I must have missed it, sorry. Although it looks like your reasoning is not wanting to share the glory with Harumitsu? Whereas faflec merely wanted to prioritize Air Tunnels (even though they'd get worked on either way so I'm still confused)

And also because we don't need to start a new project when it's the Air tunnel that Hazo and Harumitsu are working on that one. See the research process to its completion.
And also because we don't need to start a new project when it's the Air tunnel that Hazo and Harumitsu are working on that one. See the research process to its completion.
We're working on 3 projects either way, so I don't really see why it matters which Hazou is doing it? You didn't advocate for not Shadow Clone Sealing
I built some character sheets under the proposed new ninjutsu system:


Variant Ninjutsu Rules -- Character Sheets

3k XP Name,Aspects,Consequences Physical,Count,Exp.,Pen. Unspent XP,-6,Mild,0.5,0 Fate Points,3,Medium,1,0 Thousand Yard Stare,0,Severe,2,0 Mental,Count,Exp.,Pen. Resources,Cur.,Max,Mild,0.5,0 Chakra,20,150,Medium,1,0 Physical Stress,0,3,Severe,2,0 Mental Stress,0,2 Skills,Effective Level,Level,AB

I designed these characters at Fibonacci XP thresholds because these thresholds are used for the summoning technique. I infer them to mean roughly:
  • 3k XP: average genin
  • 5k XP: high genin to low chuunin
  • 8k XP: average chuunin
  • 13k XP: low jounin
  • 21k XP: mature jounin
  • 34k XP: elite jounin
  • 55k XP: S-ranker on stats alone
I chose a few stats that seemed important to all characters (Athletics, Alertness, CR, Physique, Resolve, Deceit, Stealth, etc...) and put a reasonable-minimum amount of levels into them, with those levels scaling up as the character progressed. After that, I focused entirely on combat stats.

These are combat-optimized characters. They are not min-maxed, but they are close. Don't take them as representative of what an actual build at this XP-level would look like, as it would have stunts, levels in unused stats, stats not at perfect 10s, and so on.

I not only made sure to balance all the pyramids, but made sure that these pyramids were realistically buildable (i.e., not monocolumns). All these characters are primarily ninjutsu specs, as opposed to physical fighters (who use Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, or Ranged Weapons)

Here are some observations:
  • At low levels, this underpowers characters.
    • The 3k XP genin, for example, has a level 35 skill but only gets to roll 33 because Ninjutsu is double-cost and really hard to level. With 900 XP sunk into ninjutsu, the genin could instead have had a 40s physical combat stat.
      • Verdict: This genin is weaker than a comparable physical fighter.
  • At medium levels, this is quite well balanced.
    • The 5k chuunin is especially exemplary of this. They have 40-40 Athletics and Alertness, which is pretty basic, but then have a solid 41 Ninjutsu, which lets them use a variety of their techniques effectively in the 40s range. With 1700 XP sunk into Ninjutsu, the chuunin could instead have had a mid-50s main combat stat and higher Athletics and Alertness too.
      • Verdict: This chuunin is weaker stat-by-stat than a comparable physical fighter, but has much more versatility, as you would expect from a ninjutsu spec. This is balanced.
    • The 8k chuunin is perhaps a little overpowered. The total XP they've invested into their techniques has paid off very well, giving them a Ninjutsu stat in the high 50s. As a result, they can easily hit in the 60s with a variety of techniques.
      • On the other hand, around 3400 XP is invested in ninjutsu by this point. While ordinarily, that would be a dazzling 82 Taijutsu, in reality, having an 80 stat means having a 70 stat, and a couple 60s, and so on, so the XP-to-XP comparisons no longer apply.
        • Note that the solution for the ninjutsu specialist is that they level their main stat higher by filling out their pyramid. The XP spent is essentially double-counted, as it improves their main stat and also supports their main stat.
      • Specifically, a comparable character could have a Taijutsu in the 60s, but not the 70s.
      • Verdict: The chuunin are around as strong, head-to-head, as a comparable physical fighter, but has essentially free versatility.
  • At high levels, this is very overpowered.
    • The 13k jounin has finally had ninjutsu eclipse their main stats. Their Ninjutsu level is in the mid 70s, meaning that their actual techniques will be rolling in the high 70s, pushing 80.
      • Verdict: This jounin is stronger than a comparable physical fighter.
    • The 21k jounin is starting to see a new struggle, which is having enough support stats for Ninjutsu's pyramid position. With extremely cheap half-cost pyramid filler taking up the 60s and 50s in their pyramid, they are free to push their Athletics and Alertness into the 70s, allowing them to support an astonishing 88 Ninjutsu.
      • This should be rather preposterous. Not only does this character roll almost every single one of their techniques in the 90s, but they have an insane level of flexibility. They can learn any technique for a pittance of XP, then immediately use it at a baseline-Kage level of skill.
      • Verdict: This jounin is extremely overpowered.
    • The 34k jounin is ridiculously broken. This character sheet took a long time to build, because it is challenging to put a small enough amount of XP into Ninjutsu to keep Ninjutsu in the pyramid -- earlier builds had Ninjutsu at insane values in the 130s, rather than a managable 118.
      • Verdict: This jounin is extremely overpowered, but more.

