Voting is closed.

In other news, I remember when there used to be multiple (serious) plans. ;>

'Tis the nature of the Chuunin Exams. We already know (more or less) what we need to do, just not how to do it, so there's less room for differences of opinion large enough to create a wholly separate plan instead of just discussion and compromise for the main plan.

There's also the fact that the system revamp put our planmakers months out of practice, but I expect by the time we complete the exams (and thus have a wider range of things to do, leading to more differing opinions and thus more plans) things will be back in shape.
'Tis the nature of the Chuunin Exams. We already know (more or less) what we need to do, just not how to do it, so there's less room for differences of opinion large enough to create a wholly separate plan instead of just discussion and compromise for the main plan.

There's also the fact that the system revamp put our planmakers months out of practice, but I expect by the time we complete the exams (and thus have a wider range of things to do, leading to more differing opinions and thus more plans) things will be back in shape.
QMs: "You're ambushed by a bunch of ninja, outclassed and alone, your allies are going to be killed soon. What do you do?"
Players: *Variety of ideas, lots of people suggest things, virtually no arguing, single plan put forward, nigh-unanimous consensus.

QMs: "People want to hang out on the beach, there's nothing pressing happening. What do you do?"
Players: "It is vital to our continued survival we relax at EXACTLY the right level, performing the best relaxation activities and descriptions to achieve maximal group unity."
*Players put forward three different plans of varying levels of relaxation for the beach.
[X] Super Serious Mega Ultra Hyper Overpowered Quickened Empowered Heightened Maximized Limit Break Armageddon Initiative
[X] Super Serious Mega Ultra Hyper Overpowered Quickened Empowered Heightened Maximized Limit Break Armageddon Initiative
I dare you all to vote for this. It would be hilarious. :>

(NB: If you do vote for it, make sure to start thinking about what you want your next character to be. Start along the lines of 'which piece of post-apocalyptic rubble do you live in?')
[X] Super Serious Mega Ultra Hyper Overpowered Quickened Empowered Heightened Maximized Limit Break Armageddon Initiative

I dare you all to vote for this. It would be hilarious. :>

(NB: If you do vote for it, make sure to start thinking about what you want your next character to be. Start along the lines of 'which piece of post-apocalyptic rubble do you live in?')
*Begins fantasizing about minmaxing the rubble*
I did wait until less than 24 hours before the deadline to see if anyone else would put up a plan. I thought <12 hours would be pushing it.
'Tis the nature of the Chuunin Exams. We already know (more or less) what we need to do, just not how to do it, so there's less room for differences of opinion large enough to create a wholly separate plan instead of just discussion and compromise for the main plan.

There's also the fact that the system revamp put our planmakers months out of practice, but I expect by the time we complete the exams (and thus have a wider range of things to do, leading to more differing opinions and thus more plans) things will be back in shape.

We also have low participation.
In other news, yesterday I was largely useless and today I am staring at the plan with utter lack of inspiration. I'm afraid this will be another CfG update.
Any thoughts on why and how to fix it?

I think people find it intimidating because:

1. They have been trained that a simple mistake can result in TOTAL DISASTER.

2. Even absent that, they've been told over and over that if the plans aren't genius the character gets no special narrative favors and won't accomplish anything useful.

That's a lot of pressure. Easier to just not suggest anything and not have to be blamed for any of it. You're left with people that are either very sure of themselves or are prepared to not feel too bad if Hazou dies/fails.
I think people find it intimidating because:

1. They have been trained that a simple mistake can result in TOTAL DISASTER.

2. Even absent that, they've been told over and over that if the plans aren't genius the character gets no special narrative favors and won't accomplish anything useful.

That's a lot of pressure. Easier to just not suggest anything and not have to be blamed for any of it. You're left with people that are either very sure of themselves or are prepared to not feel too bad if Hazou dies/fails.

I'd also just point out that every plan is a giant write-in discourages plan making by the vast majority of players, due to the sheer amount of work that goes into making one and managing it. Write-in only quests often discourage participation in plan making to begin with in my experience, and this quest has the largest write-ins of any quest I'm aware of. The current plan has, on a manual count, fifty two bullet points. Making and managing such large plans takes quite a few spoons, and the QMs aren't the only people who have a limited number of spoons they can spend on this quest. Point 1 somewhat goes into why plans are so long, because people often feel the need to address every detail they can think of to ensure things won't fuck up.

Attempts to address the problem of plans seeming to have to be long in the past, but they've never stuck.