I like Ami.
I mean, she's as dangerous as a swarm of rabid cabbage. Getting deeper involved with her right now would be one of the biggest mistakes we could make.
But I like her.
Also I really wish I could sit down and have a talk with Hazou, raptor to pointy meat.
[X] Player Question: How can we get Hazou to start holding his own conversations like this?
It's really unclear what we, as players, can do to get to the point where Hazou isn't constantly on the back foot in this sort of conversation.
This even happens with Keiko, Noburi, Downfall, and others in our peer group. We end up passively listening to the other party, making a few flummoxed noises until the interaction ends, with our responses only arriving in later plans.
Presumably part of getting Hazou to the point where he isn't just a confused wallflower is XP in socials. But you all have said that plans and characterization also feed into how proactive/centered Hazou can be.
Issue is that these conversations are basically impossible to predict. There are so many things that could happen we just can't make plans which cover enough of the possibilities to be useful. We just don't have the time to write a thesis twice a week, and it's gets even worse with the word limits.
So characterization seems to change through practice and success. The more Hazou successfully deals with some situation in a plan, the better he gets at dealing with similar situations when outside of player control. Which, given that plans can't really deal with this sort of high bandwidth communication, leaves with a bit of a chicken and egg problem.
Basically, I want Hazou to be less of a doormat and don't see what us players can do to shift Hazou in that direction.
We're making good progress with opsec, by writing better plans and making fewer mistakes. I just don't see how that same sort of thing is feasible if we want Hazou to grow a spine.
Edit: To be clear this interaction fits perfectly with who Hazou is right now. I just don't know where to push to make Hazou better at this.