Run the skyslicer mission
So wait, we're running the skyslicer mission before we prep for the skyslicer mission? What is the purpose of this bullet point?
Connect the final ambush site to the tunnel to the Great Seal, tunnel out underground foxholes for the ambush team to hide in
  • Make sure the tunnel can be collapsed in an instant if needful, use explosives
Why can't the tunnel be collapsed behind us beforehand? Why are we giving the Dragons, which are either going to survive the attack and may notice the tunnel system leading towards the Great Seal or are going to respond to one of their own going mission by blasting the entire area with hellfire (and so may notice the tunnel system leading towards the Great Seal), this information? It seems an unnecessary risk.

Also, if the ambush team is underground how are they getting aboveground to attack? Are we just assuming they can dig their way up?
Use explosives to signal the attack from high-Stealth observers on the ground
Better suggestion: run a web network underground that observers can tug on to run vibrations so the underground squads know the Dragon's coming.
Distribute Tunnelers Friend so that ambush team can breathe underground
Again, if the underground teams are so ill-equipped to remaining underground how are they getting back up?
Reading the link, I'm having difficulty picturing the ambush. How are we setting up the 5SB thread (are we going to be able to before a wandering Dragon shows up)? Is the ambush aboveground, xor underground; the link has is set up underground even though it sounds like the fighting is going to happen aboveground? Why aren't we setting up Force Wall saws beforehand instead of listing it as an attack option (what, are we throwing the damn things at the Dragon)?
Otherwise Hazou has no reason to be on the ambush team. What do you suggest we replace it with? We could suggest that it's a result of our Summoning Training and make sure Kagome plays along when he meets her.
Why is Hazou necessary for the ambush team? Also, which Dog are we sacrificing on the alter of this gambit?
Air Tunnel will take months in-game and the purpose of that seal is to win the war with Rock. That war probably won't take months. So it makes sense to reprioritize
No I mean with LS being ahead right now. We've already started ARS and instead of getting the usable product immediately we are going to start working in another tech stack to essentially do the same thing.

Just feel it's very on brand
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Sigh looks like we're back to just starting new sealing projects instead of finishing anything lol
This is, most generously, a pretty bad-faith interpretation of what's happening.

Air Tunnel seals would have taken months to complete. We found out that they're harder than it makes sense to take on right now so we stopped working on them.

We had a positive test result with IR-HOWS and we're now exploring the rest of that stack to find out how hard it is so we can make an informed decision about what to research next. If it turns out that the ROI with respect to time and effort on light relay seals will be less than ARS, then I will wholeheartedly endorse ARS research, as I imagine most of the players will.

I can't see a lot of immediate value that we'd get from ARS and ARS alone. Can you articulate it? I'm very willing to be missing something.

I'm going to leave the less-than-optimally-charitable interpretation of what you said as an exercise for the reader, but it also seems worth pointing out that these are the first sealing research projects we've picked up in a long, long time. We were dealing with a financial crisis and spending the majority of our time in a different dimension, then we got our brains and bodies blended, then we had to figure out a stopgap solution to the end of the world. This is the first time Hazo has been uninjured and had more than five minutes to himself in a good, long while.
I can't see a lot of immediate value that we'd get from ARS and ARS alone. Can you articulate it? I'm very willing to be missing something.
Think about the dragon ambush. Add in remote triggers of every dirty trick imaginable going off immediately after they hit the web. This let's us save more hornets.

I'm going to leave the less-than-optimally-charitable interpretation of what you said as an exercise for the reader, but it also seems worth pointing out that these are the first sealing research projects we've picked up in a long, long time. We were dealing with a financial crisis and spending the majority of our time in a different dimension, then we got our brains and bodies blended, then we had to figure out a stopgap solution to the end of the world. This is the first time Hazo has been uninjured and had more than five minutes to himself in a good, long while.
Yeah and I've been pushing ARS research for literally years. Generally convinced everyone that it was a good idea and then a new hotness comes in and takes it's place. I'm just laughing about how all my plotting will come to nothing in the end.
(Also meant for this to come off more tongue in check than it did)
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Think about the dragon ambush. Add in remote triggers of every dirty trick imaginable going off immediately after they hit the web. This let's us save more hornets.
Can you explain a little more how this works? What does ARS actually achieve? Do we create sets of seals, one of which sets off other seals? Or are we researching a new trigger mechanism that would then need to be incorporated into seals?

