So we just invented heaters that last a month! Leaf will never be cold again lol

For that matter, these would be really easy to distribute to small towns that lose people to the cold every winter. A once-a-month till'n'fill? Cake, and the seal is easy as balls too

That's a constant logistical requirement. It would be better to invest in seals that make insulating walls.
Over its lifetime of a month, to act like a heater which can heat a small room (1500 watts) the HOWS heater would need 1.5 kw *24 hr *30 days = 1080 kwh of energy. That's about the same (3.9e9 vs 4.2e9) as the energy released by a ton of TNT. I don't think the current version of the HOWS is bright enough in the IR to work this way. We could probably research a version that is though.
Not an effective use of Hazou's time if it takes 100 seals to heat a room. We could test it though
Imagine the dedicated ninjaverse scientists having this solid and definite understanding about spectrums of light, and then some kid comes in and says, "Hey, so if you turn Red into Super-Red, it actually stops being color and becomes heat."
Brief key to this post:
  • Name of seal
    • A link to each post where one of the above was first mentioned in the story.
    • A link to each post where mechanics were mentioned, if they were.
    • A link to each post where it was stated that you had finished researching one of the above.
If I've missed anything please let me know and I'll add it.
  • 08/14/17: Created post.
  • 08/17/17: Added shaped charges.
  • 08/18/17: Completed Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifiers.
  • 10/07/17: Completed Night-light seals (shudder).
  • 01/29/18: Removed Night-light seals due to retcon (yaaaay).
  • 07/06/18: Added Banshee Fuckers. Alphabetized list.
  • 10/17/18: Completed Casino seals and Vibrator seals.
  • 11/24/19: Added Rocket Boots.
Maybe fixed?
A lovely chapter. I lack cognitive resource for a full reaction post, but it was cute and adorable and the sort of familial wholesomeness I luxuriate in reading. Seeing Ino want to find a pet name/term of endearment for Hazou, but throw "sweetie" out as a bad fit was endearing.
well, if he keeps doing it and realizes its reproducible he will get there eventually. although given his feudal japan mindset he might just conclude that trying to go further than red makes a color that only the fire kami can see and makes them congregate there.
We invented a sealing failure Hazou will probably not try to attempt again.

Was I supposed to update it? I haven't touched it since 2019 since I assumed the seal list was getting transferred to the QM's.

Alright, I'm going to spend a bit going over the thread to make sure all the other seals Hazou learned are on the list. IIRC LBF was learned at some point...
Nope! No, you're right. Let it go, we got it. I asked due to a cached thought -- I saw your post was still in the Informational list and assumed that meant it was active. Please ignore.
Having said that, I now worry that we're stressing you out for no good reason. You don't need to maintain this is you'd rather not -- you already do more for this quest than we could possibly ask. Thank you for that.
Also agreeing with this sentiment. You do more than enough, and this isn't a huge problem. It can lie as it is, or one of us can pick it up. You're fine, @faflec, it's okay to leave this be. Sending digital hugs (or other forms of acknowledgement and appreciation that you're comfortable with receiving).
I am only about 30% awake right now so I can't say anything in-depth or insightful, but I liked the update. It was nice and heartwarming and moving-forward-feeling-y.
Note: I've edited this into the update:

Author's Note: HOWS doesn't produce that much light, so when you tune it to the infrared spectrum it doesn't produce much heat either. The infrared HOWS that Hazō just created wouldn't even be sufficient as a handwarmer, let alone to heat a room.
Note: I've edited this into the update:

Author's Note: HOWS doesn't produce that much light, so when you tune it to the infrared spectrum it doesn't produce much heat either. The infrared HOWS that Hazō just created wouldn't even be sufficient as a handwarmer, let alone to heat a room.

well, if we ever have an abundance of free time it's something to look into i guess
Note: I've edited this into the update:

Author's Note: HOWS doesn't produce that much light, so when you tune it to the infrared spectrum it doesn't produce much heat either. The infrared HOWS that Hazō just created wouldn't even be sufficient as a handwarmer, let alone to heat a room.
HOWS are designed to be the least efficient possible in terms of turning huge amounts of chakra into so little light that it can stay hidden without making heat. so it makes sense.
can we keep experimenting on it though or will hazou-pilot shoot it down?
Note: Also edited this into the AN:

After Hazō TeacherGuy hauled Harumitsu off the field, he notified Hazō Prime who hurried over and entombed the HOWS in a Multiple Earth Wall box in order to contain whatever sealing failure is about to happen. The box is in the woods a mile north of the Gōketsu estate's northern wall.

Speaking of seals, is there anything we can do to help convert the Known Seals list into FtD?
Thank you, that's a kind offer. Let us get back to you.
HOWS doesn't produce that much light, so when you tune it to the infrared spectrum it doesn't produce much heat either. The infrared HOWS that Hazō just created wouldn't even be sufficient as a handwarmer, let alone to heat a room.

If I may suggest a number and possible modification to this description?

Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright seals are "about as bright as a modern LED bulb that you would use in a table lamp" - which I'm interpreting to be a standard 60W (800 lumens) bulb.

