Asuma is the most reasonable S ranker we know, and even he's ticked off at us.
People tend to describe Asuma as an elite jōnin. He isn't considered to be in the same league as Naruto or Tsunade in combat terms.
There's still several Chekhov's Swords we hung over heads that haven't fired yet
The next time someone says mixed metaphors are bad, I'm going to hold up this gem.
No booking an onsen and enjoying time with friend and family?
You do know someone who owns a hot spring and would be happy to welcome you (or at least Hazō, Keiko, Noburi, or Ami) into their home.

Also, could someone (@faflec?) point me to the details of the letter you sent to Grandmaster F? It's hard keeping track of all the treason.
Also, could someone (@faflec?) point me to the details of the letter you sent to Grandmaster F? It's hard keeping track of all the treason.
Hazō chuckled. "Yes, well, let's move expeditiously through this one. In addition to the Crows and the Sharks, I'd also like to send a message to the Mara. Grandmaster F is their Summoner and, given her level of authority in Cloud right now, she might be our best chance to prevent the war. Are you willing to send the messages?"
To the Mara Summoner: Invitation to discuss philosophy.
Regret. Regret. Regret.
I'm set CCnJ to help avoid misunderstandings. My thought was that we had a similar conversation with Mari, when we had concerns over her slipping back into the role of the Heartbreaker. Through honesty and understanding, we were able to break through Mari's instinctive defense of "you don't know me, you don't know what you're talking about."

My take is that we've been told, repeatedly, that Mari-as-the-Heartbreaker trained Ami. Mari, as the worst version of herself, passed along the knowledge and skills of the Heartbreaker to her impressionable student. Now, Ami's not Mari and Mari's certainly not Ami. But, I still feel as though sheer honesty and genuine understanding can help break through cynical barriers. And Hazou's got earnestness down as a core personality trait, it's just the delivery that he fucks up. And I think that Ami, who is scarred and broken in a way that only jonin are, will only be receptive to Hazou's words if the delivery isn't fucked up. Luckily enough, Hazou has developed a tool for that: CCnJ.

I am willing to add the bit about thanks and Conjura, though. It'd serve as a good ice breaker, general politeness, and help Hazou understand, IC, how the whole battle went down. Side note, whatever happened to the Condor Scroll?
Mhh, this is the kind of plan that requires five hundred words, a variety of sections on goals, contingencies, and demeanour guidelines, and a week's worth of focused attention of a conspiracy (or a real-life social expert cough Evenstar cough). Let me list the potential issues this will run into:
  • A flat denial of Hazou's ability to understand her — same thing that happened with Mari back during the Exams break. And Hazou won't be able to properly articulate what aspects of her personality he does understand without our direction, CCnJ won't save him.
  • Ami introducing a philosophical derail by questioning what it means to "value one as a person", which is something she may or may not have issues with (see the end here). Hazou will fumble it.
    • Not to mention that does he actually value her? A couple of not-dates are not sufficient to build up the necessary familiarity or attachments; really, we don't know her. And Hazou's opinion on her isn't wholly positive, either: she hurt Keiko, she's headache-inducing to talk to, pursues unclear goals, is unstable and manipulative, may be unsafe to be around, etc. You're arguing that Hazou's earnestness is a good tool; it may work against us here.
  • A power dynamic in which Hazou appears to have a strong one-sided attachment to her; one where she is elevated. She's doubtlessly familiar with that: a manipulator and a pawn, a seductress and a target, a mastermind and a tool. Not a peer with whom true closeness may breed.
  • The implication that she is somehow damaged in a way that invites pity.
We're meant to relax, not push her jounin buttons. What about this instead?:
  • Thank Ami for her aid. Share your experience talking to Itachi, focusing on the emotional aspects (and steering clear of anything that might violate OPSEC): the frustration, terror, and anger at something implacable and irrational, wielding its power with no nuance and threatening to destroy everything you value unless you meet its impossible demands.
    • She'd mentioned something similar, and you suspect Conjura was no better. And we're going to have to keep navigating around them, for the sake of our respective master goals. Commiserate.
    • Suggest petty revenge: introducing a derogatory term for such people and putting it into widespread circulation (with no trace to us). How about "essie"?
Your goal is to get closer to her, facilitating a relationship in which she would be more open to discussions about her psychology. Here we would have her and Hazou bond over recent emotionally-similar experiences, experiences that are also unusual among the general population. Two clever visionaries sharing their frustrations with wielders of overwhelming brute power. Doesn't that sound nice?

