It occurs to me that Itachi really might have put a genjutsu on us, and that it was just written to make sure that we see, narratively, just how powerful the Sharingan can be. And how would Keiko publically treat a Hazou that had been almost doomed via genjutsu? Gently, supportively. But Keiko was unusually... expressive. I suppose that could be chalked up to facing a near-death experience and being glad to see us, but it could also be a side effect of Keiko just not being all that good at lying to Hazou. Ami is Ami and we could never tell, I don't think. So... just in case?

We absolutely sent that letter. No use including it.
Time for battle analysis!

Target acquired.

Move in as planned. Trigram pattern.

Attack in three…



The inevitable clink as Ami's thrown kunai was deflected away from the Condor Summoner's head marked the start of the battle.

"Summoning Technique!"

There had always been a tiny chance that they could eliminate the summoner before she could summon, but no one present had lived this long by counting on best-case scenarios. Responding to Kei's call, Pandamonium and Panarama, Pangolin artillery specialists, popped into the existence next to her. Pangolins could not use skywalkers, and Kei would slit her own throat before she gave them a chance to reverse-engineer them, which limited the pair's use considerably. Rather, their appearance was key to Kei's own role within the battle: broadly, as the Pangolin Summoner. Narrowly, as bait.

A sniper weapon system woulda done a lot of good here. Or a bazooka. I am not quite sure a ninja would be able to dodge bullets, but it would help a lot. Ideally, they would have a range that beats the chakra diffusion problem. I am sure we can work around this problem.

Note that it need not replicate the mechanism of real life weapons, only its capabilities.
Kei thought she had appreciated the full significance of this (her presence on the field was the only reason the Condor Summoner and her allies did not simply fly away; skywalkers were no match for a natural flyer going at full speed), but apparently it had been too long since missing-nin life had taught her the true nature of the world. She had forgotten what it was to be a small creature constantly at the mercy of greater powers.

As the vast shadow of Conjura, the Condor Clan boss, blotted out the sky, she remembered.

Distance was no protection from the full sight of her. Her talons were longer than a grown man was tall. Her beak was large enough to uproot trees as if they were twigs. Her broad back left plenty of room even after the summoner and her two bodyguards (hardened jōnin both, based on age and attitude) climbed aboard, now shielded from assault by her huge bulk. And then Conjura spread her wings.

The only reason Kei did not faint was that her introduction to the Seventh Path had been facing Pantsā in all his wrathful majesty. Unlike the others—Ami and the jōnin paled; the Narutos' grins froze on their faces—Kei had known they were about to face terror incarnate, and had braced herself as best she could.

The first strike reduced her to bloody mist.

No, she was still alive. A Naruto had tackled her in a headlong dive, carrying both of them away from the explosive tag even as it detonated. Merely gazing upon Conjura preparing to strike had been enough to give her a vision of her own death.

Rooms for improvement here. She can only summoned two big beefy body guards with no aerial capabilities.
Explosive tags? Of course. Conjura was already overhead, and her allies were no mere passengers.

Kei's team filled the sky with kunai in return, and Naruto with his ninjutsu (of course he had ranged ninjutsu; it would have been madness for someone with his chakra reserves and training potential to restrict himself to melee). On the Seventh Path, Conjura was worth an army. Here, she was also worth an army, but an army that would be dispelled with one clean hit.

Note that our enemies have the high ground. Our kunai have to fight gravity going up. Would be great if our kunais explodes into tiny little pieces for more effective anti-air rounds.

Every few seconds, she was simply somewhere else, a brief blur in the air the only announcement of her arrival. The pangolins, slow to evade, disappeared in two flickers of motion. The jōnin, their focus on casting support ninjutsu everywhere like fortune beans on Traitor Banishment Day, were still alive purely due to superior reflexes and the fact that skywalker evasion allowed a vertical drop down, a possibility Conjura's combat style did not account for.

Good news. Skywalkers have extreme maneuverability. Bad news, skywalkers are no match for speed. Can turn on a dime and drop like a load of bricks, but can't climb worth a damn. It's important to prioritize the development of aerial superiority fighters after the development of skyslider. Or maybe also rocketeers.

Somewhere above, there was a satisfying scream of visceral agony as one of the enemy ninja flung himself between the summoner and a well-aimed Rasengan counter, proving that while Conjura existed wherever she liked at any given time, her human allies were still vulnerable to disorientation.