Further thoughts:
  • Substitution is a high-priority leveling target. Leveling Substitution improves your dodge chance and improves every other ninjutsu you have, and since it's single-cost, it's easy to sink lots of XP into it. High Substitution becomes the name of the game for ninjutsu specs.
  • Additional elements carry the same 500 XP cost, but it's very different. Assuming that the cost of buying elements comes directly from their Ninjutsu XP spent...
    • The 8k chuunin, if they bought 1 element, would have their Ninjutsu drop from 57 -> 53
    • The 13k jounin, if they bought 2 elements, would have their Ninjutsu drop from 73 -> 66
    • The 21k jounin, if they bought 3 elements, would have their Ninjutsu drop from 88 -> 78
    • The 34k jounin, if they bought 4 elements, would have their Ninjutsu drop from 118 -> 111
    • In other words:
      • A chuunin can easily have a second element and preserve their ninjutsu stats at a competitive, balanced level (akin to the low chuunin, they will be a little weaker stat-wise than peers, but have greatly enhanced versatility).
      • A low jounin can easily have three elements and still comfortably outcompete physical fighters at their level.
      • A mature jounin can have Hiruzen-levels of versatility across multiple elements, picking up new ninjutsu and immediately using them at Kage-levels
      • An elite jounin is busted, but we already knew that.
    • And new ninjutsu in the element can be immediately used at extremely competitive levels with no further training required -- the number rolled will go up almost exactly fast if the XP is put into Substitution or the best ninjutsu from the old element.
  • Having ninjutsu as mechanically-optimal half-cost filler would make physical fighters might better than they are under the old system. I didn't account for this.
On margin, I do not support this proposal. It adds little and breaks a lot.
  • It overpowers high-level ninjutsu specs. It's extremely linear-fighter/quadratic-wizard. Whether this is simulationist or not, I can't say, but I like the current MfD where TJ/MW/RW is competitive with ninjutsu.
  • It swaps out the problem of only having 1-4 combat-usable techniques for the problem of having 20+ combat-usable techniques, compared to a physical fighter's unchanged 1-2.
  • It makes it impossible to level a single ninjutsu. If Akane wants to level the Firefly technique for a ranged option but doesn't want to level other ninjutsu, she cannot get it to a remotely relevant level.
  • Versatility becomes absolutely free, with zero work required other than picking up new combat techniques at Level 1. Elements become especially free, needing to pay essentially only the entry price of the stunt.
  • It dramatically changes how non-rolled techniques work with things like Effect and AB up in the air in a way that seems hard to justify.
  • It has several aesthetically-unpleasing game-design elements.
    • Previously, one stat did one thing. Now, one stat (Ninjutsu) does multiple things, and all the stats that feed into it also do multiple things (improve the technique + improve overall Ninjutsu)
    • It introduces a leveled skill which is auto-calculated, rather than leveled explicitly, leading to problems with it jumping around the pyramid automatically (which is hard to bookkeep!)
    • It adds a "free" skill into the pyramid, in that Ninjutsu counts towards your columns, but is never explicitly paid for.
    • There is little allowance for being better or worse at techniques. All your techniques fall within a very small band of skill when rolled.
The balance between ninjutsu-specs and physical fighters is around correct. We've seen a lot of techniques that buff physical fighters (especially Taijutsu users) and not ninjutsu users, so perhaps we could see a buff technique for Noburi's Water Element techniques, comparable to PKH or something. Other than that though, messing with the balance is dangerous, and it makes more sense to me to leave things unchanged.

If the issue of versatility (and Hiruzen's low level techniques being worse than a genin's) needs to be corrected, I would instead suggest the following:

Stunt: Fire Element Ninjutsu Mastery
XP Cost: 100 XP (arbitrary)
Prerequisite: 3 Fire Element ninjutsu at a level > 60 (arbitrary)

When rolling Fire Element ninjutsu, roll them at the average of their true level and your highest Fire Element ninjutsu.

