Dropping stuff in your vicinity is a free action. Creating Manoeuvres is a Standard action.
The thought I had was:
  • Standard Action to Sprint into the SE/SW Zone.
  • Supplemental Action to grab a fuckton of caltrops.
  • Free Action to drop some of onto our Zone.
  • Continue burning our Standard Action to move to other Zones, using Free Actions to drop caltrops as we move.
I recognize that we can't place a Maneuver but shouldn't the caltrops still have a mechanical effect on the environment (makes walking hard)?
I recognize that we can't place a Maneuver but shouldn't the caltrops still have a mechanical effect on the environment (makes walking hard)?
I'm sure they would, but think about how big an area you can cover with a free action versus the scale of the quarry. People will just walk around them or jump over them.
On that note though, I'm wondering what the QMs think about [us using technology as dangerously unpredictable as seals to modify our own chakra systems despite us having a 0 in Medical Knowledge]
I think it's a brilliant idea that can only lead to good things. You should definitely do it.

Neat, another 8 hours in my Sundays! Maybe I'll sign up for some of those classes I couldn't find time for!
I hope not. We need to watch Shikamaru in action so whoever wins our match at least has an idea what's coming for them.
But like, this x100-200?

I believe the mechanism is that the water is flash vaporized and then suddenly takes up a lot more volume, carrying the oil with it and making a pretty effective FAE.

We put ~10kg of water in the bottom of a clay pot followed by ~90kg of oil (calibrate for weight of pot, calibrate amount and ratio by trial and error). Light it on fire and seal it in a V1 macerator. I think that should be enough to create the "Deoxygenated Firestorm" aspect? I'd make a scaled up video myself for testing / demonstration but I don't know Hiding Like a Mole yet.

E: My non-physics degree brain actually thinks most of that's probably going to go up rather than out so maybe not.

Better video: this x1000.

Macerators, FAEs, and similar tricks should be off the table.

OPSEC is more important than winning right here.

But we already broke OPSEC when we used Youthenizers for display to the crowd. This is the same thing, just about 3x more energy and about 10x bigger.

E: And now I also have the image of Hazou swimming through the dirt and spouting massive fireballs like some kind of Chakra Land-Meglodon.
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Better video: this x1000.

But we already broke OPSEC when we used Youthenizers for display to the crowd. This is the same thing, just about 3x more energy and about 10x bigger.

E: And now I also have the image of Hazou swimming through the dirt and spouting massive fireballs like some kind of Chakra Land-Meglodon.

People could easily assume that whatever we did was like explosive tags and has a small upper limit on the boom. We'd rather they not find out that you can make thousand pound bombs if you really want to.
I have in fact read a ratfic where a girl with self-duplication powers does exactly this. She lives in a particularly impoverished part of a third-world country and soon grows very efficient at dismembering and cooking herself.
The mercury levels though! Also something about prions.
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But like, this x100-200?

I believe the mechanism is that the water is flash vaporized and then suddenly takes up a lot more volume, carrying the oil with it and making a pretty effective FAE.

We put ~10kg of water in the bottom of a clay pot followed by ~90kg of oil (calibrate for weight of pot, calibrate amount and ratio by trial and error). Light it on fire and seal it in a V1 macerator. I think that should be enough to create the "Deoxygenated Firestorm" aspect? I'd make a scaled up video myself for testing / demonstration but I don't know Hiding Like a Mole yet.

E: My non-physics degree brain actually thinks most of that's probably going to go up rather than out so maybe not.

I know Hazou has a lot of stuff in his scrolls, but do we actually have the amount of oil neccessary for this?
Buying that much oil might be non-trivial, especially if we want to test it out a few times before the match.
Our next opponent is, let's not kid ourselves, Shikamaru, and then either another member of ISC or (less likely) Hinata. Hazou is reduced to punching, a mobility jutsu, a sensory jutsu, and two ranged attacks. We're already seeing how hard it is to come up with any viable battle strategy in this state. Hinata and Chouji would destroy him with raw ability, since they're taijutsu specialists fighting at full strength; Shikamaru and Ino (the latter with the former's advice) would likely too.