Our enemies are not entirely used to fighting while mounted. Chakra adhesion is not good enough. You'll need restraint.
A Rasengan, perfectly timed and placed, had struck Conjura directly in the—

No, Conjura was fine. The blow had been well-aimed, but she had aborted early, disappearing to strike a new target with what Kei had mentally dubbed the Flying Condor God Technique. So why did Kei remember…?

She shook her head. It did not matter. Likely mere disorientation. Kei's defence against otherwise certain death, Ami's Eagle-Dominating Technique (to Kei's protests, she had replied that eagles were obviously better, so anything that worked on one would work on the other) required three-dimensional twists and turns far beyond what a sane person could conceive of, much less choreograph, and said volumes about a woman who had never worn skywalkers until this mission. That said, Kei had a strong suspicion that the nausea would kill her before Conjura ever did.

A predatory screech. A talon slash so fast it could be registered only by the sudden absence of a clone. The condor abomination already battling another Naruto halfway across the sky.

Finally, Conjura was taken by surprise. One Naruto clone seized another by the arm and threw it in a mighty spin just as teleportation ended. A Rasengan shattered the—

Conjura was somewhere else. Had been somewhere else for several seconds now, still engaged in the melee Kei had thought she left. Again, that mismatched memory…

The realisation struck her like a giant murderous condor to the face.

Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others. But the space-time master learns from mistakes he never made.

Traveling faster than light enable time travel. Time travel is OP. Keiko probably only remember it due to her bloodline. I wonder if we can get the spacetime jutsu from the condor.

In itself, it had not been enough. Even with the best planning and foreknowledge, the survivors had been unable to stop Conjura as she violated time and space to swoop in for the kill. All they had been able to do was reach out in vain… and then, by sheer luck, a single Naruto's Rasengan clipped the edge of a wing, in a grazing blow that would not even have killed a human.

Naruto needs a ranged version of Rasengan.
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Consensual suicide missions are of course ok.

I mean, if you have a chuunin/jonin who's suicidal, then in a world like MfD (where there's also no therapy), the best thing that you can offer them is an honorable way to die that serves the Leaf's best interests and their own, personal Will of Fire.

Though, considering Kakashi's abundant losses, I wonder if he ever requested to be sent on one. I mean, obviously he survived. But I wonder if that's partly how Kakashi got his fame. He ran a few suicide missions with the full intent of dying, but didn't, and each wildly stupid success gave him more copied techniques. Then Naruto had his Shadow Clone Incident, and Kakashi felt duty-bound to remain alive to ensure the wellbeing of his... little brother? Younger cousin? However the mentor's student-mentor's apprentice dynamic would work out. Of course, I don't expect this to matter in any real way whatsoever. The character is dead, along with 75% of the people he interacted with. I just like to idly wonder about things like this, especially when it has no "real" impact on the story as a whole. Fluff and flavor text are interesting to me.

Edit: Can I just say how awesome it is that Leaf doesn't force suicide missions? I know that, morality-wise, it's a low bar, but look at Mist and the wider MfD world. Leaf, as imperfect as is it, is pretty damned close to what the Shodaime envisioned when he build Leaf. And considering the chaos that the Warring Clan Era is said to be, not to mention the blood spilled to get here, that's a pretty damned remarkable achievement.

Naruto needs a ranged version of Rasengan.

Well. I mean. We have spent the past few weeks in-story learning about aerodynamics. We could gift him a copy of our findings, deductions, and best guesses. That, combined with his shadow clones, he could probably create a ranged, wind-specific Rasengan. I'm not sure what his INT stat is, but there's something to be said for the sheer amount of trial and error available to him through unending Shadow Clones.

We could offer it as an olive branch. A sort of "hey, we heard that you needed more ranged options at your disposal. And everyone in Leaf knows that the Yondaime wasn't finished tinkering with the Rasengan. So... here's a chunk of data that we've accumulated and if you need some Goketsu resources --even if it's just some brainstorming time with me --just say the word. You're a good man, Naruto, and we're brothers. That... well. That means something, you know. So here, take this, and try not to blow yourself up while tinkering, yeah?"

