Have Keiko summon Pandaa earlier to get reverse summoned, and brief Panashe in the Summoning Realm earlier.

I think we can leave the details on how to brief Panashe to Keiko. I'll just assert that she had been briefed in the plan.

Consider the pros/cons of using an underground tunnel, either to get to the academy or to get to the headmaster's office. Or both. Panashe has a go-underground jutsu IIRC.

If our escape from the marsh fort was any indication, it takes a while to build a tunnel other people can pass through. Seems like a lot of work for not that much gain.

As far as execution details go: Can Panache operate seals? If yes, we should have her use Silence Mines on the way there.

Well, Pangolins in general can. Not sure how this would work, though. Should Panashe leave a trail of Silence Mines that Keiko would follow? Seems a bit excessive, not to mention the added risk of setting this up and then tearing it down afterwards. We can't afford to leave the seals there after all.
Well, Pangolins in general can. Not sure how this would work, though. Should Panashe leave a trail of Silence Mines that Keiko would follow? Seems a bit excessive, not to mention the added risk of setting this up and then tearing it down afterwards. We can't afford to leave the seals there after all.
Not in general, IIRC; operators had to be specially trained.

But yes, that's the idea. I'm not sure how foolish it is.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

Apparently our between-Event dorms are the barracks of the Mist Academy. I'm a bit confused how we-the-candidates are using the barracks, which are meant to be used by Academy Students; is class even in session due to the Exams having been started? Additionally, I am worried that the barracks are close to the headmaster's office, since some of the rules state that DQ'd teams are confined to their rooms (the barracks) for the duration of the Event; logically, a guard would be posted which means there might be proctors near the Academy, in additional to whatever normal patrols are there.
If Noburi isn't going, have him give Keiko only what she needs and no more.

If Noburi is going, be sure that he only have on him what is needed to pull off the prank and no more.

Before going, make Keiko/Noburi run through a checklist version of the plan to double check everything. Think of it as a preflight checklist, which by the way is amazing for aviation safety and other part of life.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Apparently our between-Event dorms are the barracks of the Mist Academy. I'm a bit confused how we-the-candidates are using the barracks, which are meant to be used by Academy Students; is class even in session due to the Exams having been started? Additionally, I am worried that the barracks are close to the headmaster's office, since some of the rules state that DQ'd teams are confined to their rooms (the barracks) for the duration of the Event; logically, a guard would be posted which means there might be proctors near the Academy, in additional to whatever normal patrols are there.
There are enough barracks for both the students and Chūnin Exam candidates, although some students have had to be moved out of their usual rooms or otherwise forced to make alternative arrangements--this is not the first exam Mist has hosted. Class continues to be in session. As per its name, the Old Schoolhouse predates the construction of the barracks, which were built later on a separate site as Mist's population expanded. Also, why would the proctors be guarding buildings which are currently empty because everyone is in the middle of an event?
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Repinging you about an idea for how Cracking could work, unsure if y'all saw it before:

Cracking may be used in place of both Awareness (perhaps at a low multiplier ie 1.1x? So Examination still has use. Alternately, subsume that effect of Examination entirely into Cracking, and subsume the "finding aspects of an area" part of examination into Awareness? I'm still pretty interested in getting rid of skill bloat; we can deal with the skill pyramid with ninjutsu instead.) and Craftsmanship(Trapping) for the purposes of finding and disabling traps.
Please don't do that thing with the parentheses again. It took me forever to parse your post.

Other than that, would you mind clarifying what you feel the problem is that this suggestion solves? I'm not sure skill bloat on its own is sufficient reason to mess with skill balance where it affects core skills like Alertness (note: distinct from Awareness, which is no longer a thing).
Only if the tunnels themselves are permanent, instead of turning back into ground after XYZ time.

Earth Release: Pangolin Tunnelling Technique, sound like it's permanent or at least long lived but in Chapter 162.1 it sounds like the tunnel start to vanish after a while, so maybe she uses another jutsu?

It may have been his imagination, but Hazou thought the dripping earth of the tunnel walls was starting to sag inward even as he brought up the rear. Their group raced forward, the tunnel filled with squelching footfalls, heavy breathing, and the warm light of one of the nightlights they'd been traded, its shimmering patterns slowing down as it neared the end of its life.
Please don't do that thing with the parentheses again. It took me forever to parse your post.

Other than that, would you mind clarifying what you feel the problem is that this suggestion solves? I'm not sure skill bloat on its own is sufficient reason to mess with skill balance where it affects core skills like Alertness (note: distinct from Awareness, which is no longer a thing).
Sorry about that.

