Have Noburi or Hazo appointed ambassador to Mist
Arrange a political marriage for Hazou to a Kurosawa
Sorry mate, but the first one should and will not happen if anyone with a lick of power and sense has anything to say about it. The second will happen over the bodies of a good portion of the thread and most Kurosawa or a 5m x 5m cube made entirely of accurate forbidden lore books.
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One of the things the hivemind is historically bad at is long term planning. We often flit from plan to plan with little thought onto how things will contribute to our end goals.
I would dispute this. I think that we haven't had much of a chance to do long-term planning most of the time. When you're in a demanding immediate situation, any discussion of long-term goals is utterly pointless unless we can advance it within our immediate situation without compromising said immediate situation. The vast majority of the time that is not the case, for a given crisis.

It grates at me too that we haven't had time for a good sealing project in forever, but to ignore the reasons why we haven't had time to do sealing does a disrespect to the important decisions being made along the way. It's not our fault that the world couldn't go one month without falling apart, nor does that mean we're inherently bad at planning.

Broadly speaking I applaud the endeavor to start long-term planning now that we look like we're going to finally have the time for it, but I vehemently disagree with the statement that the rest of us have no sense of planning and it falls on you to save us from inadequacy.
One thing that I think should be in the 1 year goals is @Lailoken's idea of the chakra beast extermination projects using summons to grab beasts for Noburi to drain, to get more summons. We have to ask Keiko, but she will probably say yes.

Honestly, I would like to do it as soon as we fix our Mist problems. One thing that I want to see is just how much chakra we can harvest in a day if we go all out, hiring scouting missions and such. Something like 10k or 100k doesn't seem unreasonable.
That's actually step one of year 2 for me. I want to wait till we have 6 summoners and the Chakra farms built so we can just go hog wild all at once.
I would dispute this. I think that we haven't had much of a chance to do long-term planning most of the time. When you're in a demanding immediate situation, any discussion of long-term goals is utterly pointless unless we can advance it within our immediate situation without compromising said immediate situation. The vast majority of the time that is not the case, for a given crisis.

It grates at me too that we haven't had time for a good sealing project in forever, but to ignore the reasons why we haven't had time to do sealing does a disrespect to the important decisions being made along the way. It's not our fault that the world couldn't go one month without falling apart, nor does that mean we're inherently bad at planning.

Broadly speaking I applaud the endeavor to start long-term planning now that we look like we're going to finally have the time for it, but I vehemently disagree with the statement that the rest of us have no sense of planning and it falls on you to save us from inadequacy.
I totally agree that we of often go from crisis to crisis. I would argue that we are as a group bad at long term planning but that's just because we don't have a system or a structure to help with it. We need a place where we can keep an outline of our generalized agreement on what our long term goals should be so that even in a crisis we can look towards advancing them the best we can.

Also any player would be capable of taking on this project. I just decided that I wanted to do the work on it and try to get everyone working on it together. This will hopefully be a community driven project instead of just me. I just put my thoughts on what should happen but what to try to reach a broad consensus on what we all think we should do
It has been a long and creatively mediocre day. Update delayed.
Take care of yourself first, Vel!

...And remember that you can always write an Ami background update to recharge and definitely not so that we can get some more information on that enigma that will hopefully make us collectively less disinclined to engage with her.
That's actually step one of year 2 for me. I want to wait till we have 6 summoners and the Chakra farms built so we can just go hog wild all at once.
I think it should be in year 1. There's no reason we can't just scale up as we get more scrolls online, and all that extra chakra may help us get more scrolls, especially before the koi are ready.
I think it should be in year 1. There's no reason we can't just scale up as we get more scrolls online, and all that extra chakra may help us get more scrolls, especially before the koi are ready.
Definitely possible. This is just a rough outline right now and things can move up or down as the situation changes or we decide different goals are more valuable to pursue
Also any player would be capable of taking on this project. I just decided that I wanted to do the work on it and try to get everyone working on it together. This will hopefully be a community driven project instead of just me. I just put my thoughts on what should happen but what to try to reach a broad consensus on what we all think we should do

Here are my personal goals for the quest. I update it somewhat regularly and have a link in my signature.


