Note that a shadow clone cannot go more than 0.5 x AB miles from its creator.
Whelp, I guess we're moving Leaf to Earth. We should call it Project Autumn.

Leaf is roughly one square mile, maybe a bit more.
At a glance, the amount of air supercooled with the nuke per second should be roughly the jutsu's surface area multiplied by the speed of sound, adjusted down by some minor factor due to the local dip in air pressure. Assuming the volume of effect is a 5m radius sphere (so 10m diameter), that gives around 100,000 m³/s. Spread out over a 1 square mile village, a mile being ~1600m, it would be be cooling air at a rate of ~5cm/s, or 1km over a 400 minute cast duration. This is assuming the cooling all ends up in the gasses, and excluding any density drop from the cooling, and is not accounting for the air pressure drop reducing the effectiveness. There will also be transient cooling from the reduction in pressure from gasses outside the jutsu, which I think can be ignored.

My conclusion is that a single cast at level 40 should be able to kill Rock from the temperature drop, if all the LN2 and LOX got into their city and evaporated (which it won't, the tornado will fling it everywhere), and it's not close enough for most of the other approximations to matter. That's stronger than I was expecting.

(One major question is if in practice liquid formation would happen fast enough for this to be the right model, or if you'd largely get a supercooled gas instead. I wouldn't expect an issue here, with all the pressure and shock waves and turbulence, and I wouldn't expect the QMs to survive the headache, but if you wanted to be true to the exotic physics going on, it's worth asking.)
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[X] Action Plan: Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst
Word Count: 297
  • Nara
    • Discuss Otter/Sand strategy with war advisors.
    • Sand False Flag Operation:
      • Hazou thinks it's a bad idea.
        • If ploy fails, Sand might join Rock instead. Additionally, we're weakening a weak ally further.
      • Instead of committing false flag against Sand, try performing false flag against Rock, posing as Sand?
        • If ploy fails, operation is still valuable because it weakens our enemies. If successful, we can retreat into Wind Country to bait Rock into invading.
        • There's less risk of turning an ally against ourselves.
      • Preferably, no false flag at all. Jutsu and clan techniques are distinctive and would identify us as Leaf. Similarly, it's challenging imitating another village's signature abilities. To get Sand to deploy, we could offer better food deals or money. The Scroll, even.
    • Otter Hunters - Stealth Option
      • Necessary roles (some may overlap):
        • Two Combat Specs.
          • Suggestions: Yuno, Akane, a Summoner such as Kei or Ruri
        • Social Spec/Infiltrator, for coaxing info out of locals without giving away ninja-ness.
          • Suggestions: Mari, a Yamanaka, Anko
        • Tracker/Scout/Anti-Ambush, for locating the Scroll and any useful locations our intel gives us.
          • Suggestions: Hazou (he can acquire Summons), an Inuzuka
        • Hyuuga or Sasuke for detecting the Scroll's chakra signature.
          • Suggestions: Neji, Sasuke
        • A Summoner.
          • Suggestions: Hazou, Kei, Neji, Ruri
      • Possible concerns:
        • Inuzuka dogs, Hyuuga eyes, Aburame glasses, Summon Scrolls are all distinctive. Perhaps team could be granted ANBU masks to hide byakugan?
      • Additionally:
        • Hazou or Mari should stay to help run Goketsu, don't send both.
      • Mission Outline
        • Travel to Summoner's last known location.
        • Retrace his journey north.
        • Collect local intel.
        • Locate Scroll.
  • Ruri
    • Optimize with Mari
    • Pass on Kei's messages.
      • Subtext: Pangolins visiting Condor is a trap for Condor resistance and their informants may be compromised/fed false info. They can't know Kei passed it along.
Here's my initial rewrite, will probably be tinkering with this all day
The current plan sounds cool but I think its lacking something a little special.

