My goal for talking to the Proctor, is to get it on screen. I would like some information, some character development of Proctor.

Information: I don't know what! But I think if we treat the Proctor like a PC there are lots of good things that can happen: QMs might drop a plot hook or some unexpected info if they enjoy the conversation progression; we might make a ally that we can use in future years; we might start to change hearts and minds in Mist; we can show we learned from Mari well, and gain some grudging respect from her former teacher, if that is true; we might get a chance to ask her if she can resupply quickly if the market changes quickly

Character development: we're spending at 5 days with this person. She has already shown she enjoys teasing us. Seems a shame to leave it at that. Maybe the bigger questions here is for the voters and QMs. Voters: Is there anyone else that would like a bit more story at the cost of less on screen action? QMs @eaglejarl & @Velorien , do you enjoy writing dialog, e.g., a reverse tease with client? Would you 'enjoy' occasionally dropping a hook about something that interests you, or vital-but-disguised-information in such dialogs to 'add value' for the action oriented crowd, but we didn't explicitly ask for?, and, if you do like writing dialog, are thoughts on best way for us to make that interesting/feasible for you? Set the scene, e.g., Keiko tells the boys she wants to practice X Mari technique in front of the proctor; and in such a way that the proctor can answer both in character and perhaps reveal some actual personal response. "Proctor/Client, would you be willing to judge our weekly X contest? As Ninja, we are always trying to perfect the skills our teacher taught us, but we often can't agree on which of us was the most successful". Idea: each of the three impersonate/caricature a well-known Mist person, such as the schoolteacher! Henge, voice, body language, smell.

Hmm, I'm willing to put that scene in the plan as an optional thing that @Velorien can write if he wants to. I expect the meat of the update to deal with the prank, and don't want to add too many side activities, especially since it's not supposed to cover that much time. Something like:

"Optional: Engage the client in conversation over a meal, or after you settle in your room: Get her to talk about her past, how business is going, whether she can get more stock if it goes particularly well, how much more she needs to make before she can retire, and so forth. Sound out how satisfied she is with our performance thus far and whether she has any feedback."

Any objections?
Hmm, I'm willing to put that scene in the plan as an optional thing that @Velorien can write if he wants to. I expect the meat of the update to deal with the prank, and don't want to add too many side activities, especially since it's not supposed to cover that much time. Something like:

"Optional: Engage the client in conversation over a meal, or after you settle in your room: Get her to talk about her past, how business is going, whether she can get more stock if it goes particularly well, how much more she needs to make before she can retire, and so forth. Sound out how satisfied she is with our performance thus far and whether she has any feedback."

Any objections?
Great - thanks/appreciate your willingness/flexibiliyt
Offtopic but amazing: I've been reading this big book of major health risks and thought I'd share.

There's a myth that marriage is good for your health. Turns out that's not true: ***100%*** of people who get married end up dead! Dangerous.

Also, cancer screenings. Don't let your doctor do this to you! They are the leading cause of finding out you have cancer.

Other issues: it's important to get a carbon monoxide detector for your house, but you should also check for its chemical cousin: dihydrogen monoxide. The stuff is insanely lethal if you breathe too much of it, it's closely associated with climate change, and it will dissolve almost anything. It won't dissolve metal or wood immediately but will decompose them given a bit of time. Fortunately, they make machines that remove it from the air.
This pains me. I actually got a minor headache from this.

Never again. Please.
QMs @eaglejarl & @Velorien , do you enjoy writing dialog, e.g., a reverse tease with client? Would you 'enjoy' occasionally dropping a hook about something that interests you, or vital-but-disguised-information in such dialogs to 'add value' for the action oriented crowd, but we didn't explicitly ask for?,
See here. [1]

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail You said before that we used pangolin in the forest so they'd be instantly-identifiable as Keiko's, right? But... didn't we only use Panache and the engineer pangolin? Did anyone actually see Panache?
It was pointed out above, but just so that we've actually responded: You rode Panjandrum, so a lot of people are now familiar with the pangolin body plan.

[1] Yes, writing dialogue is fine and I'm happy to tease the players offer plot hooks.

Other answers incoming once I can catch the other QMs.
Last edited:
@Roomba, in lieu of writing another plan just yet, I think I came up with a good angle for making sure Lizard Breath gets caught. There are sure to be many academy drop outs not too fond of their old headmaster who are more than willing to do their duty to the Mizukage if they overhear someone is making inappropriate use of government medical supplies. To that end, it may be useful to raid the academy for betel essence rather than using Noburi's. Panashe should be able to track it down by smell. If it helps, I think Hazou has an ex-friend from Mist who dropped out of the academy who shouldn't be hard to track down. Of course, we'd do something like henge into a merchant and be overheard complaining, not tell them directly.

Sounds like we're adding unnecessary risk/complication with the bolded part in particular.
@Roomba Add use of Zephyr's Reach for aspect bonii to taste? Remember that this is Kei; unique creativity is not really her thing, so anything inobvious we kind of do have to include in the plan imo.
Is my question about how exactly the echolocation jutsu works one of them? I am brimming with ideas for how to combine it with sealing for massive damage.
Rules are here to my knowledge. Is there a more up to date instance of them @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail?

