I'd start testing with the following version:
- Based on the air filter seal
- Will calibrate over a few days, captures range of blood pressure. During resting and exertion.
- Slowly stores blood (one tsp per day?) As long as BP is in the upper half of the observed range.
- When BP is less than 50 percent of the lowest observed during that period, slowly release blood back into the body.
With some eventual goals:
- Etched/embedded into the bone at the base of arms and legs, near major arteries and veins.
- Pulls from arteries, releases into both arteries and veins.
- Version for use in neck that can see large amount, releases into arteries, and can pump blood if it's not moving enough.
- Version that can filter common poisons (from a blacklist) from blood.
Can we get someone (a tailor?) to prototype adding these to an otherwise standard ninja uniform? Also an undershirt.
It would just be adding a cinch near base of the arms and legs.