Yeah, 100 seals a month doesn't seem excessive to me. You can knock that out in a few days.

As for why the Merchant's Council is involved in the selling of weapons to ninja, here's my Marvel No-Prize explanation. This is work that the Tower off-loaded onto the Merchant's Council as a burden to them.

See, if the MC didn't exist then the Tower would have to do all the work of getting together the paperwork to register a new sealmaster, copy it into all the appropriate records, etc. But since the MC wants to be responsible for registering ninja powers for civilian use, they also get this dumped on them. Even though it doesn't benefit them in any way or make them any profit. Just a little "fuck you" from the Tower to move some workload off their always busy personnel.
If I can spend 20 hours a MONTH sealing, and 12.5 of those hours goes to some stupid quota for my homelands military (of which I am a part of and possibly have even benefited from), and the other 7.5 hours worth of seals(90 seals to be precise) gets me more money than any single one of my comrades could have earned that month from their salary (or in some cases,1-2 years of salary if they are of Genin rank), then I would sign up for that shit so fast you would think I was the Yellow Flash doing ninja coffee with Akimichi stimulants mixed in.
Yep. It's a little different for the Goketsu though. Most sealmasters probably spend all day sealing, it's literally the only work-type thing they have to do. We on the other hand, also do missions, politics, Uplift, and various other things that require our time. Furthermore, most sealmasters don't need a lot of money. They need enough for one family to be stupendously rich. We need quite a bit more. This is a great setup for any normal person who survives becoming a sealmaster, but it might be slightly less optimal for us.
Yep. It's a little different for the Goketsu though. Most sealmasters probably spend all day sealing, it's literally the only work-type thing they have to do. We on the other hand, also do missions, politics, Uplift, and various other things that require our time. Furthermore, most sealmasters don't need a lot of money. They need enough for one family to be stupendously rich. We need quite a bit more. This is a great setup for any normal person who survives becoming a sealmaster, but it might be slightly less optimal for us.
Most sealmasters are probably the second cousin of some rich and established clan head to be honest.
Most sealmasters are probably the second cousin of some rich and established clan head to be honest.
Good point, although now I'm wondering why they bother with becoming sealmasters in the first place, when they could instead be rich off of being related to a clan head? Most clans don't make their money off of sealing, they have businesses and missions.

Although yes, clan sealmasters probably have to give a lot of their seals to the clan.

I would suggest that most sealmasters start as low ranking clan ninja. Not rich in the slightest, but connected enough that if they express interest in becoming a sealmaster their clan head will joyfully find someone to train them and rub their grubby little paws together as the clan gets a source of free explosives, assuming the kid survives of course. But hey, if he dies it's just some branch member. Those die every few weeks.
Yeah, 100 seals a month doesn't seem excessive to me. You can knock that out in a few days.

As for why the Merchant's Council is involved in the selling of weapons to ninja, here's my Marvel No-Prize explanation. This is work that the Tower off-loaded onto the Merchant's Council as a burden to them.

See, if the MC didn't exist then the Tower would have to do all the work of getting together the paperwork to register a new sealmaster, copy it into all the appropriate records, etc. But since the MC wants to be responsible for registering ninja powers for civilian use, they also get this dumped on them. Even though it doesn't benefit them in any way or make them any profit. Just a little "fuck you" from the Tower to move some workload off their always busy personnel.

I just want to go on record as actually really liking (in a worldbuilding sense, not in a "I'm glad it works this way" sense) this explanation.
Yep. It's a little different for the Goketsu though. Most sealmasters probably spend all day sealing, it's literally the only work-type thing they have to do. We on the other hand, also do missions, politics, Uplift, and various other things that require our time. Furthermore, most sealmasters don't need a lot of money. They need enough for one family to be stupendously rich. We need quite a bit more. This is a great setup for any normal person who survives becoming a sealmaster, but it might be slightly less optimal for us.

Better doorknockers presumably command better money. Kagome's implosion seals are so impressive that Jiraiya bought a batch in preparation for an S-class throwdown even before he realized that they had proximity detectors built in. God Breaking Wind and Emerald City seals would likely also command a premium.
Both of those jobs require a large investment of time, and yet he's expected to make hundreds of seals for the village every month?
I believe that it was specified that Jiraiya was exempt from this, due to serving the village exactly by being the Hokage.

Also, regarding the tax not making sense, here's a possible explanation:

Leaf wants sealmasters, yes. But they primarily want sealmasters because they want seals for their ninja. Now, if they didn't have something like this, what might happen might be that the clans basically decided that they'd rather have their sealmasters work on super-secret projects and then claim "clan secrets" and say that no, the rest of the village aren't allowed these new tools, or only if they pay exorbitant prices for them, and a bunch of other conditions. Oh, and also produce things like explosive seals, but only for intra-clan trading, which neither the MC nor the Hokage would be likely to mess with.