With this, Hiruzen can pick up techniques and use them at chuunin-level instantly (0 + 80 / 2 = 40), getting up to jounin level quickly (40 + 80 / 2 = 60). A jounin with this stunt can keep ninjutsu in the 40s and 50s as pyramid filler, and still roll them in combat in the 50s-60s, fulfilling the needs of versatility without taking away from their signature techniques. If it really need be, this stunt could be made a default option for all ninjutsu (sorted by element).

TL;DR: This makes ninjutsu-spec genin weaker, leaves chuunin about the same (more versatile, less numbers), and hugely buffs jounin to the point of brokenness. It removes ninjutsu versatility from non-ninjutsu specs, while giving it for free to ninjutsu specs. It is also wonky, mechanically. I don't recommend it.

I'll start by presenting some background information first, to explain the intent behind my suggestion and the reasoning why a change in the current mechanics might be desirable. There's also math for those interested, to demonstrate the state of the balance that it would impose if implemented, in contrast to the current state of affairs.

- Mfd/Lotrol mechanics currently do not mechanically support ninjutsu-focused characters that have more than 1 or 2 signature jutsu pulling their weight, which is less than an average jounin is likely to know elements narratively (2-3). Currently, non-signature (capstone/near-capstone) jutsu are of very little use, and levelling them at all is a major exp drain, which simply cannot be afforded by a remotely optimized character. The current rules also lead to a situation where a ninjutsu spec jounin or even a Kage is casting their low level jutsu at a power befitting of an Academy Student - which, too, is not ideal.

- The inability of current mechanics to represent jutsu variety in character builds without crippling them in power is best illustrated through the lens of Lotrol quest Kakashi (18k exp, with as high a % of it spent in jutsu as a pure ninjutsu spec like Noburi) losing to Akane (8k exp, pure-ish tajiutsu) in simulated fights because said exp is spread out between many jutsu, which all and one fail to achieve above-chuunin efficiency as a result. Also do note that Akane will be able to fight 3 of herself by the time she gets 10k exp, let alone when she is 18k.

- For context, Jounin+ canon characters who get all of one scene and no hype time are shown to use half a dozen elemental techniques (not all techniques) in their single scene, or so, so they know at least that many, likely more, possibly way more, that can be useful in combat. Similar ninja tier canon characters who get more than one scene and hype time are often rumored to know "hundreds" or "thousands" of elemental jutsu, and usually shown using more than a dozen in combat, with 20+ being oddities.

- I perceive there to be little simulationist reason to not allow a diversified ninjutsu skillset, especially since we know of several characters who were famed for or did know and used diverse ninjutsu in the mfd story (Hiruzen, Jiraiya and Kakashi from leaf S-rankers alone)

- I perceive it to be a detriment to promote a "one-trick" pony ninjutsu skillset, as doing so robs combat of great strategic depth by depriving both combatants of numerous tools to try and approach the fight and counter their opponent, turning fights into "numbers hit each other, big number wins".

- Therefore I conclude that it would be good to mechanically allow, if not promote, diversified elemental skillsets over actively punishing them, as it feels important to show the strategic depth of ninja combat as we gradually move past the chuunin phase and into the upper tiers. I do not believe that to be possible within the currently optimal one-trick pony build paradigm.
Lotrol Kakashi as an illustrating example of why a versatile ninjutsu jounin does not work under the current ruleset
Kakashi has 4710.5 potential Ninjutsu xp (3175.5 xp in elemental jutsu + 1250 in Affinity Stunts + 55 in Medical Ninjutsu + 230 in non-elemental ninjutsu). This is 24% of his exp total, and 2.57x of his Taijutsu 60 capstone exp cost.

Context : Under current rules, whether in lotrol or if we transported Kakashi to the mfd world, he is rolling Chidori at 50 base (or would be if it required a roll), and everything else at 40 or below, usually below 30. He tries to level everything and largely fails miserably.

Under the suggested rules, however, as a tri-element (Lightning/Fire/Earth) jounin, Kakashi would have 3460.5 Ninjutsu xp. This corresponds to Ninjutsu 58. Therefore, he would be rolling hypothetical Chidori at 64 base and everything else in the 59-63 range. If he decided to drop one element, he would have 3960.5 Ninjutsu xp, i.e Ninjutsu 62, meaning 63-69 base jutsu rolls. Finally, if he decided to focus wholly into lightning, he would have 4710.5 Ninjutsu exp (Ninjutsu 68), meaning 69-75 base rolls assuming his techniques didn't hit new capstones as a result.