Edit: Actually, I like that idea. I'm going to add it to my Long Term Goals
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I disagree. The hardest pushback we have ever received from the team on any topic was when we proposed working with Orochimaru, and I think that cold-blooded murder of a team-mate (a family member) for the sake of pushing our own agenda would be viewed by them in exactly the same light.

I think the team would agree for exactly as long as it took to get back to Leaf, and have ANBU arrest us. Likely they would choose to believe that our behaviour was due to Out-corruption, because that is more palatable than admitting that we are just that ruthless, but in any case, I do not think that they would let that stand in any circumstance. Not after Oro, not after Minami, not after Sunset Racer.

It wouldn't for the sake of pushing our own agenda, it'd be for the sake of survival. Haru isn't being killed because it furthers Hazo's goals, but because it'd be the only way for Hazo to live once they returned to Leaf.

Anyways, I predict Naruto is going to hate us even more than before, so nothing will really change there. And we'll have to thank Ami and Shikamaru. It really depends on how much political capital Amy spent to save us. Saving us from execution might fall under maximizing our political influence?
Anyways, I predict Naruto is going to hate us even more than before, so nothing will really change there. And we'll have to thank Ami and Shikamaru. It really depends on how much political capital Amy spent to save us. Saving us from execution might fall under maximizing our political influence?

Yeah, I think we need to spend time with Naruto and Ino, explaining in detail just what living in Mist was like. And how we were terrified that Leaf, a damned utopia in comparison. How we were scared for Leaf, for the home that we've come to love. It wasn't right and we know that... but at the time, we didn't feel like there was any other choice. Now we realize that doing what we did goes in direct opposition to what Leaf is all about --mutual cooperation in good faith for the betterment of our neighbors. It's an ideal that we're unaccustomed to living under, but... it's an ideal that we'd like to get used to.
Can I just say how awesome it is that Leaf doesn't force suicide missions?
Mist doesn't do mandatory suicide missions either.

One thing to think about is what relationship we want with Haru.
The typical clan head clan member relationship? That'll be the easiest way to control him but doesn't jibe with Hazou's vibe.
Friendship relationship? Opposite of the above.
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We absolutely sent that letter. No use including it.

Good point, edited it out.

[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
Words: 394

  • Check on Noburi, how's he holding up?
  • Thank Haru for sticking his neck out on the line for us.
  • Clear the air with Akane about the Out Incident, ask her about that one thing she wanted to tell/ask us.
  • Visit Shikamaru, thank him sheepishly, ask if he'd like to go cloud watching sometime?
  • Check on Honoka's current wellness with her acting physician.
    • Then have lunch with Kagome and Honoka and subtly check on Honoka's mental/physical health.
  • Tea with Mari, talk about our lingering feelings for Akane and how we're unsure how to resolve them.
  • Catch up with Keiko, we missed her dearly.
  • Genuinely thank Ami using CCnJ and that while we don't fully understand her, we value her as a person.
    • If she's skeptical, list what we do know about her using CCnJ and that we accept her as she is.
  • Send a letter to Tsunade, asking for recommendations about Honoka's situation.
  • Clear the air with Naruto
    • Explain in detail just what living in Mist was like.
    • Using CCnJ, explain why we sent the letter
      • how we were terrified for Leaf, the home that we've come to love.
      • It wasn't right and we know that now... but at the time, we didn't feel like there was any other choice.
      • Now we realize that doing what we did goes in direct opposition to what Leaf is all about --mutual cooperation in good faith for the betterment of our neighbors.
        • It's an ideal that we're unaccustomed to living under, but... it's an ideal that we'd like to get used to.
  • Clear the air with Ino
    • Explain in detail just what living in Mist was like.
    • Using CCnJ, explain why we sent the letter
      • how we were terrified for Leaf, the home that we've come to love.
      • It wasn't right and we know that now... but at the time, we didn't feel like there was any other choice.
      • Now we realize that doing what we did goes in direct opposition to what Leaf is all about --mutual cooperation in good faith for the betterment of our neighbors.
        • It's an ideal that we're unaccustomed to living under, but... it's an ideal that we'd like to get used to.
  • Check with our secretary to see how things went while we were... otherwise occupied.

So we should probably explain to Naruto and Ino that we're not actually traitors who are too politically important to kill. If not for the sake of Hazou's friendships, then because Ino and Naruto are politically important. Added a preliminary explanation. What do you think? I'll cut down some of the wording later on.
Good point, edited it out.

