[X] Action Plan: Getting a Clue
Adhoc vote count started by Dissonance on Sep 13, 2018 at 11:46 PM, finished with 219 posts and 22 votes.
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@eaglejarl Do we need to explain the idea for Shadow Clone farms in the plan or have we talked about them enough in thread for Hazou to explain it as part of the idea to Jiraiya?
Would a grant be a sufficient bribe? :p
Sure. Go for it.

What are the requirements for being considered a regular? :D
Active participation in the thread and consistent voting for at least two months. :p

Do you accept omake as bribes? 2 is infeasible. 3 is annoying.

You know the sort of professor who's very into their work, and continues excitedly describing the minutia of their research long past the point where their listener's eyes have glazed over? Or who has a weird thing about keeping snakes as pets, and carries pictures of their favourite snakes around in their wallet to show people like a new mother carrying around pictures of their baby? I was imagining something like that. On balance, it's probably still not a great idea, but it's less dangerous than "Open Mouth, Insert Foot".
I'm still failing to see how this represents a major source of trouble.

What about a compulsive need to make lists? That could come up frequently but be unlikely to make any horrible enemies.
In what way would this actually impact his life?

If we really wanted a new trouble, I do have one to suggest that would be approximately as impactful, and true to Hazou's character: Savior Syndrome.
That would fit well, actually. Which is not to say that I'm onboard with changing his Trouble, just that this would be better than the other, not-terribly-troublesome, Troubles that have been suggested. :p

One thing to the QMs, if you're concerned: I didn't vote for MadScientist's plan in adversarial reaction to the troubles Hazou faced this update. I voted for it both because I believe it would be a fun scene to write, and because I've long-term wanted to work on fixing Hazou's OPSEC problems and this seems like an opportune time to start working on that.

Have you put much thought towards how Aspects might change? If Hazou is meant to overcome his OPSEC Trouble and adopt another one, would he be narratively modeled as having a half-narrative-strength version of both for a little while before formally making the shift, or something?
He would shift slowly from one to the other over time, and at some point we would change his sheet.

Hi, I am new as well and would like to become a regular in order to help with Hazou's issue.

So, I get that tearing up the note was supposed to be like "the thing you're saying is invalid", but it does seem kinda callous to just tear up something she put that much work into? Idk, it just doesn't "read right" to me.

I think maybe in a more confident and less touch-phobic person it would've been "rip up -> kiss Tenten", rather than kissing the paper and ripping it, which feels more ambiguous. Luckily Tenten probably reads this a lot more clearly than I do :p
My reading was "I love you and words are not needed between us."
@eaglejarl Do we need to explain the idea for Shadow Clone farms in the plan or have we talked about them enough in thread for Hazou to explain it as part of the idea to Jiraiya?
The idea is "we get a zoo of chakra beasts that Noburi drains in order to keep us all topped up so we can make lots of Shadow Clones so we can train really fast." Right?
The idea is "we get a zoo of chakra beasts that Noburi drains in order to keep us all topped up so we can make lots of Shadow Clones so we can train really fast." Right?
Yeah, basically. There might be quibbles here or there -- having the zoo underground in the Forest of Death if it's not allowed in Leaf proper, or just training there or in the Swamp of Death (morbid as that might be) and using the overabundance of chakra beasts to keep topped up if a zoo is unworkable for some reason, but you've got the idea.
[X] Continue the plan
[X] Action Plan: Getting a Clue

I would prefer we just keep going and not dive further into shenanigan-land, but of the other options this seems the best (and the least meta; it feels weird to try to manipulate Hazou into acting towards a goal he literally doesn't know exists). Him bringing up the odd talk they had makes the most sense.
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Well, it's now official: MfD is nothing more than a romantic comedy.
>romantic comedy

Two things that should never be together in long periods of time.

Comedy and romance together in small doses it can be ok to great.

but being the main thing? Otter Gutter trash. I got better things to do than to wait 50+ chapters of bullshit and coincidences only for some surprising shitty ending to a shitty story that makes it even shittier. I expect the GM's to string this along for the next 3 to 6 months tops.

Romantic Comedy is dead and they beating it dead body to the point it become paste so that it can be used as fertilizer...only for the plants it used on to be infested with bugs and disease and throw into a furnace.

Said Furnace burns down on itself and there was nothing but ash.

If I had to pick between Romantic Comedy and NTR, I choose NTR.

