Well, that one post definitely did not imply anything unpleasant.
Let's get more pessimistic, then. Three Mist squads cheated: Nonsense-1, Nonsense-2, and Nonsense-3, or NS-1, NS-2, NS-3 for short.
Event 2: They were given glowing seals in advance. It could go arbitrarily high really, but we'll assume that it's 200 per teammate.
Event 3: NS-1 placed right behind us (314 points), NS-2 and NS-3 right behind ISC (298).
Event 4: They were given full information on all contestants. Team Kurenai has "highest scoring individual" at "more than 200", so they received 299 for this event.
NS-1 had 200+314+299 = 813 points, NS-2 and NS-3 had 797 points.
Our E5R1 team didn't include anyone from Mist; let's assume Shikamaru's Blue Team included NS-1. NS-2 was on Blue, NS-3 was on Red.
For E5R2, NS-3 was with us, NS-1 was with Team Kurenai, NS-2 was with nobodies. During R2, they were not imprisoned. Penalties for injures carry over.
We have 466 points currently.
NS-1 has 813+320-(6x25+3x30) = 893 points.
NS-2 has 797-225-495 = 77 points.
NS-2 has 797-495+140 = 442 points.
We're still in the tournament. If we're not in the tournament... well, I'd be very interested in how that happened. I don't think Mist would've allowed any non-Mist team receive such scores without calling them out (like they did with Leaf and Team Gensou), and there's only ten Mist contestants
left. We didn't have any Mist teammates in R1, NS-1/NS-2/NS-3 describe best possible configurations for E5 for Mist.
@faflec, can you see any way we could've still failed?