Mostly just that traps occupy this strange place in the system where you can identify them with either awareness or examination -- the latter with significant bonuses. Changing it to be both identified and disarmed with the single skill, Cracking, would instead mirror that traps are both hidden and roll to hit with the single skill, Craft: Trapmaking. You could then either subsume Examination into Alertness -- which I suspect would be undesirable given how Alertness is already kind of a god stat -- or allow it to remain as it is and remove the ability for Alertness to identify traps.
Sorry about that.

Mostly just that traps occupy this strange place in the system where you can identify them with either awareness or examination -- the latter with significant bonuses. Changing it to be both identified and disarmed with the single skill, Cracking, would instead mirror that traps are both hidden and roll to hit with the single skill, Craft: Trapmaking. You could then either subsume Examination into Alertness -- which I suspect would be undesirable given how Alertness is already kind of a god stat -- or allow it to remain as it is and remove the ability for Alertness to identify traps.
Alertness is a passive thing, whereas Examination is for when you are actively and thoroughly searching. Those seem like pretty reasonable things for trap detection, so I'm not sure what you're looking to do here?
Alertness is a passive thing, whereas Examination is for when you are actively and thoroughly searching. Those seem like pretty reasonable things for trap detection, so I'm not sure what you're looking to do here?
That's fair enough. I just have a thing for parallelism in game design. Not always appropriate though! :p
Panjandrum: Man, nobody remembers me. :(

Pankurashun: That's because you're a slacker and a layabout.

Panjandrum: :( :( :(

I suspect it would be more like:

Panjandrum: Behold my prowess at subterfuge! Such is the depth of my subtlety that even those who have witnessed, clinging to my very back no less, my glorious charge overlook me.

Every other pangonlin: *snoutclaw*

Please don't do that thing with the parentheses again. It took me forever to parse your post.

Oh gods, why did you have to point that out? My eyes literally kept jerking to the beginning looking for the opening paren.
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More plan changes. Infiltration plan now has Panashe being summoned close to the academy and scouting ahead. Also added a timeframe declaration.

@Sentient Tree @Vic pinging you since it's a substantial change and you already voted.

[X] Action Plan: Lizardbreath's Downfall v2

Ideally, we'd like this plan to cover the time until around early afternoon tomorrow, or otherwise when the effects of our prank become visible.

Dealing with our attackers
  • We want to ascertain whether we're being tailed and how, and potentially provoke our assailants into tipping their hand.
  • Keep an eye out for civilian tails.
  • Take some paths through the city that would make visual tracking difficult.
  • Loudly discuss lodging at a different inn, then stake it out.
  • If we manage to find our tail, maybe have Panashe follow them covertly?
The Lizardbreath Prank
  • Team is Keiko with Panashe. She wears concealing clothing, with the bandana left on.
  • Execution time is late night, preferably when it's darkest, so the bandana doesn't impede stealth too much.
  • Keiko summons Panashe in a secluded spot close to the academy. Panashe then scouts the academy (having been briefed on the layout), in order to identify guard patrol routes and secure entrance to the Old Schoolhouse Building. She then goes back to Keiko, and they both move in via the secured path.
  • After reaching Lizardbreath's office, put down a Silence Mine to cover it. Panashe works at disarming traps while Keiko watches for trouble.
  • Spike the booze with Noburi's paranoia nut oil. If it's not safe to do so (because it's too strong), focus on memorizing Lizardbreath's schedule and any other interesting documents in the office.
  • Plant the rest of the oil in such a way that it's not visible, but a cursory search of the office should reveal it.
  • Exfiltrate, leaving everything in apparent order. Panashe unsummons.
  • Should anything unexpected happen while inside the school, Panashe provides a distraction, then unsummons before she can be seen. Open a window while in the office for a quick escape route. Escape to the summon realm if desperate.
  • Try to think of a way to ensure that Lizardbreath's condition can't be swept under the rug. An anonymous tip by a concerned parent about the headmaster behaving erratically during mornings, for example.
  • Switched to Panashe from unknown Pangolin, as she's confirmed to be a proficient Cracker.
  • Changed time from 4am to whenever it's darkest to minimize the bandana pentalty.
  • Included a contingency in case Lizardbreath's alcohol can't be safely spiked.
  • Removed Jiraiya disagreement contingency, as it's now confirmed he does approve.
  • Changed infiltration protocol, now summoning Panashe before the academy grounds and letting her scout ahead.
  • Added preferred timeframe declaration.
@Roomba Hmm.. maybe include Keiko helping Panashe with the traps by manifesting Zephyr's Reach at her direction where they think it helpful? Could supply an aspect bonus for it.


