More of a chakra mech summon, really, especially the complete form used by Madara. The only thing that makes it armour-like is that the user is inside it. At that point, you have to include all of Gaara's sand shells (the ones he uses against Sasuke and Deidara) and maybe even Neji's Heavenly Spin, and then you're basically saying that defensive technique = armour.
I think multiple ninja villages wear armour-like things to make their grunts visually distinct - the way Leaf has its green jackets. But I don't think we've ever seen conventional armour protect against anything. Samurai and bladed weapons, maybe?
Squishiness is actually intentional to an extent. Marked for Death was meant to be a quest about low-power missing-nin surviving by being clever, including avoiding the battles they could and stacking the odds for the ones they couldn't. It was never imagined that you'd still be on your first character after two years, having successfully managed to fix your pariah status, your lack of allies and your low firepower on your first try.The thing about canon is how a character will either be fast enough to dodge everything (including Kawarimis that make the viewer think he got hit) or can tank it for dramatic effect so my suggestion would be to not model the gameplay rules too much on canon in this case.
In canon, whatever made more sense for the plot or looked cooler happened; this doesn't mesh with a quest where bad rolls can happen to the best (and statistically will be) because there is no such thing as plot armor. Having a safety net is very, very valuable because of this.
What worries me is that ninjas are super squishy because their offense scales pretty well and has to only win a single roll in most cases and the longer the quest takes, the more likely this is going to go affect us negatively.
EDIT: An alternative would be to have specific armor give penalties to opposing enemy offense rolls. Still would be a deviance from canon but since there is no such thing as a Health Points stat, it might help?
Ok y'all, we have a sad announcement to make.
Two changes to the Pangolin clan jutsu:
1. Pantokrator's Communion is getting nixed.
Allowing it was a misunderstanding between the QMs regarding whether it was a jutsu that could be taught, or an innate one that couldn't. We'll be going through and fixing scenes where it was involved over the course of the week. We are working on coming up with a technique to replace it with in apology - something useful and likely nonelemental - and are open to suggestions. We would also be okay with giving the party one of the other approved jutsu. This will likely be put to a vote after the next chapter.
2. The armor techniques (Ghost Scales and Earth Armor) no longer stack.
They will continue to stack with the Conditioning jutsu. The sheer amount of tankiness applied by three layers of defense would have made things frankly absurd. You guys will still be some of the best-protected nin around short of genuine bullshit like immortality or spacetime bullshit.
Bear in mind that if armour is common, then enemies will have it too, and battles will turn into slugging matches. At that point, you'll be less likely to die and more likely to be wounded, which will lead to long-term impairment and make the quest slower and less fun for everyone.
That point was actually made just a couple of hours ago in a GM chat, so it sounds like we're on the same page. One problem that we're wrestling with is that when @OliWhail and I approved the pangolin jutsu we were both exceptionally low on spoons and didn't do enough stress testing. Now that we're actually a little more spoonful (in my case because we secured a second pre-seed investment and therefore will no longer be out of business in 2 months) and have our third brain back (looking at you, @Velorien) we are realizing that we didn't do a good job of balancing them. Ghost Scales, for example, would let Noburi or Jiraiya ignore C-class wounds and doesn't have a maintenance cost, so they can have it running 24/7/365. We're revisiting that and checking the others over while we're at it.Of course, you could just let armour, and thus the Goketsu, be rather powerful. It's not as though a simulationist game needs to be rebalanced when the protagonists become stronger than normal characters by exploiting rare resources such as the closely guarded secrets of xenophobic aliens.
@OliWhail @eaglejarl @Velorien
It seems like this could significantly change the action plan we would have made, as well as the outcome of the battle under the current plan. It also seems like the ideal outcome would be for both the plan and the resulting battle to make as much sense as possible given the state of the world (i.e. jutsu our team has). And it seems like pushing to get the update out by tomorrow might result in a lot of stress. Would you all be amenable to giving us another interlude (or perhaps a retcon-flashback to receiving Pangolin jutsu) tomorrow, and saving the battle for Saturday so there's more time to figure things out?
e: this would be my suggestion even if you categorically rejected the possibility of voting on a new action plan. This situation is just pinging my radar for potential problems. Obviously you know much better than I do how well the battle setup is going, so feel free to disregard this if you think it's well in hand.
