Too exposed relative to trying to open a locked, plausibly trapped window while in the open, where security patrols are more likely to be - as opposed to a relatively small building used only by the faculty. There are three doors we'd need to open to get to the office, but only one from the outside, and the secretary door is unlikely to offer much of a challenge.

We know for a fact that kids have tried to do this in the past, and the natural route for them would be through the windows, so I expect them to be somewhat fortified in preparation.

As for Panashe, she has zero experience breaking into human schools, and my plan doesn't bring her out until Keiko is inside, precisely because her being seen immediately implicates us.
Honestly, I don't know where you guys got the idea that stealth skills don't carry over, to some extent, regardless of what terrain it is.

I would be very surprised if Panache was not better than Kei at stealth, even within the city, even when traversing human buildings.

To be clear: Keiko is not even genin-level in stealth. Nobody on the team is. If we actually roll stealth against anyone remotely-competent here, we auto-lose. That is not the case with Panache.
full glass or maybe halfway?
How much is he going to drink overall?
That shouldn't matter, noburi is gonna give us just enough to get him high, so overdose isn't an option, if he shares his booze with someone, or pours too little to dissolve it all, we won't get him high enough, but we won't kill him.

Also irl betel is not THAT strong AFAIK(although pure oil is presumably stronger). They cause cancer tho. Do ninjas get cancer?
Also, @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

How well do we expect the school to be guarded at night from past experiences? I'd imagine at least one of them would have heard of other students breaking in at night.

(also how does Keiko expect the school's guard to change given chuunin exams: Down because no one in their right minds would attempt to harm the patron village's kids and also ninja are needed elsewhere, or up because keeping the students safe?)
I was under the impression you wanted to to rationalize it for purposes of thought experiment, not assume "this is what Kishimoto meant all along".

Starting with the assumption, "This is what I want to be true; I'm going to find a way to get there that doesn't strain my suspension of belief too badly," is a very different thing from going, "I want to neutrally evaluate the evidence and see where it takes me." In fiction*, I always make sure to decide where I want to get before I start trying to go there.

*And in life!
I see. I am too used to people earnestly arguing for sometimes ridiculous interpretations of canon, so the "thought experiment" angle didn't automatically register with me.

Then he wrote a third series, The Elenium, which was a remix money churn of the same, and a fourth series, The Tamuli, which was a palette-swap remix money churn of the same, followed by not a series but a fifth rehash of the same story compressed into a single (very large) book, The Redemption of Althalus. Whatever else one may say about the man, he's consistent.

At least I found them at the library rather than paying five times over.
It gets worse. I only read The Redemption of Althalus, and thus unproblematically enjoyed it, but then I picked up his next book, The Elder Gods, only to discover that he was recycling characters to the point of giving them the same speech quirks. That was the end of reading David and Leigh Eddings for me.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Would it be alright if the next plan says basically "do the prank, but only if Jiraiya approves of it"?
Right now, I don't have any voted-in information on how you intend to carry out the prank, nor a backup for if Jiraiya says no.

Also @eaglejarl @Velorien Does Lizardbreath ever share his alcohol that we know of? we wouldn't want to poison someone accidentally.
You don't know, but given his character it seems unlikely.

@eaglejarl @Velorien Is it a safe bet that Panache is good at cracking?
Summon and human societies have rather different approaches to traps. Obviously, they exist in both, but it's a lot harder to make traps that reliably affect summons due to their greater variety of body shapes and movement options, as well as all-round superior hardiness. There's also the fact that they have different resources and levels of mechanical proficiency.

However, after talking it over, we've decided that Panache is familiar enough with the basic concepts behind trapmaking as a whole to be able to transfer her skills to dealing with human-type traps, and we're prepared to extend that to other pangolins with similar depth of cracking experience.

Actually, quick question @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail How many of the headmaster's aspects do we know from our time in school? I figure we'd have figured out some of them, and might be able to use them against him in disarming his traps, etc.
This is a fair point, and one I will bear in mind if/when the time comes.

e: Also! Do Keiko's Pangolin have their own fate points?
You don't know.