  • Kick Yasuji out
  • Listen to Mari and advice from Uplift
  • Talk to Asuma about it
  • Begin plotting how to help Ami
  • Check on the Tower's current seal shortage (how close are Leaf is to completing that),
  • Check on skyglider progress,
  • Check on Honoka's Health
  • Talk to Mari about lingering feelings for Akane
  • Find out the meaning of Lavender, in Mist/Leaf flower language
  • Begin Metal Testing for Sanitation (proposal for I.C. reasoning found here),
  • Try to understand Ami
    • We know she switches personality programs to get the desired outcome
    • She's young for a jonin and trained under the Heartbreaker
    • She's fatalistically dedicated to an unknown cause, but holds her personal freedom above even that
      • perhaps her jonin-trigger was something related to infringing upon her freedom?
    • She respects Uplift's intent but thinks that Hazou's an idealistic idiot.
    • Keiko unintentionally helped Ami through her jonin-trigger and Ami is now almost obsessed with Keiko's health/prosperity
  • Talk to Kagome about the feasibility of solar-powering seals?
    • Sunburns exist, but plants need it. Too much = bad, just right = good
    • An additive array/line that is written in a seal while it's being made?
    • That seal is then exposed to sunlight, collecting power that's then added to the seal (let's be honest: explosion)
    • Could to weird things to seals, depending on the cosmology of MfD
  • Brotherly chat with Noburi
    • Is Yuno okay with Noburi "straying" as he seems naturally inclined to do
      • did Mari give Noburi the "what kind of relationship are you looking for" talk that she gave Hazou?
  • Check on skyglider progress,
  • Begin Metal Testing for Sanitation (proposal for I.C. reasoning found here),
  • Investigate that one mine
    • After clearing it out, check the legality of it with Asuma, then set up mining town
  • Prove that lower taxes increase prodictivity, as per this post.
    • Check the legality of this experiment with Asuma
  • Chakra Farm
  • Set up a Church of Youth or something to redistribute thrown out/wasted food to the clanless/poor
    • Ino or Shikamaru could provide a point of contact to the Akimichi clan head
  • Spend time with Naruto
    • Ask if he needs more ranged options, judging by the Condor Battle he might
      • If he does, offer up aerodynamics notes to help him come up with his own ranged technique (or modify the Rasengan)
      • Offer up Goketsu resources (even if it's just a brainstorming session with us)
  • Introduce autopsies/vivisections of animals and chakra beasts (to further medical field)
  • Quantify Chakra in a scientific manner
  • Convince the Pangolins to stop war
    • They're nonhuman sophonts, is this an innate drive or just cultural conditioning?
    • Why do they do this?
      • How can that reasoning be satisfied elsewhere
    • All summons are xenophobic but the Pangolins are significantly more so (according to Jiraiya).
      • How can we fix that?
    • Other Summon Clans seem to regard the Pangolins with a mixture of disregard and amusement.
      • Pangolin's Self-Concept more skewed than normal?
  • Adopt Honoka and her family into the clan
  • The Goketsu has access to a lot of crippled ninja, can we offer them sealmaster training in return for joining the clan?
  • Talk to Mari about getting her that swanky new open-source Yamanaka technique
    • the one the helps with mental stability
  • Talk to Tsunade,
    • seek to understand Orochimaru
    • advice on Honoka's condition
  • Brotherly chat with Haru:
    • stepfamily issues
    • How is he settling in?
  • Maternal Mari Talk
    • Remnant feelings for Akane?
    • How is Mari doing? How can we help?
    • Reminder: We all know and love you, just as Jiraiya did. Never doubt that
      • Bring her a stupid about of chocolate
      • Jiraiya knew/suspected her condition, since he took notes on her eye color, and still fell in love with Mari.
  • Get Leaf civilians access to the Leaf Library
    • Hazou got (guarded) access to the non-restricted parts, back when he was a missing nin
    • Hazou, through poetry, knows the enlightenment that can come from learning new things
    • Civilians don't need access to chakra theory and other ninja-related stuff
      • Philosophy, poetry, math, history, etc can provide tools to change a person's life for the better
How do you categorise these? I notice conversations of similar scale in different time categories.

