Is this...triggered by disassociation or is disassociation simply one of the more visible signs?
If we evaluate the possible causes of Hazou's episode this time, a sudden retreat from emotions in an effort to maintain rationality following a question from a (still loved) ex-girlfriend about the nature of their relationship/breakup fits the pattern.

Eg. Hazou triggered an out episode recently when he had to explain why he was going through so much trouble for civillians without casting himself in a bad light. (by leaning on expected eccentricities 'im a clan head and do what I want' instead of his real eccentricity of 'my worldview is fundamentally at odds with the current popular stock').

A few of his other episodes followed this pattern, with clear standouts being the ones that followed generally threatening or mind directed attacks. (see: Orochimaru's killing intent, Mari's genjutsu 'training'). Those still follow the pattern but aren't as...semi-willingly self inflicted as the other observed events.

I don't know if this means anything or if its just an artistic choice, but I figured I'd throw it out there.
Reposting my uncondensed guide for how I think we should approach Kagome about Honoka. The key things I would like to draw attention to are:
  • Opening by getting context to discern where Kagome's perspective truly comes from, as he may or may not have a good reason to think Honoka is safe.
  • Appealing to Honoka's safety foremost, as Kagome might shrug off the risk of the Hokage trying to execute him but he won't shrug off the risk of Honoka never becoming a ninja.
  • The desired outcome being cooperation with Leaf until both parties agree on what is and isn't safe, rather than something like getting Kagome to admit he was wrong.
  • A backup clause in case Kagome digs his heels in. Kagome can be prideful at times and if he lets that rule him then we won't get anywhere.
How to convince Kagome that operating seals really isn't for first years:
  • Get context:
    • Bring cookies, Kagome's gonna want them.
    • Ask him what learning to use chakra was generally like back in Cloud.
  • Be frank:
    • Tell him that someone reputable (don't name names yet) said that sometimes the damage from using chakra too early doesn't show up until months later.
    • We're worried for Honoka, and even if she's likely fine it would be wrong to gamble with her future.
  • Cooperate:
    • Try to figure out if it really is safe to do this kind of thing with Cloud's methods.
      • If so, then Honoka's in danger if she keeps this up and learns the Konoha way.
      • If not, then Honoka's in danger.
    • Either way, we need to be certain that Honoka's going to be okay, even if it doesn't seem like she's in trouble right now.
  • If necessary:
    • Break past the stubbornness. If he's wrong then not only will he be executed for crippling an academy student but Honoka will never become a ninja. This is no time for pride. If you want Honoka to be safe then you need to cooperate.
This isn't exactly plan-sized but I think it's the right approach. Kagome's going to be stubborn that he's right and we need to convince him that his pride isn't worth the chance that he's wrong. It's worth mentioning that he might get executed over this but the idea of Honoka being crippled will resonate with him more so that's what we need to focus on as we push past his pride.
  • Talk with Kagome. Bring Mari and Noburi.
    • Explain Ebisu's concerns and suggestions.
      • Give a character assessment of Ebisu as well -- from Hazou's perspective, he's one of the more competent, reasonable people he's met.
    • Show him our collected evidence. Offer to arrange meetings with survivors.
    • Ask Kagome how he wants to proceed.
      • We do believe Honoka's fine. However we need to prove that this is safe.
        • Suggest limitting the usage of chakra to prevent what Ebisu termed 'burnout' to (Noburi-suggested amount), and making sure that she gets a checkup with a Hyuuga medic once a day every day she does chakra training.
      • Or if it turns out to not be safe revise the training methods. No one is saying he can't train Honoka, just want to make sure she and any other students Kagome takes in the future are safe.
Here's my rejiggering of the Kagome section. Thoughts, @Inferno Vulpix, @faflec, @Lailoken?
@Oneiros I agree with the above suggestions, and would also want to add something that appeals to Kagome's own desires. My plan from the previous voting cycle had a part that commented on the implications Ebisu's disagreement with Kagome had on Kagome's desire to reform Leaf's educational system. Perhaps talking about Kagome doing this would not only show Ebisu that he's capable of changing his mind without Honoka being irreparably harmed, BUT if we also show evidence that Kagome is right about the way he taught Honoka he'd also be able to say that he knew stuff Ebisu didn't on important matters like teaching chakra manipulation. That would be a hell of a reason for people to listen to Kagome when he does his thing.
Hey @eaglejarl, is there any scene in particular you want for this next plan? Maybe going out to clear out the chakra beasts surrounding the spot we picked for the aqueduct project or something?
Here's my rejiggering of the Kagome section. Thoughts, @Inferno Vulpix, @faflec, @Lailoken?
@Oneiros I agree with the above suggestions, and would also want to add something that appeals to Kagome's own desires. My plan from the previous voting cycle had a part that commented on the implications Ebisu's disagreement with Kagome had on Kagome's desire to reform Leaf's educational system. Perhaps talking about Kagome doing this would not only show Ebisu that he's capable of changing his mind without Honoka being irreparably harmed, BUT if we also show evidence that Kagome is right about the way he taught Honoka he'd also be able to say that he knew stuff Ebisu didn't on important matters like teaching chakra manipulation. That would be a hell of a reason for people to listen to Kagome when he does his thing.
Added this let me know if that works or if you want any additional edits
If it does turn out to be safe Hazō will work with Kagome to convince Ebisu
Oh hell, with all this talk of keeping Noburi's bloodline interaction with shadow clones secret how much information did Kabuto get when they were doing their study trade? Seems like Orochimaru is going to have had that since day dot going by their past relationship.
EDIT: Oneiros, please add "Check the plan with the clan as appropriate." to the top of your plan.
Added this let me know if that works or if you want any additional edits
Here's my version of the Kagome section, which combines some of Inferno Vulpix's suggestions, parts of my previous plan (like when we looked for evidence), and some other ideas which may or may not have been from people in the thread I integrated and didn't realize. The section 193 words to your 155, so it'd bring your total plan up to 331. I can take a runthrough of your plan for word count afterwards, if you'd wish.
  • Talk with Kagome, bringing Mari and Noburi.
    • Prep:
      • Search Leaf General Hospital's archives for evidence of Ebisu's claims.
        • Get details/numbers of crippled kids.
        • Talk to survivors and get their stories.
        • Follow-up on other leads.
      • Get cookies; it'll calm Kagome.
    • Explain Ebisu's concerns and suggestions.
      • Give a character assessment of Ebisu as well – from Hazou's perspective, he's one of the more competent, reasonable people he's met.
    • Show him our collected evidence. Offer to arrange meetings with survivors.
    • Ask Kagome how he wants to proceed.
      • We do believe Honoka's fine. However, we need to prove that this is safe.
      • Suggest limiting chakra usage to <Noburi-suggested amount> to prevent 'burnout', and making sure Honoka gets daily checkups with a Hyuuga medic when she does chakra training.
      • Or, if it turns out to be unsafe, revise the training methods.
      • No one is saying he can't train Honoka. We just want to ensure that she and any of Kagome's future students are safe.
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EDIT: Oneiros, please add "Check the plan with the clan as appropriate." to the top of your plan.