HOWS are "about a third the brightness" - which I'm therefore interpreting as approximately 20Ws (20W incandescent bulbs actually produce closer to a fourth rather than a third of the number of lumens, but I'm having a hard time finding a good information source for lumens per Watt, it's too variable based on the bulb type and housing and most (especially LEDs) have a ton of waste heat with only a small percentage of the input going to illumination (5-15%)).

Infrared heaters use about 25-30W per cubic meter (based on various commercial sites for that technology).

Which means it should warm the hands well, perhaps even be a bit uncomfortably hot immediately adjacent to the seal, more comfortable about a foot away.

However, if we're going with only 15% of the energy goes into the lighting of a LED bulb, and only that energy exists from the seal which is converted into infrared, then it wouldn't likely be enough for the heat to even be noticeable - it would be like the heat emitted from a 3W LED. If the lighting from seals using chakra to energy works in ways we're familiar with and can compare to our modern technology (e.g. a modern desk lamp) then I suggest we use the math and conclusions from above this paragraph.

Further math and considerations (assuming it's producing noteworthy heat like an equivalent Watt of a light bulb in infrared):

Rooms in Leaf are almost certainly smaller than modern rooms, especially in terms of height, especially civilian rooms, assuming a 2x2x2m room (which may actually be on the bigger end for the average Leaf civilian), that's 8 cubic meter, and would require 200-240W to keep warm, so 10-12 of these seals.

Noteworthy, that's to modern expectations of warmth, i.e. high 60s to low 70s, fewer seals could heat the same space at a lower temperature. It also assumes modern insulation, so that makes them a bit less effective in Leaf (probably?).

So 12ish seals for "weeks" (3-4?) of heating a room and not having to pay for firewood or be worried about the smoke might very well be economically worthwhile, assuming we can't make it better, which we should be able to once Hazou determines that was the seal working properly and not a seal failure.

Putting that aside, while not warming the room entirely, one pointed directly at a person laying in bed from a foot away should definitely warm them through a cold night, not entirely, but definitely in a way likely to help save lives in a pre-industrial society if firewood isn't readily or cheaply available. 2-3, properly placed, should keep a bed fully warm at a safe temperature.

If nothing else, it frees up the labor currently used to gather firewood though it makes those laborers unemployed. Even if just used in the Clan, with no improvements to the seal, that would probably be a substantial benefit - and may be advantageous with the Dragons since heat emissions are likely less detectable than light by the Dragons, especially since the light is sure to make some heat anyway.
I did as unbiased and accurate a calculation as I could to provide a generalized formula for the gap between Ninjutsu specs and Taij users under my suggested system. It assumed parity of buff quality between the two specs, which is to say it does not count Martial Arts or boosters, just Taij + CB vs Ninjutsu + Stunt Bonus. I figured this to be the more accurate representation of the suggestion's overall balance relative to making and comparing builds, as Paper has done, as they can be all over the place depending on which somewhat arbitrary levels one chooses to leave their skills at on a whim, and are thus highly unreliable to compare.


Formula : Gap between Taij spec and Signature Jutsu of Ninjutsu specialists
0.25 + (Level/35) Shifts.

Formula : Gap between Taij spec and Non-Signature Jutsu of Ninjutsu specialists
Maximum: 1 + (Level/15) Shifts
Average: 1 + (Level/22) Shifts

(A Shift is 3 points, for those unfamiliar with the ruleset mfd uses.)

Sample of the Taijutsu advantage in rolls (Taij + CB vs Ninjutsu + Stunt Bonus), or the breadth of the so-called price of versatility (mono-element ninjutsu specs, multi-element users enjoy a wider gap)
Ninjutsu 20 -> +2.6 for Taijutsu, +4.6 to +6.6 against non-signature techniques.
Ninjutsu 40 -> +4.1 for Taijutsu, +6.1 to +10.1 against non-signature techniques.
Ninjutsu 60 -> +5.9 for Taijutsu, +7.9 to +13.9 against non-signature techniques.
Ninjutsu 80 -> +7.7 for Taijutsu, +9.7 to +17.7 against non-signature techniques.

The calculations were done under a single core assumption - that ninjutsu and taijutsu specs are willing to put an equal amount of exp into maximizing their combat potential. First, I found a formula for how much higher taijutsu skill than ninjutsu skill should be based on level, given that assumption is true (taking skill pyramids into account). This was achieved by using the excess exp that not being a double cost skill leaves for taij at any given level, to calculate how many tiers (or fractions of one) it lets them prop their taij column of the pyramid by at each step, and dividing the excess exp by that value, multiplying it by 10 to find the taijutsu level gap.

After calculating the formula for calculating said gap, I then mathed out the gap for Ninjutsu 20, Ninjutsu 40, Ninjutsu 60 and Ninjutsu 80 datapoints, counting stunts and chakra boost (with fractions being allowed for greatest accuracy, so you could for example have Taij level 87.95 and boost +9.795). I then extrapolated the general formula for a Ninjutsu vs Taijutsu gap based on these datapoints, and converted it into Shifts. The results are above.