Can someone remind me of how earth and air domes work again?

Does it require two people to trigger? Do they have to be inside the dome? If not, how can the dome be released?

Basically, I worry that if it takes two people and they're both inside the dome, that traps our third party member outside and unsupported. And if we're all inside the dome, the enemies can just beat on it until it's down.

The mechanics are such that you place two tags, and a dome forms with the line segment between the tags as its diameter. The seals for Earth Domes at least are on the outside, and I think the Air Dome ones are on the inside? In any case, for an Earth Dome, we don't need to put anyone inside with the client. Main problem is that the dome won't form if there's anything in the way, so if she doesn't duck as instructed, we'll either need a diameter of 3+ metres or someone to go in with her and force her to behave.
The mechanics are such that you place two tags, and a dome forms with the line segment between the tags as its diameter. The seals for Earth Domes at least are on the outside, and I think the Air Dome ones are on the inside? In any case, for an Earth Dome, we don't need to put anyone inside with the client. Main problem is that the dome won't form if there's anything in the way, so if she doesn't duck as instructed, we'll either need a diameter of 3+ metres or someone to go in with her and force her to behave.
This is correct. Notably, Noburi can drain through Air Domes, so if that's a thing we wanna do, he'd probably be the best to stick with her.
They should, but a fight is always uncertain. What do you recommend the contingency should be if we walk into a store and there's a team there with their client (or vice versa). Yell "Get 'em" and attack? (That's not sarcasm- I'm open to the argument.)

Possibly something along the lines of "The moment we spot the team, Hazou and Noburi guard Karina and start sprinting her away, Kei throws a blunted kunai directly at the merchant, then, hit or miss, she sprints after the rest of the group using vacuum step"? It would be low-risk for collateral damage, and alpha-strike-then-run works decently well for this kind of thing.
Possibly something along the lines of "The moment we spot the team, Hazou and Noburi guard Karina and start sprinting her away, Kei throws a blunted kunai directly at the merchant, then, hit or miss, she sprints after the rest of the group using vacuum step"? It would be low-risk for collateral damage, and alpha-strike-then-run works decently well for this kind of thing.

I worry that Granny Karina will complain that we are putting her 'life' in danger by starting a fight for no reason and use it as a reason to knock off points or otherwise trouble us. But maybe what you're saying is sensible.
@Briefvoice Thoughts on your plan:
  • I'd suggest, when moving Karina around, that we have one person inside the palanquin and two people outside. Possibly Noburi would be the best bet to being inside since Hazou can use Living Roots?
  • Send Pangolins to investigate suspicious areas.
  • It's not just the Iwa team that can use ground-based manipulation; they're just the strongest. If we suspect an underground assault or a terrain manipulator, get off the ground. Then again, terrain manipulators could be doing collateral damage by upending the earth...
  • If we're scouting the next location I would heavily suggest using Panashe or a Stealth Pangolin. NOT a messenger Pangolin.
  • You need to add a contingency for eating. Someone needs to check the food (ideally as it's being made), or have pre-made food ready for her consumption.
They would have to hide their bandana somehow which is really frowned upon. The bandanas are there to prevent people not involved in the Exam from being harassed.

That doesn't mean a team won't try - some teams may believe they won't make it to the tournament, and will try to help teams from their own village reach the exams by focusing on eliminating competing teams. Remember that this is a ninja event. Cheating is only a problem for you if you don't get caught. Hell, someone could henge themselves as a contestant we think is among those we have a non-aggression pact with and still appear to be a contestant with a visible bandana.

Per the revised rules, it only counts as a kill if the henge is broken. Can poison break a henge?

Dunno. @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail - if someone under a henge is rendered unconscious, would that break their henge?
If that's the way air domes work, does that mean we could create Hamsterball no Jutsu using two pairs of air dome seals and a hula hoop?
@Briefvoice Thoughts on your plan:
  • I'd suggest, when moving Karina around, that we have one person inside the palanquin and two people outside. Possibly Noburi would be the best bet to being inside since Hazou can use Living Roots?
  • Send Pangolins to investigate suspicious areas.
  • It's not just the Iwa team that can use ground-based manipulation; they're just the strongest. If we suspect an underground assault or a terrain manipulator, get off the ground. Then again, terrain manipulators could be doing collateral damage by upending the earth...
  • If we're scouting the next location I would heavily suggest using Panashe or a Stealth Pangolin. NOT a messenger Pangolin.
  • You need to add a contingency for eating. Someone needs to check the food (ideally as it's being made), or have pre-made food ready for her consumption.

The reason we're not using Panashe by default is that she costs a lot of chakra. Keiko only really has enough for 4 hours worth of Panashe time (well, she's 5 chakra short, to be exact), and we're not guaranteed constant refills from Noburi. It's also not clear how well she will perform in this kind of environment.

