunneler's Friends if ventilation is a problem
      • If possible, trigger the ambush via vibrating webbing from high-Stealth mites above ground to the ambush team below
        • Otherwise, they use explosives
    • In the evenings discuss and optimize tactics with Mari, Shikamaru, and Kei/Snowflake - separate meetings if necessary
    • Have Noburi take over Kagome's Summoning Training
  • Mission day
    • Maintain OPSEC on Shadow Clone, run seal usage past Kagome and Mari for OPSEC purposes
    • Send a SC with the ambush team, Hazou follows ~2 miles behind.
    • Collapse connecting tunnel before the ambush
    • Execute the ambush - Return to the Human Path as soon as Hazou integrates memories from SC, or the all-clear is given
    • Collect Dragon body parts for physical evidence, use storage seals only if the Out-weirdness dissipates when the Dragon dies.
Suggestions implemented. I'm going to stick around for 15 minutes and then go to bed. Let me know if you have final comments
PSA: QM error not in your favor! Collect 4 free rules changes!
Based on feedback yesterday we realized that we had not thought the recent 'Clones reset your Consequences' ruling through all the way, and that there were some other edge cases and issues that needed to be addressed regarding Sealing and Shadow Clones. As such, we're making the following updates:

1. An earlier post is being changed to the following. (The second paragraph concerning clone consequences has been deleted, the rest is the same.)

PSA: About SC Resolve unlocks

Good news: Making a Resolve check when Shadow Clones pop which risks a Consequence on -3 or lower is sufficiently challenging to count as a Resolve unlock.

2. The Sealing Scroll Acolyte stunt is being rewritten as follows.

Summoning Scroll Acolyte

Hazou has gained a deeper understanding of seals by learning from the subtle persuasions of the summoning scroll. Thinking about it hurts, but there's a spark of genius hidden in the pain.

XP cost: 100

Prereq: Be a Kurosawa who tried to read a Summoning Scroll.


• 2x TYS applies to Sealing

• Every time Hazō makes a roll to infuse a prototype seal (i.e., one that he is in the process of researching) he takes a Mild Mental Consequence. The penalties do not apply to that Sealing roll but they apply to subsequent rolls until the Consequences heals. The Consequence takes 48 hours to heal (instead of the usual 24 hours) and does not heal unless he rests from any Sealing-related activity. As always, if he takes a Mild Consequence when his Mild slot is filled, the damage rolls up to the next available slot.

Narratively, the additional levels granted by this stunt represent Hazō thinking back to his experiences with the Out and thereby gaining insight into the seal he's working on...but also causing himself mental confusion, pain, fear, etc. Hazō may choose to suppress those memories while doing seal research, in which case he will not gain the bonus levels and he will not suffer the Mild Consequence. Since he is still doing Sealing-related activities, any Consequences that he may be suffering from earlier use of SSA will not advance their healing during this time.

Shadow Clones have all the memories of their progenitor, meaning that Hazō's clones also have this stunt.

See the Sealing Research section in the rules doc for answers to various edge cases about how this stunt interacts with Shadow Clone.

3. Addition to the Shadow Clone rules.

Shadow Clones and Consequences

When a clone pops, its Physical Consequences are not transferred back to its creator. Mental Consequences do transfer back to the original, with the caveat that Mental Consequences that were created by a given event do not stack with themselves and therefore are not transferred.

In this context, an 'event' is something that happens at a single point in time and is caused by a single source.

When a Prime receives Consequences from their clone then, as always, if the given Consequence slot is full then a Consequence will roll up to the next available slot.

Examples where the Consequences DO transfer from a Shadow Clone back to its creator:

  • Hazō Prime has no Consequences. He creates a Shadow Clone, who also has no Consequences. The clone gets hit with a genjutsu and acquires the Mild Mental Consequence "Jumpy". When the clone pops, this Consequence will be transferred back to Hazō Prime and he will have the Mild Mental Consequence "Jumpy".
  • Hazō Prime has no Consequences. He creates a Shadow Clone, who also has no Consequences. Hazō gets hit with Orochimaru's jōnin aura, giving Hazō the Mild Mental Consequence "Cowed". Itachi hits the clone with a genjutsu and the clone acquires the Mild Mental Consequence "Jumpy". When the clone pops, the clone's Mild Consequence will be transferred back to Hazō Prime, whose Mild slot is already full. The Consequence will then roll up into his Medium slot, leaving him with Mild ("Cowed") and Medium ("Jumpy"). (Note that it doesn't matter if the genjutsu and the aura happen at the same time or at different times, the key point is that they are separate events because they come from separate sources.)
  • Hazō has no Consequences. He creates three Shadow Clones, all of whom have no Consequences. The four of them go off and do seal research on the Activation Relay Seal, the Air Tunneler Seal, the Light Relay seal, and the BecomusGodus seal respectively. Each of them makes an infusion roll for their assigned seal. Each of them has the Sealing Scroll Acolyte stunt, so each of them suffers a Mild Mental Consequence. These Consequences were caused by separate events (that individual making a roll), so when the clones pop, their Consequences will transfer back to Hazō. He starts with his own Mild Consequence and then receives three more. The first rolls up into his Medium slot, the second rolls up into his Severe slot, and the third one renders him Taken Out, which in this context probably means dead.
Examples where the Consequences do NOT transfer:

