*Squints at update once again.*

Wait a second. Kato buddy...

"Thanks, Katō," Noburi said, smiling. "I have to say, it's really nice dealing with people who are direct about what they want and why. I'm glad you laid it out for us."

"Yeah, well, I'm Doigama Emon," Katō's teammate said, shooting the other boy a dubious look. "Last year, Wolf split our infiltration classification into two tracks. Katō, sounds like you're on what we'd call the classic infiltration line: when you do field missions they're based around talking your way into the target's skirts and back out again with their panties in your hand and them asking you to come back on Tuesday for another throw. The expectation is that you're going to be in the role for a while or will revisit it. I'm espionage; it's like infiltration in that it focuses a lot on conning people, but it's purely for short-term work so I have a lot more freedom in tactics. Long story short, I can sneak, pick locks, and punch. I also use jutsu to make clouds of toxic gas around me when I fight. I'm immune, but the rest of you will want to stay back at least ten, fifteen feet."

"Yeah, well, I'm Doigama Emon," Katō's teammate said, shooting the other boy a dubious look. "Last year, Wolf split our infiltration classification into two tracks. Katō, sounds like you're on what we'd call the classic infiltration line: when you do field missions they're based around talking your way into the target's skirts and back out again with their panties in your hand and them asking you to come back on Tuesday for another throw.

shooting the other boy a dubious look.

talking your way into the target's skirts and back out again with their panties in your hand and them asking you to come back on Tuesday for another throw.

Query: Do you mean Kato or Doigama? Because the person talking is (mostly) Doigama.

My (re)-read of the situation:

Doigama has the only high enough Deceit to notice that Kato was just spinning us some gold yarn out of pure bullshit. He proceeds to notify us of this with a thinly veiled cover story with some choice words.

I no longer trust either of these fuckers not to stab us in the back by sundown, we need to think of how to deal with them.

In all likelihood theres some other landmines hidden in that chapter that are going to screw us as well so lets go over this one with a fine toothed comb before we make any plan commitments.
Note also that you're not actually throwing the seal; it remains attached to the stick/pole/rope-with-weight and can be reloaded for another shot. Unless I've drastically misunderstood something, PMYF seals aren't single-use.

* to wit: slings, spear-throwers/atlatl, and baseball all require similar timing-while-swinging-something.

I don't think this will work, because you're not relying on intuition and physical feedback to release something at the correct time. You're relying on perfect timing from the time you prime the seal to the time you start your throw, in addition to the exact mechanics of the throw itself. Hazou might be able to do it with Iron Nerve, but no else really could. On the other hand, I think attaching a MPYF to a projectile and throwing the projectile is way easier.
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I don't think this will work, because you're not relying on intuition and physical feedback to release something at the correct time. You're relying on perfect timing from the time you prime the seal to the time you start your throw, in addition to the exact mechanics of the throw itself. Hazou might be able to do it with Iron Nerve, but no else really could.
But how else will we start the tradition of ninja baseball?

My (re)-read of the situation:

Doigama has the only high enough Deceit to notice that Kato was just spinning us some gold yarn out of pure bullshit. He proceeds to notify us of this with a thinly veiled cover story with some choice words.

I no longer trust either of these fuckers not to stab us in the back by sundown, we need to think of how to deal with them.

In all likelihood theres some other landmines hidden in that chapter that are going to screw us as well so lets go over this one with a fine toothed comb before we make any plan commitments.

I think it's mainly the two social-specs we need to keep an eye on. Kato more than Doigama actually, I think, if the 'dubious look' was meant to be a clue more than the existance of another Wolf-nin was.

But again, we can't just turn on them without a smoking gun. Keep them in a place where they can't hurt us and sleep with one eye open and we should be fine.
I think it's mainly the two social-specs we need to keep an eye on. Kato more than Doigama actually, I think, if the 'dubious look' was meant to be a clue more than the existance of another Wolf-nin was.

But again, we can't just turn on them without a smoking gun. Keep them in a place where they can't hurt us and sleep with one eye open and we should be fine.
Sleep? Heh, you're funny.

My (re)-read of the situation:

Doigama has the only high enough Deceit to notice that Kato was just spinning us some gold yarn out of pure bullshit. He proceeds to notify us of this with a thinly veiled cover story with some choice words.

I no longer trust either of these fuckers not to stab us in the back by sundown, we need to think of how to deal with them.

In all likelihood theres some other landmines hidden in that chapter that are going to screw us as well so lets go over this one with a fine toothed comb before we make any plan commitments.

