I feel like you've suddenly become very frustrated and hostile, and I don't understand the reasoning behind that. I'm sorry for upsetting you.
FMPOV You are indicating that you actually think that doing it your way is preferential to the other way, and would stand a chance of working.
Okay, why?
I don't see the reasoning behind this. This signals to me that we're actually just trying to put some nice touchy feely words and hope that it works out. That's more of a meme-vote than not. I would most prefer we take this seriously if we are spending an update on it.
Like, probability >99% that this is going to fail regardless, right?
I hope that we're all aware of the danger here.
@Velorien is going to have Hazou's mind sundered beneath the weight of at least Jiraiya, and likely Keiko as well. OOC I think thats whats most likely to happen.
In the likely case that this all goes to hell, well, do you want Hazou to try to project happy feelings at the Murderchild and hope it goes well?
ME: I thought we were trying to make him
less socially oblivious, though? Is this going to help with that?
I would rather he go down fighting with some DETERMINATION. Although HOPES and DREAMS intent would be swell too.
Even if he doesn't have much in the way of that, well, Will of Fire right? Now is as good a time as any to start.
As an aside: While I am not at all upset, I am a bit annoyed (Aside: Is "take annoyance" a thing? You can take offense at something, can you take annoyance at something? Peculiarities of language.) at the remark above. While obviously not ill-intentioned "I'm sorry for upsetting you." can come across as quite dismissive if presented in a vacuum while addressing a large pile of text. I am a big boy and can manage my own emotions just fine, please and thank you. Don't you worry