Comparison with Taijutsu
Let us see how mono and multi-element builds under the suggested system match up against Akane at equivalent exp (8777). We will assume 25% of total exp in techniques (which maps to Noburi's 26% and Lotrol Kakashi's 24%). This gives us a technique budget of 2194xp. A single extra element costs 750xp (Chakra Adept + Affinity stunt), which is 1/3rd of that, two elements cost 1250xp.

Scenario 1: Lets call our guy Omar. In our first scenario, Omar is a mono-element ninjutsu specialist with a Ninjutsu skill of 46.

Akane (same exp) rolls 54 (Taij) base for her attacks, 60 with boost, more with martial art style, far more with supplementals.
Omar (mono element) rolls 51-52 base for his signature jutsu, and 47-50 base with his other jutsu.

Scenario 2: Omar now has twice of Akane's exp (17.6k), meaning 4388.5 technique exp.

Akane (17.6k exp) rolls a projected 72 (Taij) base for her attacks, 80 with boost, more with martial arts or supplementals.
Omar (mono/dual/tri element) rolls a 72/66/62 base for his signature jutsu.

Vacuum Comparison - Exp & Technique Levelling Efficiency
To see how effective levelling techniques and hence Ninjutsu is in a vacuum against a staple skill like Taijutsu, we'll do a simple calculation, ignoring pyramid opportunity cost (which having multiple techniques helps with):

It takes 1830 Taijutsu exp to get it to level 60.
It takes 3660 Ninjutsu exp to get to level 60, which rolls 67 (60 + 7 AB) with equivalent level techniques, which is on par with Taij 60 + chakra boost (you pay for great versatility).

Assume you have Ninjutsu 60, and achieve this with 4 lvl 60 techniques and nothing else (for simplicity's sake). What would happen if you left one of these techniques at level 1? Well, you would be down 915 exp, which would bring you down to 2745 Ninjutsu xp, or Ninjutsu 51. Therefore, by levelling a technique from 1 to 60, we are gaining 9 Ninjutsu levels and an AB increase from 1 to 7, for a total boost to that technique of 9+6 = 15 points.

The same 915 exp (1-60 tech cost) thrown into Taijutsu 51 can buy Taijutsu 66, which is... 15 points.

Some examples on how the suggested change would impact story characters:

Noburi has 1912 exp in Ninjutsu (1686xp Water + 226xp no-element). He also has 190 xp in Medical Ninjutsu, which would be replaced by the skill, so its safe to say he'd throw it into the jutsu (or Medknow). That's 2102 exp at most. This means 45 Ninjutsu, i.e 45 base for his techniques. Water Whip would be rolling 45 + 6 = 51 base (currently 50, 55 with boost). Everything else would be rolling 46-50 base. Note: Noburi is almost the definition of a ninjutsu specialist - he has 142% of Akane's tajiutsu capstone (lvl 54) exp in his techniques, and 26% of his total exp in ninjutsu (the most a fully ninjutsu optimized build could afford is ~33%)

Hazou has... 959 exp, in his non-elemental jutsu (820 of which is in SC). He also has 263 exp in Earth-element jutsu. So that's a total of 1222 exp, or 82% of Akane's tajiutsu (lvl 54) exp.
That's level 34 Ninjutsu (thanks, shadow clone!). He would be rolling 38 base for Earthshaping (currently 30, 35 with boost), 36 for Living Roots (Currently 10, 15 with boost) and 35 (Currently 1, 6 with boost) for everything else.

Now onto the suggestion proper:

- Make Ninjutsu a Skill (like Taijutsu, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons etc)
- Ninjutsu would be a double cost skill, but rather than being levelled directly, it would instead receive the combined exp of all ninjutsu techniques (both elemental and non-elemental) learned by a character.
- Ninjutsu Techniques would all become half cost skills (which is the case right now, except for the highest level technique in each element - that exception would be lifted).
- Ninjutsu Techniques would now use Ninjutsu + Skill AB as their base (Rather than solely Skill Level), but would no longer be able to benefit from Chakra Boost.
- Ninjutsu Techniques which scale with Effect would have max Effect castable be equal to 1 + 1 per 20 levels (rather than 10), based on the sum of Ninjutsu and Technique Level rather than just the latter.