What would then happen would be that there'd be a hole in the market, and somebody would of course try to fill it out. Either a clan wanting money, or just a clanless ninja actually managing to become a sealmaster, and deciding that hey, spending every hours or the day making explosive or storage seals isn't that bad, when you can live nicely for it.

However, I imagine that most sealmasters would rather not do tasks like making explosive tags, probably considering it a waste of their talents, and would much rather try to make something that comes close to the sheer awesomeness of our inventions.

So let's say that of the 30 sealmasters we have in Leaf... let's say that two thirds of these would be clan ninja. Of these twenty, let's say that fifteen of those are influential enough to tell the clan that they'll do a bare minimum of "menial sealwork", but no more. Five would be more junior sealmasters, and be willing/bullied into making lots of "simple" seals - enough to exceed the clan's internal demands - and then sold out on the open market.

Now, let's look at the ten clanless sealmasters. I imagine that half would fall into the category of "screw you, I want to research, not make seals that I could make in my sleep", as I imagine that clanless ninja who manage to become sealmasters have some measure of financial independence already, so some of them would rather spend their time doing interesting research, and maybe occasionally making some "menial" seals and selling them if they're in a financial pinch.

For the remaining five, let's say that two are affiliated with organizations that have significant internal demands of their own - ANBU, possibly T&I - which would leave us with just three clanless sealmasters who reliably sells on the open market.

That way, the entire need for "standard" seals among the ninja forces would have to be met by something like eight to ten sealmasters. However, this would a) mean that the clans would, if they wanted, be able to hike the prices significantly, simply by withholding their own seals, b) disadvantage clanless ninja even more, as there are said to be clans without sealmasters, who would likely be willing to shell out significantly more than the average clanless ninja, c) possibly cause market to fluctuate severely, as eight to ten people could easily mean that some act of god happenstance might see several of them incapacitated, or end up producing more/less than their average, and d) actively encourage the clans actually selling to the open market to wage economic warfare against the clanless sealmasters.

There's probably more points that could be made by following this train of thought, as well as plenty of holes, but it's getting a bit late for me, so I'll just leave it here.
Good point, although now I'm wondering why they bother with becoming sealmasters in the first place, when they could instead be rich off of being related to a clan head? Most clans don't make their money off of sealing, they have businesses and missions.

Although yes, clan sealmasters probably have to give a lot of their seals to the clan.

I would suggest that most sealmasters start as low ranking clan ninja. Not rich in the slightest, but connected enough that if they express interest in becoming a sealmaster their clan head will joyfully find someone to train them and rub their grubby little paws together as the clan gets a source of free explosives, assuming the kid survives of course. But hey, if he dies it's just some branch member. Those die every few weeks.

In my imagination, every ninja student is an aspiring sealmaster for about two weeks in the same way that every teen used to be an aspiring guitarist for about two weeks.

Then the vast majority of them learn they find calligraphy boring and difficult, they don't have the memory or knack for the required math, and that it's a finicky, dangerous skill that could take years to get good at. Or they could go outside and learn other ninja skills that are much more fun and physically active as opposed to sitting on their ass all day worrying about safety precautions.

Prediction: Shikamaru knows Sealing, but he tells no one, brags about it never, and lies that he's 'playing shogi' or 'being lazy' when called on to explain where he's been for hours at a time.
EDIT: Now that you read it, it's so obviously true, isn't it?
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We should spend some time to train up some more leaf sealmasters. It it likely to bring the tax down. Also we might even be able to sell the time spent against the quota.
What the what now seals?

Mix sand, iron, and excess charcoal powder in a crucible. Heat as hot as you can get it and ignite. The sand and iron melt and the carbon dissolves in the iron where it reduces the sand to elemental silicon which mixes with iron. Seal the result in a misterator. Out spews a cloud of molten ferrosilicon propelled by the combustion of the residual carbon. The aerosol of ferrosilicon burns, producing ultrahot ferrosilicate glass vapor which evenly condenses on everything nearby, instantly cooking and encasing it in ominously glowing green glass.

Speak to the porcelain artisans. They smelt bones with charcoal to produce calcium phosphide, which reacts with moisture to produce phosphine gas, which is extremely poisonous, autoignites, and reacts with more moisture to produce a thick cloud of choking phosphoric acid. Store the calcium phosphide under carbon disulfide, which will burn to propel the mix and add sulfuric acid to the resulting cloud.
Word Count: 358
[X] Action Plan: That Very Same Day


  • Talk to Keiko about Pangolins
    • CCnJ:
      • Hazou is glad she brought this up (it was worse than we imagined) and wants to make progress on it.
      • He understands that she may not want to talk about it, but has some suggestions that need discussing.
      • It was Hazou's idea to trade for Skytowers, so he feels personally responsible.
      • Regardless he's here for her if she needs support.
    • Keiko is right: we need to stop digging.
    • We want to bring the issue of the Pangolins up to Jiraiya at dinner(See below)
      • Remember: last time we had an issue with them he solved it quickly and to our satisfaction.

