Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on May 13, 2020 at 7:30 AM, finished with 304 posts and 21 votes.
Only the part relevant to Akatsuki. He was treating it as part of the mission report, rather than a global confession of treason. He is regretting this somewhat now that there is no safe way to revisit the issue with Asuma.

The content of the Grandmaster F message wasn't particularly treasonous in and of itself, insofar as it didn't address politics directly. The fact of sending it, however, is in some ways worse, since instead of a clan head negotiating with terrorists, you're ex-missing-nin negotiating with a foreign head of state.

Also, @faflec, we've been neglecting your Loremaster bonus. How much do we owe you?

*Screaming in Kagome*

You know what? Let's talk to Mari about this, then we decide what to do about it.

However much is needed to ensure we can successfully remove evidence of treason. :p

Hopefully Asuma will summon us and ask "There is anything else you did before me that we need address now, instead of when it's too late" and Hazou will answer "We sent the equivalent of a blank paper to the Mara, so we can actually contact Cloud directly if you're inclined" and...
We are so dead.

Oh great faflec, we need your powers, was Mari involved in this plan? Because otherwise she's going to murder us before Asuma can, and if she was she hopefully has some semblance of a plan for the situation.
On the plus side, Grandmaster F supposedly pretty much never summons any Mara, so it could be years before she even summons one, let alone hears about our message. They probably have a LOT of things they want to say to her that are more important than an invitation to talk philosophy.
So I have today off of work, and I'm using that time to rewatch ATLA and just relaxing, in general. Anyway, as I was watching a specific scene, I was struck by the realization that we've never encountered an Earth-armor technique --either in the mode of ATLA or the Lightbringer Saga's Green Golem --other than the Pangolin's Scales technique. It seems to me like the obvious thing to try and tinker with, right? So either no one's thought of it, or there are complications keeping it from being created. What do you think could be a barrier from its creation?
Quick, get approval to send Grandmaster F letters!
Not quick, quick would mean going to Asuma and asking permission when he's still very angry with us.

But this is a good idea. If we eventually finagle our way into having official permission to send letters to Grandmaster F through the Seventh Path, then the only evidence of our treasonous letter would be the date it was sent, and that's easily obfuscated.
So I have today off of work, and I'm using that time to rewatch ATLA and just relaxing, in general. Anyway, as I was watching a specific scene, I was struck by the realization that we've never encountered an Earth-armor technique --either in the mode of ATLA or the Lightbringer Saga's Green Golem --other than the Pangolin's Scales technique. It seems to me like the obvious thing to try and tinker with, right? So either no one's thought of it, or there are complications keeping it from being created. What do you think could be a barrier from its creation?
Jiraiya said that armor was one of the holy grails of ninja warfare, albeit to a lesser extent than flight. That's why leveling up Pangolin Earth Armor is such a huge game changer combat-wise for us, and why we had to hide the fact that we used Pangolin's Scales during the chunin exam.

Probably the big difficulty with armor is that all the things that are tough enough to block attacks are also immobile, like 5SB. Jutsu seem to be the way to get around this, as in the case of Pangolin Earth Armor, although even then there's a large decrease in maneuverability.
Not quick, quick would mean going to Asuma and asking permission when he's still very angry with us.

But this is a good idea. If we eventually finagle our way into having official permission to send letters to Grandmaster F through the Seventh Path, then the only evidence of our treasonous letter would be the date it was sent, and that's easily obfuscated.
That's why we don't get permission. Keiko does, by way of Ami.

No one's going to question Ami fucking around with Hazou.
With regards to grandmaster F we can meet her at the next chunnin exam in 3 months. Then we can strike up a relationship with her and agree to send letters through the 7th path. Which we can then bring to Asuma
Just a heads up we are 65-70 days away from SC 30

Should...Should we contact Ebisu? it's possible that Ebisu could help us bring at least SCs to a certain level and "I'm a Clan Head that needs Shadow Clones working ASAP" seems a pretty worthy reason to help us. Normally i would take it slow, but considering how we almost died twice in the span of three updates, maybe it's the time to start sprinting to SC 30 as fast as we can.

With regards to grandmaster F we can meet her at the next chunnin exam in 3 months. Then we can strike up a relationship with her and agree to send letters through the 7th path. Which we can then bring to Asuma

If Grandmaster F decides to blackmail/sell us out there meeting her at the chunnin exam or not isn't really the relevant point.
If Grandmaster F decides to blackmail/sell us out there meeting her at the chunnin exam or not isn't really the relevant point.
If we can meet her before she summons a Mara and learns about our message, then we can pass the message off as something that was part of the 7th path messages we agreed to. Considering how infrequently she summons them, I'd say we have a pretty reasonable chance.
"I'm a Clan Head that needs Shadow Clones working ASAP" seems a pretty worthy reason to help us.

I don't see how that's sufficient motivation for Ebisu to help Hazou, though? He doesn't really have any emotional connection to us, he's a ninja with the Hokage's favor, he's clanless and we're clan ninja (even without the Goketsu, Hazou's technically an outcast clan kid with the advantage of a bloodline), and we were very nearly executed for treason. Yeah, there's legal fiction, but most veteran ninja will see through that in a heartbeat. If we want his help with Shadow Clones, we need to find something to offer him to make it worth his while. The only thing that I can think might be worth it, is proving that clanless ninja aren't inherently worse than clanned ninja... and we've kind of already done that. At least, we helped provide enough evidence that the Tower was motivated to begin its own trials/investigations/experiments.