Just a balance note is that [the Condor Training Jutsu proposal] is considerably weaker than the pangolin training Jutsu. Has nothing equivalent to the reducing wound penalties. I would still vote for this Jutsu but would not be opposed to adding a little more to it
Valid point, although I will note that skills which use Int (e.g. Summoning, Sealing, and Combat Frozen Skein) tend to be (a) significantly more expensive than and (b) significantly more powerful than skills that use physical stats, so anything that gets you free Int inherently has a higher value.
Chapter 161: Suit Yourself
Noburi spun on his heel, shifting into a readied stance. Any moment, Hazo would spit out a plan tailored to the situation. When that happened, he'd be prepared to--
"Akane! Lee!" Hazo's voice cut through his internal thoughts.
"Right!" The other two nodded in unison, and with a smooth motion, the three stripped off their uniforms, revealing identical green bodysuits beneath. Noburi froze. No. He wouldn't.
"GENIN OF KIRIGAKURE!" Hazo's voice boomed forth, as though speaking to a massed crowd. In a single, synchronized leap, the three landed on the border walls of the fort, posing in unison. "WINTER IS AT AN END! YOUR SPRINGTIME IS UPON YOU!"
Tearing his eyes from the sight, Noburi ran to Keiko. "What do we do?" he hissed, glaring at the inexplicably radiant figures on the parapet.
Keiko's voice was dull and monotone, having dipped into the Frozen Skein. "Given time elapsed and current state of all involved parties, including the as-yet unidentified opposition, the ideal adjustments to be made let this run its course?" A trace of confusion entered her voice at the last words, and she shook her head, returning to normal. "That can't possibly be right."
"The Mizukage has her ambitions for you," Akane cried out. Her voice was quieter than Hazo's, but still carried. "Your families have hopes for your future. Your senseis have plans for how you might yet grow. All these have helped you reach where you are today. But the time has come to lay aside the mantle others place on you, and follow your own path!"
Incredulous that the attack still hadn't happened, Noburi quietly wallwalked up to the edge of the parapet, glancing over its top. At the base of the wall, the attacking genin stood, weapons raised and conflicted expressions on their faces.
Lee pumped one arm into the air. "YOSH!"
"YOSH!" Hazo and Akane cried out with him, as did the Mist contestants, whose faces had resolved into spirited determination.
Noburi just shook his head, dropping from his stance and returning to the fort. Maybe the world would make sense again when he woke up the next morning.
You have received 3 XP.
We've indeed discussed that. But it's not an issue of whether you should have cool stuff as a result of successfully leveraging rare resources. It's an issue of whether the specific cool stuff you've gained is something that should have been available to you.Of course, you could just let armour, and thus the Goketsu, be rather powerful. It's not as though a simulationist game needs to be rebalanced when the protagonists become stronger than normal characters by exploiting rare resources such as the closely guarded secrets of xenophobic aliens.
We've indeed discussed that. But it's not an issue of whether you should have cool stuff as a result of successfully leveraging rare resources. It's an issue of whether the specific cool stuff you've gained is something that should have been available to you.
Here's the thing: in a simulationist game, whatever ability you have, NPCs with similar power levels and/or resource access must naturally have abilities of analogous effectiveness. If you live in a world where a chūnin-ish summoner can get an ability that lets them automatically ignore an attack that would cripple a normal ninja, then that means you live in a world where anyone of similar resourcefulness can get, say, an ability that lets them automatically inflict an attack that would cripple a normal ninja. In other words, if you've obtained a poor man's Earth Spear with your resources, then other highly-advantaged chūnin out there are walking around with a poor man's Rasen-Shuriken or a poor man's Mangekyō Sharingan. Such a world is a lot more lethal than the world you thought you were living in.
