I'm late to the party, but congratulations!

Thanks! This community is really nice and actually means a lot to me, so to hear/see the congratulations and well wishes... well. It's enough to make a cynic smile. (edit: is undergrad-age old enough to be called a cynic, or is that just unnecessarily edgy?) (edit2: nevermind, it was a joke, my own joke, I'm overthinking it.)

In Elemental Nations, explosions pray to Kagome!

For mercy in their usage or gratitude for their birth?

Well that was a lovely new type of horrifying, and truly makes me fear the seal failure table now more than ever. I do wonder if/how much Kagome has improved his sealing since reading over Jiraiya's stuff (and the start of the quest). Watsonian, he's getting premier notes that would help make big intellectual leaps. Doylist, Kagome was estimated to be chunin level largely because he's lived in the woods doing nothing risky (if he could help it) for, like, 2 decades, which completely stagnated his growth, but I daresay the past year or two has been more exciting for him

But that's also 20-ish years to think of new ideas that he now has the resources to flesh out. Not to mention he's spent the last... year? Year and a half? With Hazou, teaching and reexamining the basics, bouncing ideas off of a fellow sealsmith. And teaching tends to cause a shift in one's perspective, not to mention how creative dialogue can come up with pretty cool ideas. So I imagine that if Kagome hasn't already come up with his Final Boom: Doctor Destroyer Seal (the activation handsign being two thumbs down), then it's just because he's still fleshing it out in his mind (ha, @faflec, there's hope yet! x3)

I am in full support of this... and not just because I want someone to say "Doesn't the world look beautiful by STARlight?"
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Terrible time to refresh the page, now I just feel anxious. :V
Well. That sure was one hell of a combat simulation.

I bet the Condor Summoner revealed that she is Naruto's long lost aunt and uses some cool spacetime techniques to murder Ami and Keiko in front of him, before getting Rasengan'd because he has a major crush on Ami after all her time and effort spent trying to slowly turn him into her pawn become friends with him.
Keiko dying here is actually kind of funny, ~1.5 years with us? Not even a scratch (I don't think she ever got wounded), one mission with her sister and the S-rank monster boy? Dead.
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Two years ago

"Neji-sensei, I can't do iiiitt," Honoka petulantly whined. "How am I supposed to dodge those grapes with these blindfolds on?"

Chakra burning through his hands, Neji flicked another grape at her.

"Sense my hand motions," Neji blithely said.

"But howwwww? I can't see with these blindfolds on!" Honoka said, hit by another grape.

"Ask Lord Goketsu; the CASE system was his idea in the first place," Neji responded, flicking another grape high into the air. If he had guessed which direction Honoka was going to dodge next...

"Neji-sensei, he told me - ow!" Neji guessed right, and his day was improved by about negative one micro-Goketsus. Of course, his day had started with about three Goketsus in the negatives because Hazou had somehow convinced Hinata that this banality was a good use of his time, but Neji tried to look at the big picture nowadays.

Ugh. Listening to Honoka complain was seriously grating on his nerves. It might be worth helping Honoka out just to not have to hear it anymore.

"Supposedly, Honoka," Neji began, flicking another grape into the air, "the monks of Himetsu Castle in Lightning once had a certain monk Naomichi who was a prolific writer and happened to lose the use of his eyes in middle age due to completely natural chakra-liger related reasons. This is notable because Himetsu Castle was nowhere near chakra-liger hunting grounds, and Himetsu Castle was also training far more woodcutters than the local area could support."

Honoka stopped, confused. "What - no, wait, I can figure this out," Honoka said, and Neji could see through the blindfold how she was scrunching her face up in concentration. "Himetsu Castle wasn't training woodcutters, they were training warriors, and because of that Naomichi was blinded as a warning by..."

"By?" Neji smugly asked, tracking the downwards trajectory of the grape.

"By Cloud ninjas, who called it a chakra-liger accident?" Honoka said, relaxing as she found confidence in her answer.

"Correct," Neji declared, counting down to the grape's impact.

"Ya - ow! What the heck was that for, Neji-sensei?" Honoka complained, pouting.

"For paying attention to the word problem and not the point of the exercise," Neji said, smirking.

"Then, Neji-sensei, what is the point?" Honoka asked.

"The monk Naomichi's writings become understandably less legible and a different handwriting style after he got blinded; however, he noted that about a year after his blinding, his sense of hearing, smell, touch, and direction had improved significantly," Neji lectured.

"Ohhhh," Honoka said, before scrunching her eyes shut and clapping her hands over her ears.

Smirking, Neji picked up two grapes, and flicked his hand in just the right way to send one directly at her and the other high into the air.

Just as he expected, Honoka dodged the first one, swaying wildly to avoid the shot. Neji could tell that Honoka knew she dodged it by her confident smile, and although he wouldn't admit it, that smile improved his day by one negative Goketsu.

"Neji-sensei, I did it!" Honoka crowed - and then was hit by the second grape Neji threw into the air.

Honoka's annoyed face improved Neji's day by another negative micro-Goketsu.
You left us with the team falling into the Preta Path, my dude. Stop faffing around with your "other commitments" and your "real life obligations" and write me some more magic punch wizard Sliders goodness.
Or Honoka's Soulstealer bloodline activating after she made her first kill? Man, Kagome really knows how to pick his students!
Oh yes. And coincidentally, I have a sealing proposal I'll post later on that'll let Honoka personally slaughter armies of jounin. She's gonna be S-rank in a month, tops.
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Oh yes. And coincidentally, I have a sealing proposal I'll post later on that'll let Honoka personally slaughter armies of jounin. She's gonna be S-rank in a month, tops.
And horribly traumatized due to the slaughter.