Here's my version of the Kagome section, which combines some of Inferno Vulpix's suggestions, parts of my previous plan (like when we looked for evidence), and some other ideas which may or may not have been from people in the thread I integrated and didn't realize. The section 193 words to your 155, so it'd bring your total plan up to 331. I can take a runthrough of your plan for word count afterwards, if you'd wish.
Well it's good to know those were happy memories. Either that or her TH specialty was Henge.

OOC, we still have the Consequence and will continue to have it for a while longer, and we have not taken PotO to potentially crystallize it into something different. We're still a fair while away from the effects fading away, but I haven't seen anything indicating that we're slipping into a worse state.

Even more OOC, Velorien promised to give writing Out!Hazou a try in some of his updates, and this is likely one of those.

I'm going to choose to believe that those were happy memories, for my own sanity. Also props to @Velorien. I hadn't considered the negatives of being Out Infested until this upload and now I've had my "this is so narratively cool" goggles changed to "we're playing with fire" goggles.

Oh my, this meme ascended.

"Hazou, why do you keep putting your foot in your mouth?"
"Iron Nerve."

"I don't think that's how the Iron Nerve works, but I don't know enough about the Iron Nerve to argue against it."

"Neither does he. Anytime Hazou does something embarrassing, we just tell him it was probably the Iron Nerve. Helps him save face during family game nights."

I can't tell whether it's the Out impairing Hazou's socials, or just him being Hazou. I also don't know why Akane was mad.

I assumed it was because Akane wanted to have a conversation along the lines of "there's this distance between us since our break up because you feel guilty and you need to know that you have nothing to feel guilty about" or "I see that you're beginning to make the same mistakes with Ino/whomever that you did with me, and as your best friend, I want to stop this stupidity from happening again."

