- Location
- Yes.
Ok, what the fuck did he do!?
Ok, what the fuck did he do!?
What does it say about us that we're on better terms with Sasuke than we are with Naruto?
Be Akatsuki
Might I convince you to reconsider?
[X] Action Plan: Bowling Plan
Words: 140
- Rush out after Sasuke and demand an honorable duel by bowling. The duel shall be held in three weeks on the dot.
- Winner takes it all. Their ideologies, ideas and eyes.
- Training montage with the family:
- Kagome will teach Hazou how to throw the ball as if they were explosives.
- Noburi will teach Hazou how to sweet talk Sasuke as a distraction.
- Mari will teach Hazou how to... handle the balls.
- Keiko will curse the pins so they will fall on their own.
- Akane will provide the strength training necessary.
- Haru will do nothing but complain about weird clan rituals.
- Send out invitations to all
alliedVillages and set up the duel for public viewing in the arena Leaf uses for the final stage of the Chunin Exams
- Tell Asuma nothing about this in advance. It'll be a pleasant surprise.
Wait, what did you think ninja bowling was like?I'd be okay with a lighthearted bowling chapter. A nice little break before we dive into the world of secret police, corpse disposal via shark, clan politics, and (let's be honest) murder.
People, please don't vote for joke plans, lest they become another youthsuit incident.
Voting isn't open so it's safePeople, please don't vote for joke plans, lest they become another youthsuit incident.
You don't want to know. Vote to not find out
Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest
Naruto reimagined as a deathworld without most of the canon plot holes.forums.sufficientvelocity.com
Velorien removed the "Voting remains closed." part.
Was that ever in doubt?