Analogy time! Attempt #2 or #3

Imagine that a US Marine went to Al Queda and negotiated a bunch of thing, get a bunch of high value intel, and Al Queda revealed their noble intention of world peace by acting like terrorists to unify the world, and then said US Marine bring the intel back to his superior.

Would that qualify as TREASON?

The US military negotiates with terrorists all the time. Just look at Iran-Contra, or all those terrorist groups they armed trying to stop the expansion of the USSR. I think the key difference, which you hinted at in your comment, is that all of this was performed by the top of the chain of command, rather than some random soldier. Hazo didn't just commit treason by speaking to the enemy, he completely bypassed the chain of command, and arguably wielded authority he doesn't carry by trying to negotiate on behalf of Leaf.
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Due to the fact that I was able to use this task as an outlet for crippling procrastination popular demand, I've made a new & improved version of my Shadow Clone Singularity spreadsheet!

It has a bunch of new features, such as:
  • A togglable that kills Noburi and automatically re-calculates the optimal path to godhood through the bottleneck of CR thus created!
  • Several columns that calculate various useful variables for any given character sheet state, which include:
    • the optimal daily ratio of 9-hour / 3-hour shadow clones! (Should fate force us to raise SC to 40.)
    • the number of daily Multiple Shadow Clone casts necessary to create the aforementioned optimal number of clones!
    • the amount of chakra we will need to daily expend on all these casts!
  • All stats instead of a selection, for easier re-purposing for other characters and for trying out creative builds!
    • And a need to crane your neck to read their names because I made them vertical. (It looks even worse otherwise, I promise.)
  • An enigmatic "+0.00001" put in an unexpected place! (Can you unravel the mystery of its existence?)
  • And an estimate of the maximum number of Wakahisa's koi necessary to fuel our ascension.
Here it is.

@Paperclipped, can you cross-reference the spreadsheet with your calculations? They seem to roughly coincide.
Damn, I just realized Hazo might have missed his only chance to talk to Itachi about coming back from the dead with the Samsara heavenly life technique, probably because he wasn't told about it
Due to the fact that I was able to use this task as an outlet for crippling procrastination popular demand, I've made a new & improved version of my Shadow Clone Singularity spreadsheet!

It has a bunch of new features, such as:
  • A togglable that kills Noburi and automatically re-calculates the optimal path to godhood through the bottleneck of CR thus created!
  • Several columns that calculate various useful variables for any given character sheet state, which include:
    • the optimal daily ratio of 9-hour / 3-hour shadow clones! (Should fate force us to raise SC to 40.)
    • the number of daily Multiple Shadow Clone casts necessary to create the aforementioned optimal number of clones!
    • the amount of chakra we will need to daily expend on all these casts!
  • Allstats instead of a selection, for easier re-purposing for other characters and for trying out creative builds!
    • And a need to crane your neck to read their names because I made them vertical. (It looks even worse otherwise, I promise.)
  • An enigmatic "+0.00001" put in an unexpected place! (Can you unravel the mystery of its existence?)
  • And an estimate of the maximum number of Wakahisa's koi necessary to fuel our ascension.
Here it is.

@Paperclipped, can you cross-reference the spreadsheet with your calculations? They seem to roughly coincide.
Looks good with me. It seems like you're accounting for the fact that it's optimal to train such that -12 on the dice = Mild Consequence? Possibly this isn't even a problem (since we can reroll bad reintegration rolls), and we can in practice train even more clones than the spreadsheet indicates, since we'll likely regenerate more than 1 FP/month.

Why's Calligraphy highlighted green? Why is Deceit so high in the end build? Who are you planning on lying to? Why is Alertness so high if the other combat stats are low? Why isn't our Sealing 110?
Damn, I just realized Hazo might have missed his only chance to talk to Itachi about coming back from the dead with the Samsara heavenly life technique, probably because he wasn't told about it

We did bring Deizan Itachi really can't cry about us not following our word. We will hopefully see them all again.

[X] Let Velorien Write A Fluffy and Relaxing Update

When did the Mole rat lead us astray?
Looks good with me. It seems like you're accounting for the fact that it's optimal to train such that -12 on the dice = Mild Consequence? Possibly this isn't even a problem (since we can reroll bad reintegration rolls), and we can in practice train even more clones than the spreadsheet indicates, since we'll likely regenerate more than 1 FP/month.