Doigama we can at least talk to about the guy on some other team in order to see if we can work something out, so as to prevent betrayal. (I'm thinking maybe make a deal to give some word halves to the other guy, if we wreck his team? We should end up with plenty due to our planned rampage, and they should be worth some points) We can also distribute some purifiers and tunnelers friends in order to lessen the amount of trouble he could cause with a betrayal.

Kato we need to have Noburi verify the chakra reserves of, so we can at least see if he was lying about that. But beyond that I can't think of a way to demonstrate its a problem.

And in general, hand signal our own squadmates to notify them of the potential problem members here.

My (re)-read of the situation:

Doigama has the only high enough Deceit to notice that Kato was just spinning us some gold yarn out of pure bullshit. He proceeds to notify us of this with a thinly veiled cover story with some choice words.

I no longer trust either of these fuckers not to stab us in the back by sundown, we need to think of how to deal with them.

In all likelihood theres some other landmines hidden in that chapter that are going to screw us as well so lets go over this one with a fine toothed comb before we make any plan commitments.

Are you sure you aren't reading too much in the situation?
Are you sure you aren't reading too much in the situation?
No, the bolded portion is too blatant to not be there purposefully.

Clearly Mini-Hanzo smells some bullshit or he wouldn't have had such a violent reaction, socially speaking.

We're given indications some paragraphs later (he immediately pieces together our strategy after listening to Noburi) that he is quite intelligent.
Katō shrugged. "I've already met my goals, so from here on in it's all gravy." He looked around. "I want to be clear: I'm not going to turn tail on you or rat you out or anything, but at this point I'm more concerned about avoiding serious injury than I am about winning the event.
Here's an idea to deal with Katō: Drain him dry, then have him go to the medics. He gets what he wants (avoid serious injury) and we get everything we can from him (some chakra). If he's lying, alright then we can take him out immediately. If he's telling the truth then we avoid a liability and simultaneously get some chakra.
Jiraiya is an insanely strong fighter and capable of doing massive amounts of property damage, even before he starts summoning toads the size of houses. The other Kage are in the same general class. If they wanted to rip Mist down to the foundations, they could do it and there isn't a damn thing Mist could do to stop them. Mist currently has exactly zero S-rank ninja that appear in any Leaf bingo book or that H/K/N know about from growing up here -- Yagura and Mei were their only known entries on that list, and both of them died/were kidnapped in the Ultimate Showdown.
You know, I think that we've collectively forgotten just how strong Jiraiya is entirely setting aside his sealing. Add that in, and hoo boy.
Here's an idea to deal with Katō: Drain him dry, then have him go to the medics. He gets what he wants (avoid serious injury) and we get everything we can from him (some chakra). If he's lying, alright then we can take him out immediately. If he's telling the truth then we avoid a liability and simultaneously get some chakra.
Why not just drain him dry and keep him with us for the extra chakra?
Re: The baseball analogy for gunswhips. Timing wise its gonna be more like this than actual baseball: The instant you grab the bat (prime the seal) an invisible baseball is thrown from far away (the seal timer) and then you still have to walk all the way up to the plate and make your swing (actually also a swing) with perfect timing and form and hit the ball.

It's much easier to just attach the PMYF to a projectile and throw the projectile. If you throw it an instant early or late the seal will go off at a longer or shorter distance from the target than you intended. However, at least it'll be going on the right trajectory rather than going off in some wild new direction.
@Jello_Raptor We're going to say that your firelog macerators are typically MUCH smaller than their maximum load. Their minimum safe distance is measured in tens of feet, not hundreds. This makes way more sense given the role these things are supposed to play in your team's combat load, and makes this part of Roomba's plan work. If you want to explicitly make some with maximum load, you can.

Hmm, fair enough. But that's less "turn the sky into fire and put the fear of god into the enemy" and more "big thunderous fireball right in your face".

The statement I'd want to make is "Not only could we kill you and your entrie team, but we could take out small villages with a single explosive. We've also got enough that we are willing to waste a few just to scare and disorient you. Better hope we don't decide to aim lower next time."

I do think we'd have a mix of smaller load macerators and a few big ones prepared. Variety in a loadout is important for tactical flexibility.

@Roomba: The bigger ones do require the use of a rod or atlatl like device to get the neccesary height. I don't anticipate any issues since Keiko and noburi have seen us testing these and a few practice tosses should be enough to ensure Keiko gets the angle right.