Keiko stands a better chance of winning the entire tournament. If we, by some miracle, defeat her, we'll almost certainly be defeated by Shikamaru the very next round. Keiko maybe won't be.

But, I thought ISC was supposed to be the capture/psyops team with high socials? How could they possibly have an advantage against Goketsu "I punch like a jounin" Hazou?

But we already broke OPSEC when we used Youthenizers for display to the crowd. This is the same thing, just about 3x more energy and about 10x bigger.

If you reread that passage, it has Hazou worry whether using too many youthenizers would let ninja observe the mechanism of action and reverse-engineer Macerators from it. I don't think it's at all obvious from Hazou's use of youthenizers that they're basically storage seals full of ignited sawdust. And if we want to do the firestorm, we will absolutely need to prove that we only used storage seals to avoid disqualification.
If you reread that passage, it has Hazou worry whether using too many youthenizers would let ninja observe the mechanism of action and reverse-engineer Macerators from it. I don't think it's at all obvious from Hazou's use of youthenizers that they're basically storage seals full of ignited sawdust. And if we want to do the firestorm, we will absolutely need to prove that we only used storage seals to avoid disqualification.

What good are superweapons if you can't ever use them?

*grumble grumble*
Okay, so we should at least be able to get away with creating a massive dust cloud (with ground peppers and other irritants to distract Pangolins) using V1 macerators. This would be not too difficult to demonstrate PoC with ordinary seals if pressed (just do a lazy arc while activating a storage seal with dirt in it).

Once vision is sufficiently obscured, that would give us some leeway to cheat with a few chakra sensors together with other blindfighting techniques we've practiced. That might (?) give us enough of an edge to close and win Taijutsu versus Keiko.
Okay, so we should at least be able to get away with creating a massive dust cloud (with ground peppers and other irritants to distract Pangolins) using V1 macerators. This would be not too difficult to demonstrate PoC with ordinary seals if pressed (just do a lazy arc while activating a storage seal with dirt in it).

Once vision is sufficiently obscured, that would give us some leeway to cheat with a few chakra sensors together with other blindfighting techniques we've practiced. That might (?) give us enough of an edge to close and win Taijutsu versus Keiko.
That can be plan B. Hopefully plan A can be creating a Block against Keiko, followed by tossing her out of the arena :p
...How does that help? Anyone remotely competent will know that you can't seal seals, no?

Everybody knows that *they* shouldn't try to seal seals. That's a little different than being certain that the maniac sealmaster child of the world's greatest sealmaster hasn't figured out some way of doing it which isn't guaranteed to kill him.

For the record, I don't buy the idea that you can coat the entire arena in enough oil to pull off this inferno of death thing you're talking about. You can certainly create Aspects like "FIRE!!!", but not create massive infernoes that burn people to death.

The easiest analogy is probably boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions. This is an armored tank being tested against a holding tank filled with 5,000kg of propane. The resulting fireball alone was 100 meters wide. Producing the same effect inside the arena's volume would require less than 400kg. Of course, we'd be using liquids and propelling them with a much more powerful charge, so the coverage would be larger and the flames last longer for a similar payload.

The result doesn't have to be insta-kill. Just producing flame and smoke sufficient to render the arena a two or three shifts-per-turn environment would force the competition to leave instead of standing there and frying.

An example closer to our scale and using a liquid fuel:

Quick question, correct me if this sounds retarded but I was thinking back on the sealing chakra issue. I know that Kagome outright said it's insane and can't be done but the thing is that the tailed beasts were all sealed despite being beings of pure chakra given form and minds. So I was thinking that it's not necessarily that it can't be done, it's that seal masters are treating chakra wrong. Despite being mindless, formless energy compared to the tailed beasts, the chakra should be sealed and trapped like you would a spirit/demon/tailed beast, while everyone else seems to treat chakra like you would treat an inanimate object and simply store it. I'm kind of assuming that storage and sealing are two different things in fuinjutsu. The sealing jutsu used to seal the nine tails for example would not be similar to a super charged storage seal, but rather fundamentally different with very different mechanics and principles on how it works.
Now assuming that I'm right, than we would need to focus on developing a jutsu that properly traps the chakra like an airtight barrel like prison, to properly seal it. What do you guys think?

