"A promising story with great worldbuilding and an exciting storyline will degenerate into a predictable romcom with attractive women fighting over a bland protagonist?" Earl asked completely innocently.
A/N: The saga of Chosen for the Grave continues because we wanted to find out Keiko and company's fate in time for the next update, but the combat simulator needs more tinkering with in order to accommodate the sheer levels of awesome required. Please join me in praying for the party's success, for the dice know no mercy and I enjoy writing Keiko (and Ami) even more than @eaglejarl enjoyed writing Jiraiya.
Possibly next Thursday. Depends on if I have the time to make the simulator changes before then.
Possibly next Thursday. Depends on if I have the time to make the simulator changes before then.
The nice thing about fighting Flufflec is that you can hear the screams from across half the continent, so you always know where he is."Sure," I said, "But think about it. What if they have powers like ours? I don't want to fight Flufflec with his total omniscience, which is inevitably what he'd get, never mind Babayaga or MadArtist, who—"
You'd never hear them, because [DELETED BY FUTURE-FAFLEC].The nice thing about fighting Flufflec is that you can hear the screams from across half the continent, so you always know where he is.
I suppose the fact that the world still exists is sufficient evidence that Ridvac hasn't been isekai'd in, so they probably don't have to worry about him.
We could spend the intervening time talking about long term goals? I mean, beyond the obvious ones like "get to S-rank," "achieve Uplift," and "craft the Biggest Boom Seal with Kagome." We could then hash out vague plans of action?
[X] Action Plan: The Next Great Adventure
I want to create tons of trade deals between villages.We could spend the intervening time talking about long term goals? I mean, beyond the obvious ones like "get to S-rank," "achieve Uplift," and "craft the Biggest Boom Seal with Kagome." We could then hash out vague plans of action?
Explore other continents, create trade deals with them. Trade for honey with Bear.
We could spend the intervening time talking about long term goals? I mean, beyond the obvious ones like "get to S-rank," "achieve Uplift," and "craft the Biggest Boom Seal with Kagome." We could then hash out vague plans of action?
No more spreadsheets...
No more politics...
Small cast of characters to keep track of...
On another continent so not much involvement with all the issues we've been dealing with...
All the punching I could ask for...
Y'all might want to be careful how much you talk this up, because it's sounding pretty darn good. Like, temptingly good. And I never actually announced that I was returning to simulationism...
Could always start that side-quest this weekend rather than omake/CFTG if you don't sort the stuff out in time, @eaglejarlThe Soulstealer Bloodline, as previously discussed, is also both interesting as a game element and has cool social implications.
For example, let's say the character needs 5 minutes in contact with a fresh corpse (as in, killed within the last 15 minutes, storage seals remove freshness), during which time they're effectively incapacitated, to be able to steal the soul. What kind of behaviour does that incentivize? Working alone results in a lot of risk and very limited opportunities, so you'd really want someone to watch your back and help move bodies around. But then, what kind of person wants to participate in this kind of thing? How do we find someone we can trust with this? Not to even mention that another person even knowing about the bloodline is a deadly threat in itself, as any local ninja organisation will either want to force-recruit us or kill us outright.
Sounds pretty good to me, is all I'm saying.
Explore other continents, create trade deals with them. Trade for honey with Bear.
- Long Term Plan #1: Understand Ami and have an honest discussion with her
- Long Term Plan #2: Uncover the esoteric lore, like what the Fives are, who the Sages was and so on
- Long Term Plan #3: Learn how Tailed Beast/Jinchuriki(?) work, if safe obtain one to talk with, as they will probably know about 2
- Long Term Plan #4:Explore other Paths
- Long Term Plan #5:Save the Condor
For example, let's say the character needs 5 minutes in contact with a fresh corpse (as in, killed within the last 15 minutes, storage seals remove freshness), during which time they're effectively incapacitated, to be able to steal the soul. What kind of behaviour does that incentivize? Working alone results in a lot of risk and very limited opportunities, so you'd really want someone to watch your back and help move bodies around. But then, what kind of person wants to participate in this kind of thing? How do we find someone we can trust with this? Not to even mention that another person even knowing about the bloodline is a deadly threat in itself, as any local ninja organisation will either want to force-recruit us or kill us outright.
I don't particular care about getting one telescope, but the knowledge to create and mass produce telescopes.
He finally revealed that he's from Cloud, the ninja village for the Land of Lightning.Well... We know that heated sand makes glass. Kagome is an explosive genius from an unknown village with a mental library of forbidden lore, so he might know something? If nothing else, we could do trial and error experiments with heat and sand?
He finally revealed that he's from Cloud, the ninja village for the Land of Lightning.