Immediate: 1-2 Action Plans
Short Term: 1-3 Weeks
Medium Term: 2-3 Months
Long Term: 3+ Months

Some of the more nebulous goals, such as the social "talk to Mari" or "understand Ami," float anywhere between Long Term and Immediate Term. Because surprise events (like Ami's being recalled back to Mist, or Surprise-Akatsuki) can bring some things forward while pushing other things back. Furthermore, if there's not too much conflict with certain things, I push it back in favor of things that seem do to be a little more drastic/pressing.

For example, we know that Noburi, presently, doesn't feel inclined to "settle down" into a "traditional," monogamous relationship with Yuno, but that she isn't okay with Noburi "straying" --and, presumably, wouldn't accept a nontraditional relationship, like in Mari and Jiraiya's marriage. There's a narrative tension that's there, but we also know that, for now, Yuno is still willing to go with Noburi on missions (we sent them to clear out area for an aqueduct a little while before the Island Mission). So, while that's an iron in the fire that do we need to keep an eye on and work out, it's also not going to catch fire right this minute --like when Itachi was us staring down.

Edit: minor wording clarifications.
Edit 2: hope it helps! ^.^
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Sorry mate, but the first one should and will not happen if anyone with a lick of power and sense has anything to say about it. The second will happen over the bodies of a good portion of the thread and most Kurosawa or a 5m x 5m cube made entirely of accurate forbidden lore books.

I agree that Hazou is in too much hot water and doesn't even have enough skill. But Noburi as a summoner would make sense to be send for short periods.

A Kurosawa marriage would be pretty useful, Mari,Keiko and Nobby got a political marriage, so should Hazou. Who knows what tricks the other copy clan has.

Maybe Asuma would try to stop it, because he doesn't want us to ally with Ren, but in that case he can maybe be convinced. Remember how happy Jiraiya was about an Ami marriage? Maybe Asuma would actually want us (or better someone who is hopefully loyal to him (better not commit more treason then)) to have more Pro Leaf power in Mist.

For example, we know that Noburi, presently, doesn't feel inclined to "settle down" into a "traditional," monogamous relationship with Yuno, but that she isn't okay with Noburi "straying" --and, presumably, wouldn't accept a nontraditional relationship, like in Mari and Jiraiya's marriage.

Nobby went on a date to gather information, if he was "straying" he would have done more than have a meal with a girl. He did try to get rid of her:

"Nothing!" Noburi exclaimed. "I was just my usual charming self. I chatted with her. I said all the things a young woman wants to hear. I paid for dinner. I spent half the night trying to get her to lose my trail, because apparently the girls around here are unstoppable bloodhounds."

And he also gave her a fake name:

Noburi sighed. "I had a great evening, and had dinner with a really cute girl who wouldn't stop talking about herself—and by extension, stuff she's interested in that's currently happening in O'Uzu—and I really recommend the local venison, and if anyone turns up asking for Nanashi Tokumei, you've never heard the name before in your life."

What kind of playboy get's rid of a 'cute' girl? Nobby is pretty loyal to Yuno (who he isn't even dating and she is also trying to figure out if she wants to marry Neji btw), definitly more so then "Hey can I also date Ino?"-Hazou to Akane.

Really, Noburi is under no obligation to Yuno, he obviously likes her and I am pretty sure they make a good match, but he could sleep around all he wants without it really being wrong, yet he doesn't. Even Keiko started dating Tenten without telling her that she was going marry a Nara.