I would like to emphasize this. Mixing a stimulant with a depressant is a BAD IDEA, 4 Loko was BANNED because it was mixing caffeine and alcohol and we're gonna be putting in a stimulant that is used to make CHAKRA DEPLETED ninja carry on. You know, the people who have almost run out of LIFE-FORCE.

@Velorien @eaglejarl @OliWhail

Can you answer IC from Noburi if he considered the interactions between the two substances?
He says it depends on the strength of the alcohol Old Lizardbreath turns out to have. If it's weak, he has a ninja constitution so full steam ahead. If it's strong, use a predetermined fraction of the dose which he'll figure out in advance. If it's very strong, abort. Now he thinks about it, this is a good argument for sending a human rather than a pangolin.
He says it depends on the strength of the alcohol Old Lizardbreath turns out to have. If it's weak, he has a ninja constitution so full steam ahead. If it's strong, use a predetermined fraction of the dose which he'll figure out in advance. If it's very strong, abort. Now he thinks about it, this is a good argument for sending a human rather than a pangolin.
Asking this as someone rather unfamiliar with alcohol: Would mixing a measure of water in with it to lessen its strength be an option? (e: that wouldn't be blatantly obvious to him)
Also, @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail How well do we expect the school to be guarded at night from past experiences? I'd imagine at least one of them would have heard of other students breaking in at night. (also how does Keiko expect the school's guard to change given chuunin exams: Down because no one in their right minds would attempt to harm the patron village's kids and also ninja are needed elsewhere, or up because keeping the students safe?)
When you're training ninja, it's inevitable that somebody will try use their new skills to steal test questions and such. As such, the consequences have been made sufficiently severe, relative to failing a test, that most people don't try. As far as Old Lizardbreath is concerned, if you're unable to perform a proper risk assessment before deciding to head into danger, then you're not of that much value to Mist to begin with. The lucky ones get caught by guards, the unlucky ones require medic-nin, and the really unlucky ones never return to their studies. Given this, you believe that, in addition to guards, there exists a number of traps (though their nature and placement is unclear and probably changes regularly). With that said, you're also aware that the school doesn't have a large custodian staff, and the teachers have enough work on their plates that they're unlikely to spend time patrolling an empty compound.

Keiko doesn't think the Chūnin Exam will result in an increase in the Academy's guard. Attacking a village's trainees en masse is similar to bombing the Kage's Office in terms of damage done, and will provoke an equally heavy response from the host and the other participating villages.
We could aquire a varity of different alcohols so that the pangolin could smell the difference?

He is typically in his office until around 10 am, after which he often walks around the grounds until lunchtime. At 12, he leaves the Academy to have lunch at one of a number of nearby cafes, and returns by 2 pm

Also we could try to drop it into his cup during lunchtime (before it's served because our stealth sucks) and just hide the oil in his office, so that the pangolin doesn't need to spike the actual drink.
Asking this as someone rather unfamiliar with alcohol: Would mixing a measure of water in with it to lessen its strength be an option? (e: that wouldn't be blatantly obvious to him)
Not that any of you have much experience of drinking alcohol, but Noburi guesses that if you get the proportions just right, Old Lizardbreath might just figure it's a bad batch... at least until the drugs kick in and he gains other reasons to believe something is amiss.
Modified my plan a bit to reflect the fact that we're specifically using Panashe. Added a contingency in case the alcohol can't be safely spiked - in that case we memorize his schedule and other interesting documents we find.

Honestly, I don't know where you guys got the idea that stealth skills don't carry over, to some extent, regardless of what terrain it is.

I would be very surprised if Panache was not better than Kei at stealth, even within the city, even when traversing human buildings.

To be clear: Keiko is not even genin-level in stealth. Nobody on the team is. If we actually roll stealth against anyone remotely-competent here, we auto-lose. That is not the case with Panache.

Keiko should get a bonus for having excellent knowledge of the terrain. Similarly, Panashe should get a significant malus, if only because she has to carry a heavy backpack with her (a bit over 20kg going by averages). Panashe should still come out on top, but it's not so great of a gulf in effective skill.