Visit Shikamaru, thank him, and ask if he'd like to go cloud watching sometime?
Do we have any reason to believe he enjoys cloud-watching? I suggest we instead invite him to conduct comparative ideological analyses of various philosophical frameworks known to us, and how they might be reconciled. Such as Uplift and the Will of Fire and Jashinism.
The next time someone says mixed metaphors are bad, I'm going to hold up this gem.
Thank you, I tried my best.
It's hard keeping track of all the treason.
It'll get worse, I promise.
Last edited:
I will observe a significant amount of stress involved with the Ami conversation, both as it stands and with @Noumero's suggestion. A non-trivial part of me wants to just axe the section entirely.

Visit Shikamaru, thank him, and ask if he'd like to go cloud watching sometime?
@RandomOTP There's a paranoid part of me screaming that thanking Shikamaru may lead to Bad Things. I'm not entirely sure why, though if I had to guess it might have to do with how we don't want to draw attention to Shikamaru's involvement in getting Hazou away from being executed.
There's a paranoid part of me screaming that thanking Shikamaru may lead to Bad Things. I'm not entirely sure why, though if I had to guess it might have to do with how we don't want to draw attention to Shikamaru's involvement in getting Hazou away from being executed.
Good point, yes. @RandomOTP, don't have Hazou thank Shikamaru, just have him off-handedly mention that he's glad he has so many friends, and appreciates their help.
But no enjoy cake? No booking an onsen and enjoying time with friend and family?

I'm worried that it would be boring for Velorien to write. Wholesome to read, sure, but I can't imagine that it'd be very interesting to write. But a variety of social settings with Team Uplift, tackling dangling some of the less-immediately-pressing plot threads, with Velorien able to pick and choose which ones he wants to write? Whatever he chooses, Hazou gets some peaceful time with family, we get wholesome content, and the QM gets to write something he wants!

Dunno if these are actually real or if the Toads are pulling my leg.

I... But... Okay, my new worry is that the Pangolins will somehow offend the Dragon Clan and then we'll all be charcoal.

Adjacent to the Pangolins on their west. Dunno much; they're a long way from the Toads, and there's a mountain range or two in the way.

We should be able to find out more about the Hyenas fairly easily. I mean, I can't imagine that the Pangolins make for great neighbors, but they're close enough to contact, right?

Also, do we know what ever happened to the Condor Scroll? Or are the Condors now defunct as a summons? Though... maybe "reeducated" Condors could be summoned through the Pangolin Scroll? The Pangolins could offer it to the "reformed" Condors as a reward for loyalty. We know that the Condors treasure flight above all else and that the Pangolins deny them that right. But if the Pangolins offer access to flight to the "best behaved" Condors who are willing to be summons to the Pangolin Summoner? It'd persuade the Condors to go along with the new status quo. The Pangolins would also be able to free up more manpower for their own ends, slotting the Condors into the contractually obligated "Pangolin" role. And a ninja wouldn't likely argue over the technicalities of a Pangolin summon or a "Pangolin" summon, since having a diverse pool of summons would make the summoner stronger than if he or she only had access to actual Pangolins... Does this make any sense, or am I just rambling incoherently?

  • Ami introducing a philosophical derail by questioning what it means to "value one as a person", which is something she may or may not have issues with (see the end here). Hazou will fumble it.

Yeah, I was actually thinking about altering it to "value her as a friend, separate from politics." As for the question of "does Hazou actually care about Ami?" I'd say that he does. In a purely friendship way, at least.

  • A power dynamic in which Hazou appears to have a strong one-sided attachment to her; one where she is elevated. She's doubtlessly familiar with that: a manipulator and a pawn, a seductress and a target, a mastermind and a tool. Not a peer with whom true closeness may breed.

I think that Hazou's aware of the possibility of manipulation (he admits it, himself). But he also knows himself well enough to be on guard for such a dynamic --he's seen it with Mari firsthand, after all. I think that Hazou, as a character, isn't vulnerable to such a ploy. And even if he were, he's surrounded himself with loved ones (Team Uplift) who would have a heart-to-heart discussion if they felt as though Ami were maneuvering Hazou in such a way.

The implication that she is somehow damaged in a way that invites pity.

That wasn't my intent at all, but I can see how that idea could happen. Should I add in a line that specifically defends against it?

