I think I misunderstand what you're trying to say. I thought you were saying Vel didn't mention we could or couldn't offscreen talking to Ruri. You mean the plan itself didn't mention talking to Ruri? In that case, I'm voting it in now :V

I felt we aren't being sufficiently cognizant of the risk of telling Ruri, as we are relying on the Condor resistance to not even lean further and plan a more powerful attack/ambush.
I would suggest searching for the location of the otter scroll instead, for something immediately instrumentally advantageous, and less "psychotic break assumption" level shenaniganry as the youthsuit chronicles foretold of meme votes.
I would suggest searching for the location of the otter scroll instead, for something immediately instrumentally advantageous, and less "psychotic break assumption" level shenaniganry as the youthsuit chronicles foretold of meme votes.

That's a very good point.

Let me think about it for a minute or two. Anyone else have any strong feelings about that?
I would suggest searching for the location of the otter scroll instead, for something immediately instrumentally advantageous, and less "psychotic break assumption" level shenaniganry as the youthsuit chronicles foretold of meme votes.
Hows this?
Spend ten minutes meditating/focusing your thoughts towards Jashin in a quiet, private, and secure place.
  • Bring the symbol.
  • Hello, can you tell me where I can go to figure out where the Otter scroll is? Thanks.
  • Make a quick table that corresponds varying locations on an EN map to dice results (Make it decently sub-divided and granular--perhaps just draw and label a grid-- so that you aren't searching through an entire country off a single result).
    • Roll dice several times and note the results + the locations down as potential places of interest.
    • If making this beforehand is time-consuming then subcontract it out and/or have a Shadow Clone do this entire section.
Question from a non-physics person: How fast does the tornado part form? Slow enough that Akane won't have to worry about having trouble getting away?

Veedrac made a good point that most of the effects will travel at _most_ the speed of sound, since it's air pressure that propagates the effects. Ninja can move faster than the speed of sound, right?

Gotta love Jashin
[X] Action Plan: Hope For the Jashin, Plan for Disappointment
Social Spec/Infiltrator, for coaxing info out of locals without giving away ninja-ness.
  • Suggestions: Mari, a Yamanaka, Anko
Given that we're bringing along a Hyuga or Sasuke, might I suggest not bringing Anko, whose personality may lead to team friction?
Tracker/Scout/Anti-Ambush, for locating the Scroll and any useful locations our intel gives us.
  • Suggestions: Hazou (if he can acquire Summons), an Inuzuka
See emphasis; Hazou may not be able to get a Dog tracker in time.
Hyuuga or Sasuke for detecting the Scroll's chakra signature.
  • Suggestions: Neji, Motokazu, Sasuke
See emphasis; Motokazu's one of two who've seen a Scroll under non-training conditions. Sasuke...does the Sharingan let you see a Scroll from a distance?
Travel to Summoner's last known location.
To be clear, the last known location was somewhere NW of a formation in the middle of Sand. Are we going to go to said formation and attempting to retrace Suketoshi's steps from the beginning, xor are we going to try and find the village he was supposed to check-in at (keeping in mind we don't actually know its name or really any place's name in that region)?
  • Ruri
    • Optimize with Mari
    • Pass on Kei's messages.
      • Subtext: Pangolins visiting Condor is a trap for Condor resistance and their informants may be compromised/fed false info. They can't know Kei passed it along.
Remind me: what is the purpose of this?
Given that we're bringing along a Hyuga or Sasuke, might I suggest not bringing Anko, whose personality may lead to team friction?

See emphasis; Hazou may not be able to get a Dog tracker in time.

See emphasis; Motokazu's one of two who've seen a Scroll under non-training conditions. Sasuke...does the Sharingan let you see a Scroll from a distance?

To be clear, the last known location was somewhere NW of a formation in the middle of Sand. Are we going to go to said formation and attempting to retrace Suketoshi's steps from the beginning, xor are we going to try and find the village he was supposed to check-in at (keeping in mind we don't actually know its name or really any place's name in that region)?

Remind me: what is the purpose of this?
@MMKII For your consideration, since you have close to the same plan as Shrooms.
Ah, I almost miss the paranoia.

[X] Action Plan: Hope For the Jashin, Plan for Disappointment
Word Count: <400
  • Experiment time. If Hazou lacks the time, have a Shadow Clone do this or assist in prepwork.
    • You won an incredibly improbable amount when facing off with Hidan. There's something weird going on here.
      • Is Jashin real?
    • Spend ten minutes meditating/focusing your thoughts towards Jashin in a quiet, private, and secure place.
    • Bring the symbol.
    • Hello, can you tell me where I can go to figure out where the Otter scroll is? Thanks.
    • Make a quick table that corresponds varying locations on an EN map to dice results (Make it decently sub-divided and granular--perhaps just draw and label a grid-- so that you aren't searching through an entire country off a single result).
      • Roll dice several times and note the results + the locations down as potential places of interest.
    • Do not take the results as fact, only as data.