Keep in mind, as well, that Pangolins are Keiko's thing and we can only offer suggestions on how to use them. I don't think Keiko would have any problems with "Only summon Panashe when inside the building to avoid giving away your identity"; however, she might not take "Your stealth sucks, so you should Henge into a backpack for Panashe to carry" too well.
It's my impression from the update that we think it is safer to not hide our bandanna at all, because the consequences of getting caught hiding it are worse than those for pranking Lizardbreath. Hengeing into a backpack will hide our bandanna.

I think sending in a human is a lot less risky than a pangolin. We will not be recognized by virtue of being the wrong race alone.

Also we should have a contingency for Jiraya saying no. I'm not experienced enough to formulate an entire plan, but...

Suggestion if Jiraya says no:
Spend some time scoping out the competition. Do not engage unless necessary.
  • Try to find out if we can find where other teams spend the night
    • What defences do they have?
    • Do they make good targets for a nightly stealth attack?
  • What goods are they selling?
    • Are they in direct competition with our goods?
    • Is it worth sabotaging their sales?
  • Are there any exploitable holes in the other teams day time defences?
How to go about this:
  • Exchange information with the other Leaf teams. We have that information drop point don't we?
  • Send one of us looking for the other teams during the night. Just finding some of the teams shouldn't be too difficult.
  • Keep a specific eye out for team Trap. We know their modus operandi that should allow us to narrow down the suspect teams based on their security. Layering of defenses and distractions seem to be likely.
  • During the day when Karina is not selling goods but stationary at the hotel send out a person to do the same.
  • If possible try to talk to other non-Leaf teams. Maybe they have beef with another team and are willing to ally and go after them together.
    • This shows off our ability to cooperate beyond village boundaries.
    • Be very careful of double crossing.
    • Do not do this when Karina is in the vicinity. Too much risk it's a ploy to eliminate us then.
    • Keep in mind established procedures for dealing with Karina and don't reduce security for this.
e: This is supposed to be a plan B if Jiraya says no to the Lizardbreath plan. Not a first choice.
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It looks good for a plan B.

We should also be trying to find out which teams scored higher than us. Teams that scored higher than us are almost certainly teams who stole seals from other teams. So once we find teams, if we determine that they are no threat to us, we find out if they had their seals stolen in the last event, and if so, how many, and by who.

We should be able to get this information by just asking. We walk up to them in a crowded area with lots of people or expensive things lying about, and just talk. We get whoever is best at discerning lies to do it.

And we only look for ways to take teams out if they scored higher than us or are in direct competition.
Rejoice, for after discussion the QMs have decided to let you message Jiraiya early.

His response is to the following effect.

"I could never condone my children playing a harmless prank to get back at their hated old headmaster. Why, it would be terrible if something like that happened and the Mizukage ended up with egg on her face right when she was in the middle of wrestling with that brilliant handsome devil Jiraiya. It might even put her on the back foot in some very sensitive negotiations which are currently going like a honeymoon trip through Bear Country. With that said, if I were to condone this prank which is completely unrelated to the Chūnin Exam or Leaf's diplomatic efforts and does not reflect upon them, and then they got caught, I would be required to pay reparations out of the clan funds, which are currently hovering around zero. But then, no member of the Gōketsu Clan would ever get caught doing this thing which I am not condoning."
Hang on a sec. Aren't our *between-Event* dormitories in the barracks of the Mist Academy? How are classes still going on during the event if the student dorms are being occupied by foreigners?
Hang on a sec. Aren't our *between-Event* dormitories in the barracks of the Mist Academy? How are classes still going on during the event if the student dorms are being occupied by foreigners?

I don't remember for sure if this is where we are located. But if that is the case wouldn't most kids have families to go home to? So they could just do that and come to school every day.

On another note now I feel happy to vote:

[X] Action Plan: Lizardbreath's Downfall v2

Though I guess we don't need the ask Jiraiya section anymore.
Rejoice, for after discussion the QMs have decided to let you message Jiraiya early.

His response is to the following effect.