Conclusion: Nobby is a good boi and I don't accept your slander!
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Conclusion: Nobby is a good boi and I don't accept your slander!

It's not really slander, though? Noburi talks about how he "loves all of his lovelies," that "Yuno, she's special," and that Yuno doesn't like when he flirts with other girls. And I'd say that since Noburi's actively pursuing a romantic relationship with Yuno, rather than just a political one (trying to get her to choose him over Neji, talking about how much he cares for Yuno, how special she is, etc), then he should try to respect Yuno's definition of romantic fidelity --as much as the ninja-life allows.

Shikamaru and Keiko's marriage is more rooted in a joining of intellectual equals than a romantic bond, and they had tacitly agreed from the onset that they would be allowed to pursue romance elsewhere, as long as it was discreet.

Now, Noburi's flirtations with other "lovelies" might just be teenage flirtation, or it might be that Noburi is as suited for a traditional marriage as Jiraiya was. We don't really know whether it's him being caught up in the fun of romance (remember, he was a chubby kid until going missing nin, which is when he bulked up and gained more confidence in himself) or it's a sign of Noburi's fundamental being (some people are built for monogamy, some people aren't built for monogamy, and some people simply aren't interested in romance at all, and that's okay). I don't even know if Noburi, himself, knows.

But, IMO, we should at least talk to him about it, or maybe point him to Mari so that they can talk about it. Worst case scenario, Hazou sticks his foot in his mouth while Noburi laughs at Hazou for being too earnest and blind. I think that we're at a point with Noburi where we can be a little unintentionally offensive, if it's coming from a good place and we're not too bad with our delivery.
Arrange a political marriage for Hazou to a Kurosawa

A Kurosawa marriage would be pretty useful, Mari,Keiko and Nobby got a political marriage, so should Hazou. Who knows what tricks the other copy clan has.

Sorry mate, but the first one should and will not happen if anyone with a lick of power and sense has anything to say about it. The second will happen over the bodies of a good portion of the thread and most Kurosawa or a 5m x 5m cube made entirely of accurate forbidden lore books.

I'm one of those, now let's explain why

1) It's useless: it really is, it makes no sense. We have an in with the Kurosawa already by virtue of being the Clan Heir they wanted. If the Kurosawa wants us in their clan, they don't need a pretext aside from saying "Yeah, you are part of our clan, by virtue of your blood". If they don't want us to, marrying one of them won't convince them to change idea.
2)It's against everything Hazou believes on the matter , and while i can see doing it for a reason, the current trend is "Let's do it to obtain a bit more power and influence we don't really need, but seems nice".
3) It forces Hazou under the Kurosawa chain of command as Keiko showed us. If we are in a position to refuse that, then we can simply enter the Clan directly, without any "marriage", because we have that much soft power.
4) Trustworthy companions are far more important than a den of vipers. I just want to point to Haru, and what happened the second we ended in an "Hazou situation". I prefer more uplift members than wolves in sheep clothing ready to stab us in the back(Haru is not that, but neither is an ally of "Uplift" at the moment).
5)If we really wanted to marry Hazou for political reasons, there are far better choices.
6)I want Hazou be as happy and this kind of completely unnecessary marriage would make him sad.
I laughed at the concept of Hazou being ambassador thus the highlight. If he agrees to it then full speed ahead on the Ambassador Nobbi train. Also yeah marriage to a Kurosawa does nothing good for Hazou that he can't get somewhere else and comes with way too many drawbacks.
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"loves all of his lovelies,"

"Don't be twisting my words like that, Itsu! I'm very respectful to all my lovelies."

I think you're thinking of Jinno. Which is mostly proofing my point, Nobby could have other lovelies, but he doesn't have any.

Shikamaru and Keiko's marriage is more rooted in a joining of intellectual equals than a romantic bond, and they had tacitly agreed from the onset that they would be allowed to pursue romance elsewhere, as long as it was discreet.