Why's Calligraphy highlighted green? Why is Deceit so high in the end build? Who are you planning on lying to? Why is Alertness so high if the other combat stats are low? Why isn't our Sealing 110?
In order:
  • Yes.
  • Because it's set up to be automatically raised with Sealing, to always be 2/3 its level. (Something about complex seals at higher levels requiring intricate brushwork? I don't recall where I got that number.)
  • Because we'll definitely need social-spec-level Deceit to survive, what with all the treasons we are undoubtedly going to be eventually committing, so a minimum of 70 is necessary, and then I needed to elevate something to 90 at the end for columns reasons and I chose Deceit.
  • Probably everyone, at some point. Asuma, Ami, Keiko once we kill Ami, etc.
  • Ideally, direct combat stats are going to be supplemented or outright replaced by seals or custom techniques. Alertness, however, is much more broadly applicable, and is likely necessary for effective employment of the aforementioned tools.
  • My plan is to have Kagome become a Sealing 100 specialist, Mari a Technique Hacking 100 specialist, Noburi a Medical Ninjutsu 100 specialist, and Hazou himself a (Bio)Sealing 70/Technique Hacking 70 cross-specialist.
    • The rationale, as formulated by IIRC @MadScientist, is as follows: Minato was a hacker/sealmaster, he invented Flying Thunder God, and then Jiraiya (a world-class sealmaster) and Hiruzen (a world-class technique hacker) didn't manage to reverse-engineer it, suggesting that a cross-specialist is in some ways better than two collaborating specialists.
    • Dividing specialties as described would cover all bases.
That said, it's just a path; you're encouraged to copy the spreadsheet over and project your own build.
[X] Let Velorien Write A Fluffy and Relaxing Update
Because it's set up to be automatically raised with Sealing, to always be 2/3 its level. (Something about complex seals at higher levels requiring intricate brushwork? I don't recall where I got that number.)
Do calligraphy checks have around the same target number as seal complexity? I'm kind of hoping they scale, but at a fraction of the research target.
Good idea. We've set them to (by default) 2/3 of the infusion TN, although some seals might be easier or harder.
Edited for clarity.
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@faflec @RandomOTP

By my measure, both of your plans feature insufficient amounts of sake consumption requisite by the situation of "Almost died three to five times last week, almost executed for treason, etc." I would be more inclined to vote for your plans if this was fixed.

Likewise @faflec @Noumero, both of your plans make no effort to follow up on the hanging threads of romantic tension present. I would be more inclined to vote for your plans if this was fixed.

@everyone else

Maximum and optimized amounts of relaxation must be had, do not shirk on your duty by voting for a cop out, this is going against tradition here!
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Maximum and optimized amounts of relaxation must be had, do not shirk on your duty by voting for a cop out, this is going against tradition here!
There is precedent for leaving relaxation votes to the QMs.

[] Let Velorien Write A Fluffy and Relaxing Update
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And I wonder what Keiko will do with the clout she got with the pangolins for defeating the summoner. It's probably a little too bold to ask them to stop warmongering at this stage, but perhaps she can negotiate better treatment for the Condors under pangolin rule. (I mean they're basically slaves now, and their culture is getting erased...)
Come to think of it, I bet that at least part of what Keiko got for killing the summoner was them denying that they had passed along any messages from Hazō.

Ami-style training:
Find that clanless jonin who participated in BOTG (Minami? Minori?) and find a way to improve her day without her finding out it was you.
I'm warier of selling pangolins weapons for promises of social reform considering they lied to Leaf

guys we sorta have a large capacity storage seal via keiko summoning scroll. She was able to bring a large granite block. Anything broken we can use this for?
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I'm warier of selling pangolins weapons for promises of social reform considering they lied to Leaf

guys we sorta have a large capacity storage seal via keiko summoning scroll. She was able to bring a large granite block. Anything broken we can use this for?
One of our ideas is to use summon scrolls to do instant communication and trade between villages. It just requires both villages to have summoners with a shared embassy on the 7th path.
There is precedent for leaving relaxation votes to the QMs.
*handwaves in not being wordy enough atm*

I find open ended votes when uncalled for to be a bit rude for reasons I can't quite touch upon, even taking into account an abundance of fallout options.

Since Velorien expressed interest in going through some scenss from @RandomOTP 's plan, I'll probably just go with that.

[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
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Thank Haru for sticking his neck out on the line for us.
I'm going to point out that Haru's "sticking his neck out" was clearly a coerced one. He's probably vastly unhappy about himself and a whole fuckton of civilians having to lie to the Hokage to support a clearly corrupt Clan Head, especially given his own history with being oppressed by clan-nin.

Hazou thanking Haru for being involved is...feels like it's rubbing it in Haru's face, at least from his perspective.
He's probably vastly unhappy about himself and a whole fuckton of civilians having to lie to the Hokage to support a clearly corrupt Clan Head,
Oh fuck, is he Lawful Neutral?! With "lawful" literally meaning abiding to Leaf's laws??


Garbage. Order him to stand by the curb at dawn every morning, maybe they'll take him away.
Oh fuck, is he Lawful Neutral?! With "lawful" literally meaning abiding to Leaf's laws??


Garbage. Order him to stand by the curb at dawn every morning, maybe they'll take him away.
He hates the more oppressive laws, yeah, but that doesn't mean he's going to advocate ignoring fundamental laws.

Keep in mind we've never told Haru about the plot, everything he knows about it is after the fact. Which means he has to question whether or not the information he has is genuine or is a combination of truths and lies designed to make him more amenable to the plot. And given Haru's opinion of the clans and of us...
We need to have Hazō find out about Haru's extracurricular activities with the Yakuza to have another tool when we bring him into line