Your goal is to get closer to her, facilitating a relationship in which she would be more open to discussions about her psychology. Here we would have her and Hazou bond over recent emotionally-similar experiences, experiences that are also unusual among the general population. Two clever visionaries sharing their frustrations with wielders of overwhelming brute power. Doesn't that sound nice?

Other than the petty revenge, that alteration sounds so very tempting (insert joke about being warned that sin would be look tempting). S-ranked ninja can bend the universe to their will and we hope to become one at some point. While I agree that enough ants can eventually fell a giant, there's no reason to give the giants cause to group up to smush us into paste over something like a nickname.

Besides, wouldn't a slur against S-rankers discourage growth if it catches on? What 8 year old wants to be the next Naruto if it means he'll be called a mean name by his friends? Not very reasonable, but most children aren't. And Academy students who are discouraged from growing just end up in graves once they become genin --and isn't that what we're trying to stop? Institutionalized discouragements of growth? Kinda longwinded for something like a nickname in a fantasy world, but I worry about the "rational" ramifications of what'll happen if it spreads. And if Ami agrees to it? It'll spread.

I will observe a significant amount of stress involved with the Ami conversation, both as it stands and with @Noumero's suggestion. A non-trivial part of me wants to just axe the section entirely.

I'd much rather keep talking to Ami in general. Part of my long term goals is to just understand her character more. Any suggestions on how to go about the conversation safely?

@RandomOTP There's a paranoid part of me screaming that thanking Shikamaru may lead to Bad Things. I'm not entirely sure why, though if I had to guess it might have to do with how we don't want to draw attention to Shikamaru's involvement in getting Hazou away from being executed.
Good point, yes. @RandomOTP, don't have Hazou thank Shikamaru, just have him off-handedly mention that he's glad he has so many friends, and appreciates their help.

Yeah, I didn't think about that. I'll change it to something more general/safe in a sec!
I think that Hazou's aware of the possibility of manipulation (he admits it, himself). But he also knows himself well enough to be on guard for such a dynamic --he's seen it with Mari firsthand, after all. I think that Hazou, as a character, isn't vulnerable to such a ploy. And even if he were, he's surrounded himself with loved ones (Team Uplift) who would have a heart-to-heart discussion if they felt as though Ami were maneuvering Hazou in such a way.
No, I'm not talking about Ami manipulating Hazou, I'm talking about the fact that going out of our way to earnestly and extensively express an emotional attachment to her would, in Ami's mind, put Hazou in the slot usually occupied by subordinates and marks. Like, look at her right/left-hand men. We'd want to avoid that fate.
That wasn't my intent at all, but I can see how that idea could happen. Should I add in a line that specifically defends against it?
No, I don't think it'd work. Should she be offended by the first line, the second one won't manage to un-offend her.
Other than the petty revenge, that alteration sounds so very tempting (insert joke about being warned that sin would be look tempting). S-ranked ninja can bend the universe to their will and we hope to become one at some point. While I agree that enough ants can eventually fell a giant, there's no reason to give the giants cause to group up to smush us into paste over something like a nickname.

Besides, wouldn't a slur against S-rankers discourage growth if it catches on? What 8 year old wants to be the next Naruto if it means he'll be called a mean name by his friends? Not very reasonable, but most children aren't. And Academy students who are discouraged from growing just end up in graves once they become genin --and isn't that what we're trying to stop? Institutionalized discouragements of growth? Kinda longwinded for something like a nickname in a fantasy world, but I worry about the "rational" ramifications of what'll happen if it spreads. And if Ami agrees to it? It'll spread.
Who are they going to be smushing, literally the entire ninja population? And I have to imagine it'll be mostly used against people who abuse their power and aren't otherwise beloved, so not village heroes like Naruto.

Also, okay, but what about the rest of my suggestion? Saw the edits.
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[X] Let Velorien Write A Fluffy and Relaxing Update

I would like to read a comfortable beach episode.
Maybe it was just me, but I felt that Ami was kind of...<cowardly? Meek? Is there a word that's like that, only less so?> when confronted with S-rankers. Like, look at her interactions with Orochimaru, or Zabuza. And, I mean, she was more willing to poke at Jiraiya than either of them, but at the same time Jiraiya had a lot more self-control when compared to Orochimaru or Zabuza during their interactions with her.