There, couched as an experiment with explicit language warning against treating anything as factual. I think this is sufficient.
I am raising concern over the Ruri section and the possibility for failure. I don't want the hivemind to vote for something without much due consideration.

I have no idea why we are only consulting only with Mari on issue especially when it involves an assassination attack on Keiko.
I can't make edits until later tonight but I'll give a quick reply
Given that we're bringing along a Hyuga or Sasuke, might I suggest not bringing Anko, whose personality may lead to team friction?
sure, I liked the suggestion but I'm not that attached to it
See emphasis; Hazou may not be able to get a Dog tracker in time.
See emphasis; Motokazu's one of two who've seen a Scroll under non-training conditions. Sasuke...does the Sharingan let you see a Scroll from a distance?
Okay. Wasn't sure if Asuma was comfortable sending away one of his only jonin but we can suggest it (I felt similarly about Mari though and included her so shrug). As for Sasuke, HDK, that's part of why it's a suggestion
To be clear, the last known location was somewhere NW of a formation in the middle of Sand. Are we going to go to said formation and attempting to retrace Suketoshi's steps from the beginning, xor are we going to try and find the village he was supposed to check-in at (keeping in mind we don't actually know its name or really any place's name in that region)?
His last known location was before he left to reach that village, we don't know where he died. I will edit to be more clear later though
Remind me: what is the purpose of this?
Velorien said he likes to write Ruri and let us decide whether to see it on-screen or not. I want to see it on-screen, but if you really don't I suppose you could copy and paste my plan without that segment :p
I am raising concern over the Ruri section and the possibility for failure. I don't want the hivemind to vote for something without much due consideration.

I have no idea why we are only consulting only with Mari on issue especially when it involves an assassination attack on Keiko.
I can add Shikamaru and whoever else you want to optimize with. Kei did ask us to pass it on though so I think your concerns are bit greater than the situation mandates
Last edited:
[X] Action Plan: Hope for the Best, No Ruri
Word Count: 297

  • Nara
    • Discuss Otter/Sand strategy with war advisors.
      • Override directive: If Scroll is found, return to Leaf ASAP with UTMOST precaution.(Skywalkers all the way?)
    • Sand False Flag Operation:
      • Hazou thinks it's a bad idea.
        • If ploy fails, Sand might join Rock instead. Additionally, we're weakening a weak ally further.
      • Instead of committing false flag against Sand, try performing false flag against Rock, posing as Sand?
        • If ploy fails, operation is still valuable because it weakens our enemies. If successful, we can retreat into Wind Country to bait Rock into invading.
        • There's less risk of turning an ally against ourselves.
      • Preferably, no false flag at all. Jutsu and clan techniques are distinctive and would identify us as Leaf. Similarly, it's challenging imitating another village's signature abilities. To get Sand to deploy, we could offer better food deals or money. The Scroll, even.
    • Otter Hunters - Stealth Option
      • Necessary roles (some may overlap):
        • Two Combat Specs.
          • Suggestions: Yuno, Akane, a Summoner such as Kei or Ruri
        • Social Spec/Infiltrator, for coaxing info out of locals without giving away ninja-ness.
          • Suggestions: Mari, a Yamanaka, Anko
        • Tracker/Scout/Anti-Ambush, for locating the Scroll and any useful locations our intel gives us.
          • Suggestions: Hazou (he can acquire Summons), an Inuzuka
        • Hyuuga or Sasuke for detecting the Scroll's chakra signature.
          • Suggestions: Neji, Sasuke, Motokazu
        • A Summoner.
          • Suggestions: Hazou, Kei, Neji, Ruri
      • Possible concerns & Exclusion:
        • Inuzuka dogs, Hyuuga eyes, Aburame glasses, Summon Scrolls are all distinctive. Perhaps team could be granted ANBU masks to hide byakugan?
        • Hazo needs to work on the Great Seal, need proper doggos tracker
        • Motokazu and Anko might not get along
      • Additionally:
        • Hazou or Mari should stay to help run Goketsu, don't send both.
      • Mission Outline
        • Travel to Summoner's last known location.
        • Retrace his journey north.
        • Collect local intel.
        • Locate Scroll.
Last edited:
[X] Action Plan: Hope for the Best, No Ruri
Given that we're bringing along a Hyuga or Sasuke, might I suggest not bringing Anko, whose personality may lead to team friction?