Do we currently have any idea how feasible it is to make a seal that triggers another seal?
(Also meant for this to come off more tongue in check than it did)
This definitely did not come across, and that was the majority of the feedback I meant to provide/
Yeah and I've been pushing ARS research for literally years. Generally convinced everyone that it was a good idea and then a new hotness comes in and takes it's place. I'm just laughing about how all my plotting will come to nothing in the end.
How many times has ARS been scooped? I'm trying and failing to think of research projects we've started and then not finished beyond AT and IR-HOWS.
Can you explain a little more how this works? What does ARS actually achieve? Do we create sets of seals, one of which sets off other seals? Or are we researching a new trigger mechanism that would then need to be incorporated into seals?
Basically ARS is a two element seal that pairs with a third seal. One element sends a chakra pulse to another. The seal that receives it then activates the element it is paired with. We started work on them a while back (having researched LBF) and we were told that Hazou could do the research but his calligraphy was two low. That was before we upped our sealing with the great seal brain damage.

How many times has ARS been scooped? I'm trying and failing to think of research projects we've started and then not finished beyond AT and IR-HOWS.
There where gunwands! The Nara tone seals, Some projects with the dogs, blinking lights and I think something else
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Is there currently a repository of acronyms/terminology (i.e. FOOM, ARS) which exist outside of the rules?

I'm putting together a 'new-to-MfD-participation' post which (right now) has plan-writing tips and acronyms with explanations. I don't want to talk about how the rules work because I don't know anything about that, and I don't want to duplicate too much information if it already exists.
Is there currently a repository of acronyms/terminology (i.e. FOOM, ARS) which exist outside of the rules?

I'm putting together a 'new-to-MfD-participation' post which (right now) has plan-writing tips and acronyms with explanations. I don't want to talk about how the rules work because I don't know anything about that, and I don't want to duplicate too much information if it already exists.
There was that list of MfD memes...
@Oneiros You mentioned earlier that the only thing delaying ARS in-story was low calligraphy? I retracted my vote for LR. Should help the Action plan to go more smoothly. LR can wait, imo.
Yeah and I've been pushing ARS research for literally years. Generally convinced everyone that it was a good idea and then a new hotness comes in and takes it's place. I'm just laughing about how all my plotting will come to nothing in the end.
(Also meant for this to come off more tongue in check than it did)
If it helps, even I do not have any intention of neglecting ARS. STARS is really hype and I like the whole idea of that tree. We're just stuck doing only one project at a time and given WWIV it behooves us to work on the project with the greatest likelihood of the greatest positive impact on the war.

I understand the concern that follows from this, that there will always be an excuse to do something other than ARS, but speaking personally I do not believe that will be the case for me. My only major objection to making ARS our first priority is the time-pressure of the war. I have other pet projects I want to get done eventually, but none so important that I'd override someone else's strong wishes to focus on a different seal I also want to see. "Majority of the caring" as the QMs like to put it.

Right now I care a lot about trying to get radio while it may yet affect the war: the better Leaf does in the war, the faster it resolves and the cleaner Leaf's victory, the greater the odds that we lose none of our loved ones along the way. No other project do I care about nearly as much, and the moment this confluence of factors that makes me care so much about radio dissipates I'll be more than happy to seek a sealing research pipeline with ARS at the top.
If it helps, even I do not have any intention of neglecting ARS. STARS is really hype and I like the whole idea of that tree. We're just stuck doing only one project at a time and given WWIV it behooves us to work on the project with the greatest likelihood of the greatest positive impact on the war.

I understand the concern that follows from this, that there will always be an excuse to do something other than ARS, but speaking personally I do not believe that will be the case for me. My only major objection to making ARS our first priority is the time-pressure of the war. I have other pet projects I want to get done eventually, but none so important that I'd override someone else's strong wishes to focus on a different seal I also want to see. "Majority of the caring" as the QMs like to put it.

Right now I care a lot about trying to get radio while it may yet affect the war: the better Leaf does in the war, the faster it resolves and the cleaner Leaf's victory, the greater the odds that we lose none of our loved ones along the way. No other project do I care about nearly as much, and the moment this confluence of factors that makes me care so much about radio dissipates I'll be more than happy to seek a sealing research pipeline with ARS at the top.
Personally, I'd rather give our characters power directly than end the war faster. War is chaos and chaos is opportunity. Give into the dao of Ami.
Personally, I'd rather give our characters power directly than end the war faster. War is chaos and chaos is opportunity. Give into the dao of Ami.
I dunno, is Akane with ARS in a war without radio more likely to survive than Akane without ARS in a war with radio? My intuitions say no, because I don't really see how ARS substantially improves her combat power while 'a war with radio' will most likely end sooner and lead to Akane doing fewer missions overall.