On the note of aspects that Keiko may be able to tag:

Brittle Ice Queen in general. Lots of places it could be used.
Self Loathing ( :( ) for avoiding traps (text: Keiko resists being manipulated through flattery or making mistakes/falling into traps due to overconfidence.)
Pangolin Summoner for cooperating with Panache
Betrothed to Shadows (kinda iffy given the context, but we might manage a stealth aspect bonus with this? Wordplay's important for aspects in FATE, not sure about here?)
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Also, why would the proctors be guarding buildings which are currently empty because everyone is in the middle of an event?
If you are disqualified then your team will be taken directly to the barracks and confined there for the duration of the event. Your score for the event will be a flat -50 points or whatever score you have earned if it is below -50.
But if the Schoolhouse is separate from the barracks it should be fine, thanks :)
But if the Schoolhouse is separate from the barracks it should be fine, thanks :)
Surely you're not implying that the cream of shinobi geninhood would ever do something ungentlemanly enough to deserve disqualification?

Next you'll be accusing them of targeting unrelated third parties to settle personal vendettas.
Surely you're not implying that the cream of shinobi geninhood would ever do something ungentlemanly enough to deserve disqualification?

Next you'll be accusing them of targeting unrelated third parties to settle personal vendettas.
It's for the sake of the children!

And also to simultaneously make nice(-er) with the Yakuza, throw a wrench in the Ren's politics, and win the event hard.

...But mostly personal vendettas, yeah.
[-] Action Plan: Lizardbreath's Downfall v2

We should also summon Panashe about an hour beforehand, give her the mission briefing, and then unsummon her so that she can gather whatever equipment and clothing she thinks is appropriate. On the other hand, this might be micromanaging, so maybe it shouldn't be added to the plan.
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We should also summon Panashe about an hour beforehand, give her the mission briefing, and then unsummon her so that she can gather whatever equipment and clothing she thinks is appropriate. On the other hand, this might be micromanaging, so maybe it shouldn't be added to the plan.
I posit that it would be better (read: costs less chakra) if we summon Pandaa (who has a cheaper Summoning cost), have him unsummon Keiko to the Summoning Realm, and speak with Panashe there.
This sounds like something that would fall under our general "get along with the client" attitude. If you want to know any info that would come up in the process, maybe just ask the QMs?

My goal for talking to the Proctor, is to get it on screen. I would like some information, some character development of Proctor.

Information: I don't know what! But I think if we treat the Proctor like a PC there are lots of good things that can happen: QMs might drop a plot hook or some unexpected info if they enjoy the conversation progression; we might make a ally that we can use in future years; we might start to change hearts and minds in Mist; we can show we learned from Mari well, and gain some grudging respect from her former teacher, if that is true; we might get a chance to ask her if she can resupply quickly if the market changes quickly

Character development: we're spending at 5 days with this person. She has already shown she enjoys teasing us. Seems a shame to leave it at that. Maybe the bigger questions here is for the voters and QMs. Voters: Is there anyone else that would like a bit more story at the cost of less on screen action? QMs @eaglejarl & @Velorien , do you enjoy writing dialog, e.g., a reverse tease with client? Would you 'enjoy' occasionally dropping a hook about something that interests you, or vital-but-disguised-information in such dialogs to 'add value' for the action oriented crowd, but we didn't explicitly ask for?, and, if you do like writing dialog, are thoughts on best way for us to make that interesting/feasible for you? Set the scene, e.g., Keiko tells the boys she wants to practice X Mari technique in front of the proctor; and in such a way that the proctor can answer both in character and perhaps reveal some actual personal response. "Proctor/Client, would you be willing to judge our weekly X contest? As Ninja, we are always trying to perfect the skills our teacher taught us, but we often can't agree on which of us was the most successful". Idea: each of the three impersonate/caricature a well-known Mist person, such as the schoolteacher! Henge, voice, body language, smell.
Offtopic but amazing: I've been reading this big book of major health risks and thought I'd share.

There's a myth that marriage is good for your health. Turns out that's not true: ***100%*** of people who get married end up dead! Dangerous.

Also, cancer screenings. Don't let your doctor do this to you! They are the leading cause of finding out you have cancer.

Other issues: it's important to get a carbon monoxide detector for your house, but you should also check for its chemical cousin: dihydrogen monoxide. The stuff is insanely lethal if you breathe too much of it, it's closely associated with climate change, and it will dissolve almost anything. It won't dissolve metal or wood immediately but will decompose them given a bit of time. Fortunately, they make machines that remove it from the air.