@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, what is Yuno's status in Leaf? From a legal standpoint, I'm guessing she's just a random missing-nin. Practically, Leaf needs her cooperation to use her as a lever to take over Isan. Is she allowed to leave Leaf whenever she wants? Alternatively, is she essentially a prisoner only allowed out with an escort and for short periods of time?
Yuno's legal status is fuzzy. Legally, she's an ambassador from a foreign village like Hana and Ami. Which is to say that there are no laws whatsoever regarding her position, and people are trying not to think too hard about that. Everyone who knows about her knows roughly why she's there, and roughly what someone like her should and shouldn't be allowed to do, and that's as good as it gets until someone puts formal legislation in place.
"We're the Gōketsu," Mari said with a smile. "What are we good at? Crazy ideas that inexplicably work and embarrassing OPSEC failures. I see a particularly bad one in the near future where top-secret documents listing the clan's Bloodline Limit powers get stolen and do the rounds until everyone who matters knows what they are. Did you know the Iron Nerve lets people perfectly replicate motions they've made before? Or that Keiko's Frozen Skein gives her special powers of calculation and optimisation? Or that Kagome's Handsight lets him sense when people approach an object he's touched, so he'll know you're there even if you disarm or bypass his traps? Obviously, this document also lists our terrible weaknesses, like the way the Iron Nerve won't let you stop a motion once you've started it, and that's why Hazō can't stop himself once he begins saying something stupid. And of course, Vampiric Dew can't be used on clones. Can't let that one get out, or the clan is doomed.

"How can we power the Shadow Clone Technique? Who knows? We invented skywalkers. We're in the process of inventing more things that move through the air for some reason. There's no point even trying to guess what insanity we've cooked up this time."

"I like it." Noburi grinned.

"Won't work on our main threats, though," he said more soberly. "Orochimaru and Ami know about both shadow clones and chakra drain. Ami might know that Wakahisa can power other kinds of clone perfectly well, and draw her own conclusions—or just see through the trick full stop. Orochimaru… I have no idea what he knows, but if there's anyone who can guess what Vampiric Dew is really capable of, it's him. If he ever comes up with the possibility of we're talking about here, he might just decide to test it, in which case some Wakahisa out there is in big trouble. Or some Wakahisa in here." He gave a shudder.
So, how to make this work. We need to assume that Ami will see through the leak. This just means we'll need to make it a three-level deception. Framework:
  • Zeroth-level deception, i. e., object-level, is that we're incompetent fools. The target audience here are most people, should make it as convincing as possible.
  • First-level deception, aimed at people who know us well and/or are fairly intelligent (the likes of ISC and Asuma), is that we've mixed false information with the truth to make people doubt the true parts.
    • Mari's ideas are good here, it could probably be handled IC.
  • Second-level deception, aimed at high-level players with access to classified information (i. e., Ami, and maybe Kabuto, Ryuugamine, Ren), is that amidst the disinformation there are tidbits that we want everyone to misclassify as "real". They'll need to be unrelated to the SC scheme, be more obvious than that scheme, and ideally consist of two-three separate pieces (because if you get this far and find the "real trick", you'll keep looking, not satisfied that it's the only one).
    • As part of that, we should include an assertion which clearly implies that the SC trick won't work, and it should be 1) convincing enough to convince first-layer (and zeroth-layer) people, 2) incorrect enough to be reliably identified as second-level deception by second-layer people, and 3) be broad enough not to put the idea of SC + VD in people's heads on its own.
    • Include your favourite misinformation ideas here, I'm sure most of us have favourites by now.
  • Third-level deception: The actual information we want everyone to buy, i. e. that the SC scheme is non-viable. It'll need to be non-obvious but still such that people won't just ignore it; ideally it'd be something that implies something that implies that the SC scheme is non-viable. ("Noburi can't fill clones" won't work, because it explicitly puts the idea of clones and VD in the enemy's head, meaning it'll be caught at the second level.)
    • This one will be tricky.
  • Second level:
    • Wakahisa water detonates when coming into contact with foreign ninjutsu effects if the contact happens outside the barrel's stabilizer seals. This destroys the ninjutsu effect, but also loses the Wakahisa in question all stored chakra, and risks killing them. A terrible vulnerability.
    • Iron Nerve could, at ruinous chakra cost, accelerate the user's perceptions and movements, allowing one to e. g. perfectly shield oneself from a point-blank explosion by another ninja's body.
    • The Mori should not be disturbed when they're calculating things, or they will suffer seizure.
    • Kagome has a minor bloodline effect that enhances his pattern-recognition, allowing him to excel at sealing as well as making him see patterns where there aren't any. Hence, conspiracy theories.
  • Third level:
    • Wakahisa chakra does not fully integrate with the chakra of whoever it's transferred to. It's irrelevant for most purposes, but matters when <have Mari insert complex techniquehackingbabble here, to the effect of "a certain category of ninjutsu (which so happens to contain SC) won't recognize Wakahisa chakra as part of the caster's chakra">.
      • (This should be framed as an overly technical tidbit clearly added to build up authenticity. It should read like the "Iron Nerve can't abort movements" thing — sounds extremely plausible and extremely useless.)

