Consensual suicide missions are of course ok.
I mean, if you have a chuunin/jonin who's suicidal, then in a world like MfD (where there's also no therapy), the best thing that you can offer them is an honorable way to die that serves the Leaf's best interests and their own, personal Will of Fire.
Though, considering Kakashi's
abundant losses, I wonder if he ever requested to be sent on one. I mean, obviously he survived. But I wonder if that's partly how Kakashi got his fame. He ran a few suicide missions with the full intent of dying, but didn't, and each wildly stupid success gave him more copied techniques. Then Naruto had his Shadow Clone Incident, and Kakashi felt duty-bound to remain alive to ensure the wellbeing of his... little brother? Younger cousin? However the mentor's student-mentor's apprentice dynamic would work out.
Of course, I don't expect this to matter in any real way whatsoever. The character is dead, along with 75% of the people he interacted with. I just like to idly wonder about things like this, especially when it has no "real" impact on the story as a whole. Fluff and flavor text are interesting to me.
Edit: Can I just say how awesome it is that Leaf doesn't force suicide missions? I know that, morality-wise, it's a low bar, but look at Mist and the wider MfD world. Leaf, as imperfect as is it, is pretty damned close to what the Shodaime envisioned when he build Leaf. And considering the chaos that the Warring Clan Era is said to be, not to mention the blood spilled to get here, that's a pretty damned remarkable achievement.
Naruto needs a ranged version of Rasengan.
Well. I mean. We
have spent the past few weeks in-story learning about aerodynamics. We could gift him a copy of our findings, deductions, and best guesses. That, combined with his shadow clones, he could probably create a ranged, wind-specific Rasengan. I'm not sure what his INT stat is, but there's something to be said for the sheer amount of trial and error available to him through unending Shadow Clones.
We could offer it as an olive branch. A sort of "hey, we heard that you needed more ranged options at your disposal. And
everyone in Leaf knows that the Yondaime wasn't finished tinkering with the Rasengan. So... here's a chunk of data that we've accumulated and if you need some Goketsu resources --even if it's just some brainstorming time with me --just say the word. You're a good man, Naruto, and we're brothers. That... well. That
means something, you know. So here, take this, and try not to blow yourself up while tinkering, yeah?"
Edit: Actually, I like that idea. I'm going to add it to my Long Term Goals