These changes would mean that less-levelled techniques would retain some combat relevance (Rolling 1-3 Shifts below one's signature jutsu depending on tier), allowing ninja to learn and utilize a vast, versatile array of techniques in combat - tailoring their strategy to their opponent, rather than unconditionally spamming the same one or two jutsu every combat round. At the same time, since ninjutsu is levelled by levelling techniques, there is a sufficient incentive to actually try and make a technique or two your signature jutsu still. Furthermore, these changes would make it viable to focus on multiple elements - which it currently is not (though the cost of associated stunts still means that only experienced chuunin can realistically afford a dual-element build, and only jounin can afford at tri-element one).

However, due to the nature of the balance which the changes carry, it also means most characters would be rolling a bit less (1-2 Shifts) with their signature jutsu than they do now with max boost (since it would no longer impact jutsu), though the benefits in massively improved versatility and expanded tech skillset cannot be underestimated.

- (Optional) Remove Medical Ninjutsu as a skill, making Medical Ninjutsu checks become Medical Knowledge checks, which would rely on Ninjutsu Skill in much the same way as Sealing relies on Calligraphy.
- (Optional) Introduce a system mirroring the above for Genjutsu as a skill and its techniques.
I'm far from knowledgeable about the mechanics of this quest, but it looks to me like this would incentivize us to level PEA as part of leveling up Earth Shaping. In which case, I'm all for it. :)
Stunt: Fire Element Ninjutsu Mastery
XP Cost: 100 XP (arbitrary)
Prerequisite: 3 Fire Element ninjutsu at a level > 60 (arbitrary)

When rolling Fire Element ninjutsu, roll them at the average of their true level and your highest Fire Element ninjutsu.

With this, Hiruzen can pick up techniques and use them at chuunin-level instantly (0 + 80 / 2 = 40), getting up to jounin level quickly (40 + 80 / 2 = 60). A jounin with this stunt can keep ninjutsu in the 40s and 50s as pyramid filler, and still roll them in combat in the 50s-60s, fulfilling the needs of versatility without taking away from their signature techniques. If it really need be, this stunt could be made a default option for all ninjutsu (sorted by element).

This specifically is probably a decent option actually, considering that while it is true that in crunbum's system high level ninjutsu specs are ludicrously busted.

It is also true that in the current system high level ninjutsu specs are hilariously underpowered compared to Taijutsu specs like Akane who stack up on buffs and like Crunbum showcased is capable of fighting on equal footing with a ninjutsu spec who has double her XP total.

Then again now that I think of it, this option would not solve the issue of someone like Akane being able to fight a Ninjutsu spec who has twice her XP total on equal footing...

I suppose this could be solved by just QM fiat'ing that buff jutsu are super rare, that most buff jutsu simply don't stack and that Akane's stacking of buffs that do stack is a S-rank trick. (Because currently it is certainly powerful enough to qualifiy as a S-rank trick)
This specifically is probably a decent option actually, considering that while it is true that in crunbum's system high level ninjutsu specs are ludicrously busted.
While making it a default option is perhaps a bit much, I think it would be fundamentally fine from a balance standpoint. You would still need to spend a fair chunk of XP to get the capstone that pulls everything else up, and you would need to invest moderately to make other things relevant. It doesn't break pyramids in any fundamental way, and preserves the existing XP-balance.

It is also true that in the current system high level ninjutsu specs are hilariously underpowered compared to Taijutsu specs like Akane who stack up on buffs and like Crunbum showcased is capable of fighting on equal footing with a ninjutsu spec who has double her XP total.

Then again now that I think of it, this option would not solve the issue of someone like Akane being able to fight a Ninjutsu spec who has twice her XP total on equal footing...
I don't believe this is true. If you built Noburi out to 17.5k XP with a WDB in the mid 60s, he should effortlessly crush Akane's 48 Ath after moving first.

I suppose this could be solved by just QM fiat'ing that buff jutsu are super rare, that most buff jutsu simply don't stack and that Akane's stacking of buffs that do stack is a S-rank trick. (Because currently it is certainly powerful enough to qualifiy as a S-rank trick)
Akane does have an absolutely ridiculous buff stack:
  • Youthful Fist
  • Pantokrator's Hammer
  • Ghost Scales
  • Flame Aura
  • Rocket Boots
  • Banshee Seals
  • Strobelight Seals
All of which can be put on a single Taijutsu roll. Perhaps the QMs could say that if you want to use so many things in sync effectively, you need stunts or something? Or yeah, limit the stacking of buffs more -- say, that you could only get one type of buff from one source. From a simulation standpoint though, I think it's fine if the result is nerfing Akane's stack.
Not every "ninjutsu spec" would be pure combat trained.

