Instead, what if we ask to do a trial run in a small town, where the Gōketsu will pay enough of the town's taxes to the daimyo that the daimyo can agree to lower the tax rate to a more reasonable level. We can get permission from Asuma in case messing with a village's tax income without permission is treason, and then find a daimyo we can make a deal with.
Combined with reminders that they can pay for Till n Fills, I suspect the town will soon become a lot more productive through more problems getting fixed and people having disposable income they can spend, at which point we can take the data to the Nara and have them use it to convince Asuma to start lowering the tax rate.
definitely be okay with voting for a plan like this. I'll add it to my personal Long Term Goals list in a moment!
I feel like it needs reiterating that the sabotage plan revolves around killing civilians. Maybe some of the tax collectors are corrupt or even evil but I won't vote for a plan where we don't actually know anything about the civilians we're killing to push our own agenda. Plus, if countries like North Korea are any indication, the upper class will be the last group to face consequences for economic hardships/pressuring through sanctions. This plan offers a low chance of success, will likely be unsustainable long term, could cause an international incident if it is uncovered, and is morally questionable even in the best case scenario.
Basically this. I'll preemptively say that I won't vote for the sabotage plan, even if that same plan has Hazou learning the FTG seal.
That would definitely be a good idea to clear out and start populating. We could probably clear it out on an Eaglejarl update while we're sitting around and trying not to commit treason.
We could probably convince some of the people living on the Gōketsu estate to move there once it's clear, but it might be better to advertise it to people currently living in the village itself. They're living in cramped conditions with low pay, it probably wouldn't be too hard to convince a few to improve their fortune through a Manifest Destiny type thing.
Let's clear out the mine on an Eaglejarl update (punching!), and then convince some civilians to move there on the proceeding Velorien update (social!).
Damn, I missed all the good ideas! I'd check with Asuma and Mari first, though. On one hand, it's Goketsu land. On the other, we're talking about founding a mining town, which seems like it could be subject to legal grey area. I'd definitely vote for that plan, though. I'll add that to my personal Long Term list in a second.
Not keen on doing any combat until after five weeks.
Why five weeks specifically? That's an oddly specific amount of time...?
Can ya add a "Date Ino" or "Date Ami" to your plan?
Nope. I feel like Hazou, as a character, needs to address his residual personal feelings for Akane first. Then I think we need to decide as a hivemind how we're going to handle Hazou's romance --or if we're even going to have him pursue romance at all
(unless that's already happened?). Romance and shipping
(*points to my name*) is something I could see a lot of readers and players getting passionate about, and I don't want the quest to lose players/readers because their ship didn't sail. Not to mention the possible outcome where the QMs are left writing a
(totally rule-abiding) romance subplot that they might not necessarily like; I'd rather they enjoy the quest as much as we do, too.
I am not really sure that is a good idea, she is pretty emotional and we just did some treason, maybe just ask Kabuto? Who we could ask about how much and what knowledge we need for Biosealing anyway. As in "Do I need to study to become a doctor? Medical ninjutsu?"
I'm honestly kinda loathe to go to Kabuto. Tsunade might be emotional, but she's loyal to the Leaf and we
understand her MfD iteration in a fundamental way that we simply
don't for Kabuto.
Why are we using CCnJ? Can't we just thank her for being a good sport this time? Maybe ask her how dangerous Conjura really was and if she thinks they got lucky? I wonder how Ami expierenced the whole Space time bullshit.
I'm set CCnJ to help avoid misunderstandings. My thought was that we had a similar conversation with Mari, when we had concerns over her slipping back into the role of the Heartbreaker. Through honesty and understanding, we were able to break through Mari's instinctive defense of "you don't know me, you don't know what you're talking about."
My take is that we've been told, repeatedly, that Mari-as-the-Heartbreaker trained Ami. Mari, as the worst version of herself, passed along the knowledge and skills of the Heartbreaker to her impressionable student. Now, Ami's not Mari and Mari's certainly not Ami. But, I still feel as though sheer honesty and
genuine understanding can help break through cynical barriers. And Hazou's got earnestness down as a core personality trait, it's just the delivery that he fucks up. And I think that Ami, who is scarred and broken in a way that only jonin are, will only be receptive to Hazou's words if the delivery isn't fucked up. Luckily enough, Hazou has developed a tool for that: CCnJ.
am willing to add the bit about thanks and Conjura, though. It'd serve as a good ice breaker, general politeness, and help Hazou understand, IC, how the whole battle went down. Side note, whatever happened to the Condor Scroll?
I trust Kabuto way less than Tsunade. Though TBF...
No idea what TBF means, but I agree about the trust part.
I kinda want to keep the CCnJ for the reasons listed above, but I'm willing to add the thanks and info on the battle. Is that an alright compromise?
[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
Words: 158
- Check on Noburi, how's he holding up?
- Clear the air with Akane about the Out Incident, ask her about that one thing she wanted to tell/ask us.
- Visit Shikamaru, thank him, and ask if he'd like to go cloud watching sometime?
- Check on Honoka's current wellness with her acting physician.
- Then have lunch with Kagome and Honoka and subtly check on Honoka's mental/physical health.
- Tea with Mari, talk about our lingering feelings for Akane and how we're unsure how to resolve them.
- Catch up with Keiko, we missed her dearly.
- Genuinely thank Ami for her aid, ask her about the battle with Conjura
- Then, using CCnJ, tell her that while we don't fully understand her, we value her as a person.
- If she's skeptical, list what we do know about her using CCnJ and that we accept her as she is.
- Check with our secretary to see how things went while we were... otherwise occupied.
Removed the letter to Tsunade because of a justified worry over her current opinion of us. Removed "sheepishly" from the Shikamaru line. Added clarification on what we were thanking Ami for and an inquiry into Ami's perspective on the battle with Conjura
(should I reword it to "ask her what it was like to fight a boss summons?" or something more specific?). Italicized person to specify that we value Ami beyond whatever political influence she might have. Kept the CCnJ for reasons stated above.