I wouldn't mind the next (Sunday) update proceeding through team introductions, so we know what we're working with.

Then - if the higher powers smile on us - Oliwhail might finally get to write some of the large scale punching during the next mid-week update.
Given that Hazou was working for a year or less before he was inventing his own seals, and the QMs say he's not valedictorian material, I'd say that the level of work required to modify pre-existing seals (eg. Casino seals to "detect all chakra molded or not") is more "high school" than "PhD".

And in the real world, you could probably have an esteemed particle physicist tutor a moderately talented but highly motivated high school kid for several hours a day, for a year, and at the end the student would likely be capable of usefully contributing to the field. That doesn't mean you can create a research institute by recruiting high school students and "training them to be experts". Or, well, you probably can, but it would be awfully inefficient.

Listen, I'm absolutely in favor of establishing some kind of Sealing research institute under Goketsu patronage. I just think it's going to take a while before it's out of the bootstrap phase and actually generates useful insights. I'd also like to slowly work our way towards it by revamping the Konoha education system as a foundation for this initiative, rather than jump straight into biosealing, which we know IC to be incredibly difficult.

Revamping the entire educational system should be relatively simple time wise.

The reason these things are hard IRL is because bureaucracy and inertia.

Leaf isn't as bureaucratic. Its a military dictatorship more or less. If we have sufficient resources, then Jiraiya orders it and we're done.

(Incidentally Tsunade would likely support the fuck out of this if we make some small portion of it Medic Nin school or something.)

This could likely all be state funded, but if not, I'm sure we can figure out something.

I don't see this being much of an issue to setup once we can firmly established in like a year or so, assuming we arent in a war and have solved the Naruto/Akatsuki problem.

You're talking about completely revamping a military organization's training system into one much more complicated and expensive, without any immediate and tangible benefit. How are you going to sell Jiraiya on this, even? We're not talking about Hazou spending time with Kagome in a sealing lab, working on another revolutionary seal, here. We're talking about the village's future security being compromised, if the whole thing fails or has unforeseen consequences.

We really need to start by adding optional tracks to the academy, and demonstrate that they're beneficial, before we even have a shot at getting a wider reform passed. Or start with a more grassroots organization without leaning on the Hokage's power, and build from there.
Konoha teach kids with addition tables, which is somewhat bizarre. So there's opportunities to fix low hanging fruits.

Also, Kagome appears to be a good teacher, especially since he keeps trying to find analogies and methods to teach his students but he also jumps around a lot.

We just need to approach education in a systematic manner, not as something teachers just do it by tradition.
You're talking about completely revamping a military organization's training system into one much more complicated and expensive, without any immediate and tangible benefit. How are you going to sell Jiraiya on this, even? We're not talking about Hazou spending time with Kagome in a sealing lab, working on another revolutionary seal, here. We're talking about the village's future security being compromised, if the whole thing fails or has unforeseen consequences.

We really need to start by adding optional tracks to the academy, and demonstrate that they're beneficial, before we even have a shot at getting a wider reform passed. Or start with a more grassroots organization without leaning on the Hokage's power, and build from there.
Adding a suite of extra mini classes for a dozen or so new genin to take after graduation and mixed in with training their sensei gives is relatively not impactful since most of these will be dead in a few years anyway statistically speaking.

(Likewise for adding an extra year or two of kindergarten type crap to be done before the academy to get everyone up to snuff on basic reading, writing and arithmetic.)

When our pile of genin have showings that are a statistical outlier from their peers (in a good way) then we have evidence to work on the next step of the revamp.

Rinse and repeat.

Now, perhaps I gave you the impression this was literally a "Jiraiya snaps his fingers and we're done." Type thing.

Not *really*, but its about that simple as far as getting new stages implemented. We wont have to spend 5 years in the interim of each stage getting every politician's secretary's monkey's uncle signature on paper and then restart the process over because our proposed budget didnt account for the seven new teachers the academy hired or some other similar inane bureaucratic bullshit.