[X] Action Plan: Hope For the Jashin, Plan for Disappointment
Word Count: 438
  • Experiment time. If Hazou lacks the time, have a Shadow Clone do this or assist in prepwork.
    • You won an incredibly improbable amount when facing off with Hidan. Something's strange.
      • Is Jashin real?
    • Spend ten minutes meditating/focusing your thoughts towards Jashin in a quiet, private, and secure place.
      • Bring the symbol, but keep it out of sight.
      • In fact, don't do anything outwardly Jashinist at all, in the slightest. Keep it purely mental.
    • Hello, can you tell me where I can go to figure out where the Otter scroll is? Thanks.
    • Make a quick table that corresponds varying locations on an EN map to dice results.
      • Draw and label a grid with squares of roughly searchable size.
      • Roll dice several times and note the results + the locations down.
    • Do not take the results as fact, only as data. Conclude nothing.
  • Nara
    • Discuss Otter/Sand strategy with war advisors.
    • Sand False Flag Operation:
      • Hazou thinks it's a bad idea.
        • If ploy fails, Sand might join Rock instead. Additionally, we're weakening a weak ally further.
      • Instead of committing false flag against Sand, try performing false flag against Rock, posing as Sand?
        • If ploy fails, operation is still valuable because it weakens our enemies. If successful, we can retreat into Wind Country to bait Rock into invading.
        • There's less risk of turning an ally against ourselves.
      • Preferably, no false flag at all. Jutsu and clan techniques are distinctive and would identify us as Leaf. Similarly, it's challenging imitating another village's signature abilities. To get Sand to deploy, we could offer food deals or money. The Scroll, even.
    • Otter Hunters - Stealth Option
      • Necessary roles (some may overlap):
        • Two Combat Specs.
          • Suggestions: Yuno, Akane, a Summoner like Kei or Ruri
        • Social Spec/Infiltrator, for coaxing info from locals without giving away ninja-ness.
          • Suggestions: Mari, Yamanaka
        • Tracker/Scout/Anti-Ambush, for locating the Scroll and any useful locations our intel gives us.
          • Suggestions: Hazou (if he can acquire Summons), Inuzuka
        • Hyuuga or Sasuke for detecting the Scroll's chakra signature.
          • Suggestions: Neji, Motokazu, Sasuke
        • A Summoner.
          • Suggestions: Hazou, Kei, Neji, Ruri
      • Possible concerns:
        • Inuzuka dogs, Hyuuga eyes, Aburame glasses, Summon Scrolls are all distinctive. Perhaps team could be granted ANBU masks to hide byakugan?
      • Additionally:
        • Hazou or Mari should stay to help run Goketsu, don't send both.
      • Mission Outline
        • Travel to Summoner's last known location.
        • Retrace his journey north.
        • Collect local intel.
        • Locate Scroll.
  • Ruri
    • Optimize with Mari, Shikamaru, Asuma (if Shikamaru approves)
    • Pass on Kei's messages.
      • Subtext: Pangolins visiting Condor is a trap for Condor resistance and their informants may be compromised/fed false info. They can't know Kei passed it along.
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Well, communing with a god of conflict is certainly one way to uncap social stats. :p

[X] Action Plan: Hope For the Jashin, Plan for Disappointment
HAZOU: "O Lord of Conflict, hear my plea..."

EJ, WEARING A JASHIN COSTUME: "What offerings of blood and strife have you caused lately? You've been broken and beaten by the Sage's Seal and have been mired in meetings. What favor you have with me has grown tenuous."

HAZOU: "Deathly One, how might I find reconciliation?"

EJ-JASHIN: "Go forth and spill blood in my name."
HAZOU: "O Lord of Conflict, hear my plea..."

EJ, WEARING A JASHIN COSTUME: "What offerings of blood and strife have you caused lately? You've been broken and beaten by the Sage's Seal and have been mired in meetings. What favor you have with me has grown tenuous."

HAZOU: "Deathly One, how might I find reconciliation?"

EJ-JASHIN: "Go forth and spill blood in my name."

Consider the following resonance structure:

Also consider: if we colonize Naraka and properly identify the mapping between irl geography and Naraka geography, killing yourself could become a common form of commuting!
Whelp, I guess we're moving Leaf to Earth. We should call it Project Autumn.

At a glance, the amount of air supercooled with the nuke per second should be roughly the jutsu's surface area multiplied by the speed of sound, adjusted down by some minor factor due to the local dip in air pressure. Assuming the volume of effect is a 5m radius sphere (so 10m diameter), that gives around 100,000 m³/s. Spread out over a 1 square mile village, a mile being ~1600m, it would be be cooling air at a rate of ~5cm/s, or 1km over a 400 minute cast duration. This is assuming the cooling all ends up in the gasses, and excluding any density drop from the cooling, and is not accounting for the air pressure drop reducing the effectiveness. There will also be transient cooling from the reduction in pressure from gasses outside the jutsu, which I think can be ignored.

My conclusion is that a single cast at level 40 should be able to kill Rock from the temperature drop, if all the LN2 and LOX got into their city and evaporated (which it won't, the tornado will fling it everywhere), and it's not close enough for most of the other approximations to matter. That's stronger than I was expecting.