  • Train with Team Gai.
    • Goals: Socialize, Train
    • Gai-sensei runs us ragged, in the name of YOUTH!


  • Talk with Jiraiya
    • Pangolins
      • Goals:
        • Primary:Stop the Pangolins from committing more genocide and slavery.
        • Secondary: Slow them down.
      • Summarize main problems
        • We do not agree with their behavior
        • Encourages backlash of anti-Pangolin alliance coming for Keiko.
        • Shatters OPSEC on Skytowers.
        • Politically destabilizing
      • Analyze the situation
        • Is this likely one or two zealots in Pangolin High Command?
        • How much of this is Pantsaa?
        • Is this normal for summon clans?
          • What do the Toads think? (Especially about the Condor situation).
      • Solutions:
        • Leverage: We supply Skytowers.
        • Direct influence from Keiko as a prominent figure in their society.
        • Pressure from the Toads?

Non-essential but desired (off screen/OOC infodump, maybe?) :

  • We were promised "some tricks", we'd like to discuss possibilities within the next day.
  • Shadow Clones
    • We suspect the Shadow Clones transfer memories (Itachi vs Naruto).
    • Can we learn this, and use it for better training over the break?
    • Noburi's bloodline and recharging gives effectively massive chakra reserves.
  • Ask Mari for summary of financial situation
  • Check in on seal licenses: did the Merchant council approve Hazou and Kagome?
  • Tournament betting with Mist Yakuza?
    • Should we do a handful of missions to get more seed money for this?
  • Hazou and Kagome research Casino seals
  • Hazou gives Jiraiya an organized packet of seal blanks for every seal he's ever seen (with any supporting background info).
  • Hazou makes explosive tags and storage seals

I mean... it looks pretty good to me :p. Maybe put "optimistic" or "encouraging" before the "Reminder: [Jiraiya fixed things before]" bit? I think that's how that bit was supposed to come off, but can imagine it being misinterpreted. Perhaps make it "we'd like to discuss possibilities within the next day or so" for the jutsu stuff, more flexible wording making it less likely to come off as demand-ish?
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I mean... it looks pretty good to me :p. Maybe put "optimistic" or "encouraging" before the "Reminder: [Jiraiya fixed things before]" bit? I think that's how that bit was supposed to come off, but can imagine it being misinterpreted. Perhaps make it "we'd like to discuss possibilities within the next day or so" for the jutsu stuff, more flexible wording making it less likely to come off as demand-ish?
Yeah, fixed.

Also removed:

Casino seals (there isnt enough time to get any significant research done in between dinner and bed IMO)
Asking about sealing license.

Changed and bolded:

"Hazou spends any free time making explosive tags and storage seals"

Word Count: 338
[X] Action Plan: That Very Same Day


  • Talk to Keiko about Pangolins
    • CCnJ:
      • Hazou is glad she brought this up (it was worse than we imagined) and wants to make progress on it.
      • He understands that she may not want to talk about it, but has some suggestions that need discussing.
      • It was Hazou's idea to trade for Skytowers, so he feels personally responsible.
      • Regardless he's here for her if she needs support.
    • Keiko is right: we need to stop digging.
    • We want to bring the issue of the Pangolins up to Jiraiya at dinner(See below)
      • (Encouraging) Remember: last time we had an issue with them he solved it quickly and to our satisfaction.

  • Train with Team Gai.
    • Goals: Socialize, Train
    • Gai-sensei runs us ragged, in the name of YOUTH!


  • Talk with Jiraiya
    • Pangolins
      • Goals:
        • Primary:Stop the Pangolins from committing more genocide and slavery.
        • Secondary: Slow them down.
      • Summarize main problems
        • We do not agree with their behavior
        • Encourages backlash of anti-Pangolin alliance coming for Keiko.
        • Shatters OPSEC on Skytowers.
        • Politically destabilizing
      • Analyze the situation
        • Is this likely one or two zealots in Pangolin High Command?
        • How much of this is Pantsaa?
        • Is this normal for summon clans?
          • What do the Toads think? (Especially about the Condor situation).
      • Solutions:
        • Leverage: We supply Skytowers.
        • Direct influence from Keiko as a prominent figure in their society.
        • Pressure from the Toads?

Non-essential but desired (off screen/OOC infodump, maybe?) :


  • We were promised "some tricks", we'd like to discuss possibilities.
  • Shadow Clones
    • We suspect the Shadow Clones transfer memories (Itachi vs Naruto).
    • Can we learn this, and use it for better training over the break?
    • Noburi's bloodline and recharging gives effectively massive chakra reserves.
  • Ask Mari for summary of financial situation.
  • Tournament betting with Mist Yakuza?
    • Should we do a handful of missions to get more seed money for this?
  • Hazou gives Jiraiya an organized packet of seal blanks for every seal he's ever seen (with any supporting background info).
  • Hazou spends any free time making explosive tags and storage seals