Actually @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail If a person goes to the medics they're out of the round, but does that mean that their team gets penalized for it? Like, if the person doesn't have any injuries does the scoring act as though that person got Moderate Injuries?
Carrot/stick approach to smoothing over uncertainty:

-We will cooperate with other teams teammates in this round to an extent that provides our team a large enough advantage going into round two (the same approach we're taking with Leaf teams).
-We will provide N explosive seals up front, then M explosive seals after, to everybody for being such a great help.
- We will actively seek to not harm everyone here in the next round, because, frankly, there's no way to crush this event and then afflict enough negative to matter.
- We will remember positive associations with their village, generally, and with them specifically. As we are closely tied with the upper echelon of Leaf (and likely prominent if Mist/Leaf partnership if negotiations succeed) this is a large boon.

-If we come to determine we were betrayed by anyone, we will immediately break their legs, and arms, as well as non-lethally permanently disabling them and all of the other 5 on the team. After all, if we are betrayed, we will not be able to make the tournament, so serious injury penalties no longer matter.

- Noburi explains the carrot
- Keiko explains the stick
- Hazō makes the absolutely sincere remark that we wouldn't want to do it, but pre-committing like this is the only really effective way to neutralize the threat of betrayal.

Are you wanting to explain this stick in front of the proctor, who would therefore judge ANY breakage of their legs, arms, etc. as being due to us thinking they betrayed us, because Mist is out to fuck us over?
Are you wanting to explain this stick in front of the proctor, who would therefore judge ANY breakage of their legs, arms, etc. as being due to us thinking they betrayed us, because Mist is out to fuck us over?
We have Air Domes and 1 Silence Mine left. Maybe?
Since we've now decided that Katou is the real witch...
"You're a medic-nin?" Katō asked. "I thought only chūnin became medics?" He paused, and then his eyes went wide. "Hang on, you're a medic from Leaf and the son of Jiraiya of the Sannin! Did you train under Lady Tsunade?"
Fishing for information, maybe. I think he isn't out to screw us this event specifically, just figure out all our global-picture secrets and bring them to his Kage. Don't give him any seals we don't want reverse-engineered.
Hm. If we convinced ninja to surrender instead of fighting (Tags on "Army of Pangolin" [or multiple tags if multiple Pangolin provide an aspect to pass to Kei], "The Sky's on Fire", and "Shock and Awe" makes that entirely possible), could Noburi inflict "gentle" moderate consequences once they were chakra drained to unconsciousness? Ones that'd heal quickly, but not before the next event? Obviously, he wouldn't be able to do so with the Blood Release guy, though, with that healing factor.
I thought we only decided that Katō was a real witch?
flashes back to PMMM. Good times.
Oh yeah, and as long as we're checking out shit people've said...
"By the way, sorry about that," Katō said. "Sorry for interrupting, but if I don't bring it up now then it's sure to come out at the worst possible time."

Hazō frowned. "Sorry for what?"

"'Hey, a woman must keep a few bits of mystery, after all'," Katō quoted, his teeth reflecting the firelight as he grinned. "Kurosawa Shin sold me your identity but I was the one who spread it around so much. No hard feelings, I hope?"

Hazō studied the other boy for several long seconds; Katō shifted nervously under the calm scrutiny. Kei held her breath, hoping that Hazō would stay on script instead of allowing this moment to become a lightning rod for the stress he'd been under and the turmoil that he was feeling about his relationship with Akane. (And hadn't that been an enjoyable conversation, when Hazō had insisted on unburdening himself to her and Noburi after lunch. Ugh.)
Are you wanting to explain this stick in front of the proctor, who would therefore judge ANY breakage of their legs, arms, etc. as being due to us thinking they betrayed us, because Mist is out to fuck us over?

I'm 50/50 let the proctor hear. To be honest, if we are betrayed now we cannot make the tournament without some real witchcraft. It is a stretch to think we can make the tournament with even one serious injury not caused by betrayal (-75 points for Moderate+severe consequence)

Doesn't matter after that if we take another -200/-inf points.