We could probably see the actual changes start to finish over the course of about10-15 years.

(Likely sooner since we'll have probably convinced people we have a truly stupid amount of good ideas by then. Pessimism is good though.)

This is not even close to the most time consuming thing anyone in this thread has proposed by the way. This only hammers out the foundations for the start of @MadScientist 's research pipeline, as I see it. Village Hidden in the Heavens would take years to build after spending years getting a hold of resources and researching seals. Ditto for anything that requires actual sealcrafting. Ninja United Nations is also going to take decades because a) Irrational agents that hate each others guts and b) Chunin Exams sort of fill a large portion of this role already as far as I see it.

I do consider it one of the most realistic propositions as far as time, resources, and political capital.
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tutor a moderately talented but highly motivated high school kid for several hours a day, for a year

This is very much not what happened. Hazou couldn't have been spending several hours per day on sealing lessons because he was doing the various things that happened on-screen in the quest. And also studying Taijutsu, and Deceit, and all of his other ninja skills. At most, Hazou spent several hours on Sealing on some days.

And why do you think that other kids wouldn't be just as motivated to learn the mysterious secrets of Sealing from the Hokage's cousin?
And why do you think that other kids wouldn't be just as motivated to learn the mysterious secrets of Sealing from the Hokage's cousin?

I agree with this on average.

Making someone like Kiba try and learn Sealing is just plain mean though :p

All for an accelerated teaching curriculum though.

Can you imagine the Chunin exams a decade or so after implementation? Other nations will be sweating bullets.
Interlude: Revenant, Part 1
Interlude: Revenant, Part 1

He was a man without illusions.

Even here, at the end of all things, he refused to lie to himself. He would not deny the totality of his failure. He would not offer excuses or justifications. He would not conjure visions of his past or try to paint over the void with his own imagination. He had not spent his life gazing into the abyss only to flinch from the darkness now.

He could not claim to be without regrets. He had sacrificed his dreams in order to live in the real world. He had failed to save a single life. He had mastered the art of survival but never found anything worth surviving for. Still, he had his pride. He had died in battle as a true shinobi, and he had died fighting to protect his village and his lord. That was enough.

Wasn't it?

It didn't matter, he decided. Strong or weak, good or evil, proud or humble… it made no difference when the Reaper came calling. He knew that better than anyone. The choices he had made in life meant nothing now.

It was time to go. He drew his sword—his key to death's gates, his warrior's soul—and held it out as if pouring all of his will into the edge. If he was to join his honoured ancestors in the abyssal depths, he would show them he was worthy of their legacy of battle. Or if, more likely, he was to be cast down into the hells to which his countless enemies had condemned him with their dying breaths… then he would teach the fiends below what it truly meant to be a demon.

He steadied himself one last time...

Please don't go.

Nothing but that voice, so far away and yet so close, could have shaken his resolve.

Not yet. Not like this.

The warrior's soul trembled.

You can't die here!

Haku's voice was like lightning, shocking him into awareness of something that should have been obvious from the start.

Haku had died to make sure he would live. How dare he betray that gift by stoically accepting death like some grey-bearded philosopher?

His will hardened once more. If Haku was telling him to live, then he would come back to life as many times as it took. He would honour his apprentice's last request even if it meant breaking the afterlife itself.

He hefted his greatsword, the warrior's soul sharp enough to cut even death. One perfect strike, a blazing light—


Zabuza groaned as he opened his eyes only to be blinded by the morning sun.

He froze. If he'd been taken captive, showing that he was awake was a potentially deadly error. Carefully, keeping his eyes nearly closed, he scoped out the area.

A simple room with wooden walls. One window, facing east. A chair, a small desk, and a bucket of water in the corner. A single bed, which he was currently occupying. And also on that single bed… Haku?

"Good morning, Zabuza!"

A second of disorientation later, everything clicked into place. No matter how similar the voice, Haku could never have packed so much insufferability into three simple words.