So we should probably explain to Naruto and Ino that we're not actually traitors who are too politically important to kill. If not for the sake of Hazou's friendships, then because Ino and Naruto are politically important. Added a preliminary explanation. What do you think? I'll cut down some of the wording later on.

Can we put off solving political problems for one day?
Unless anyone has any specific input, I'll probably leave this plan as-is. I'm adding too much and overthinking things on my own, I fear.

[x] Action Plan: Tending Your Garden
Words: 168

  • Check on Noburi, how's he holding up?
  • Thank Haru for sticking his neck out on the line for us.
  • Clear the air with Akane about the Out Incident, ask her about that one thing she wanted to tell/ask us.
  • Visit Shikamaru, thank him sheepishly, ask if he'd like to go cloud watching sometime?
  • Check on Honoka's current wellness with her acting physician.
    • Then have lunch with Kagome and Honoka and subtly check on Honoka's mental/physical health.
  • Tea with Mari, talk about our lingering feelings for Akane and how we're unsure how to resolve them.
  • Catch up with Keiko, we missed her dearly.
  • Genuinely thank Ami using CCnJ and that while we don't fully understand her, we value her as a person.
    • If she's skeptical, list what we do know about her using CCnJ and that we accept her as she is.
  • Send a letter to Tsunade, asking for recommendations about Honoka's situation.
  • Check with our secretary to see how things went while we were... otherwise occupied.
By the way, the section about Haru in the action plans strike me as coming off as somewhat fake. Like in a "Hey, I know you are partly responsible for me nearly getting executed but don't worry, that's what I like about you. Keep up the good work. Sincerely. Also the cake is yummy and definitely not poisoned so eat up." way.

It'd be seriously out of character for Haru not to think that Hazou is full of shit for forgiving him so easily. Even if what he did was what a person loyal to Leaf should have done.

But hey, maybe I am misjudging Haru "I will interpret everything you say in the worst possible way" Goketsu.

It's also exactly what Hazou would actually do/believe. It would be seriously out of character for Hazou to hate Haru for this, and I don't think that lying about it would improve the situation.
We really need to respect the fiction that we didn't send the letter. It's not a great idea to talk about how your defense against a crime is a lie and that you totally did it in a world without double jeopardy
We really need to respect the fiction that we didn't send the letter. It's not a great idea to talk about how your defense against a crime is a lie and that you totally did it in a world without double jeopardy
Moreover, Hazou IC has no reason to believe that it even is a fiction. All he has for evidence is his own memories (which have already been established to be potentially compromised) and the way that it sort of felt like the kind of thing he would do in that situation (which could just be post-facto justification). His friends and family and the Pangolins all insist it never happened, and Team Uplift might have covered it up but aren't the Pangolins big on honor and stuff?

If I were Hazou I would be aware that it could be a fiction, possibly, but I'd have no evidence to support it, and the evidence would probably lean towards him actually having been genjutsu'd by Itachi. So give it some time for the idea to sink in and, were I Hazou, I'd start believing it myself.
Moreover, Hazou IC has no reason to believe that it even is a fiction. All he has for evidence is his own memories (which have already been established to be potentially compromised) and the way that it sort of felt like the kind of thing he would do in that situation (which could just be post-facto justification). His friends and family and the Pangolins all insist it never happened, and Team Uplift might have covered it up but aren't the Pangolins big on honor and stuff?

If I were Hazou I would be aware that it could be a fiction, possibly, but I'd have no evidence to support it, and the evidence would probably lean towards him actually having been genjutsu'd by Itachi. So give it some time for the idea to sink in and, were I Hazou, I'd start believing it myself.

But wut about Cloud and that shark guy?
But wut about Cloud and that shark guy?
Naturally, if he never sent a message to Itachi, he never sent any messages to Kisame or Grandmaster F. Unless one of them responds, Hazou's memory of sending those messages is clearly irrelevant.

Now, if the Pangolins have already given their word on not having sent those messages, odds are if there's any response they'll never reach Hazou, so we likely won't see any evidence coming in from the Seventh Path. The only way these other messages Hazou remembers sending would become evidence of the treason being real is if Hazou meets Kisame or F in person and they mention the letter (and even then Kisame could just be in on the act at Itachi's request)
The Pangolins have already confirmed that we haven't sent any messages through them on the 7P.