The only plausible known solution then is to go around and serious consequence at least 56 people such that there are only 16 viable candidates.

Word halves might be a source of witchcraft, but as an unknown I can't assign better than 10% odds on it.
"Incoming," Akane whispered from behind him. Hazō turned around to see a tall woman striding towards them, holding a stack of paper in her left hand and waving with the right. Her nametag listed her as 'Takaki Kyo, Ship Owner'.

"Kurosawa Hazō!" she said, coming to a halt in front of them with a friendly smile. "There you are, I've been looking for you."

This dude is-

Hazō thought quickly. She knew his identity, so he probably couldn't convince her he was someone else. Still, better to at least try.

"Sorry, who?" he asked. "My name is Yoshida. I'm a traveling actor."

"Your name is Kurosawa Hazō of Leaf's Team Gōketsu," the woman said cheerfully. She glanced at Akane. "I don't know who you've got covering your back, but I'm guessing she's another Leaf nin...maybe your sister?" She eyed Akane up and down for a moment. "No, you're not his sister. That girl's body language is far more closed off and she's far too introverted to manage playing the chatty, friendly personality that you've shown all night. That would make you the girlfriend, right?" She frowned in concentration. "Ish...Ishihara Akane, that was it. Nice to meet you." She bowed politely.

Akane returned the bow. "Pleasure to meet you as well...?"

'Takaki' smiled and wagged a finger. "A woman must keep a few bits of mystery, after all."

Sada Hanako, palm the list that Hazō gave her (Deceit * 0.75 since she does not have Sleight of Hand): ?
Unknown chatty ninja, Awareness to spot the list: ?

"Ah!" Takaki said, catching sight of the list Sada was holding before it could be palmed and hidden away. "You guys are handing out lists as well, huh? Good, good. Add mine to yours, keep spreading it around, eh? Here's one for each of you." She peeled three sheets off the stack in her left hand and started to hold them out, then took them back. She produced a charcoal stick from her pouch and quickly jotted 'Watanabe Kaito, Jeweler: Ninja' at the bottom of each sheet before offering them again. "Charcoal rubs off a little too easily, so you'll probably want to write it in better on your own later. Don't worry, I'll add it to the rest of them."

Sada fulminated impotently.

"How do you know my name?" Hazō demanded.
"Someone sold it to me," Takaki said, her smile getting broader. "You are definitely going to want to collect all the lists you can because otherwise you are going down so hard. Like, there's probably twenty or thirty people with your full details right now, so you're looking at something like...what, a hundred and fifty down?" She shrugged. "That's assuming it hasn't spread wider, of course. I mean, it seems like folks here in Mist really don't like you for some reason. Think about it—if everyone knew your details you could actually go down over a thousand points! That would be amazing, huh? Go from leading the Exam to dead last, all in the space of an hour or two? Pretty amazing, huh?"

"Yes," Hazō said through gritted teeth. "Amazing."

She shook her head. "I wouldn't even know how to feel if that happened to me. I, what a shift!"

"We just met someone who is better at intrigue than all of us," Akane replied.
To the fuck corridor. The last place we wanna be.
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Oh yeah, and as long as we're checking out shit people've said...


Hmm, can we use that as leverage?

Hey, you fucked over our score. Which is why we're going to have to break this event. You're either in or we drain you and hand you over to the medics.

No actual grudge, but you limited our options enough that we have to take the risk.​

Unrelatedly, I think offering our team members the same exception for collaborators that we plan to use is the decent thing to do.

We are allied with Team Asuma and we're going to go easy on them. Do the rest of you have similar requests?​

(Of course there's the implicit threat of proportional retribution, if you fucked with our plans, both you and these people will get it hard.)
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No, the bolded portion is too blatant to not be there purposefully.

Clearly Mini-Hanzo smells some bullshit or he wouldn't have had such a violent reaction, socially speaking.