The reason chakra storage seals don't work is that they would break the setting over their knee. As Kagome said, they're literally the very first thing every aspiring sealmaster thinks of. They're the holy grail and philosopher stone of sealing. With enough chakra a ninja doesn't need to eat, sleep, or breath. If you could give somebody like Kakashi an external chakra supply he could solo entire countries.

What handwaving ends up explaining it is up in the air, but chakra storage seals are not going to happen.

If we somehow figure out how destructive the firestorm plan actually is without testing it we shouldn't mention it to Jiraiya because it's too much like the sorts of things he warned us off from telling him or even thinking about once before. Let's just keep it in our pocket for a real emergency if we ever get desperate and need to kill Zabuza or something.

If we do test it first, we're probably going to have to claim it was a sealing failure to cover it up, because the whole city is going to see it.

As for beating Keiko, I thought the consensus of a while back was that she was severely vulnerable to just being bum rushed and punched in the face?

Jiraiya warned us against city-busters. This is basically a scaled-up implementation of an inferior-in-every-way knock-off of something we already make and even already used in the tournament simply as a boast. The, "fill a storage seal with flammable stuff and blow it up", TECHINT cat is already well out of the bag, if it was ever in there to begin with.

So, how do we get a lot of fate points quickly, or get Keiko to use hers?

Re-invoke "open mouth, insert foot", reschedule the Ami date for earlier, and invite Keiko.

I know Hazou has a lot of stuff in his scrolls, but do we actually have the amount of oil neccessary for this?
Buying that much oil might be non-trivial, especially if we want to test it out a few times before the match.

This is the capital harbor and presumably primary shipyard of the world's premier maritime power. They are going to have oodles of fish oil, whale oil, vegetable oil, tar, pitch, tallow, varnish, and booze. If we need filler we can produce woodflour or charcoal dust at rates measured in hundreds of tons per hour.
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With enough chakra a ninja doesn't need to eat, sleep, or breath. If you could give somebody like Kakashi an external chakra supply he could solo entire countries.
Where, uh, are you getting these from? I haven't heard anything about chakra alleviating human needs and while Kakashi is really powerful I don't think he can simply stomp a bunch of S-rankers if he had more chakra.
What good are superweapons if you can't ever use them?

*grumble grumble*

We'll use it when we actually need to kill people. Knowing our QMs, that shouldn't be too far off in the future.

And I don't know about you, but I feel a smug cleverness whenever we use a Macerator to achieve some kind of unusual effect (like the alcohol mist during the fourth event), and the ninja world is left to wonder what kind of rare jutsu that is, when in fact all it takes is a storage seal modification any proficient sealmaster should be able to pull off. They literally have all the pieces needed, we use it right in front of their eyes, and yet it eludes them. Suckers.
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Jiraiya warned us against city-busters. This is basically a scaled-up implementation of an inferior-in-every-way knock-off of something we already make and even already used in the tournament simply as a boast. The, "fill a storage seal with flammable stuff and blow it up", TECHINT cat is already well out of the bag, if it was ever in there to begin with.
It is not? Like, they (likely) have no idea how youthenizers work.
Step 2: Goodbye Pangolin friend.
  • (Standard) Athletics: Surface and then dive back down at the end of your turn. If this is too low, use a supplemental to dive down and only use one bomb.
  • (Supplemental x 1-2) Activate bomb(s)
  • (Free) Drop the bomb(s)in between surfacing/returning. Don't forget to breathe.
Hazou: *to crowd* "I've discovered the pangolins' weakness."
Foreign Kage: "What is it?"
Hazou: "Point blank annihilation." *dives back underground*

I'm kind of iffy about fighting the tunneling murderbeasts using tunneling.
What handwaving ends up explaining it is up in the air, but chakra storage seals are not going to happen.
How about "it doesn't work that way, because chakra is not a thing that can be stored, in much the same way that you cannot store time"?

(And, because I know my audience:
No, slowing time down from certain reference frames by way of speed or gravity is nothing like storing it for later use.)