Something tells me that starting a trend of poking S-rankers for, as you say it, petty revenge...I don't see her going for it.
[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
Maybe it was just me, but I felt that Ami was kind of...<cowardly? Meek? Is there a word that's like that, only less so?> when confronted with S-rankers. Like, look at her interactions with Orochimaru, or Zabuza. And, I mean, she was more willing to poke at Jiraiya than either of them, but at the same time Jiraiya had a lot more self-control when compared to Orochimaru or Zabuza during their interactions with her.

Something tells me that starting a trend of poking S-rankers for, as you say it, petty revenge...I don't see her going for it.
Yes, that does appear to be the case. But also note how, the moment Jirayia exited her immediate vicinity, she started sending us crazy letters. This seems closer to that than to face-to-face meetings.
<cowardly? Meek? Is there a word that's like that, only less so?>
Reserved? Quiet? Passive?
Maybe it was just me, but I felt that Ami was kind of...<cowardly? Meek? Is there a word that's like that, only less so?> when confronted with S-rankers. Like, look at her interactions with Orochimaru, or Zabuza. And, I mean, she was more willing to poke at Jiraiya than either of them, but at the same time Jiraiya had a lot more self-control when compared to Orochimaru or Zabuza during their interactions with her.

Well, we know that she's a social spec like Mari, who doesn't know how to pick locks --something that you and I would expect any self-respecting, experienced ninja to know how to do. So, against Orochimaru or Zabuza, Ami would easily lose each fight, every time. So if she wants to live, her only recourse is to wear beige and keep her head down around them, trying not to attract their irrational ire.

I imagine that most S-rank ninja are to her like Itachi was to us, except that Ami's already a jonin and, with her specialization, is unlikely to ever be S-rank. Though, I'd like to say something pedantic and cliched like "she doesn't need to be" or "there are different types of battlefields, and thus, different types of victories." Jiraiya, she could toy with a little because Jiraiya, unlike Orochimaru, isn't likely to be irrational and kill/experiment on her if she says the wrong thing.

Is it cowardly passive? I mean, a little, yeah. But Ami has her Ultimate Goal and, presumably, needs to be alive for her Grand Plan to work.

No, I'm not talking about Ami manipulating Hazou, I'm talking about the fact that going out of our way to earnestly and extensively express an emotional attachment to her would, in Ami's mind, put Hazou in the slot usually occupied by subordinates and marks. Like, look at her right/left-hand men. We'd want to avoid that fate.

Agreed. That way would only encourage Ami to manipulate us to her own ends, which might not coincide with Uplift.

Also, okay, but what about the rest of my suggestion?
[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
Words: 201

  • Check on Noburi, how's he holding up?
  • Clear the air with Akane about the Out Incident, ask her about that one thing she wanted to tell/ask us.
  • Genuinely express our thanks for help at freed from a genjutsu plot, promise to take better precautions against such ill-considered ideas, and honestly say how we appreciate our friends.
  • Check on Honoka's current wellness with her acting physician.
    • Then have lunch with Kagome and Honoka and subtly check on Honoka's mental/physical health.
  • Tea with Mari, talk about our lingering feelings for Akane and how we're unsure how to resolve them.
  • Catch up with Keiko, we missed her dearly.
  • Genuinely thank Ami for her aid.
    • Share our experience talking to Itachi, focusing on the emotional aspects (while maintaining OPSEC): the frustration, terror, and anger at something implacable and irrational, wielding its power without nuance and threatening to destroy everything you value unless you meet its impossible demands.
    • She mentioned something similar once, and we suspect Conjura was no better. And we're going to have to keep navigating around them, for the sake of our respective master goals. Commiserate.
  • Check with our secretary to see how things went while we were... otherwise occupied.

Took out the part about Shikamaru since we don't know if his MfD iteration enjoys cloud watching and it might also draw unneeded negative attention his way if it comes out that the Nara clan saved Hazou from execution. Added @Noumero's idea about the Ami Interaction.

I bolded and underlined the "friends" part of Hazou's gratitude part because it feels a little off. It kinda feels like "I did the same thing as last time, even after you asked me not to, and you all saved my from the consequences of my own actions... thanks!" Any ideas about rewording?