That said, the text of Echolocation technique is as follows:

By molding Wind Element chakra and releasing it in the form of sound, the user gains a preternatural ability to analyze the sound as it bounces off solid objects and returns to the user. This gives the user a heightened awareness of their surroundings as well as any enemies that may be around. However, movement of either the user or their targets decreases the effectiveness of this jutsu.

While the jutsu is active, the user gains a -(½ * jutsu level) malus to Stealth, rounded up
I think this is the final revision. Added the optional conversation as suggested by @FourScore, Zephyr's Reach for trap disabling by @Cariyaga. @1234qwerty I added a note about possibly leveraging Lizardbreath's enemies for ensuring his trip isn't covered up, but left it vague because the characters are better equipped to make this decision than we are. Stealing the nut extract from the academy is a complication I don't want to introduce with this many votes already having been cast for the plan.

I'd like this to be my final edit. The plan looks good and, again, I don't want to change it so close to the deadline.

[X] Action Plan: Lizardbreath's Downfall v2

Ideally, we'd like this plan to cover the time until around early afternoon tomorrow, or otherwise when the effects of our prank become visible.

Dealing with our attackers
  • We want to ascertain whether we're being tailed and how, and potentially provoke our assailants into tipping their hand.
  • Keep an eye out for civilian tails.
  • Take some paths through the city that would make visual tracking difficult.
  • Loudly discuss lodging at a different inn, then stake it out.
  • If we manage to find our tail, maybe have Panashe follow them covertly?
The Lizardbreath Prank
  • Team is Keiko with Panashe. She wears concealing clothing, with the bandana left on.
  • Execution time is late night, preferably when it's darkest, so the bandana doesn't impede stealth too much.
  • Keiko summons Panashe in a secluded spot close to the academy. Panashe then scouts the academy (having been briefed on the layout), in order to identify guard patrol routes and secure entrance to the Old Schoolhouse Building. She then goes back to Keiko, and they both move in via the secured path.
  • After reaching Lizardbreath's office, put down a Silence Mine to cover it. Panashe works at disarming traps while Keiko watches for trouble. Keiko may also help with Zephyr's Reach if appropriate.
  • Spike the booze with Noburi's paranoia nut oil. If it's not safe to do so (because it's too strong), focus on memorizing Lizardbreath's schedule and any other interesting documents in the office.
  • Plant the rest of the oil in such a way that it's not visible, but a cursory search of the office should reveal it.
  • Exfiltrate, leaving everything in apparent order. Panashe unsummons.
  • Should anything unexpected happen while inside the school, Panashe provides a distraction, then unsummons before she can be seen. Open a window while in the office for a quick escape route. Escape to the summon realm if desperate.
  • Try to think of a way to ensure that Lizardbreath's condition can't be swept under the rug.
    • An anonymous tip by a concerned parent about the headmaster behaving erratically during mornings.
    • Maybe Lizardbreath has enemies capable of leveraging this incident somehow?
Optional: Engage the client in conversation over a meal, or after you settle in your room
Get her to talk about her past, how business is going, whether she can get more stock if it goes particularly well, how much more she needs to make before she can retire, and so forth. Sound out how satisfied she is with our performance thus far and whether she has any feedback.

  • Switched to Panashe from unknown Pangolin, as she's confirmed to be a proficient Cracker.
  • Changed time from 4am to whenever it's darkest to minimize the bandana pentalty.
  • Included a contingency in case Lizardbreath's alcohol can't be safely spiked.
  • Removed Jiraiya disagreement contingency, as it's now confirmed he does approve.
  • Changed infiltration protocol, now summoning Panashe before the academy grounds and letting her scout ahead.
  • Added preferred timeframe declaration.
  • Added optional client conversation
  • Added Zephyr's Reach for trap disarming
  • Note about possibly informing Lizardbreath's enemies about his state
@Roomba @1234qwerty Consider adding to use the basic academy Clone technique for subterfuge if Keiko's spotted --It's not commonly used by active ninja, so it'll imply she's a student, and on top of that darkness and stealth get rid of its downsides: That it doesn't have a shadow, and that it doesn't make sound.
I like it, but why the Byakugan only message? That would only work if we knew exactly where are pursuers were, and we don't. Unless you plan on using the Byakugan to determine that, and offering our services as compensation?

EDIT: In which case, why not use the dead drop?

@Roomba @1234qwerty Consider adding to use the basic academy Clone technique for subterfuge if Keiko's spotted --It's not commonly used by active ninja, so it'll imply she's a student, and on top of that darkness and stealth get rid of its downsides: That it doesn't have a shadow, and that it doesn't make sound.

This is either limited or dangerous, depending on whether the bandanna is covered up. If uncovered, we are unmistakably chuunin candidates. If covered or missing, failure becomes extremely costly. It might be useful if they are on our tail but we aren't yet spotted.
Interesting thought: What if Lizardbreath doesn't actually drink the alcohol he has stored in his office? What if he brings the alcohol from home in a storage scroll?

Even crazier: What if Lizardbreath's drunk-ass persona is a fake?