- Ami introducing a philosophical derail by questioning what it means to "value one as a person", which is something she may or may not have issues with (see the end here). Hazou will fumble it.
Yeah, I was actually thinking about altering it to "value her as a friend, separate from politics." As for the question of "does Hazou actually care about Ami?" I'd say that he does. In a purely friendship way, at least.
- A power dynamic in which Hazou appears to have a strong one-sided attachment to her; one where she is elevated. She's doubtlessly familiar with that: a manipulator and a pawn, a seductress and a target, a mastermind and a tool. Not a peer with whom true closeness may breed.
I think that Hazou's aware of the possibility of manipulation (he admits it, himself). But he also knows himself well enough to be on guard for such a dynamic --he's seen it with Mari firsthand, after all. I think that Hazou, as a character, isn't vulnerable to such a ploy. And even if he were, he's surrounded himself with loved ones (Team Uplift) who would have a heart-to-heart discussion if they felt as though Ami
were maneuvering Hazou in such a way.
The implication that she is somehow damaged in a way that invites pity.
That wasn't my intent at all, but I can see how that idea could happen. Should I add in a line that specifically defends against it?
Your goal is to get closer to her, facilitating a relationship in which she would be more open to discussions about her psychology. Here we would have her and Hazou bond over recent emotionally-similar experiences, experiences that are also unusual among the general population. Two clever visionaries sharing their frustrations with wielders of overwhelming brute power. Doesn't that sound nice?
Other than the petty revenge, that alteration sounds so
very tempting
(insert joke about being warned that sin would be look tempting). S-ranked ninja can bend the universe to their will and we hope to become one at some point. While I agree that enough ants can eventually fell a giant, there's no reason to give the giants cause to group up to smush us into paste over something like a nickname.
Besides, wouldn't a slur against S-rankers discourage growth if it catches on? What 8 year old wants to be the next Naruto if it means he'll be called a mean name by his friends? Not very reasonable, but most children aren't. And Academy students who are discouraged from growing just end up in graves once they become genin --and isn't that what we're trying to stop? Institutionalized discouragements of growth? Kinda longwinded for something like a nickname in a fantasy world, but I worry about the "rational" ramifications of what'll happen if it spreads. And if Ami agrees to it? It'll spread.
I will observe a significant amount of stress involved with the Ami conversation, both as it stands and with @Noumero's suggestion. A non-trivial part of me wants to just axe the section entirely.
I'd much rather keep talking to Ami in general. Part of my long term goals is to just
understand her character more. Any suggestions on how to go about the conversation safely?
@RandomOTP There's a paranoid part of me screaming that thanking Shikamaru may lead to Bad Things. I'm not entirely sure why, though if I had to guess it might have to do with how we don't want to draw attention to Shikamaru's involvement in getting Hazou away from being executed.
Good point, yes.
@RandomOTP, don't have Hazou thank Shikamaru, just have him off-handedly mention that he's glad he has so many friends, and appreciates their help.
Yeah, I didn't think about that. I'll change it to something more general/safe in a sec!