Makes you wonder if she'll remain functional...

Honestly, Honoka's health is almost as important to me (as a player) as Mari's is. Further, any plan that involves those two (and... maaaybe Ami. Maybe.) has a pretty good shot at getting my vote.

Honoka has some immense potential as a character and has the ability to further develop Team Uplift's characters in pretty interesting directions. Keiko's always been the "well-protected/loved younger sister" in terms of sibling dynamics, so imagine her suddenly thrust into the "older sister with a weaker, vulnerable baby sister" position? Or Noburi going from "playboy" to "older brother with an impressionable younger sister" or Hazou suddenly put in the position where Honoka both admires and envies him, but doesn't know how to navigate that minefield. Mari, fresh from the realization that she's not what her memories claim, has the total freedom to be whatever authority figure to Honoka that she wishes to take on. Haru, with yet another younger sibling --but this one's tutored by Kagome, of all people.

Do we have a fatepoint to spend on Honoka not being killed by her training? Can... can we use them like that?
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You left us with the team falling into the Preta Path, my dude. Stop faffing around with your "other commitments" and your "real life obligations" and write me some more magic punch wizard Sliders goodness.
i have a truly marvelous conclusion to this story involving everybody dead and alive punching out the king of hell and the sealing array to end all sealing arrays

unfortunately this margin is too small to contain it :V
Everything is going to be ok.

Seriously though, we've somehow survived the Itachi situation. How could anything worse than that possibly happen?
Chakra Quantification, a revised proposal:

So, I've been informed that we're now leery of making objective chakra measures public, because it might make it easier to figure out FOOM before we get started on it, which is a no-no. Thankfully, the same principles make it worthwhile still to do this in-house, and allow the Goketsu to objectively quantify chakra and then decide whether we're willing to share our measurements with the outside.

So here's how you do it:

Let's make the following assumption: all jutsu and other chakra effects have constant cost for the same effect. What would we see in such a world? Ratios would remain constant.

Suppose Hazou starts at full chakra and Dispels until he's empty. He would be able to cast it 220 times. Now suppose Keiko starts at full chakra and Dispels until she's empty. She would be able to cast it 260 times. For Dispels, the ratio between Hazou and Keiko is 220/260, or 0.846.

Now suppose Akane starts at full chakra and Dispels until she's empty. She would be able to cast it 300 times. This would give a Hazou/Akane ratio of 220/300, or 0.733, and a Keiko/Akane ratio of 260/300, or 0.867.

Under the assumption that all jutsu have a constant cost, we should expect to see these ratios remain the same no matter what jutsu they're casting.

Suppose Hazou casts Pantokrator's Hammer at level 10 for 16 CP. He would be able to cast it 13.75 (i.e. 13) times before running out. Keiko would be able to cast it 16.25 (i.e. 16) times and Akane would be able to cast it 18.75 (i.e. 18) times. For this jutsu the Hazou/Keiko ratio would be 13/16 = 0.813, the Hazou/Akane ratio would be 13/18 = 0.722, and the Keiko/Akane ratio would be 16/18 = 0.889. We can visualize this as follows:

Pantokrator's Hammer0.8130.7220.889

While the numbers aren't exact, you can see that they more or less align. The more jutsu we test, and the more people we test it with, the more confident we can be that these ratios belie a constant cost to the techniques and a relatively constant chakra pool.

Now, we don't know if we live in this universe yet, IC. For all we know Hazou casts PH 20% more efficiently than Keiko, who Dispels 30% more efficiently than Akane. If we live in that world then it'd get much harder to determine things. If we can find that some jutsu have nice ratios and other jutsus don't, then we can base our objective chakra system on the jutsu with good ratios and leave the rules for the other jutsu to figure out some other time.

But we do have a trump card, or two. There are two things we can do that are more likely to play nice than others. The first of those being some equivalent to Nightlight seals, and the second of those being Noburi.

It is not implausible that we can design a seal that takes in a fixed amount of chakra from a person, much like the Nightlight seals we saw in Mist. While not guaranteed, it is more likely than a normal jutsu to take the exact same amount of chakra from whoever uses it, and thus give us nice ratios. Similarly, we can ask Noburi to drain from someone at a constant rate, and measure how long it takes for them to go from full to empty. This too I expect to be more likely than a normal jutsu to give nice ratios. We can use these two methods as touchstones in our project to help point us in the right direction.

So essentially what we do is we collect as much data as we can manage, and see if we can see any patterns. If we do, then we can hopefully pick out a jutsu that takes an objective amount of chakra no matter who casts it, and quantify our reserves in terms of it. Our data collection will be limited by the number of techniques we all share and the number of people we can safely conscript into this project without letting it leak (though with Hazou at the head we're already off to a bad start there), but I still think we've got a good shot at finding some good results.

edit: addendum due to EJ ponwog below:
If we start running into difficulties, what we can do is start tracking the experiments over time. Have Hazou do a Dispel gauntlet every week and see if the numbers vary meaningfully, see if we can identify trends and factor them out. This would raise the necessary sample size significantly to get good confidence, but it's still not implausible in theory.

And worst comes to worst, we can just slap down an arbitrary measure of 'one modified Nightlight Seal that Hazou made to be as consistent and precise as possible' and just define everything, weird variances included, in terms of that 1 SI Chakra.
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