I am not really talking about Shikamaru here, Keiko started a relationship with Tenten after she accepted that she has to marry a Nara and never informed her until the Hana incident:

"Are you… free tomorrow?"

Kei reluctantly shook her head. "I have been scheduled for an instance of two individuals spending a day together in order to facilitate greater mutual knowledge and familiarity, arranged in anticipation of a potential long-term relationship." It practically rolled off the tongue at this point.

Tenten stared. "A date?!"

Kei waved her hands in front of her as if to ward off the horror. "No! Why does everyone keep assuming that? I will merely be spending time with my presumptive fiancé."

Her brain caught up with her mouth. Had she ever actually… told Tenten?

In answer, the blood drained out of Tenten's face.

"I—I'm sorry," Tenten whispered. "I misunderstood."

"No, I—"

My point was being that neither Hazou nor Keiko started their relationships easy or without problems that actually hurt people and that according to you Noburi is bad because he is charming people without any kind of actual commitment. Which is why I said that Noburi is argubly staying loyal to Yuno.

But, IMO, we should at least talk to him about it, or maybe point him to Mari so that they can talk about it. Worst case scenario, Hazou sticks his foot in his mouth while Noburi laughs at Hazou for being too earnest and blind. I think that we're at a point with Noburi where we can be a little unintentionally offensive, if it's coming from a good place and we're not too bad with our delivery.

We can talk to him, but I don't see much reason to criticize him.

5)If we really wanted to marry Hazou for political reasons, there are far better choices.

Sure, but Ami is currently a prisoner and Temari hasn't appeared yet.

3) It forces Hazou under the Kurosawa chain of command as Keiko showed us. If we are in a position to refuse that, then we can simply enter the Clan directly, without any "marriage", because we have that much soft power.

We can possible marry a Kurosawa into the Goketsu clan.
Nobby went on a date to gather information, if he was "straying" he would have done more than have a meal with a girl.

By "straying" I mean flirting with other girls while being primarily interested in Yuno. It's why I suggest that Noburi may not be built for monogamy. We also hear from Noburi that Yuno isn't okay with him flirting with other girls, but that he does so anyway. I'm not counting the Island Girl because that was just investigation. Further, on the island, Noburi expresses reluctance to flirt with the Cashier Girl, and also expresses hope that Yuno would understand --implying that he would tell her about it out of a desire to be completely honest with her while also respecting her desire for fidelity.

These conflicting messages are why I'm not sure if Noburi's built for monogamy or not.

I am not really talking about Shikamaru here, Keiko started a relationship with Tenten after she accepted that she has to marry a Nara and never informed her until the Hana incident:
My point was being that neither Hazou nor Keiko started their relationships easy or without problems that actually hurt people

And that was pretty shitty of them. Though, I'd add that Keiko's marriage to Shikamaru isn't a romantic relationship and that she likely just forgot to disclose to Tenten the true nature of her marriage. In Keiko's mind, she was still romantically "single" and thus free to initiate a romantic relationship with Tenten. It's a mistake and one that inflicted hurt onto Tenten, but it was also unintentional.

As for Hazou? Well, that entire mess is complicated by several factors. But we can talk about that in the PMs, if you'd like.

according to you Noburi is bad because he is charming people without any kind of actual commitment. Which is why I said that Noburi is argubly staying loyal to Yuno.

No, I'm not saying that Noburi's bad, or in the wrong. I'm saying that Noburi doesn't seem to want to settle down into a monogamous relationship --whether it's just because he's not ready for marriage, he's just not built for monogamy in a similar way to Mari/Jiraiya, or some other third thing. My whole point isn't to criticize Noburi, it's to ask him how he's doing, if he's serious about Yuno, and if he'd be okay with a monogamous relationship --which is what Yuno seems to want.

Because we've seen him smile stupidly at the thought Yuno, we've seen him seem claustrophobic at the thought of marrying Yuno, we've seen him try and respect Yuno's desire for him not to flirt with other girls, we've seen him flirt with other girls despite it. So I honestly don't know where Noburi stands.