  • Hazō Prime has no Consequences. He makes a sealing research roll. Because of his Sealing Scroll Acolyte stunt (SSA), he receives a Mild Mental Consequence, perhaps "Psychic Headache". He creates a Shadow Clone. The clone has the same "Psychic Headache" Consequence. When it pops, this Consequence is not transferred back to Hazō because it was caused by the same event -- Hazō's use of SSA.
  • Hazō Prime has been drugged and has a Mild 'Hallucinating' Mental Consequence. He creates a Shadow Clone. The clone also has that Mild Consequence and is hallucinating. When it pops, this Consequence is not transferred back to Hazō because it was caused by the same event -- Hazō's being drugged.
  • Hazō Prime has no Consequences. He creates a Shadow Clone, who also has no Consequences. Hazō and his clone simultaneously get hit with Orochimaru's jōnin aura, giving both of them the Mild Mental Consequence "Cowed". When the clone pops, this Consequence is not transferred back to Hazō because it was caused by the same event -- Orochimaru attacking with his aura. (Note that this is an example and should not be used as evidence for or against the idea that it's possible to aura blast multiple people at once.)

4. Addition to the Seal Research rules

Seal Research and Hazō

Hazō is probably the only sealmaster in the world who has both the Shadow Clone technique and the Sealing Scroll Acolyte (SSA) stunt. The combination creates some edge cases that we deal with here:

Q: Do Hazō's Shadow Clones also have SSA?

A: Yes.

Q: If Hazō's Shadow Clones make a research infusion roll, do they take the Mild Mental Consequence from SSA?

A: Yes.

Q: When they pop, does this Consequence transfer back to Hazō?

A: Yes. See the Shadow Clone rules for more details and examples.

Q: Can Hazō's clones do the prep work (which does not cause Consequences) and then Hazō makes the infusion roll?

A: Yes.

Q: The SSA Consequence takes two days to heal. Can we have separate clones do prep on different seals at the same time and then Hazō makes the first roll, waits two days for the Consequence to heal, makes the second roll, waits two days, etc?

A: No. Prep days must be contiguous with the infusion roll. If you wait between prep and infusion then you might forget a detail, the astrological influences might shift, etc.

Q: Can we have separate clones do prep on different seals, staggered such that each clone finishes their prep 2 days apart in time for Hazō to have recovered from the previous roll? (e.g. one clone preps M-F, another preps W-Su, another preps F-W and Hazō makes the rolls on Saturday, Monday, and Thursday respectively)

A: Yes. Note that the seal infusion roll actually represents a full day of effort in which the chakra manipulations are being practiced, meditation is happening, etc etc. If Hazō needs to do anything of significance on that day then he will not be able to make the roll and all the prep work will be wasted.

Q: The infusion roll takes a full day because you're practicing chakra manipulations and meditating? Can we optimize that to be faster by having the Shadow Clones parallelize the chakra manipulation practice while Hazō meditates?

A: No. Those were examples and not a complete list. It takes a full day and that cannot be reduced.
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PSA: QM error not in your favor! Collect 4 free rules changes!
Based on feedback yesterday we realized that we had not thought the recent 'Clones reset your Consequences' ruling through all the way, and that there were some other edge cases and issues that needed to be addressed regarding Sealing and Shadow Clones. As such, we're making the following updates:

1. An earlier post is being changed to the following. (The second paragraph concerning clone consequences has been deleted, the rest is the same.)

PSA: About SC Resolve unlocks

Good news: Making a Resolve check when Shadow Clones pop which risks a Consequence on -3 or lower is sufficiently challenging to count as a Resolve unlock.