"I could never condone my children playing a harmless prank to get back at their hated old headmaster. Why, it would be terrible if something like that happened and the Mizukage ended up with egg on her face right when she was in the middle of wrestling with that brilliant handsome devil Jiraiya. It might even put her on the back foot in some very sensitive negotiations which are currently going like a honeymoon trip through Bear Country. With that said, if I were to condone this prank which is completely unrelated to the Chūnin Exam or Leaf's diplomatic efforts and does not reflect upon them, and then they got caught, I would be required to pay reparations out of the clan funds, which are currently hovering around zero. But then, no member of the Gōketsu Clan would ever get caught doing this thing which I am not condoning."

Well damn. There goes that plan. Jiraiya's not condoning Lizardbreath's Downfall, so I guess we'll just go back to guarding the client as before.

[jk] Action Plan: Nevermind, forgot this was a no-fun zone
@Roomba Since our dorm rooms (where we're staying between Events) are apparently in the same area as the Mist Academy, one strategy could involve us pretending to go there to grab something we kept in our room or something similar.

...OTOH the dorm rooms are gonna be guarded to keep DQ'd teams locked up, so maybe this plan might not be such a good idea?

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Since the Chunin Exams are in Mist right now, and our between-Event dorm rooms are the Mist Academy barracks, is there still school going on (which would necessitate the headmaster to be there)? Since DQ'd teams are supposed to be sent to their dorm rooms in the barracks, will there be a heavy guard (and more importantly, will that guard be near the Headmaster's office area)?
By the way, anyone have opinions on the timeframe? Should we ask for the update to end around, say, noon the next day when the possible effects of the prank should be visible?

@Cariyaga insofar as our argument goes, I'm willing to compromise on the entry point and leave it completely up to Keiko. Not so much on the Panashe backpack thing. I might be convinced by a more detailed numerical analysis of how Keiko with bonuses and Panashe with maluses fare against a Genin-level guard, or something similar. If you don't want to do that, you can always copy my plan and modify it as an alternative.

@faflec I'm operating under the assumption that the barracks are separate from the academy proper. If it is indeed the same complex then the plan becomes much riskier in general for reasons you listed, and I'd be in favor of scrapping it, I think.

Rejoice, for after discussion the QMs have decided to let you message Jiraiya early.

His response is to the following effect.

"I could never condone my children playing a harmless prank to get back at their hated old headmaster. Why, it would be terrible if something like that happened and the Mizukage ended up with egg on her face right when she was in the middle of wrestling with that brilliant handsome devil Jiraiya. It might even put her on the back foot in some very sensitive negotiations which are currently going like a honeymoon trip through Bear Country. With that said, if I were to condone this prank which is completely unrelated to the Chūnin Exam or Leaf's diplomatic efforts and does not reflect upon them, and then they got caught, I would be required to pay reparations out of the clan funds, which are currently hovering around zero. But then, no member of the Gōketsu Clan would ever get caught doing this thing which I am not condoning."

Just wanted to say this kind of communication is a great help in terms of keeping plan sizes in check. With this, we can avoid adding a whole other section in case Jiraiya says no, which woukd've been kind of a pain. Kudos!

We made a terrible mistake. We should have gone to Snake dad.

Should have gone to Rain and offered Skywalkers to Pain.
Crazy thought: Why not ask a favor and send Akane to do the burglary? She actually has Cracking, which'll remove a layer of complication from the whole thing.

-Harder to play off as just a prank because she has no affiliation with Lizardbreath
-No innate familiarity with school layout
-Not on our team, perhaps a bit harder to get in touch with/coordinate with

-Easier to play off as just a prank because her team presumably doesn't benefit as much from their being a set policy on drugs
--She's just doing it for fun/because she thought it would impress Hazou, etc.
-In case of failure reparations don't come out of clan funds
--Either the village as a whole (meh) or Akane's family directly would pay for it, I think? It's unclear what happens with clanless ninja. I'd think the village as a whole.
-Less moving parts in the school itself, no risk of incidental exposure from someone seeing a pangolin

e: Alternatively alternatively we could hire a third party to do all of this for us, maybe bribe a Leaf genin who's actually good at this infiltration stuff with some explosive notes or something.
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