Yamanaka Inaho should probably count. She's trained in her clan techniques and has an Earth element. (Also social stats).

Of course she doesn't have extremely high combat stats, she is a spy and Akane and Yuno can't do what she can do.

So powerful combat ninjutsu people are probably just rare. And if you include Bloodlines then all kind of nonesense can happen.

I don't believe this is true. If you built Noburi out to 17.5k XP with a WDB in the mid 60s, he should effortlessly crush Akane's 48 Ath after moving first.

Finding 1-2 Toads to slow down enemies is probably "enough". WDB always kills as long as it hits.
Since we are a little more than a month out from Noburi finishing up the Akimichi Chakra Exercise we need to come up with a game plan for getting him SC. I don't think it will be easy to convince Asuma that it's a good idea since his SC basically would be a civilian since it would have essentially no chakra. We could just take the risk and teach it to him without permission but that's gonna be a controversial strat most likely. I don't see any way we can't not go all in to get him SC though and keep him as a productive member of the clan.
Since we are a little more than a month out from Noburi finishing up the Akimichi Chakra Exercise we need to come up with a game plan for getting him SC. I don't think it will be easy to convince Asuma that it's a good idea since his SC basically would be a civilian since it would have essentially no chakra. We could just take the risk and teach it to him without permission but that's gonna be a controversial strat most likely. I don't see any way we can't not go all in to get him SC though and keep him as a productive member of the clan.

They can be topped of by Noburi?

Argument for Asuma:

Level some medic stuff and we suddenly have an army of decent medics.

Suddenly willing combat Tsunade. Bye Rock.
From my understanding they would have the same cap as Noburi prime which is a grand total of 2 chakra points. If I'm wrong much easier sell but it's still something to start thinking on
I think it could go either way based on exactly how the Wakahisa chakra system works. If it's surgically created rather than a effect of the Vampiric Dew the clone will have 2 cp. Otherwise he should have 300. We don't know exactly which one it is
From my understanding they would have the same cap as Noburi prime which is a grand total of 2 chakra points. If I'm wrong much easier sell but it's still something to start thinking on

He has to make one to really confirm that anyway. Four Goketsu already know the technique and Noburi is pretty much one of our most important people around.

If Kabuto thinks it still might kill Noburi than he will stop it. If not? Why shouldn't he be allowed to learn it?
If Kabuto thinks it still might kill Noburi than he will stop it. If not? Why shouldn't he be allowed to learn it?
Top secret, need-to-know technique? Though it's admittedly a bit weird how much of Team Uplift has it already...
  • Kei got it through nepotism personal friendship with Naruto.
  • Akane got it by us holding Jiraiya's spy notes hostage.
  • Hazou got it through narrative fiat, after we tried and failed to buy PotO.
  • Mari got it because she asked, and is exactly the kind of person who needs it as an infiltration-spec jounin.
If you're talking about communication, it may be an interesting idea to try and learn if any summons see or hear something that people don't. Inuzuka might use ultrasonic whistles — something like that might be used for silent communication with summoned Dogs and as an insight, especially if he can ask the Dogs how do the whistles sound.

As for different colours - it's not an obvious to try and show a Condor or a different bird (which have a much wider spectrum sensitivity than a human) a prism. That is, unless you're already researching Summons and their senses for silent communication purposes.

Talking with Inuzuka and Dogs would be the first step.
It is also true that in the current system high level ninjutsu specs are hilariously underpowered compared to Taijutsu specs like Akane who stack up on buffs and like Crunbum showcased is capable of fighting on equal footing with a ninjutsu spec who has double her XP total.

Then again now that I think of it, this option would not solve the issue of someone like Akane being able to fight a Ninjutsu spec who has twice her XP total on equal footing...

I suppose this could be solved by just QM fiat'ing that buff jutsu are super rare, that most buff jutsu simply don't stack and that Akane's stacking of buffs that do stack is a S-rank trick. (Because currently it is certainly powerful enough to qualifiy as a S-rank trick)

I feel we have this idea because we never actually saw a decent Ninjutsu Specialist. The reality is, jutsu are, by themselves, inherently powerful. They aren't simple attacks, but powerful attacks that have in-built bonuses, and this is why they require chakra to be used. Sure, a weak Ninjutsu specialist simply have a jutsu that is basically "Deal damage to the enemy + some useless trick", but weak Taijutsu users don't have Martial arts or Summon Clan Ninjutsu.
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