For example, we know that Noburi, presently, doesn't feel inclined to "settle down" into a "traditional," monogamous relationship with Yuno, but that she isn't okay with Noburi "straying" --and, presumably, wouldn't accept a nontraditional relationship, like in Mari and Jiraiya's marriage. There's a narrative tension that's there, but we also know that, for now, Yuno is still willing to go with Noburi on missions (we sent them to clear out area for an aqueduct a little while before the Island Mission). So, while that's an iron in the fire that do we need to keep an eye on and work out, it's also not going to catch fire right this minute --like when Itachi was us staring down.

At no point do I assign a moral claim to Noburi's actions. I just state that there's a narrative tension between Noburi (who seems supremely confident that Yuno will choose him over Neji, even though we know from Yuno's interlude that it's not so cut-and-dry) and Yuno. And that seems to stem from the fact that Yuno wants a traditional, romantic marriage but that Noburi doesn't seem similarly inclined.

definitly more so then "Hey can I also date Ino?"-Hazou to Akane.

Look, if we must bring morality into this, can we take it to the PMs?

Edit: if I'd known that this example would've started shit, I would've just used the Cave/Mine plot hook as an example. It would've done just as well at conveying my point about organization and it wouldn't have kicked up dust -.-
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1) It's useless: it really is, it makes no sense. We have an in with the Kurosawa already by virtue of being the Clan Heir they wanted. If the Kurosawa wants us in their clan, they don't need a pretext aside from saying "Yeah, you are part of our clan, by virtue of your blood". If they don't want us to, marrying one of them won't convince them to change idea.
Fun fact the Kurosawa did want us in the clan. They made the pitch before the start of the story.
2)It's against everything Hazou believes on the matter , and while i can see doing it for a reason, the current trend is "Let's do it to obtain a bit more power and influence we don't really need, but seems nice".
I agree that it's something Hazō would be opposed to now. Which is why it's a goal for multiple years from now. Hazo believes in uplift strong enough to work with international terrorist who killed his father so I think he J's firmly in the category of doing what's necessary for the greater good
3) It forces Hazou under the Kurosawa chain of command as Keiko showed us. If we are in a position to refuse that, then we can simply enter the Clan directly, without any "marriage", because we have that much soft power.
We would be the people negotiating the rules of the marriage so we can sit how things work out. Also you're 100% correct in that we will have enough soft power to just join the clan. This however is not about just joining the clan but completely subsuming it into uplift.

4) Trustworthy companions are far more important than a den of vipers. I just want to point to Haru, and what happened the second we ended in an "Hazou situation". I prefer more uplift members than wolves in sheep clothing ready to stab us in the back(Haru is not that, but neither is an ally of "Uplift" at the moment).
I agree. Which is why it's a far off goal. Look at how Ami completely took over the KEI and won there loyalty. I want Hazō to do the same to the Kurosawa.
5)If we really wanted to marry Hazou for political reasons, there are far better choices.
I'm super interested in hearing who you think is a better pick. A better play than control in a international clan is hard to beat from my perspective but if you have a better play we can easily revise the list
Chapter 346: A Meeting Long Overdue
Chapter 346: A Meeting Long Overdue

A couple of hours before Keiko's arrival…

Even if it hadn't been for the clan crest on the formal kimono, even if it hadn't been for Atomu's overawed introduction, Hazō would have recognised Uchiha Sasuke by his eyes that blazed with the same light as Itachi's, even when their Sharingan was off.

"Gōketsu Hazō," he said without preamble, "it's time we talked."

"Lord Uchiha," Hazō replied neutrally, hiding his shock behind an urgent Iron Nerve mask. "Thank you for coming. May I offer you tea?"