...I guess that why I get so mad over this. Too much wasted time over shitty stories I keep giving the benefit of the doubt.

Why can't we have a normal relationship without the insane crazy drama? Is it too much to ask from SV? How long were they in a relationship anyway? A week or a month? Did they even go out on a date?
>romantic comedy

Two things that should never be together in long periods of time.

Comedy and romance together in small doses it can be ok to great.

but being the main thing? Otter Gutter trash. I got better things to do than to wait 50+ chapters of bullshit and coincidences only for some surprising shitty ending to a shitty story that makes it even shittier. I expect the GM's to string this along for the next 3 to 6 months tops.

Romantic Comedy is dead and they beating it dead body to the point it become paste so that it can be used as fertilizer...only for the plants it used on to be infested with bugs and disease and throw into a furnace.

Said Furnace burns down on itself and there was nothing but ash.

If I had to pick between Romantic Comedy and NTR, I choose NTR.

...I guess that why I get so mad over this. Too much wasted time over shitty stories I keep giving the benefit of the doubt.

Why can't we have a normal relationship without the insane crazy drama? Is it too much to ask from SV? How long were they in a relationship anyway? A week or a month? Did they even go out on a date?

Two things.

1) Hazō and Akane started dating nearly two RL years ago (and seven months in-story). Since then, there have been around half a dozen scenes that made more than a passing reference to their relationship, four of them in the last three months. Go ahead, count them. The Story-Only thread is right over there. If this is your definition of a romantic comedy or an overdone running gag, then frankly I have little further interest in your opinion on the subject.

2) This quest's community is characterised, among other things, by the courtesy and respect with which those within it interact with each other, as well as a capacity for carefully-phrased constructive criticism and negotiation which allows people to resolve their conflicts like adults.

I don't say this often (I'm fact, I've never said it before), but if you're so fed up with this quest that it drives you to aggressive foul-mouthed ranting, then you know where to find the "close tab" button.

Edit: Actually might be a good idea anyway. Looking at your posts in this thread (Thread Tools at the top of the page -> Who Replied, for anyone interested), it seems like you only post here when you're angry or upset about something.
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lol, get "boom, squish'd"

Seal idea:

Gravity Seal

When activated, everything within X distance is affected by Y amounts of gravity towards/away from the seal for Z duration.

(Put it on top of a rock and watch the rock zoom into the stratosphere)
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If a character can have a personality trait without it being an aspect, and personality traits aren't necessarily double-edged swords in the way that aspects necessarily are, then we should just drop the aspect and deal with the loss of FP and loss of ability to invoke on sincerity, and have Hazou work on growing past the unempathetic part of the aspect without losing the sincerity.
We can talk about it as much as we want but I don't see the QMs dropping the trouble simply because it inconveniences us. That's the whole point of having a trouble.
If a character can have a personality trait without it being an aspect, and personality traits aren't necessarily double-edged swords in the way that aspects necessarily are, then we should just drop the aspect and deal with the loss of FP and loss of ability to invoke on sincerity, and have Hazou work on growing past the unempathetic part of the aspect without losing the sincerity.

To be fair, part of the issue with this Aspect in particular is that it's Hazou's Trouble - the Aspect most likely to get him in said trouble, and deliberately slanted towards the problematic side of things. Basically everyone has some feature of their lives that causes them problems some time or another, and thus everyone must have a Trouble Aspect; most Aspects don't need to be quite so double-edged/negative (look at Promising Sealing Student, for example). So, it needs to be replaced with something that'll actively cause him problems now and then.

Of those I've seen suggested, something like Hero Complex seems to fit how he's been characterized best while still providing hooks for him to cause himself trouble with - I have the impression that the people who aren't happy with the current situation would prefer him to be causing himself trouble on ethical grounds, as opposed to now where it feels more like a competence issue? Make it feel more like he's making poor life choices to get himself in hot water, rather than just screwing up?
I mostly just want to bash Hazou over the head with "Action Plan: Realise Akane Broke Up With You, Settle on Just Being a Good Friend to Her and Try to Move On" with no accompanying text.

How many votes would we need to get for that to end this stupid and frustrating subplot? 10? 20? 30? I think I can rally thirty people to vote for this if need be.

Really tho, It shouldn't be too hard to have them sit down and talk it out like normal people now that everyone has had time to cool off. If Akane is truly serious about breaking up I will... uhh....... Something Something relationship advice in Kagome?