I bolded and underlined the "master goals" bit because it feels too... cold for Hazou. It's technically right, in that Uplift is Hazou's master goal. But to Hazou, Uplift is more an "ideal" that he's trying to make reality, than a "master plan." Any ideas about rewording?
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I bolded and underlined the "master goals" bit because it feels too... cold for Hazou. It's technically right, in that Uplift is Hazou's master goal. But to Hazou, Uplift is more an "ideal" that he's trying to make reality, than a "master plan." Any ideas about rewording?
How about we don't talk about our master goals, and just say "just to continue functioning"?
How about we don't talk about our master goals, and just say "just to continue functioning"?

Agreed. I thought about "just to continue living," but that invites the suggestion to just go fuck about in the woods somewhere, rather than continuing Uplift.

[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
Words: 197

  • Check on Noburi, how's he holding up?
  • Clear the air with Akane about the Out Incident, ask her about that one thing she wanted to tell/ask us.
  • Genuinely express our thanks for help at freed from a genjutsu plot, promise to take better precautions against such ill-considered ideas, and honestly say how we appreciate our friends.
  • Check on Honoka's current wellness with her acting physician.
    • Then have lunch with Kagome and Honoka and subtly check on Honoka's mental/physical health.
  • Tea with Mari, talk about our lingering feelings for Akane and how we're unsure how to resolve them.
  • Catch up with Keiko, we missed her dearly.
  • Genuinely thank Ami for her aid.
    • Share our experience talking to Itachi, focusing on the emotional aspects (while maintaining OPSEC): the frustration, terror, and anger at something implacable and irrational, wielding its power without nuance and threatening to destroy everything you value unless you meet its impossible demands.
    • She mentioned something similar once, and we suspect Conjura was no better. And we're going to have to keep navigating around them, just to continue functioning. Commiserate.
  • Check with our secretary to see how things went while we were... otherwise occupied.

Changed "master plan" to "functioning" to try and better hit Hazou's personality. Still not entirely happy with the wording of the "we appreciate our friends" bit. It kinda feels like "we shit the bed, again, thanks for cleaning that up!"

So, it occurs to me that, because of my screenname, people might think that I'm unusually invested in Ami as a romantic partner for Hazou. I mean. Not really? Whether or not Hazou ends up with Ino, Akane, Ami, some other character, or even alone, there's going to be some interesting story/character development. Granted, the actual development will differ, but I can see and appreciate the merits in all three (four, even, if you count the possibility of Hazou ending up alone). While I accidentally talked myself into viewing Ami as a romantic option for Hazou, I actually kind of favor Ino (as a romantic partner for Hazou). But that's a little like the winner of an Olympic sport: they're all phenomenal people and the difference between "first" and "second" is such a small amount that we would discount the difference in most other contexts.
promise to take better precautions against such ill-considered ideas
Wait, what are these ill-considered ideas?
Still not entirely happy with the wording of the "we appreciate our friends" bit. It kinda feels like "we shit the bed, again, thanks for cleaning that up!"
Maybe talk about how touched we are at their show of support?
four, even, if you count the possibility of Hazou ending up alone
Hazou will never be alone as long as he has List-kun!
Wait, what are these ill-considered ideas?

God, I'm bad at doubletalk! I'm trying to say, on the outside, "I'll try to be better prepared for such an obvious threat" while really saying "I made this action without proper consideration and will take steps to make sure this doesn't happen again."

Of course, I wrote that with the assumption that Hazou, while he loves the Leaf's Will of Fire system, he didn't fully understand it at the time of contacting the Akatsuki. Presently, Hazou now understands that the social contract of the Leaf means that he can't ignore the authority of the Tower --since good-faith adherence to it is what allows the Leaf's ninja to have such freedom. Well, compared to Mist, anyway.

So, in my mind, those "steps" will likely be something to the effect of "after vetting [Risky Plan] through Mari, check with a Leaf native [Haru] and see if it passes the Will of Fire test."

Maybe talk about how touched we are at their show of support?

I'm not sure how to coach "thank you for your support as we continue to learn and incorporate the Will of Fire into our own being" in the doubletalk necessary to keep up the Genjutsu front...
God, I'm bad at doubletalk! I'm trying to say, on the outside, "I'll try to be better prepared for such an obvious threat" while really saying "I made this action without proper consideration and will take steps to make sure this doesn't happen again."

Of course, I wrote that with the assumption that Hazou, while he loves the Leaf's Will of Fire system, he didn't fully understand it at the time of contacting the Akatsuki. Presently, Hazou now understands that the social contract of the Leaf means that he can't ignore the authority of the Tower --since good-faith adherence to it is what allows the Leaf's ninja to have such freedom. Well, compared to Mist, anyway.