The visit had been a bolt from the blue. Ordinarily, one did not turn up at the home of an unfamiliar clan head unannounced. One sent messengers and arranged meetings, or, if necessary, bumped into the other clan head by accident at a time and place where it would put them off balance or make them feel vulnerable (sometimes Hazō wondered what it would be like to have an honourable and direct person as his mentor, but he had a feeling that the two of them would end up amplifying each other to scary extremes, like Gai and Rock Lee). Still, Hazō should have seen this coming earlier. He must have been the only person from Leaf to see Uchiha Itachi outside mortal combat in years, maybe even the first since Itachi left the village. If it hadn't been such a busy few days, he'd surely have thought to take the initiative himself. Now he had no idea what he was in for, and it had already been a rough day for surprises.

"Gōketsu," Uchiha said, ignoring the offer of tea, "I want you to know that I believe you."

Hazō sat down on one of the sofas in the meeting room, indicating for Uchiha to do the same.

"You believe me?"

"It has his signature all over it," Uchiha said with the fierce excitement of a hunter who's finally tracked down his prey. "Immensely powerful on the one hand, and strangely subtle and hard to figure out on the other. You can't even tell if it's a sadistic prank or part of a bigger plan, never mind if it's succeeded or failed. All the others can sneer and talk about how they're too clever to be taken in by your cover story, but you and I both know that he'll have seen that coming too."

"Thank you," Hazō said as a stopgap. He'd expected that some people would doubt what was really quite a flimsy excuse when you stripped away the politics of the situation, though "all the others" was a little alarming. He'd hoped some would believe it. He hadn't expected that somebody would believe.

Uchiha nodded as if the gratitude was his due.

"Please, Hazō. Tell me everything. Tell me how you met him. What he said. What he was like. Don't miss a single detail."

The fire in Uchiha's eyes was even brighter now, and the resemblance stronger. Hazō might almost have been disturbed, but he knew what it was like to be separated from the one you loved most, perhaps forever, and then have them re-enter your life in one sudden burst of rediscovery. Even if he couldn't guess what feelings were giving fuel to that fire, he felt a sudden need to feed it what it wanted. Somewhere in the back of his head, his inner Mari reminded him that his memories of Itachi were precious currency right now, and he could play Uchiha like a biwa by doling them out in a gradual and teasing way, but he denied her just as firmly as he'd denied the Heartbreaker.

"All right," Hazō said. "But this might take a while. In the village of Todoroki on O'Uzu, there's a shrine with an oracle…"


"He's in good health," Uchiha said. "And he's in pain."

His voice was unreadable. It was completely flat, as if the emotion in it had been heated to unbearable temperatures, then pounded into shape, then heated, then pounded, over and over again, until the result was a perfect blade with no trace of the impure steel it must once have been.

And, like all blades, it would cut anyone who touched it carelessly. Hazō waited.

And waited.

And waited.

"I hated you, Gōketsu Hazō."

Hazō could not have been more startled if the ghost of Captain Zabuza had popped out of the ceiling to drench him with a bucket of cold water.

"I—I'm sorry?"

"When you first came to Leaf, I hated you," Uchiha said in a low voice. "You, the missing-nin. The missing-nin from Hoshigaki Kisame's village. The Kurosawa. Gone from a monster to a citizen in good standing just like that. Why you and not him? If we were in a world where missing-nin could be redeemed and welcomed back, why you?

"I looked into you later, and found out that you weren't even a proper missing-nin. You didn't massacre anyone. You were just some random guy who'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I still hated you. I was almost as grateful as I was insulted that you never invited me to your gaming nights.

"I was being a dick.

"Then, after Nagi Island, I hated you again. You, the heir who was busy chasing crazy dreams and turning this puny clan into a slightly less puny clan while I was rotting away in the Uchiha compound because I was just that little bit too young to take the reins. I hated you—when you'd ascended because you lost family."

Uchiha stood up.

"Now I can feel myself hating you because I was the one who should have been there, talking to him, face to face, and you were there instead of me, and you didn't kill him or bring him back. It's bullshit, and I've had enough."

He paused.