This should take care of Ami. (On second thoughts, perhaps we should just kill her? That'd certainly be less complicated.)

Which leaves Orochimaru. Any ideas? Optimistically, Kabuto might be able to reach level two, share this information with Oro, and that would preemptively stop his investigations if he ever arrives at the SC + VD = FOOM idea. Perhaps we should just help Kabuto along with this?
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I'd like to have Kagome talk to Noda. He's so obviously honest that she won't think he's manipulating her, and also he can empathise with losing his sensei to research-gone-bad.

If we want Hazou to befriend her then we need a new approach. I think "Hazou sends Kagome to deliver the message that he's not mad, and he's respecting that she doesn't want to talk to him right now (even though she's sleeping in his office), and if she decides she wants to talk, she can come find him and things will be okay".

Best case scenario, Kagome gets her out of her funk and she comes to talk to us.
This should take care of Ami. (On second thoughts, perhaps we should just kill her? That'd certainly be less complicated.)

Which leaves Orochimaru. Any ideas? Optimistically, Kabuto might be able to reach level three, share this information with Oro, and that would preemptively stop his investigations if he ever arrives at the SC + VD = FOOM idea. Perhaps we should just help Kabuto along with this?

Hm. I'd be okay with offing Ami. Might turn Keiko against us for good. And maybe Naruto, too, though.

Naruto's spent enough time with Ami that he might've become attached to her. Or maybe he'd be against it on principle. I mean, Ami is here as an ambassador/representative to the Leaf from the Mist --a rival village. Thus, she's symbolic of increasingly peaceful relations between two historically hostile villages. Furthermore, she's helped to create a home for the clanless.

And last time we implied getting rid of a threat the easy way, Naruto flipped out. I suspect because...
  • the Hokage at the time was, you know, a Leaf native. And we were just non-naturalized missing nin hiding under Jiraiya's reputation.
  • Because while MfD Naruto might be capable of immense violence, I don't think he likes it. He's capable of great destruction, but he's still moral enough for it to eat away at his soul. Maybe.
...So, it might be that Naruto looks at us (the very people Jiraiya took into Leaf and called family) and sees us causally contemplating murder just to save a little work --something he's incapable of doing so easily -- and is upset. Because this flies in the face of Jiraiya's "downwards spiral of hate" philosophy. This, in Naruto's eyes, flies in the face of Jiraiya's love and trust in us. It's spitting on his godfather's memory and making it seem as though we were merely using Jiraiya for Leaf citizenship.

We've managed to convince Naruto that this isn't really the case, that the Hiashi situation was one born out of desperation and blind panic. But if he digs deeper, he'll find out about the killbox incident where Hazou did the same thing to Kabuto. And that sure seems like a trend, doesn't it. So maybe Naruto's keeping his distance to see what we do and how we act before he decides whether to throw his lot in with ours, kill us in our sleep, or leave us be while keeping an idle eye on our actions.