Thus, any evidence to the contrary --messages to this effect from third parties such as Akatsuki or Cloud-- is clearly a trap to bait Asuma into executing us. A clever ploy, but surely an obvious one.

*nods sagely*

They won't trick us again, that's for sure.
What ya think is the Condor summoner's life story?

The summoner, born to a family of civilians, was forced to witness the injustice of the world the first time when her village was burned down by foreign ninja. As the sole survivor she managed to survive in the woods for a while, helping out the poor and helpless - a reminder of her past self - once she awakened her own ninja powers.

At one point, she stumbled upon the Condor Summing Scroll. Which was a huge windfall for her because she trouble connecting to people ever since, and hence didn't have many friends on the Human Path. So she spent a lot time with the condors in their realm. They trained her, taught her the values of freedom and cooperation as only beings that can fly and hunt in a pack could do.

Encouraged by this, she set off to improve the world of humans to make it a better place for everyone. Things were looking up, until the fateful day her personal summons stopped answering her. It was only then that she found out that they had been hunted down by the warmongering and vicious Pangolin of the Summoning realm.

With most of her fire power taken away, the quest to achieve world peace had to be put on hold. Still, with Conjura still around, it would still have been doable once they recovered their strength. And she wasn't one to give in to despair.

Until the amalgamation of all evil within Mist and Leaf caught up to her in the form of the cold, emotionless sisters and the Evil Fox Spirit in human form.
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The summoner, born to a family of civilians, was forced to witness the injustice of the world the first time when her village was burned down by foreign ninja. As the sole survivor she managed to survive in the woods for a while, helping out the poor and helpless - a reminder of past self - once she awakened her own ninja powers.

At one point, she stumbled upon the Condor Summing Scroll. Which was a huge windfall for her because she trouble connecting to people ever since, and hence didn't have many friends on the Human Path. So she spent a lot time with the condors in their realm. They trained her, taught her the values of freedom and cooperation as only beings that can fly and hunt in a pack could do.

Encouraged by this, she set off to improve the world of humans to make it a better place for everyone. Things were looking up, until the fateful day her personal summons stopped answering her. Only then she found out that they had been hunted down the warmongering and vicious Pangolin of the Summoning realm.

With most of her fire power taken away, the quest to achieve world peace had to be put on hold. Still, with Conjura still around, it would still have been doable once they recovered their strength. And she wasn't one to give in to despair.

Until the amalgamation of all evil within Mist and Leaf caught up to her in the form of the cold, emotionless sisters and the Evil Fox Spirit in human form.

That's just propaganda, the Condor clan has become so arrogant that they refered to the ground-bound clans as 'ants', as if being compared to the soulless clan punished by the Pantokrator himself wasn't an insult.

Also the Condor summoner is from a country that calls itself Bird! Arrogant!

Only selfish evil people would do this. She was a monster and now the world is better.

(Don't call me a Pangolin shill guys, Putin Pantsa doesn't pay me for this!)
The summoner, born to a family of civilians, was forced to witness the injustice of the world the first time when her village was burned down by foreign ninja. As the sole survivor she managed to survive in the woods for a while, helping out the poor and helpless - a reminder of past self - once she awakened her own ninja powers.

At one point, she stumbled upon the Condor Summing Scroll. Which was a huge windfall for her because she trouble connecting to people ever since, and hence didn't have many friends on the Human Path. So she spent a lot time with the condors in their realm. They trained her, taught her the values of freedom and cooperation as only beings that can fly and hunt in a pack could do.

Encouraged by this, she set off to improve the world of humans to make it a better place for everyone. Things were looking up, until the fateful day her personal summons stopped answering her. Only then she found out that they had been hunted down the warmongering and vicious Pangolin of the Summoning realm.

With most of her fire power taken away, the quest to achieve world peace had to be put on hold. Still, with Conjura still around, it would still have been doable once they recovered their strength. And she wasn't one to give in to despair.

Until the amalgamation of all evil within Mist and Leaf caught up to her in the form of the cold, emotionless sisters and the Evil Fox Spirit in human form.

Sounds really implausible. Condor summoner was probably a bog standard S-ranker or jounin.