"I'm not saying we're friends now. This thing you're doing, trying to give cattle wings? It's dangerous, and wrong, and it goes against the Will of Fire."

"Hold on," Hazō interrupted. He'd been meaning to let Uchiha say his piece, but this was a thought he had to head off here and now, because it was only a short leap from "against the Will of Fire" to the T-word. "How can helping the people of Leaf be against the Will of Fire?"

"This is why you're a foreigner," Uchiha said dismissively. "Think about it. The Sage of Six Paths set the ninja to be shepherds for the civilians. You don't try to teach a sheep to walk on two legs and use tools. If you fail, you're a loser who's wasted his time. If you succeed, it's still just a sheep, but now there's no limit to how much damage it can do. And you certainly don't ask a sheep to be a shepherd unless you want to lose the whole flock.

"But," Uchiha said after a second's hesitation, "you talked to him. You offered him the chance to use his power for good. And you hurt him badly. I feel like I owe you one. I won't support your insane experiment, but if you ever want advice on how to run a proper Leaf clan, feel free to turn to the Uchiha."

Hazō bit down on his urge to respond to the dehumanising metaphor (for now) and considered. In practice, he had more actual clan head experience than Uchiha did, but on the other hand he hadn't spent half his life watching his father run a clan and the other half studying to rebuild it.

"Thank you. I'll bear that in mind."

Uchiha nodded.

"That's all I had to say," he said.

Hazō felt like he should be doing something. There had to be some way to take advantage of this first meeting with Uchiha, some way to make a strong impression or plant the seeds for a better relationship later on, but quite honestly, he was tired. Ami, paperwork, and romantic woes all took their toll on a man's strength. Right now, he just wanted the conversation to be over.

"Thank you for coming," Hazō said. "I'm glad we've finally met."

Uchiha nodded again, his store of words apparently exhausted.

"Goodbye, Gōketsu. Bear my warning in mind."

Itachi believed people were too stupid to be uplifted. Sasuke, more enlightened, only believed it of civilians. Hazō found himself less intimidated by the Sharingan every time he saw its wielders fail to see past the ends of their noses. Still, even if Itachi was a lost cause, maybe it wasn't too late to save Hazō's other ever-so-distant cousin from moral myopia?
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"Gōketsu Hazō," he said without preamble, "it's time we talked."

Seriously, are we the only person in the entirety of the EN that tries to actually schedule a meeting??

"I looked into you later, and found out that you weren't even a proper missing-nin. You didn't massacre anyone. You were just some random guy who'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I still hated you. I was almost as grateful as I was insulted that you never invited me to your gaming nights.


"Now I can feel myself hating you because I was the one who should have been there, talking to him, face to face, and you were there instead of me, and you didn't kill him or bring him back. It's bullshit, and I've had enough."

Wait. An Uchiha is being more emotionally mature than Naruto?? Wha- How?

Itachi believed people were too stupid to be uplifted. Sasuke, more enlightened, only believed it of civilians. Hazō found himself less intimidated by the Sharingan every time he saw its wielders fail to see past the ends of their noses. Still, even if Itachi was a lost cause, maybe it wasn't too late to save Hazō's other ever-so-distant cousin from moral myopia?

I... Huh. I find myself tentatively okay with the thought of trying to sway Sasuke to Uplift. Not sure if it'll go on my LTP list yet... but. My instinctive reaction isn't to recoil away, like I thought that it would be before the update.
No Sharingains?

This is... about what I expected from Sasuke. Or, about what I should've expected, if I had really thought about it.

Oh, let's not tell Sasuke about the Cold Stone Killers thingy.

Naturally his lack of inclination towards Uplift merely means that in the fullness of time we'll need to prove our ideology superior, but I'm glad that he's neutral-slightly-favourable towards us, that's a lot better than other ways this could have ended up.

What does it say about us that we're on better terms with Sasuke than we are with Naruto?

Good update, I'm happy to see the Sasuke thread followed up on.