To give a bit more detail, the Konoha Sealsmith Society (and Konoha Hacker/Medic Societies) are a key step in Project Necromancy: the centralisation of the researcher-class ninja under our direction. The societies act as unions/social-clubs/idea-exchanges, with members paying a monthly due for society upkeep and attending weekly meetings to discuss things of interest with their peers.

This does three major things for us (as well as some more minor things): It gives us access to all the researchers in one place, lets us influence their direction as chairman of the society, and lets the society apply pressure politically by forming agreements on what they do/do not intend to do.
Why do they pay monthly dues?
There should already be a central Village sealing group:

Jiraiya rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said, "let me tell you about the kind of people I worked with back when I was studying in Leaf's sealcrafting facilities—the world's best, mind you, staffed with the elite of the elite. Our janitors knew more about sealcrafting than some of the experts in the other villages." Kagome gave another "hmph", but Jiraiya ignored him.

"The elite of the elite," he repeated. "And if you wanted to live long enough to get promoted, you had to pay attention to every tiniest detail of what they told you. For example..."

Jiraiya shifted into a more comfortable sitting position.

"When I was a new recruit still getting my feet wet," he began, "I was taken on the standard tour of the Hall of Candles. They showed us each sealmaster's candle and the inscription underneath it—their name, their date of death, what they'd done wrong and what happened to them as a result. Your typical apprentice couldn't sleep for a week straight after that, longer if they had a good imagination. Put you in the right frame of mind.

We should talk to them.

I would like to ask Kagome and Mari about their knowledge of different Yakuza groups and for Mari specifically, if she still has info on places she infiltrated. If we really want to build up tons of people over the next few months/years, making slow contact with the underworld should be possible. @faflec , ?

[X] Action Plan: Sealing, Talking, Teaching

Let me solve the "Real estate problem" for you.

  • Go to a multi-floor tavern/inn thats still being rebuilt from the sealing failure.
    • Buy their building and pay for the necessary renovations.
      • Have Kenta and his lads do these: good portfolio building for his construction business.
    • They work for us now.
      • Grant them a generous but reasonable monthly salary to manage the property/business.
    • Top two floors of the building are off limits to all customers.
There you go.
Added. I'm working on word count right now, will be a bit before I save changes.
I would like to ask Kagome and Mari about their knowledge of different Yakuza groups and for Mari specifically, if she still has info on places she infiltrated. If we really want to build up tons of people over the next few months/years, making slow contact with the underworld should be possible. @faflec , ?
IIRC we already know Mari's been looking into underground things, and we've updated ourselves once we got back from the clearing mission. I'm pretty sure we can just ask OOC.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail ?
Society upkeep. Refreshments, building maintenance, lobbying politically useful individuals that the society wants to control, other miscellaneous society expenses like paper and brushes for new apprentices.

You know, the normal stuff.
Yeeeeah, but it'd be a lot easier to sell if they, uh... didn't.
Society upkeep. Refreshments, building maintenance, lobbying politically useful individuals that the society wants to control, other miscellaneous society expenses like paper and brushes for new apprentices.

You know, the normal stuff.

This isn't important atm though pending lavish organizational activities.

Within reason, we should be able to bankroll the creation and maintenance costs for such an organization.

After such an organization(say, Sealmasters United) is created, we now have a myriad amount of avenues to take to manipulate the power balance of sealmasters as well as influence to change the current paradigms of fuinjutsu. Just off the top of my head: implying to senior sealmasters that we'd be willing to drip some of Jiraiya's Sealing Lore to them in exchange for (Insert Favors) would probably suffice as bait, upon which they'd willingly swallow pretty much any non-treasonous (to clan or country) hook to get a taste.
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Added. I'm working on word count right now, will be a bit before I save changes.
Whew, finished. Let me know if I fucked something up.
[X] Action Plan: Sealing, Talking, Teaching
Word count: 297