Anyway, I digress. A lot. MfD-Naruto hasn't had a lot of "screen time" so I may be off. But with what we currently know of Naruto, that's my guess.

As for Orochimaru, he's spent years away from the Leaf. I find it difficult to believe that he hasn't thought of this idea in some shape or form. I suspect that he's discounted it for his own, personal, use due to... whatever reason. Maybe the physiological/spiritual changes Orochimaru's forced upon his body/soul makes this type of training unfeasible? The SC Technique is Yin-heavy, right? And the chakra-soul connection is very similar to the mind-brain connection? So maybe he's changed his chakra sufficiently enough that the Shadow Clone Technique works differently for him.

Or maybe it doesn't work for Orochimaru at all. It was made by a vanilla human/ninja for vanilla humans/ninjas. And Orochiamru's body/soul is at least nine kinds of altered due to his experimentation.

I'd like to have Kagome talk to Noda. He's so obviously honest that she won't think he's manipulating her, and also he can empathise with losing his sensei to research-gone-bad.

If we want Hazou to befriend her then we need a new approach. I think "Hazou sends Kagome to deliver the message that he's not mad, and he's respecting that she doesn't want to talk to him right now (even though she's sleeping in his office), and if she decides she wants to talk, she can come find him and things will be okay".

Best case scenario, Kagome gets her out of her funk and she comes to talk to us.

This... this is a good idea.
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My own opinion is that Oro is already xp maxed and can't Foom - he's already lucky if he gets 1 xp/week.

Basically he's already done things the slow way, so having personal access to the quick way is not going to change anything because its decades too late to actually help.
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Couldn't Ami-style training and sparring with Rock-Lee do the trick as a proper cover for SC gains?

Just have the clan embrace some insane looking YOUTH-RELATED Excercises.

Embrace the meme that's already there.
I think we're trying to do too much at once.

[X] Action Plan: Refocusing
Time: 10 days.
  • Talk to Kagome. Bring Mari, Noburi, and cookies (comfort food).
    • Beforehand: Search hospital records for evidence of Ebisu's claims. Find details/numbers of crippled kids. Approach survivors, get their stories.
    • Convey Ebisu's concerns to Kagome. Show our collected evidence. How does he want to proceed?
    • We believe Kagome knows what he's doing and Honoka's fine, but we need to prove this. Leaf holds Ebisu's teaching skills in high regard. Taking his concern seriously would greatly improve his opinion of Kagome, in turn helping our educational reforms.
      • Especially if we prove him wrong. He'd already demonstrated the willingness to readily admit mistakes, and is thus probably one of the most sensible people we have met.
    • Kagome can keep training Honoka in either case. Everyone involved just wants to ensure she's safe.
  • Meet with Asuma to present educational reform with Ebisu.
    • Double check with clan and Ebisu.
    • Present Ebisu's recommendation and reform.
    • Information packet includes:
      • Ebisu's rec as above.
      • Description of Mist's education system for later reference and comparsion. Cloud too, if clan approved
      • Hazo and clan's suggestion:
        • Public school for Konoha children starting age.
        • Battle buddy or support buddy.
        • Tutoring as higher paid D-rank missions complemented with civilian tutors for academics.
  • Conduct creative training daily.
  • Work with Kunihiro and apply the scientific method to skyslider.
    • What factors are most important?
  • Establish a research group for water treatment. Turn dangerous, dirty water into clear, safe and drinkable water.
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@Oneiros' plan, with some major changes.
  • Heavily modified the Kagome section. Focused it, removed redundancies, and removed suggestions for what to do if Honoka is/isn't endangered: I'm sure it's something Kagome would and wantto do himself.
  • Removed suggesting using Noburi to check children for the potential to be ninja and using the Gouketsu school to demonstrate better early-childhood education.
    • The former because 1) yuck let's not rope Noburi into time-consuming assignments where he'll be sent outside the village randomly without our input and 2) yuck let's not draw even more attention to the Vampric Dew.
    • The latter because 1) we're teaching civilians, not ninja, whom no-one cares about, 2) it was open for less than a month, I don't think we have any credible results.
  • Modified the "use Hazou as a bridge between Leaf and Mist" to be more in-line with what I think @Oneiros and @Inferno Vulpix had agreed on in Discord. Does that work for you two?
  • Expanded on using the Seventh Path for trade.
  • Added reasoning for sending Yuno along with us.
  • Added my (cursed) Condor Scroll section.
On a slightly separate note, the hivemind seems way too fond of clauses such as "If X, do [the obvious f(X) thing]. If Y, then do [the obvious f(Y) thing] instead". It's only slightly better than "helpful instructions" such as "do things that are reasonable".