See emphasis; Hazou may not be able to get a Dog tracker in time.

See emphasis; Motokazu's one of two who've seen a Scroll under non-training conditions. Sasuke...does the Sharingan let you see a Scroll from a distance?

To be clear, the last known location was somewhere NW of a formation in the middle of Sand. Are we going to go to said formation and attempting to retrace Suketoshi's steps from the beginning, xor are we going to try and find the village he was supposed to check-in at (keeping in mind we don't actually know its name or really any place's name in that region)?

Remind me: what is the purpose of this?
@Kiba see my suggestions as above.
[X] Action Plan: Hope for the Best, No Ruri

@Kiba see my suggestions as above, as marked in bold.

I implemented your suggestion as below. Change is marked in bold.
[X] Action Plan: Hope for the Best, No Ruri
Word Count: 297

  • Nara
    • Discuss Otter/Sand strategy with war advisors.
    • Sand False Flag Operation:
      • Hazou thinks it's a bad idea.
        • If ploy fails, Sand might join Rock instead. Additionally, we're weakening a weak ally further.
      • Instead of committing false flag against Sand, try performing false flag against Rock, posing as Sand?
        • If ploy fails, operation is still valuable because it weakens our enemies. If successful, we can retreat into Wind Country to bait Rock into invading.
        • There's less risk of turning an ally against ourselves.
      • Preferably, no false flag at all. Jutsu and clan techniques are distinctive and would identify us as Leaf. Similarly, it's challenging imitating another village's signature abilities. To get Sand to deploy, we could offer better food deals or money. The Scroll, even.
    • Otter Hunters - Stealth Option
      • Necessary roles (some may overlap):
        • Two Combat Specs.
          • Suggestions: Yuno, Akane, a Summoner such as Kei or Ruri
        • Social Spec/Infiltrator, for coaxing info out of locals without giving away ninja-ness.
          • Suggestions: Mari, a Yamanaka, Anko
        • Tracker/Scout/Anti-Ambush, for locating the Scroll and any useful locations our intel gives us.
          • Suggestions: Hazou (he can acquire Summons), an Inuzuka
        • Hyuuga or Sasuke for detecting the Scroll's chakra signature.
          • Suggestions: Neji, Sasuke, Motokazu
        • A Summoner.
          • Suggestions: Hazou, Kei, Neji, Ruri
      • Possible concerns & Exclusion:
        • Inuzuka dogs, Hyuuga eyes, Aburame glasses, Summon Scrolls are all distinctive. Perhaps team could be granted ANBU masks to hide byakugan?
        • Hazo needs to work on the Great Seal, need proper doggos tracker
        • Motokazu and Anko might not get along
      • Additionally:
        • Hazou or Mari should stay to help run Goketsu, don't send both.
      • Mission Outline
        • Travel to Summoner's last known location.
        • Retrace his journey north.
        • Collect local intel.
        • Locate Scroll.
[X] Action Plan: Hope For the Jashin, Plan for Disappointment
Word Count: <400
  • Experiment time. If Hazou lacks the time, have a Shadow Clone do this or assist in prepwork.
    • You won an incredibly improbable amount when facing off with Hidan. There's something weird going on here.
      • Is Jashin real?
    • Spend ten minutes meditating/focusing your thoughts towards Jashin in a quiet, private, and secure place.
      • Bring the symbol, but keep it out of sight.
      • In fact, don't do anything outwardly Jashinist at all, in the slightest. Keep it purely mental.
    • Hello, can you tell me where I can go to figure out where the Otter scroll is? Thanks.
    • Make a quick table that corresponds varying locations on an EN map to dice results (Make it decently sub-divided and granular--perhaps just draw and label a grid-- so that you aren't searching through an entire country off a single result).
      • Roll dice several times and note the results + the locations down as potential places of interest.
    • Do not take the results as fact, only as data. Conclude nothing.
Per concerns discussed a la Discord with @faflec , I will not be modifying the above to do anything outwardly expressing some sort of Jashinist thing in any way, nor will it escalate beyond the purely mental.
Veedrac made a good point that most of the effects will travel at _most_ the speed of sound, since it's air pressure that propagates the effects. Ninja can move faster than the speed of sound, right?
The most QM friendly answer is probably that ninja can comfortably move one zone per round, so on the order of 10m/s in combat, maybe two or three times that fast, definitely not thirty four times that fast.