However, there is a chance that using the full size ones might make us a geopolitical threat, rather than chuunin exam contestants. I'd want to make sure that such a use is approved by Jiraiya.

I'm thinking medium size might be the way to go for making a big intimidating statement.

It's up to you whether you want to use them.

@eaglejarl: Would you be okay with us having a few medium scale ones? Fireballs 80-100 feet large, with a medium consequences range between 150-200 ft out, and safe distance around 250-300 ft?

Mind, those new estimates are because I realized that the tables and things I used assume shrapnel is the main danger.

Macerators don't have shrapnel, and trade the usual explosive outward force for a giant fireball and much longer lasting pressure fronts. You don't have the shrapnel carrying momentum super far, so the danger would fall off more rapidly.

I also think macerator fuel air bombs would be weird even compared to normal fuel air bombs. Those explode outwards from a single ignition point, with a blast front pushing the fireball into more fuel and picking up speed that way.

Ours would have ignition points everywhere at once, because of all the distributed fragments of burning ember. Meaning lots of tiny blast fronts that don't get to accelerate super far before colliding with each other.

I suspect this means that heat output would be a bit larger, but both the initial outwards shockwave, and the inrush of air afterwards would be weaker than the corresponding single ignition explosive. Again, meaning that you could have the wall of fire that much closer to the enemy while still keeping them in medium consequences range.

I really want as much of our enemies field of view to be a gigantic flaming deathball, before it burns itself out in an instant, and the wind tries to rip them into the cloud of smoke that's left where the fireball used to be.

Basically, I want to give our enemies thousand yard stare points, reasons to go to therapy, and the knowledge that they're only still alive because of mercy and geopolitics.

@Roomba: Though, the smoke would put our enemies into panic mode. I'd like to be careful how we use that, since it means they are more likely to drop into an instinctual fight or flight mode where they are too distraught to pull their punches.
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Carrot/stick approach to smoothing over uncertainty:

-We will cooperate with other teams teammates in this round to an extent that provides our team a large enough advantage going into round two (the same approach we're taking with Leaf teams).
-We will provide N explosive seals up front, then M explosive seals after, to everybody for being such a great help.
- We will actively seek to not harm everyone here in the next round, because, frankly, there's no way to crush this event and then afflict enough negative to matter.
- We will remember positive associations with their village, generally, and with them specifically. As we are closely tied with the upper echelon of Leaf (and likely prominent if Mist/Leaf partnership if negotiations succeed) this is a large boon.

-If we come to determine we were betrayed by anyone, we will immediately break their legs, and arms, as well as non-lethally permanently disabling them and all of the other 5 on the team. After all, if we are betrayed, we will not be able to make the tournament, so serious injury penalties no longer matter.

- Noburi explains the carrot
- Keiko explains the stick
- Hazō makes the absolutely sincere remark that we wouldn't want to do it, but pre-committing like this is the only really effective way to neutralize the threat of betrayal.
Carrot/stick approach to smoothing over uncertainty:

-We will cooperate with other teams teammates in this round to an extent that provides our team a large enough advantage going into round two (the same approach we're taking with Leaf teams).
-We will provide N explosive seals up front, then M explosive seals after, to everybody for being such a great help.
- We will actively seek to not harm everyone here in the next round, because, frankly, there's no way to crush this event and then afflict enough negative to matter.
- We will remember positive associations with their village, generally, and with them specifically. As we are closely tied with the upper echelon of Leaf (and likely prominent if Mist/Leaf partnership if negotiations succeed) this is a large boon.

-If we come to determine we were betrayed by anyone, we will immediately break their legs, and arms, as well as non-lethally permanently disabling them and all of the other 5 on the team. After all, if we are betrayed, we will not be able to make the tournament, so serious injury penalties no longer matter.

- Noburi explains the carrot
- Keiko explains the stick
- Hazō makes the absolutely sincere remark that we wouldn't want to do it, but pre-committing like this is the only really effective way to neutralize the threat of betrayal.
Here here! I like.

Do you want to deal with babysitting a civilian-equivalent with dubious loyalty? Because I don't.

Edit: Also, we regenerate chakra after 24 restful hours. RESTFUL HOURS, which probably won't happen here.

While he *said* this was the case, he also managed to do it in such a way that implies he has zero combat capabilities. That has to be horseshit. No one is that specialized. We aren't that specialized.

While he *said* this was the case, he also managed to do it in such a way that implies he has zero combat capabilities. That has to be horseshit. No one is that specialized. We aren't that specialized.
I mean that since he has no chakra he has no combat capabilities worth a damn.