In this fantasy world of knights, dragons, and magic, whenever anyone dies they inevitably rise from the dead after a few days to feed upon the living. However, while bearing superficial similarities to the zombies and other undead we are all used to, these undead cannot be put down by an arrow to the head or a sword to the gut. Cut them into pieces, and the pieces will keep attacking. Feed them to the birds, and you'll soon have bloated, undead birds coming after you. Cremate the bodies, and undead clouds of ash will shortly be preying upon the living.
In this world, there are only two ways for the dead to find peace. The first is a relatively new invention, some kind of magical wards which shut out the evil power that animates these undead. These wards can be set up over an area, and are commonly used on graveyards. The second is much older, and is known as the Gravediggers, or the Keepers of the Grey.
Keepers of the Grey are a line of people that wander the world, and possess magic which allows them to 'pyre' dead bodies and undead, burning them to ash and preventing them from preying upon the living. In doing so, the Keeper gains some of the memories from the dead person's life, granting them new knowledge and skills in the process.
You are Lirra, a Keeper of the Grey. Having lost your mentor to a plague, you were left completely alone in the world. HOWEVER, you decided that unlike most Keepers, you would not simply wander the world alone until you found an apprentice and finally, finally could die. You want friends, and by golly, you are going to find friends! To that end, you found yourself at Merek'Norr, an academy for aspiring heroes. Here you will find friends and train to be noble adventurer, but take heed. The academy is not for the faint of heart, it is all to easy to lose a friend, or even your own life, to a twist of fate, or a wrong decision. Here, your story begins.