Plus, if we're talking opportunity, imagine being the guy who mid-war invents a new seal that directly enables the strategy that wins the war. What opportunity does ARS get us?
So wait, we're running the skyslicer mission before we prep for the skyslicer mission? What is the purpose of this bullet point?
Good point, I'll reword
Why can't the tunnel be collapsed behind us beforehand? Why are we giving the Dragons, which are either going to survive the attack and may notice the tunnel system leading towards the Great Seal or are going to respond to one of their own going mission by blasting the entire area with hellfire (and so may notice the tunnel system leading towards the Great Seal), this information? It seems an unnecessary risk.

Also, if the ambush team is underground how are they getting aboveground to attack? Are we just assuming they can dig their way up?
We can collapse it beforehand, sure.
Better suggestion: run a web network underground that observers can tug on to run vibrations so the underground squads know the Dragon's coming.
Sure, although Kagome is disappointed in you
Again, if the underground teams are so ill-equipped to remaining underground how are they getting back up?
The team is supposed to contain multiple Arachnid tunnelers, and Hazou has a tunneling jutsu. It's one of the most common Earth Jutsu, the Arachnids should have multiple members who can use it. They tunnel up as soon as the signal is sent. They're supposed to dry run this multiple times to get it down first.
Reading the link, I'm having difficulty picturing the ambush. How are we setting up the 5SB thread (are we going to be able to before a wandering Dragon shows up)? Is the ambush aboveground, xor underground; the link has is set up underground even though it sounds like the fighting is going to happen aboveground? Why aren't we setting up Force Wall saws beforehand instead of listing it as an attack option (what, are we throwing the damn things at the Dragon)?
Hornets set up the skyslicer, they last for a month. The Dragon flies into the skyslicer, the Mites signal the team underground and they pop up to attack the Dragon.

Force walls are too small to kill a Dragon 4ftx4ft IIRC, they can't be suspended midair. An entire array of them large enough to wound a Dragon is far too visible. Spidersilk is 3um thick, practically invisible to any Dragon flying along. To the last - yes although I think holding it and running at the Dragon would work better.
Why is Hazou necessary for the ambush team? Also, which Dog are we sacrificing on the alter of this gambit?
We aren't using Dogs at all. Hazou follows 2 miles behind the ambush team with his SC accompanying the actual ambush. No need to mention Out-weirdness. Hazou is sending an "Earth Clone" to help the Arachnids tunnel out into the ambush site.
[X] Happy 500th Chapter EJ Here's Some Dragonslaying
Word Count: 299
  • Spend the next two days preparing for the skyslicer mission and then execute it when healed from SSA Consequence.
  • Prep days
    • Review mission and team with Kumokugo, ask specifically for Arachinds with tunneling and escape jutsu
      • Report concerns about dragonfire damaging the skyslicer.
      • Talk to survivors of bait teams to pinpoint when Dragons are most likely to breathe fire.
      • Design the skyslicer ambush so that the Dragon flies through the skyslicer before it comes into range of bait.
      • Hazou's "Earth Clone" can serve as an additional tunneler
        • This is actually a Shadow Clone
    • Request intel on potential ambush sites and review them, visit in person only if absolutely necessary
    • Connect the final ambush site to the tunnel to the Great Seal
      • Make sure the new tunnel can be collapsed in an instant
    • Dry run skyslicer emplacement and ambush multiple times with the appropriate teams
      • Ambush team hides just below ground in hidden foxholes
        • Tunnel up from farther away so ground is undisturbed
        • Distribute Tunneler's Friends if ventilation is a problem
      • If possible, trigger the ambush via vibrating webbing from high-Stealth mites on the ground to the ambush team
        • Otherwise, they use explosives
    • In the evenings discuss and optimize tactics with Mari, Shikamaru, and Kei/Snowflake - in separate meetings if necessary
    • Have Noburi take over Kagome's Summoning Training
  • Mission day
    • Maintain OPSEC on Shadow Clone, run seal usage past Kagome and Mari for OPSEC purposes
    • Send a SC masquerading as an EC with the ambush team, Hazou follows ~2 miles behind.
    • Collapse connecting tunnel before the ambush
    • Execute the ambush - Return to the Human Path as soon as Hazou integrates memories from SC, or the all-clear is given
    • Collect Dragon body parts for physical evidence, use storage seals only if the Out-weirdness dissipates when the Dragon dies.
@faflec many of your suggestions implemented. I hopefully made it a little clearer that we are specifically recruiting Arachnids that can tunnel to the mission. Hazou's SC also has a tunneling jutsu that he can use.