[x] Action Plan: Questing for Ultimate Power Sure Involves Lots of Meetings
Wordcount: 360
Timeframe: 10 days.
  • Talk to Kagome. Bring Mari, Noburi, and cookies (comfort food).
    • Beforehand: Search hospital records for evidence of Ebisu's claims. Find details/numbers of crippled kids. Approach survivors, get their stories.
    • Convey Ebisu's concerns to Kagome. Show our collected evidence. How does he want to proceed?
    • We believe Kagome knows what he's doing and Honoka's fine, but we need to prove this. Leaf holds Ebisu's teaching skills in high regard. Taking his concern seriously would greatly improve his opinion of Kagome, in turn helping our educational reforms.
      • Especially if we prove him wrong. He'd already demonstrated the willingness to readily admit mistakes, and is thus probably one of the most sensible people we have met.
    • Kagome can keep training Honoka in either case. Everyone involved just wants to ensure she's safe.
  • Meet with Asuma. (Double-check with the clan.)
    • Report on Ebisu's findings and suggested reforms.
    • Ask permission to have Yuno join our pilgrimage and Mist trip (under cover as a minor-clan/clanless Leaf ninja?). Reasoning:
      • Bonding with potential future clanmates.
      • Cultural education. Mist would make Leaf look better in comparison.
      • Ensures she isn't alienated by having been left alone.
    • The Condor Scroll. (Do only if Mari's okay with getting involved in the scheme.)
      • Inform Asuma about Condors' situation. If the Scroll's taken, Conjura won't be cooperative because Leaf also houses the Pangolins. The Pangolins'll request to caldera it, or it'll lay fallow until Conjura's hunted down (which may take years).
      • You suspect a deal could be made for indirectly moderating Pangolin aggression or covertly providing Condors resources in exchange for powerful jutsu/summoning contracts. But that would require a skilled negotiator as the Summoner...
        • (Don't venture Mari's candidature explicitly unless Asuma asks for suggestions.)
    • Submit the idea of using Seventh Path for trade and communication.
      • Requires 2+ cooperating Clans. Each sends representatives to all other involved Clans, and gives representatives' contracts to their Summoner. This essentially connects all involved Clans and Summoners into one instant-travel network.
      • Linking all Leaf Scrolls this way would be good.
      • Does Mist have a Scroll? If yes, should we negotiate for involving them when we're there, for inter-village trade?
  • Conduct creative training daily.

This action plans feel like we're doing too much at once since we're trying to cram three ideas down in one meeting.

We're also giving the Ebisu reform thing the least amount of focus. We should be going all in with showing Asuma the trainee, presentation by Ebisu.
We're also giving the Ebisu reform thing the least amount of focus. We should be going all in with showing Asuma the trainee, presentation by Ebisu.
Personal opinion Ebisu reforms are the least important thing to get screen time. It won't have any pay out for years and any information we get won't really contribute to any other plots
Personal opinion Ebisu reforms are the least important thing to get screen time. It won't have any pay out for years and any information we get won't really contribute to any other plots

Ebisu is not merely doing academic reform, but also doing training reform. We'll have things paying out as soon as one month.