2. The Sealing Scroll Acolyte stunt is being rewritten as follows.

Summoning Scroll Acolyte

Hazou has gained a deeper understanding of seals by learning from the subtle persuasions of the summoning scroll. Thinking about it hurts, but there's a spark of genius hidden in the pain.

XP cost: 100

Prereq: Be a Kurosawa who tried to read a Summoning Scroll.


• 2x TYS applies to Sealing

• Every time Hazō makes a roll to infuse a prototype seal (i.e., one that he is in the process of researching) he takes a Mild Mental Consequence. The penalties do not apply to that Sealing roll but they apply to subsequent rolls until the Consequences heals. The Consequence takes 48 hours to heal (instead of the usual 24 hours) and does not heal unless he rests from any Sealing-related activity. As always, if he takes a Mild Consequence when his Mild slot is filled, the damage rolls up to the next available slot.

Narratively, the additional levels granted by this stunt represent Hazō thinking back to his experiences with the Out and thereby gaining insight into the seal he's working on...but also causing himself mental confusion, pain, fear, etc. Hazō may choose to suppress those memories while doing seal research, in which case he will not gain the bonus levels and he will not suffer the Mild Consequence. Since he is still doing Sealing-related activities, any Consequences that he may be suffering from earlier use of SSA will not advance their healing during this time.

Shadow Clones have all the memories of their progenitor, meaning that Hazō's clones also have this stunt.

See the Sealing Research section in the rules doc for answers to various edge cases about how this stunt interacts with Shadow Clone.

3. Addition to the Shadow Clone rules.

Shadow Clones and Consequences

When a clone pops, its Physical Consequences are not transferred back to its creator. Mental Consequences do transfer back to the original, with the caveat that Mental Consequences that were created by a given event do not stack with themselves and therefore are not transferred.

In this context, an 'event' is something that happens at a single point in time and is caused by a single source.

When a Prime receives Consequences from their clone then, as always, if the given Consequence slot is full then a Consequence will roll up to the next available slot.

Examples where the Consequences DO transfer from a Shadow Clone back to its creator:

  • Hazō Prime has no Consequences. He creates a Shadow Clone, who also has no Consequences. The clone gets hit with a genjutsu and acquires the Mild Mental Consequence "Jumpy". When the clone pops, this Consequence will be transferred back to Hazō Prime and he will have the Mild Mental Consequence "Jumpy".
  • Hazō Prime has no Consequences. He creates a Shadow Clone, who also has no Consequences. Hazō gets hit with Orochimaru's jōnin aura, giving Hazō the Mild Mental Consequence "Cowed". Itachi hits the clone with a genjutsu and the clone acquires the Mild Mental Consequence "Jumpy". When the clone pops, the clone's Mild Consequence will be transferred back to Hazō Prime, whose Mild slot is already full. The Consequence will then roll up into his Medium slot, leaving him with Mild ("Cowed") and Medium ("Jumpy"). (Note that it doesn't matter if the genjutsu and the aura happen at the same time or at different times, the key point is that they are separate events because they come from separate sources.)
  • Hazō has no Consequences. He creates three Shadow Clones, all of whom have no Consequences. The four of them go off and do seal research on the Activation Relay Seal, the Air Tunneler Seal, the Light Relay seal, and the BecomusGodus seal respectively. Each of them makes an infusion roll for their assigned seal. Each of them has the Sealing Scroll Acolyte stunt, so each of them suffers a Mild Mental Consequence. These Consequences were caused by separate events (that individual making a roll), so when the clones pop, their Consequences will transfer back to Hazō. He starts with his own Mild Consequence and then receives three more. The first rolls up into his Medium slot, the second rolls up into his Severe slot, and the third one renders him Taken Out, which in this context probably means dead.
Examples where the Consequences do NOT transfer:

  • Hazō Prime has no Consequences. He makes a sealing research roll. Because of his Sealing Scroll Acolyte stunt (SSA), he receives a Mild Mental Consequence, perhaps "Psychic Headache". He creates a Shadow Clone. The clone has the same "Psychic Headache" Consequence. When it pops, this Consequence is not transferred back to Hazō because it was caused by the same event -- Hazō's use of SSA.
  • Hazō Prime has been drugged and has a Mild 'Hallucinating' Mental Consequence. He creates a Shadow Clone. The clone also has that Mild Consequence and is hallucinating. When it pops, this Consequence is not transferred back to Hazō because it was caused by the same event -- Hazō's being drugged.
  • Hazō Prime has no Consequences. He creates a Shadow Clone, who also has no Consequences. Hazō and his clone simultaneously get hit with Orochimaru's jōnin aura, giving both of them the Mild Mental Consequence "Cowed". When the clone pops, this Consequence is not transferred back to Hazō because it was caused by the same event -- Orochimaru attacking with his aura. (Note that this is an example and should not be used as evidence for or against the idea that it's possible to aura blast multiple people at once.)

