...Goddammit, the "Spend ten minutes thinking about how she feels" segment of the plan got removed at some point.
If we have to preface every social interaction with "Hazou stares at the clouds and contemplates how the incoming conversation could be botched." , I'm just not going to make plans where we do social stuff anymore.
I don't think it's simulationist for Hazō to overcome his current flaw and then be saddled with a new one automatically.
Hi, I am new as well and would like to become a regular in order to help with Hazou's issue.
I'm actually pretty sure Lee is doing the homo-eroticism thing entirely on purpose. He rolled pretty high on deception back before the great re-balancing, suggesting a decent level of competence, and the homo-eroticism is way too consistent to be accidental.

Well, I guess Gai was just fucking around with everyone afterall.

Well, we will until we change his Trouble.
Not really. I suppose it would be easier if we just hash out a SOP section with a few bullets of "Maintain OPSEC." "Think for a few minutes before engaging with people socially." etc.

Hi, I am new as well and would like to become a regular in order to help with Hazou's issue.
I'm dying.
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Well, I guess Gai was just fucking around with everyone afterall.

Not really. I suppose it would be easier if we just hash out a SOP section with a few bullets of "Maintain OPSEC." "Think for a few minutes before engaging with people socially." etc.

The thing is, I don't see Gai doing this at all. It's just Lee. And Lee is the dumbass who encouraged Neji to assault the proctor HQ, so I don't see him being a mastermind. Maybe Gai told him to act this way...? I think he really might just be doing it accidentally.
Noburi can do all this go away by telling hazo, but it's too fun for him.
Noburi doesn't know, at least not for sure. He's only working with the information that Hazō gave him, which is missing a fair amount of context for why Akane would react so badly to this particular mistake.

Have you put much thought towards how Aspects might change? If Hazou is meant to overcome his OPSEC Trouble and adopt another one, would he be narratively modeled as having a half-narrative-strength version of both for a little while before formally making the shift, or something?
We haven't discussed this properly, but I imagine it would have to be done gradually so as to avoid a jarring character shift. We'd also have to consider the positive side of the Trouble, currently "Invoke when Hazō's painful sincerity melts a cynic's heart". If Hazō permanently removes his foot from his mouth, should he also lose the power to move people with unfiltered sincerity?
Are you sure that Hazō used to be somewhat good at dealing with people?

What about the damn teachers who kept sending Hazō to detention?

There are multiple ways to be socially competent, and it's more than just a binary of "good with people" or "not good with people". Hazou was never really "good with people", put broadly. But he could see people's emotional problems coming and preempt them, and he never had a particularly hard problem understanding them. The keystone of his character has always been the same, but his general level of competence has gone from "performs fine if he's paying attention, pays attention when it's important, isn't particularly unobservant" to "can barely stick to a social plan without screwing it up, needs to put all of his effort into just not being a social dumpster fire, socially blind".

Hazou's performance at social stuff was never particularly consistent, but the mean of his performance changed drastically.

That type of problem with stupid authority has always been entirely in-character. The difference is, if early-quest Hazou was constantly getting detention, he would realize that maybe his instructors didn't like him constantly asking questions. He would keep doing it because the obvious mistakes frustrated him, he had a hard time not occasionally speaking up, and he thought pointing out the mistakes was important. Present Hazou might just not realize that a personal dislike was forming at all, and take the instructors at their word when they said he was being removed for "being disruptive to the learning environment."
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I mean... as far as "melts a cynic's heart with painful sincerity goes", it could have just as well applied to the conversation with Keiko as an invocation instead of a compel.
The way we should turn Neji is by having him become disillusioned with the Hyūga clan. Make seem like we are the only people who respect him. If we are being great buddies with Hinata it eliminates that line. We'd be giving up securing Neji as a minion that way.

You have to think of this like High School. Trying to befriend the popular kids means you won't be best friends with the goths

Do you really think Hazou can actually "turn" or "seduce" anyone, as he is right now? That's just a bit ridiculous in my view. I think you've been listening to Keiko a bit too much, with the talk about minions and whatnot. Not every relationship need be one of undisputed dominance of one party over another. Especially given that there's no indication that Neji's situation is at all similar to canon, or that he resents his clan.

I just want Hazou to be friendly and get along with people, be they clanless ninja, lower status clan prodigies like Neji, or heirs like Hinata. We don't have to become best friends with all of them, but hanging out with Neji definitely does not demand that we actively snub Hinata.

EAGLEJARL AND VELORIEN, IN UNISON: All according to keikaku.
Honestly, I find this a little unsimulationist. Real personality traits don't require a positive and negative aspect. It should be possible to be sincere without that causing you to also be unempathetic/emotionally-unhealthy/whatever. I know it's a feature of the system, but it bugs me.
That said... I'm mildly uncomfortable with how... blame-y I feel that I'm seeming right now, so I'd like to apologize if I've given any indication as such.

Honestly, I find this a little unsimulationist. Real personality traits don't require a positive and negative aspect. It should be possible to be sincere without that causing you to also be unempathetic/emotionally-unhealthy/whatever. I know it's a feature of the system, but it bugs me.
Well, that's a personality trait, not an aspect. Aspects are specifically chosen personality traits that do have both positive and negative sides.
Honestly, I find this a little unsimulationist. Real personality traits don't require a positive and negative aspect. It should be possible to be sincere without that causing you to also be unempathetic/emotionally-unhealthy/whatever. I know it's a feature of the system, but it bugs me.
Meh. I accept this mechanical solution to something that would be otherwise overwhelmingly difficult to do.

This particular Trouble is the annoying thing. I would much rather have Hero Complex or something since it would usually end up being less orthogonal to us in conversational situations.
"Not at all. Why, she's right over there!" Gai pointed to the shadow of the trees at the edge of the Training Grounds, where Tenten was receiving some kind of nondescript bag from Akane while bowing repeatedly. Curious.
God fucking damnit @Velorien. :lol:rofl:

How did you sneak so many jokes into this one?