"Yukino," Zabuza said steadily, his voice hoarse but surprisingly clear, "I believe I told you that if you ever tried to sneak into my bed again, I would lower you into the nearest active volcano, one inch at a time, and use the Water Element to make sure you stay alive long enough to feel your internal organs start melting."

"You mean you really do know your way around a volcano? That's so cool! Did you ever have any climactic showdowns—"

Zabuza elbowed her off the bed.

"Ow! I was only trying to share body heat," Yukino said petulantly. "In case you haven't noticed, it's winter, and you're not exactly in top shape to handle the cold.

"And anyway, I found this place, so you're the one in my bed. Do you know how many men would give…"

Zabuza tuned out Yukino's babbling. The last thing he remembered was that insane ninjutsu of Uzumaki's going through his defences like they were made of butter. But the boy had hesitated, just for a moment, as a shadow clone elsewhere unexpectedly popped. Before Uzumaki could finish him off, Zabuza had used the opening to trigger the Sleep Beneath the Snow Technique—a desperate gamble that must have saved his life. He remembered nothing after that.

"How long?" he demanded.

"How long what? How long am I going to wait for you to remember your manners and thank me for nursing you back to health?"

"How long have I been out, Yukino?" Zabuza asked impatiently.

"Oh, a few weeks. During which I selflessly looked after you twenty-four hours a day."

"A few weeks," Zabuza repeated. "What happened? Did we win?"

"Don't think so," Yukino said lightly. "Obviously, I didn't turn up until it was all over, but there was a bunch of corpses with Mist headbands, and no Leaf ones."

"Was the Mizukage dead?" Zabuza asked urgently. "A boy about your height dressed in green and grey, with a hooked staff and an awful haircut?"

Yukino shrugged. "If you ask me, they all had awful haircuts. But no, no boys, mostly just old men like you."

That didn't prove anything. Leaf could have taken the body to serve as proof that Mist had lost its Kage. Or he could have escaped the battle—unlikely, given Leaf's damned aerial superiority, but who knew what powers a jinchūriki with nothing to lose could call on? Whichever it was, Zabuza had to know. Did Mist need him back now, wounds or no wounds?

"Oh," Yukino added as if an afterthought. "There was a bunch of dead guys with no headbands at all. All built like mountains, with these crazy giant weapons lying next to them. Is that a thing missing-nin do now? Hire themselves out in great big squads?"

Zabuza frowned. A third party? That didn't make any sense. The ambush was perfect. Even if it had been a Leaf trap, how could someone completely unrelated have turned up with the perfect timing to attack the winner? And if they weren't ninja from another village, then who?

"What's the status quo? Has Leaf invaded? Is there a new Kage on either side? Tailed Beasts rampaging through the countryside?"

"Beats me. I've been hiding out in the wilderness with you in this abandoned farmstead in case your enemies try to track you down to finish the job. The only person I've talked to was the missing medic-nin I found for you, and we didn't exactly chat about current affairs."

Zabuza tensed. "You compromised this location to a missing-nin?"

"It was that or let you die. 'sides, the guy is a genius. You think it's normal for someone with wounds like yours to be, y'know, alive right now, never mind mostly healed?"

"Huh," Zabuza grunted apprehensively. "And you just happened to bump into a missing-nin this talented out in the middle of nowhere?"

Yukino looked shifty. "Not eeeexactly… I may have left you alone just for a little bit while I bargained with the yakuza in the nearest city. But civilians don't count, right?"

Yukino. Talking to the yakuza. On her own. They were so very dead.

"So they might have put me in touch with these guys who call themselves the Sacred Scions of the Superlative Serpentine Sage, and they might have offered to treat any injury in return for one teeny favour…"

Zabuza groaned again. "What teeny favour, Yukino?"

Yukino gave him an innocent smile. "Nothing special. Apparently, they want the world's greatest hunter-nin to help them track down some kind of secret organisation…"
Or have implemented it themselves. Like they've done to all the other major innovations.

People can copy ideas, true. It doesn't meant that they will necessarily not be sweating bullets.

Leaf will be the first, and they will accumulate stronger genin first, and they can keep innovating in the education space.