4. Addition to the Seal Research rules

Seal Research and Hazō

Hazō is probably the only sealmaster in the world who has both the Shadow Clone technique and the Sealing Scroll Acolyte (SSA) stunt. The combination creates some edge cases that we deal with here:

Q: Do Hazō's Shadow Clones also have SSA?

A: Yes.

Q: If Hazō's Shadow Clones make a research infusion roll, do they take the Mild Mental Consequence from SSA?

A: Yes.

Q: When they pop, does this Consequence transfer back to Hazō?

A: Yes. See the SSA rules for more details and examples.

Q: Can Hazō's clones do the prep work (which does not cause Consequences) and then Hazō makes the infusion roll?

A: Yes.

Q: The SSA Consequence takes two days to heal. Can we have separate clones do prep on different seals at the same time and then Hazō makes the first roll, waits two days for the Consequence to heal, makes the second roll, waits two days, etc?

A: No. Prep days must be contiguous with the infusion roll. If you wait between prep and infusion then you might forget a detail, the astrological influences might shift, etc.

Q: Can we have separate clones do prep on different seals, staggered such that each clone finishes their prep 2 days apart in time for Hazō to have recovered from the previous roll? (e.g. one clone preps M-F, another preps W-Su, another preps F-W and Hazō makes the rolls on Saturday, Monday, and Thursday respectively)

A: Yes. Note that the seal infusion roll actually represents a full day of effort in which the chakra manipulations are being practiced, meditation is happening, etc etc. If Hazō needs to do anything of significance on that day then he will not be able to make the roll and all the prep work will be wasted.

Q: The infusion roll takes a full day because you're practicing chakra manipulations and meditating? Can we optimize that to be faster by having the Shadow Clones parallelize the chakra manipulation practice while Hazō meditates?

A: No. Those were examples and not a complete list. It takes a full day and that cannot be reduced.
Thanks for doing all this. I can't imagine working all this out was very fun but it was very important for many players and I'm sure they are also grateful for your hard work
Q: Can we have separate clones do prep on different seals, staggered such that each clone finishes their prep 2 days apart in time for Hazō to have recovered from the previous roll? (e.g. one clone preps M-F, another preps W-Su, another preps F-W and Hazō makes the rolls on Saturday, Monday, and Thursday respectively)

A: Yes. Note that the seal infusion roll actually represents a full day of effort in which the chakra manipulations are being practiced, meditation is happening, etc etc. If Hazō needs to do anything of significance on that day then he will not be able to make the roll and all the prep work will be wasted.
This is how I thought multi threading would work. Is anyone opposed to running two projects on ARS and light sensor with this method?
>Shadow Clone multi threading is back baby
>Immediately fails rolls without SSA
>Sealing failure erases half of earth
>"Actually that's optimal"
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Feb 26, 2022 at 1:03 PM, finished with 134 posts and 19 votes.

Voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Feb 26, 2022 at 1:03 PM, finished with 134 posts and 19 votes.

Voting is closed.
Yes! The bank run was probably not going to kill us. Screwing Isan up really badly was probably not going to kill us.

We are trying to injure a creature which is so deadly that the Sage probably created the Ten-tails to stop them and even that wasn't enough to kill them all.

Oh well having no consequences was fun while it lasted.

(To be clear I support the plan I just think that this is the riskiest thing we've done since we actually downloaded the Great Seal. I'm magnificently excited to find out what happens. I'm also scared.)
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Yes! The bank run was probably not going to kill us. Screwing Isan up really badly was probably not going to kill us.

We are trying to injure a creature which is so deadly that the Sage probably created the Ten-tails to stop them and even that wasn't enough to kill them all.

Oh well having no consequences was fun while it lasted.

(To be clear I support the plan I just think that this is the riskiest thing we've done since we actually downloaded the Great Seal. I'm magnificently excited to find out what happens. I'm also scared.)
I have been screaming about our demise for literal RL years.
In the absence of information on whether Kei did a Zoo Rush in the wake of the Shirogane intel, I'll assume she was around the whole time. Likewise, since Hazou can't fully multi-thread his clones, I'll assume one clone did full-time work (3 training blocks) on his responsibilities while he did sealing research, leaving 5 training blocks for Resolve training.

SC Training

Kei: +36 XP
Hazou: +15 XP