Actually, things already paid off. We have clanless ninja trained by Ebisu. Now they can train other ninja.
[X] Action Plan: Refocusing

Can we spend some time in Mist with our mother and training Iron nerve?
What about koi carps transpirt back to Leaf? It ie going to be bit complicated, isn it? L
It would be awesome to have hot air balloon relays across fire for gliders to get a boost from :). I'm not sure if I made this clear earlier, but the faster gliders go, the more skywalker time they save so the 10:1 ration can be lowered. For example, if gliders go 40mph, I think the ratio becomes 7.5:1. Propulsion really helps, even when it's something small like casting Zephyr's reach to push yourself.

Huh. I initially thought 5SB would do the same thing, but that only works if you have multiple 5SB for climbing up, and it is still would be work to get up. So yeah, static skytower relays are a good idea.
@Noumero Should the timeframe for your plan really be 10 days? I'm unsure, but don't expect the investigation for the Kagome section to actually need over a week.
[x] Action Plan: Questing for Ultimate Power Sure Involves Lots of Meetings
I am not particular happy about the idea of leaving the whole Akane thing on ice for the next 10 days in-universe, especially if we want to go on a mission with her afterwards.

@Noumero , maybe add something about talking with Mari/Noburi about Hazou and Akane being unable to communicate with each other?

What @Velorien hath wrought (with respect to relationship and relationship-adjacent drama), let it be up to him to tear asunder (unless it becomes a super massive obstacle and general pain in my behind).
My civic obligation compels me to vote for all plans I approve of; thus must I cast a vote for a suboptimal plan.

[X] Action plan: Gōketsu Hazō and the quest for ultimate power

It is suboptimal, @Oneiros, because you missed a chance to call it...

[X] Action Plan: Peace Talks
Wordcount: 391

Run the plan by the clan.
  1. Konoha (Timeframe: 4-7 days)
    1. Kagome
      1. Talk with Kagome, bringing Mari and Noburi.​
        • Prep:
          • Search Leaf General Hospital's archives for evidence of Ebisu's claims.
            • Get details/numbers of crippled kids.
            • Get survivor's stories.
            • Follow-up on other leads.
          • Get cookies; it'll calm Kagome.
        • Explain Ebisu's concerns and suggestions.
          • Give a character assessment as well – from Hazou's perspective, he's competent and extremely reasonable.
        • Show Kagom our evidence.
          • Offer to arrange meetings with survivors.
        • Ask Kagome how he wants to proceed.
          • We do believe Honoka's fine.
          • Suggest limiting chakra usage to <Noburi-suggested amount> to prevent 'burnout', and making sure Honoka gets daily checkups with a medic when she does chakra training.
            • If the training is unsafe, revise the plan.
            • If it is safe, we will convince Ebisu.
          • No one is saying he can't train Honoka.
            • We just want to ensure that she and any of Kagome's future students are safe.
    2. Hinata
      1. Hang out with Hinata a few times.
        1. Two purposes:
          1. Establish rapport.
          2. Secure working agreement.
    3. Final Preparations
      1. Asuma
        1. Report on our educational reforms.
        2. Acquire:
          1. Final permission for Scroll Hunt
          2. Suggestions for team members
          3. Permission for a visit to Fire Yakuza
          4. Permission for Yuno to join the adventure
        3. Bargain for:
          1. The use of one seal or technique to "get ideas with"(steal koi).
          2. The right to negotiate trade deals with Mist and other nations
            1. Float the idea of:
              1. Seventh Path trade routes
              2. Making Wave a reduced-tariff region between Leaf and Mist.
      2. Replenish supplies for a month long mission.
        1. Meaning, plan for six :V
      3. Select final team members on chunin team - definite roster includes Hazou, Noburi, and Akane.
      4. Delegate estate tasks.
  2. Outside Leaf (Timeframe: 3 days)
    1. Pay a visit to the head of the Fire Yakuza.
      1. Establish dominance. Plan that way.
    2. We'd like to establish some terms of cooperation.
      1. We are willing to trade favors. You do something for us, we do something for you.
      2. However, we also have a...relationship with the Mist Yakuza.
      3. We believe the way for us all to profit would be cooperation - however, we are fully willing to...shall we say, take the highest bidder.
    3. Invite him to carefully consider his options.
I'd like to shill for my plan again, which has us do three to four big things:

1. Get the Honoka situation squared away.
2. Hang out with Hinata (very hopefully on-screen) - or at least get a working relationship to ask for Hyuuga help in exchange for something.
3. Get a bunch of permissions from Asuma, and a signoff on the mission plan.
4. Say hello to the Fire Yakuza, and begin working out a peace agreement between the Fire and Mist Yakuza.
Yeah...I don't like the way that plan plans out the Fire Yakuza communication. Playing to establish dominance is one thing, but implying that we'd just flip on them to work with the Mist Yakuza if they didn't "bid higher" stinks of the Hiashi Debacle.
Hm. I'd be okay with offing Ami
Interesting, I expected you to object. Why?
@Noumero , maybe add something about talking with Mari/Noburi about Hazou and Akane being unable to communicate with each other?
Ehh, I don't think the situation really warrants our intervention. Hazou had an Out moment, she gets it.
This action plans feel like we're doing too much at once since we're trying to cram three ideas down in one meeting.

We're also giving the Ebisu reform thing the least amount of focus. We should be going all in with showing Asuma the trainee, presentation by Ebisu.
We have no actual information about what Ebisu's suggested reforms entail, his scene was cut off when he got to them. I assume it'll all be handled IC.

I don't think three additional ideas for that meeting is too much, especially since two of them are basically "Hey Asuma, we'd like for X to happen for these reasons, can it? Y/N".
@Noumero Should the timeframe for your plan really be 10 days? I'm unsure, but don't expect the investigation for the Kagome section to actually need over a week.
No, I don't think so. I think we were using longer timeskips for its own sake, just to progress the timeline faster?

I've shortened it to seven days and added socializing with teenage Clan Heads so the week is somewhat more eventful. Oh, and added your suggestion about figuring out how Scroll trading will impact Mist/Leaf trade.

[x] Action Plan: Questing for Ultimate Power Sure Involves Lots of Meetings
Wordcount: 399
Timeframe: 7 days.

  • Talk to Kagome. Bring Mari, Noburi, and cookies (comfort food).
    • Beforehand: Search hospital records for evidence of Ebisu's claims. Find details/numbers of crippled kids. Approach survivors, get their stories.
    • Convey Ebisu's concerns to Kagome. Show our collected evidence. How does he want to proceed?
    • We believe Kagome knows what he's doing and Honoka's fine, but we need to prove this. Leaf holds Ebisu's teaching skills in high regard. Taking his concern seriously would greatly improve his opinion of Kagome, in turn helping our educational reforms.
      • Especially if we prove him wrong. He'd already demonstrated the willingness to readily admit mistakes, and is thus probably one of the most sensible people we have met.
    • Kagome can keep training Honoka in either case. Everyone involved just wants to ensure she's safe.
  • Meet with Asuma. (Double-check with the clan.)
    • Report on Ebisu's findings and suggested reforms.
    • Ask permission to have Yuno join our pilgrimage and Mist trip (under cover as a minor-clan/clanless Leaf ninja?). Reasoning:
      • Bonding with potential future clanmates.
      • Cultural education. Mist would make Leaf look better in comparison.
      • Ensures she isn't alienated by having been left alone.
    • The Condor Scroll. (Do only if Mari's okay with getting involved in the scheme.)
      • Inform Asuma about Condors' situation. If the Scroll's taken, Conjura won't be cooperative because Leaf also houses the Pangolins. The Pangolins'll request to caldera it, or it'll lay fallow until Conjura's hunted down (which may take years).
      • You suspect a deal could be made for indirectly moderating Pangolin aggression or covertly providing Condors resources in exchange for powerful jutsu/summoning contracts. But that would require a skilled negotiator as the Summoner...
        • (Don't venture Mari's candidature explicitly unless Asuma asks for suggestions.)
    • Submit the idea of using Seventh Path for trade and communication.
      • Requires 2+ cooperating Clans. Each sends representatives to all other involved Clans, and gives representatives' contracts to their Summoner. This essentially connects all involved Clans and Summoners into one instant-travel network.
      • Linking all Leaf Scrolls this way would be good.
      • Does Mist have a Scroll? If yes, should we negotiate for involving them when we're there, for inter-village trade?
        • (Beforehand, determine what trade opportunities it'd create. Seafoods, for example, since they'd remain fresh?)
  • Conduct creative training daily.
  • Regularly socialize with your Clan Head peers. Game nights, spars, casual dinners. Focus on those you haven't interacted much with, e. g. Hinata and Shino.
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Regularly socialize with your Clan Head peers. Game nights, spars, casual dinners. Focus on those you haven't interacted much with, e. g. Hinata and Shino.
I'll observe that this technically doesn't fall under the "check with the clan" thing that the Asuma section's under. Could we have a more general "check with the clan" at the front?
I'll observe that this technically doesn't fall under the "check with the clan" thing that the Asuma section's under. Could we have a more general "check with the clan" at the front?
Good catch, done.
[x] Action Plan: Questing for Ultimate Power Sure Involves Lots of Meetings
Wordcount: 399
Timeframe: 7 days.