(One major question is if in practice liquid formation would happen fast enough for this to be the right model, or if you'd largely get a supercooled gas instead. I wouldn't expect an issue here, with all the pressure and shock waves and turbulence, and I wouldn't expect the QMs to survive the headache, but if you wanted to be true to the exotic physics going on, it's worth asking.)
Question from a non-physics person: How fast does the tornado part form? Slow enough that Akane won't have to worry about having trouble getting away?
[X] Action Plan: Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst
Word Count: 297
  • Nara
    • Discuss Otter/Sand strategy with war advisors.
    • Sand False Flag Operation:
      • Hazou thinks it's a bad idea.
        • If ploy fails, Sand might join Rock instead. Additionally, we're weakening a weak ally further.
      • Instead of committing false flag against Sand, try performing false flag against Rock, posing as Sand?
        • If ploy fails, operation is still valuable because it weakens our enemies. If successful, we can retreat into Wind Country to bait Rock into invading.
        • There's less risk of turning an ally against ourselves.
      • Preferably, no false flag at all. Jutsu and clan techniques are distinctive and would identify us as Leaf. Similarly, it's challenging imitating another village's signature abilities. To get Sand to deploy, we could offer better food deals or money. The Scroll, even.
    • Otter Hunters - Stealth Option
      • Necessary roles (some may overlap):
        • Two Combat Specs.
          • Suggestions: Yuno, Akane, a Summoner such as Kei or Ruri
        • Social Spec/Infiltrator, for coaxing info out of locals without giving away ninja-ness.
          • Suggestions: Mari, a Yamanaka, Anko
        • Tracker/Scout/Anti-Ambush, for locating the Scroll and any useful locations our intel gives us.
          • Suggestions: Hazou (he can acquire Summons), an Inuzuka
        • Hyuuga or Sasuke for detecting the Scroll's chakra signature.
          • Suggestions: Neji, Sasuke
        • A Summoner.
          • Suggestions: Hazou, Kei, Neji, Ruri
      • Possible concerns:
        • Inuzuka dogs, Hyuuga eyes, Aburame glasses, Summon Scrolls are all distinctive. Perhaps team could be granted ANBU masks to hide byakugan?
      • Additionally:
        • Hazou or Mari should stay to help run Goketsu, don't send both.
      • Mission Outline
        • Travel to Summoner's last known location.
        • Retrace his journey north.
        • Collect local intel.
        • Locate Scroll.
  • Ruri
    • Optimize with Mari
    • Pass on Kei's messages.
      • Subtext: Pangolins visiting Condor is a trap for Condor resistance and their informants may be compromised/fed false info. They can't know Kei passed it along.

I prefer to remove the section rather than devoting so minimum attention to the Ruri issue.
Question from a non-physics person: How fast does the tornado part form? Slow enough that Akane won't have to worry about having trouble getting away?
I don't know much about tornado formation but the jutsu is acting like a ~zero pressure void that's sucking in all the air it can get, so there's no chance you're escaping untouched at throwing range distance. Hence, use Shadow Clones. Even at 2 miles distance from the clone, there's a good chance there's some backspray and weather gets freaky (what, you assumed I meant there'd only be one tornado? no, there's only one main tornado, there might be more), so it'd be wise to start running.
If Akane can only get it cold enough to liquefy CO2 it will be a neat party trick and probably useful for making money, but it won't be much use as a weapon (unless stored in a macerator or something). Air is only 0.04% CO2 by volume. You really need that magic -191C, and preferably lower if the air exponentially approaches equilibrium as it enters the area of effect. Then it gets pretty crazy, as Veedrac says. Exactly how devastating it is depends on how fast it cools things. If it instantly snaps everything to the specified temperature that's terrifying. It could be used to make invisible instant death traps. If it gradually moves everything to the equilibrium temperature, then it won't do much at all outside a sealed chamber, as the heavy cold air will cycle out of the area of effect before it can get anywhere close to liquefying.

If the temperature change is very quick, another fun, visually spectacular, but largely useless party trick would be to swim say 50m below the surface of the ocean (Presumably ninja can do that kind of thing) and use it. The water will flash freeze, expanding and floating upwards. As new water is pulled in beneath the rising block of ice it too will flash freeze, forming a rising column of ice 10.9m in diameter that will shoot out more than 50m above the surface with substantial force before becoming unstable and toppling over. If it somehow survives the shearing force you'll have a 100m+ long, 10.9m diameter cylinder of ice, with a weird dangly bit at the bottom from where it was toppling over while more ice was being added. Then the whole process will repeat itself until the effect ends.

Possibly useful for rapid bridge construction, damaging fleets in harbour, obstructing waterways for naval blockades, and creating massive quantities of ice (pack in sawdust and transship by sea if you can't sell it where you make it). Fantastic for impromptu ice sculpture competitions.
The conversation was only to ask if Kei would want us to do this or not, not that the Ruri conversation happens or not.
If I'm reading this correctly, that isn't true:

If you want this, please put it in a plan, because it seems there isn't 100% hivemind consensus on whether it's a good idea. I enjoy writing Ruri, but if you're pressed for time/words and want to offscreen it, that's OK too (you just have less control over the outcome).
I don't see how your quote make your argument true?
I think I misunderstand what you're trying to say. I thought you were saying Vel didn't mention we could or couldn't offscreen talking to Ruri. You mean the plan itself didn't mention talking to Ruri? In that case, I'm voting it in now :V
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