That is, if we all don't end up as Federation of Elemental Nations which makes this all a moot point.
I am absolutely loving this.

When the reveal breaks that Snake Uncle has been working tirelessly in the background against his former missing nin comrades for most of the story, I will be smashing that like button like a friggin whack-a-mole.
This is very good.

Zabuza is working for Oro, trying to find Akatsuki. Oro is presumably doing this either to bargain Naruto to Jiraiya, or to help J find him in exchange for whatever J offered him when they met due to the board game thing. Either way, we're more likely now to get our godbrother back.

Z isn't going to go after us anymore because Mist would never want to mess with the alliance.

Once J gets to Akatsuki he can retrieve Naruto and steal the three tails. Or just kill Yagura. Whatever. But we cannot allow Yag to take back the hat or he'll ruin everything. And guess who has first mover advantage there? That's right! J+O!
Sleep Beneath the Snow Technique

Ah, yes. The technical term for "dropping like a sack of potatoes while holding your breath in hopes that people think you died". Maybe we could appropriate this "jutsu" for our own repertoire.

Just imagine: next time we face Zabuza in a truly epic boss battle fashion, both sides will immediately drop on the floor the moment they see each other, struggling to outdo each other's feigned deaths.

E: Words are hard.
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I suppose it only makes sense that, in true shounen fashion, we will now team up with our former archnemesis to fight a greater threat together.
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This is very good.

Zabuza is working for Oro, trying to find Akatsuki. Oro is presumably doing this either to bargain Naruto to Jiraiya, or to help J find him in exchange for whatever J offered him when they met due to the board game thing. Either way, we're more likely now to get our godbrother back.

Z isn't going to go after us anymore because Mist would never want to mess with the alliance.

Once J gets to Akatsuki he can retrieve Naruto and steal the three tails. Or just kill Yagura. Whatever. But we cannot allow Yag to take back the hat or he'll ruin everything. And guess who has first mover advantage there? That's right! J+O!

Even better: Ren is currently the rightful Mizukage in Yaguras absence so has the authority to send Z along with J to get the job done.

Theres a chance Orochimaru is doing this because he has some sort of insight on Akatsukis plans (maybe due to being an ex member like in canon) and knows they are an apocalypse waiting to happen. In that case Orochimaru might go along too with the purpose of taking them out.

The probability for Battle of the Gods Round 2 has just skyrocketed. I am filled with glee.

Ah, yes. The technical term for "dropping like a sack of potatoes while holding your breath in hopes that people think you died". Maybe we could appropriate this "jutsu" for our own repertoire.

Just imagine: next time we face Zabuza in a truly epic boss battle fashion, both sides will immediately drop on the floor the moment they see each other, struggling to outdo each other's feigned deaths.

E: Words are hard.

Funny thing is I just read the Zabuza Sagemas Special interlude (where this technique gets explained ) so Im sitting here facepalming that I didnt see this one coming.
I do believe this is what they call a "table flip". Bravo, @Velorien .

Although I can't say I'm surprised to find out Zabuza isn't dead, I really wasn't expecting him to team up with Snek Uncle.
Oro-chan just wants Itachi's eyes and now is the best chance to grab them. He might also want Pains eyes.

I wonder if Zabuza reported his survival to Mist? That's why they know about Akatsuki/Naruto/Yagura?
This is very good.

Zabuza is working for Oro, trying to find Akatsuki. Oro is presumably doing this either to bargain Naruto to Jiraiya, or to help J find him in exchange for whatever J offered him when they met due to the board game thing. Either way, we're more likely now to get our godbrother back.

Z isn't going to go after us anymore because Mist would never want to mess with the alliance.

Once J gets to Akatsuki he can retrieve Naruto and steal the three tails. Or just kill Yagura. Whatever. But we cannot allow Yag to take back the hat or he'll ruin everything. And guess who has first mover advantage there? That's right! J+O!

Giving the Three Tail back to Mist will cement our alliance and our merger into Fire and Water Country.