Timeline: ~1 week
  • Research: Work with Kagome.
    • Priorities: ESP seals, LBF, ARS.
    • Process: 3 days prep, prototype, 2 days on other things (below).
      • Tag our Sealing aspect and "Kagome-Certified Sealing Lab".
      • Save 2FP for re-rolling Calligraphy.
  • Meet with Mari/Kagome under utmost security. Topics:
    • Akatsuki:
      • We have no intel on their activities since Pain's death, but we do know they have Summoners. We could create a dialogue by sending send a message via Seventh Path — which should, in itself, be very low-risk.
      • Best-case scenario, we agree to pool power for the sake of world peace. At worst, we still get some basic intel on their activity.
      • Of course, contacting them might end poorly for us. Should we do this aboveboard, covertly, or not at all?
        • If aboveboard, can Mari convince Asuma to get Hiashi to go along with it?
      • We all have reason to hate Akatsuki, but if they're willing to work with us, we have to set that aside for the greater good. Like what Mist did.
      • BTW, can Kagome summarize the Akatsuki book?
    • How long is left until the next war?
    • What other cognition-related bloodlines (besides the Mori/Nara/Tama) are there?
  • Teaching KEI members:
    • Goal: Look for overlooked, but promising students to adopt/apprentice.
    • All of Clan Gouketsu can get involved: Hazou/Kagome teach Sealing, Noburi teach medicine...
    • Is Naruto a technique hacker; would he be willing to teach?
    • Find someone to teach reading/writing.
    • Apply for guest lectures at the Academy.
  • Go to a multi-floor tavern/inn still damaged from the sealing failure.
    • Buy their building and pay Kenta's construction business to do necessary renovations.
    • Grant the previous owners a generous but reasonable salary to manage things.
    • Repurpose the top two floors as HQ for sealmaster/Technique Hacker/medic unions we create.
Unions and secret clubs always have membership dues for this reason. It isn't a weird thing and the alternative is relying upon private donations (which then cause the group to feel indebted to the donor).


MMKII: Good! So long as that's us!

We are rich, and so a certain amount of Keeping Up With the Joneses is expected. I think "Sealmaster clan started Generic Sealmaster Society out of their own pocket" fits the preconceived notion folks will have in-setting to the point where no one would question it.

(Doesnt apply to founding Medical or TH societies. Yet. Growth mindyeet!)


It's a decent excuse to get ISC sealsmiths onboard.
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Done. Still waffling on the rest.

But not KEI?

Added. I'm working on word count right now, will be a bit before I save changes.

IIRC we already know Mari's been looking into underground things, and we've updated ourselves once we got back from the clearing mission. I'm pretty sure we can just ask OOC.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail ?

I think we have officially bloated the plan. Is there anything non-critical we can cut out?

Edit: We have 3 scenes, maybe 4 if we count teaching KEI.
I think we'd be best off talking to Tsunade about the idea o fcreating a mednin organization.
Could we start actually, really, cash-in-hand, making some money before committing to spending yet more of it?
I mean...if we're going to be making money in any useful amounts we'll have to invest it in something. That's part of the purchase/refurbishment of the place being bought in my plan. We'll make money back over some period of time yet to be determined, and in the meanwhile have HQ setup for other things, AND get Kenta some reputation.

But yes, we should do that as well. How about after this plan we do the Forbidden Lore update and buy land for clearing and re-selling (unless Aito's deal went through, IIRC there was some confusion on whether or not it was?); update after that we can take another mission and clear it out + get some salt/ice for selling.
Of course, if we're using this tavern for three society meetings per week (one each of sealsmith, hacker, and medic), that's going to get them a lot of business from society members. If we own the tavern, then that's a revenue stream we're profiting from.
Need to PR win: we just did a verify-ably great job, and worked pretty hard, clearing out the extremely dangerous creatures are Tanzaku Gai. This could easily be a great PR win, at low additional cost, for project uplift / clan reputation outside of Leaf. Maybe have Mari spread an appropriate (heroic?) story, off screen, to the visiting merchants, if that is a thing that is happening? And a tear-jerker story about what we did for the nameless village,(spun to avoid the issue that they were unlawful runaways of course bc we never threaten authorities)
And a tear-jerker story about what we did for the nameless village,(spun to avoid the issue that they were unlawful runaways of course bc we never threaten authorities)

We could resettle them on our or Aito's land, Naruto pointed out that they ran away from their place (where they owned debt) and were living illegal, its's just a question of time until someone finds them. Hell if it's some Fire nobel they owe money we can pay him and then have them use whatever skills they have.

"She's forty-seven years old and her husband died from a beating given to him by one of the overseers in the mine when he didn't make quota.

I am sure she picked up how to deal with miners. I wonder who has a mine?