Further, I don't think Akane realized it was an Out-moment at first. I think that she thought Hazou was mocking her by comparing their situation to something that she didn't understand. Some obscure bit of knowledge/trivia that her clanless upbringing didn't expose her to. Yeah, she knows Hazou better than that, but Akane also spends a lot of time with "Clans are Evil and Cruel" Haru. If she's in an emotionally-charged moment, especially one where her insecurities might be vulnerable, then she might be more apt to think this. Especially because she's a young woman who's speaking to her male best friend who is also her ex. Whom she left because his ambitions are beyond her. So a moment of imperfect-Akane is acceptable, considering the circumstances.

I suspect that if Akane realized it was an Out-moment, she would've been visibly aggravated, but that she would've tried to wait it out and then had the conversation once it passed. I'm willing to bet that she went to complain to Mari (because honestly, mocking Akane like that isn't really like Hazou at all) and Mari went to Kagome and Kagome was like "Yup, classic Type C Outer Influence there. He wasn't mocking you, he was comparing your situation to the geography of the Out. Or trying to, anyway, and doing a really shoddy job of it --poor kid's constrained by such a limited vocabulary."

Then Akane felt annoyed at Hazou, guilty at her annoyance because Hazou can't control it, irritated at Hazou for getting infected in the first place, ashamed because she wasn't able to recognize the signs of an Out-moment from someone she knows so well, embarrassed because she didn't have the patience to wait it out, ashamed of her insecurities that caused her to think so poorly oh Hazou, helpless because this kind of thing has happened before and when-will-it-ever-stop, and then a whole other bucket of emotions relating to whatever it was that she wanted to talk about initially that involved something as serious as their initial break up.

But that's my own speculation. I have an in-law whose personality is a little like Akane's, so that's whom I'm basing this idea off of. So I might be wrong.

A rather conventional brown.

This is... a good sign, right? Happy thoughts? More "normal" self? Or at least, Mari without the influence of her techniques lingering over her mind. I think.
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Incidentally, what colour were Mari's eyes this update, @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail?
A rather conventional brown.
Uhhh... @Velorien, I think you meant green, right? Remember?

Hey @eaglejarl, is there any scene in particular you want for this next plan? Maybe going out to clear out the chakra beasts surrounding the spot we picked for the aqueduct project or something?
Much appreciated. Clearing out chakra beasts in the area around Leaf isn't super's pretty much "and then you walked through the woods sprinkling explosives in front of you", which (/me looks around to make sure Kagome isn't in earshot) gets old after a while.

Nothing is leaping to mind as "this MUST happen!" It would probably be good to talk to Noburi about whether or not you're going to support his plan, but aside from that no ideas. I'll post them if I think of them.
My civic obligation compels me to vote for all plans I approve of; thus must I cast a vote for a suboptimal plan.

[X] Action plan: Gōketsu Hazō and the quest for ultimate power

It is suboptimal, @Oneiros, because you missed a chance to call it...

[X] Action Plan: Peace Talks
Wordcount: 391

Run the plan by the clan.
  1. Konoha (Timeframe: 4-7 days)
    1. Kagome
      1. Talk with Kagome, bringing Mari and Noburi.​
        • Prep:
          • Search Leaf General Hospital's archives for evidence of Ebisu's claims.
            • Get details/numbers of crippled kids.
            • Get survivor's stories.
            • Follow-up on other leads.
          • Get cookies; it'll calm Kagome.
        • Explain Ebisu's concerns and suggestions.
          • Give a character assessment as well – from Hazou's perspective, he's competent and extremely reasonable.
        • Show Kagom our evidence.
          • Offer to arrange meetings with survivors.
        • Ask Kagome how he wants to proceed.
          • We do believe Honoka's fine.
          • Suggest limiting chakra usage to <Noburi-suggested amount> to prevent 'burnout', and making sure Honoka gets daily checkups with a medic when she does chakra training.
            • If the training is unsafe, revise the plan.
            • If it is safe, we will convince Ebisu.
          • No one is saying he can't train Honoka.
            • We just want to ensure that she and any of Kagome's future students are safe.
    2. Hinata
      1. Hang out with Hinata a few times.
        1. Two purposes:
          1. Establish rapport.
          2. Secure working agreement.
    3. Final Preparations
      1. Asuma
        1. Report on our educational reforms.
        2. Acquire:
          1. Final permission for Scroll Hunt
          2. Suggestions for team members
          3. Permission for a visit to Fire Yakuza
          4. Permission for Yuno to join the adventure
        3. Bargain for:
          1. The use of one seal or technique to "get ideas with"(steal koi).
          2. The right to negotiate trade deals with Mist and other nations
            1. Float the idea of:
              1. Seventh Path trade routes
              2. Making Wave a reduced-tariff region between Leaf and Mist.
      2. Replenish supplies for a month long mission.
        1. Meaning, plan for six :V
      3. Select final team members on chunin team - definite roster includes Hazou, Noburi, and Akane.
      4. Delegate estate tasks.
  2. Outside Leaf (Timeframe: 3 days)
    1. Pay a visit to the head of the Fire Yakuza.
      1. Establish dominance. Plan that way.
    2. We'd like to establish some terms of cooperation.
      1. We are willing to trade favors. You do something for us, we do something for you.
      2. However, we also have a...relationship with the Mist Yakuza.
      3. We believe the way for us all to profit would be cooperation - however, we are fully willing to...shall we say, take the highest bidder.
    3. Invite him to carefully consider his options.
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Sweet, thanks.

