- Location
- Potato land
Can someone remind me of how earth and air domes work again?
Does it require two people to trigger? Do they have to be inside the dome? If not, how can the dome be released?
Basically, I worry that if it takes two people and they're both inside the dome, that traps our third party member outside and unsupported. And if we're all inside the dome, the enemies can just beat on it until it's down.
The mechanics are such that you place two tags, and a dome forms with the line segment between the tags as its diameter. The seals for Earth Domes at least are on the outside, and I think the Air Dome ones are on the inside? In any case, for an Earth Dome, we don't need to put anyone inside with the client. Main problem is that the dome won't form if there's anything in the way, so if she doesn't duck as instructed, we'll either need a diameter of 3+ metres or someone to go in with her and force her to behave.