Personally, I'd be fine with having Panashe out for the critical parts at least if we arrange for a constant chakra supply for Noburi.
I know I always say this and I always get pushback, but pangolin management is ultimately Keiko's call, not Hazou's. If he has a suggestion for using a specific pangolin in a specific situation, that's great, but questions of how much of Keiko's chakra she feels comfortable about spending at any one time to keep pangolins out is really up to her. She'll decide as seems best for the situation.
I don't know if I'm being excessively paranoid, but the original ruleset we got specified that a client is considered killed if they're hit by a hostile contestant. The updated rules say this:
is considered killed if their disguise is destroyed for any reason
Which in theory means that a team can not join the event and just go around eliminating clients without worrying about their own. This would be really stupid and degenerate from an event design perspective, but then, all the other teams were conspicuously absent from the event location when we got there...
I don't know if I'm being excessively paranoid, but the original ruleset we got specified that a client is considered killed if they're hit by a hostile contestant. The updated rules say this:

Which in theory means that a team can not join the event and just go around eliminating clients without worrying about their own. This would be really stupid and degenerate from an event design perspective, but then, all the other teams were conspicuously absent from the event location when we got there...
Not being part of the exam presumably means you're DQ'd, which would suggest that you'd get -50 as your score. Which isn't something I think teams would want, unless you're already fucked (which I don't think most teams are).
is considered killed if their disguise is destroyed for any reason

Beforehand, we assumed you had to have a bandana on to "kill" a merchant. Now anybody can, right? We could hire a civilian, or even ninja not in the contest, to "accidentally" assassinate enemy clients while not wearing a headband, since they're not contestants. Heck, based on the collateral damage rules, their defenders might not even be able to fight back. Though, if they did fight back and ended up hurting our assassin, they might throw the book at us under rule #4. Risky.
I don't know if I'm being excessively paranoid, but the original ruleset we got specified that a client is considered killed if they're hit by a hostile contestant. The updated rules say this:

Which in theory means that a team can not join the event and just go around eliminating clients without worrying about their own. This would be really stupid and degenerate from an event design perspective, but then, all the other teams were conspicuously absent from the event location when we got there...

Well, nothing to be done about it now.
Beforehand, we assumed you had to have a bandana on to "kill" a merchant. Now anybody can, right? We could hire a civilian, or even ninja not in the contest, to "accidentally" assassinate enemy clients while not wearing a headband, since they're not contestants. Heck, based on the collateral damage rules, their defenders might not even be able to fight back. Though, if they did fight back and ended up hurting our assassin, they might throw the book at us under rule #4. Risky.
Send a message to the yakuza to do it?
For that matter, if someone falls asleep while under a Henge is it broken? Is Granny Karina supposed to stay awake for 5 straight days?

I think the merchant-nin are supposed to be good enough to take naps when they won't be noticed, then wake up and henge up if any interlopers appear.

Beyond that, if the proctor says they were out of henge for health reasons and took enough damage that it would have broken the henge, that will likely count for a kill. It's not an expected occurrence, though — they don't have rules for it.
No, I mean, people who don't show up get -50; people whose merchant gets taken out get -200, was my impression of how it worked?

It's actually not clear what happens to people who don't show up.

if you remove your bandana you are disqualified from the event if you remove another contestant's bandana or cause it to be removed you are disqualified from the event if you are disqualified then your team will be taken directly to the barracks and confined there for the duration of the event your score for the event will be a flat minus fifty points or whatever score you have earned if it is below minus fifty

If you start the contest and then remove your bandana then that's a DQ, you are at -50 points, and you're confined to barracks.

if your client is single quote mark killed single quote mark then you are disqualified from the event and your score for the event is a flat minus two hundred points or whatever score you have earned if it is below minus two hundred

Getting your client killed is also a DQ, but this one comes to -200 points. Since they said that "if you are disqualified then your team will be taken directly to the barracks and confined there for the duration of the event" then presumably you are also confined to barracks in this case, though the instructions do not repeat themselves.

So if a team never shows up for the event do they get 0 points, -50 points, or -200 points?
Honestly, the current formulation simply doesn't make much sense. The wording on the rules explanation implies that a team can join the event at any time after it begins. I originally thought it was to account for teams finding event info later and accordingly being able to earn fewer points from their client's earnings. However, if the intent is that you're supposed to weigh the benefit of even entering the event against the risk of eating -200 for client death... then it's a bit stupid. It's absolutely stupid if non-participants can target clients, because then not participating is the only winning move, it'd be an exam that incentivizes not taking it.

I'm just going to assume the rules are reasonable and we won't get swarmed by three teams of Mist chuunin candidates the moment we walk into the open.

Incidentally, what are everyone's thoughts on wearing a disguise? Not necessarily Henge, but some concealing clothes and masks? Would make it more difficult for anyone trying to specifically target us.
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The Earth Dome would not protect the client from underground attacks, would it? Is it possible to put down a second dome under the earth to form a complete ball to protect against that?