We're given indications some paragraphs later (he immediately pieces together our strategy after listening to Noburi) that he is quite intelligent.
Probably been mentioned already, but it's possible that Mini-Hanzo is trying to get us to distrust the other social guy so we don't distrust Mini-Hanzo as much.
Probably been mentioned already, but it's possible that Mini-Hanzo is trying to get us to distrust the other social guy so we don't distrust Mini-Hanzo as much.
It didn't work, I distrust both of them equally but right now one of them is also useless to us sans cryptography abilities.
Hmm, can we use that as leverage?

Hey, you fucked over our score. Which is why we're going to have to break this event. You're either in or we drain you and hand you over to the medics.

No actual grudge, but you limited our options enough that we have to take the risk.​
That can be the stick, but I would prefer that we offer it as an alternative to him taking the risk of getting injured. If he dodges the carrot we can take out the stick.
Unrelatedly, I think offering our team members the same exception for collaborators that we plan to use is the decent thing to do.

We are allied with Team Asuma and we're going to go easy on them. Do the rest of you have similar requests?
(Of course there's the implicit threat of proportional retribution, if you fucked with our plans, both you and these people will get it hard.)
I would also like to do this regarding the Wolf guy, since this will be his carrot, and the "we fuck you if you fuck us" can be the stick.

Also, shouldn't we know the other Wolf guy from Noburi's socialization? @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail ??
Hey, you fucked over our score which is why we're going to have to break this event. You're either in or we drain you and hand you over to the medics.
I do think he is in, though. He didn't lie to us about his chakra reserves or combat capabilities. He isn't going to betray us, either: he is going to be incredibly cooperative and helpful, interrogate all our captives, catch all their lies, keep an eye on Doigama so we don't have to worry about him, stay secretly loyal to us all the way to the end of the second round, and on the whole be the best teammate we've ever had. He'll probably even offer to become our pen pal, like we hoped!

It's just that he'll end up, incidentally, learning a surprising amount of information about our capabilities, our future plans, internal politics of Leaf, the state of our military intelligence, and the principle of skywalker seals.
I do think he is in, though. He didn't lie to us about his chakra reserves or combat capabilities. He isn't going to betray us, either: he is going to be incredibly cooperative and helpful, interrogate all our captives, catch all their lies, keep an eye on Doigama so we don't have to worry about him, stay secretly loyal to us all the way to the end of the second round, and on the whole be the best teammate we've ever had. He'll probably even offer to become our pen pal, like we hoped!

It's just that he'll end up, incidentally, learning a surprising amount of information about our capabilities, our future plans, internal politics of Leaf, the state of our military intelligence, and the principle of skywalker seals.
KATO: "My Deceit score is higher than yours! Also I caused this situation for you and gloated about it to your face not even 48 hours ago. I am also incapable of fighting at all, completely harmless."

DOIGAMA: "If you believe that I have exactly three bridges to sell you. Also I am clearly the only Wolf nin in the exam at the moment, thank you for asking."


KEIKO: "Hazou, is something the matter?"

VOICES IN HAZOUS HEAD: feed them to the pangolin once the proctor is out of sight huehuehue
Thanks for the feedback @eaglejarl.

What determines if a use is strategic?

The idea I was trying to express is that Pangolin pepper Macerators are difficult to use without causing friendly fire with so many melee combatants, so you need to be deliberate and careful about deploying them.

I'll just change it to "Use them if there's a good opportunity, but don't force it".

Does this mean "when we can see the enemy, throw GB/B at them", or does it mean "when we charge the building, pre-emptively carpet the landscape with them as area denial" or ...?

I don't think we have enough for pre-emptive carpeting. But yes, if we see enemies, and it looks like more than one can be caught in the area of effect, use them.

Normally, this is best done by Keiko, but inside a building, assault squads will need to do it themselves, including throwing the seals semi-blindly into rooms with likely enemy presence, much like a flashbang.

I'm honestly a bit worried that I'm projecting modern tactics for room clearing too much here and that it won't map cleanly. My only recourse would be to be even less specific and let the team decide on their own.

"Softest target" is completely defined by "most ongoing fighting" or are those separate characteristics?

Whatever target seems easiest to clear. This will usually be the one with the most fighting due to attrition, but I want to leave this to our team's judgement. There are too many possibilities here to plan concretely.