Other thoughts on your plan:
Suggest using Noburi to help identify potential Ninja earlier
What is the value of this suggestion? Sure, Noburi can detect chakra from insects and the like, but I'm unsure that using him to detect potential ninja would lead to earlier detection than Leaf's current methods. Keep in mind Leaf has the Byakugan, which should be able to detect similarly miniscule amounts of chakra, and through vision (a much easier method). I'm trying to figure out why this is added because while there probably is a reason I can't seem to think of one.
Get permission to have Yuno join summoning scroll hunt
Keep in mind Isan's existence is still an Important Secret. If we want to get permission for Yuno to appear in foreign lands (and in Mist, if I'm right about what the plan is), we need to have a really good reason. What that is? I dunno.
Discuss with Asuma the potential of creating trade deals using the 7th path to instantly move goods
I'm assuming this means that we're creating trade deals between Human Path countries, using the Seventh Path to ferry the goods from country to country near-instantly?

Anyway, what trade goods? And with what Summoning Scroll? I feel that adding a simple "do research" equivalent would do wonders for showing Asuma that we've already determined that this sort of plan is worth pursuing. Something like..."Look over trade going between Leaf and Mist, and see if there are any goods that can't be traded due to spoilage/weight concerns, like shrimp. How much could we make by using the Seventh Path to teleport goods between Leaf and Mist? Make the suggestion to Asuma, with the evidence we've gathered."
Also Hazō would like to discuss trying to serve as a bridge between Mist and Leaf
  • He's the Mizukage's nephew
  • The Kurosawa currently don't have a clear next clan head after Ren
  • Who isn't having children
  • And Hazō is the purest Kurosawa of his generation
  • With the Hokage guidances Hazō is sure that Hazō can put himself into a position to steer Mist to a stronger pro leaf position
I think you're going to have to explain what a "bridge between Mist and Leaf" is going to entail in your plan, both to the voters and the QMs. I'm guessing it means we're a diplomat stationed in Mist in the same vein that Ami is, but given how restrictive that puts us I don't think that's what you're going for.
The coordinates of Akane's body changed significantly, relative to the bounded context. "Yes," she said tensely. "Yes, I think I need some time to think too."

Aww, Poor Hazou. That conversation was definitely interesting (and did a great job highlighting the negatives of the Out), but was hard to read from a "missed opportunity for heart to heart due to inability to connect/understand" perspective.

Uhhh... @Velorien, I think you meant green, right? Remember?

*Screaming in faflec*

Anyone remember the various theories we had about color changes and patterns? Or, anyone think this is God-tier trolling if there isn't one?
When I was looking into it, a random link I found said the fastest times for climbing 100 stories(300m) were about 5 minutes. Doing that horizontally takes 30 seconds. It's not a perfect comparison since there's some horizontal movement when climbing stair cases but skywalkers let you climb straight up, but that means you need a 10:1 ratio to break even. You might be able to get better climbing times by having extra skywalkers on your hands for extra force, but that would use up more seals. I vaguely remember the team taking a full day to climb above the clouds before we joined Leaf, too. Burden of proof is on us to show QMs skygliders provide a benefit over skywalkers.

Then we may benefit from using hot air balloon for climbing.

Anyway, here's an engineering section. I don't expect to to make it in any of the current plans, and frankly, I recognize the need to talk to Kagome.

Engineering section

  • Start a water treatment research group. Goal: Turn dangerous dirty water into clean and clear, water with acceptable taste.
  • Create a Waterwork Committee between the engineers for retrofitting Goketsu Town. Aqueduct and plumbing, sewage, and treatment need to go together.
  • No lead pipe.
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