  • Sanity-check everything with the clan.
  • Talk to Kagome. Bring Mari, Noburi, and cookies (comfort food).
    • Beforehand: Search hospital records for evidence of Ebisu's claims. Find details/numbers of crippled kids. Approach survivors, get their stories.
    • Convey Ebisu's concerns to Kagome. Show our collected evidence. How does he want to proceed?
    • We believe Kagome knows what he's doing and Honoka's fine, but we need to prove this. Leaf holds Ebisu's teaching skills in high regard. Taking his concern seriously would greatly improve his opinion of Kagome, in turn helping our educational reforms.
      • Especially if we prove him wrong. He'd already demonstrated the willingness to readily admit mistakes, and is thus probably one of the most sensible people we've met.
    • Kagome can keep training Honoka in either case. Everyone involved just wants to ensure she's safe.
  • Meet with Asuma. (Work with the clan to improve ideas' presentation.)
    • Report on Ebisu's findings and suggested reforms.
    • Ask permission to have Yuno join our pilgrimage and Mist trip (undercover as a minor-clan/clanless Leaf ninja?). Reasoning:
      • Bonding with potential future clanmates.
      • Cultural education. Mist would make Leaf look better in comparison.
      • Ensures she isn't alienated by having been left alone.
    • The Condor Scroll. (Do only if Mari's okay with playing this role.)
      • Explain the Condors' situation. If the Scroll's taken, Conjura won't be cooperative because Leaf also houses the Pangolins. The Pangolins'll request to caldera it, or it'll lay fallow until Conjura's hunted down (which may take years).
      • You suspect a deal could be made for indirectly moderating Pangolin aggression or covertly providing Condors resources in exchange for powerful jutsu/summoning contracts. But that'd require a skilled negotiator as the Summoner...
        • (Don't venture Mari's candidature explicitly unless Asuma asks for suggestions.)
    • Submit the idea of using Seventh Path for trade and communication.
      • Requires 2+ cooperating Clans. Each sends representatives to all other involved Clans, and gives representatives' contracts to their Summoner. This essentially connects all involved Clans and Summoners into one instant-travel network.
      • Linking all Leaf Scrolls this way would be good.
      • Does Mist have a Scroll? If yes, should we negotiate for involving them when we're there, for inter-village trade?
        • (Beforehand, determine what trade opportunities it'd create. Example: seafood, since it'd remain fresh.)
  • Conduct creative training daily.
  • Regularly socialize with Clan Head peers. Game nights, spars, casual dinners. Focus on those you haven't interacted much with, such as Hinata, Shino.