So, in my mind, those "steps" will likely be something to the effect of "after vetting [Risky Plan] through Mari, check with a Leaf native [Haru] and see if it passes the Will of Fire test."
All this feels like a huge mistake. Just stick to the established fiction in everything. No double talk or hints
Do we need to do doubletalk?
All this feels like a huge mistake. Just stick to the established fiction in everything. No double talk or hints

*slams head into desk*
You're right. I was worried about Anbu watching. I'm overthinking things. I've changed it so that Hazou sticks to the fiction and I'll leave it that way. I'm just tired from work, sorry!

[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
Words: 180

  • Check on Noburi, how's he holding up?
  • Clear the air with Akane about the Out Incident, ask her about that one thing she wanted to tell/ask us.
  • Genuinely express our thanks for help at freed from a genjutsu plot.
  • Check on Honoka's current wellness with her acting physician.
    • Then have lunch with Kagome and Honoka and subtly check on Honoka's mental/physical health.
  • Tea with Mari, talk about our lingering feelings for Akane and how we're unsure how to resolve them.
  • Catch up with Keiko, we missed her dearly.
  • Genuinely thank Ami for her aid.
    • Share our experience talking to Itachi, focusing on the emotional aspects (while maintaining OPSEC): the frustration, terror, and anger at something implacable and irrational, wielding its power without nuance and threatening to destroy everything you value unless you meet its impossible demands.
    • She mentioned something similar once, and we suspect Conjura was no better. And we're going to have to keep navigating around them, just to continue functioning. Commiserate.
  • Check with our secretary to see how things went while we were... otherwise occupied.
Agreed. I thought about "just to continue living," but that invites the suggestion to just go fuck about in the woods somewhere, rather than continuing Uplift.

Changed "master plan" to "functioning" to try and better hit Hazou's personality. Still not entirely happy with the wording of the "we appreciate our friends" bit. It kinda feels like "we shit the bed, again, thanks for cleaning that up!"

So, it occurs to me that, because of my screenname, people might think that I'm unusually invested in Ami as a romantic partner for Hazou. I mean. Not really? Whether or not Hazou ends up with Ino, Akane, Ami, some other character, or even alone, there's going to be some interesting story/character development. Granted, the actual development will differ, but I can see and appreciate the merits in all three (four, even, if you count the possibility of Hazou ending up alone). While I accidentally talked myself into viewing Ami as a romantic option for Hazou, I actually kind of favor Ino (as a romantic partner for Hazou). But that's a little like the winner of an Olympic sport: they're all phenomenal people and the difference between "first" and "second" is such a small amount that we would discount the difference in most other contexts.

Polyship or bust

Every character must be in as many healthy, consensual, legal relationships with other characters as possible. It's time to optimize
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on May 13, 2020 at 6:22 AM, finished with 301 posts and 21 votes.
Ok, there are some important question that need to be asked, considering the giant "We're totally dead if Grandmaster F wills it" Kaiju on the horizon.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Did Hazou came clean about the whole plan(Grandmaster F,Itachi and Kisame letters), or only the part relevant to the Akatsuki? Was Keiko/Mari(I don't remember if she was involved) smart enough to write the missive to Grandmaster F in deniable terms instead of "We're totally committing treasons guys! Treason forever!" terms?

Regardless, we need to talk to Mari about this the second we get home, because otherwise we gave a foreign ninja the biggest blackmail someone could ever give. There are ways to answer to it, but are all extremely dangerous and stupidly Hazou
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Did Hazou came clean about the whole plan(Grandmaster F,Itachi and Kisame letters), or only the part relevant to the Akatsuki? Was Keiko/Mari(I don't remember if she was involved) smart enough to write the missive to Grandmaster F in deniable terms instead of "We're totally committing treasons guys! Treason forever!" terms?
Only the part relevant to Akatsuki. He was treating it as part of the mission report, rather than a global confession of treason. He is regretting this somewhat now that there is no safe way to revisit the issue with Asuma.

The content of the Grandmaster F message wasn't particularly treasonous in and of itself, insofar as it didn't address politics directly. The fact of sending it, however, is in some ways worse, since instead of a clan head negotiating with terrorists, you're ex-missing-nin negotiating with a foreign head of state.

Also, @faflec, we've been neglecting your Loremaster bonus. How much do we owe you?