We've indeed discussed that. But it's not an issue of whether you should have cool stuff as a result of successfully leveraging rare resources. It's an issue of whether the specific cool stuff you've gained is something that should have been available to you.
Here's the thing: in a simulationist game, whatever ability you have, NPCs with similar power levels and/or resource access must naturally have abilities of analogous effectiveness. If you live in a world where a chūnin-ish summoner can get an ability that lets them automatically ignore an attack that would cripple a normal ninja, then that means you live in a world where anyone of similar resourcefulness can get, say, an ability that lets them automatically inflict an attack that would cripple a normal ninja. In other words, if you've obtained a poor man's Earth Spear with your resources, then other highly-advantaged new chūnin out there are walking around with a poor man's Rasen-Shuriken or a poor man's Mangekyō Sharingan. Such a world is a lot more lethal than the world you thought you were living in.
I mean, if anything is going to put you on the path to being S rank, it's our current situation. We have the Hokage/Toad Summoner/A Sannin/ Legendary Sealmaster as our father, another master sealmaster as our uncle, are a sealmaster ourselves, and the Pangolin Summoner as our sister. Plus, thanks to Noburi (Provided we get some fish.), we can likely train more in a single day than average because of the extra source of chakra.I mean as far as I know summoning was a quick path to S-class. Also we are in a world where people can turn into lighting. They can also rewrite reality so they don't die after taking leathal wounds. So I wouldn't say we are unbalancing the world at all.
Over all the only thing that really changes is that we are on an S-Rank trajectory like Naruto and Sasuke in canon
We've indeed discussed that. But it's not an issue of whether you should have cool stuff as a result of successfully leveraging rare resources. It's an issue of whether the specific cool stuff you've gained is something that should have been available to you.
Here's the thing: in a simulationist game, whatever ability you have, NPCs with similar power levels and/or resource access must naturally have abilities of analogous effectiveness. If you live in a world where a chūnin-ish summoner can get an ability that lets them automatically ignore an attack that would cripple a normal ninja, then that means you live in a world where anyone of similar resourcefulness can get, say, an ability that lets them automatically inflict an attack that would cripple a normal ninja. In other words, if you've obtained a poor man's Earth Spear with your resources, then other highly-advantaged new chūnin out there are walking around with a poor man's Rasen-Shuriken or a poor man's Mangekyō Sharingan. Such a world is a lot more lethal than the world you thought you were living in.
Are there any non-predatory chakra plants?When we get back we absolutely have to work on getting a chakra beast farm set up for Noburi to drain regularly to fuel his use of Shadow Clone for training.
The more powerful summoning is, the less plausible it is that Jiraiya let some random missing-nin child keep the scroll. If he was able to turn a strong, loyal Leaf ninja into an instant S-ranker just by giving them the scroll, Jiraiya would have immediately bought it off you (or taken it off your dead body).I mean as far as I know summoning was a quick path to S-class. Also we are in a world where people can turn into lighting. They can also rewrite reality so they don't die after taking leathal wounds. So I wouldn't say we are unbalancing the world at all.
The more powerful summoning is, the less plausible it is that Jiraiya let some random missing-nin child keep the scroll. If he was able to turn a strong, loyal Leaf ninja into an instant S-ranker just by giving them the scroll, Jiraiya would have immediately bought it off you (or taken it off your dead body).
As for the other point, you're not unbalancing the world if you have crazy strong techniques. Those are part and parcel of the Narutoverse (even if we've been toning down the more egregious cases). You're unbalancing the world if you have crazy strong techniques at a level which means lots of other people must have them too. Your examples are a Kage and a guy who used biomodification to gain an ultimate Bloodline Limit power ten times. If that power level is something you can attain just by being a highly-advantaged new chūnin, then what does that say about clan heirs, and Bloodline Limit holders, and actual jōnin and above? MfD!Nagato should be able to implement the Eye of the Moon plan just by snapping his fingers.
I mean as far as I know summoning was a quick path to S-class. Also we are in a world where people can turn into lighting. They can also rewrite reality so they don't die after taking leathal wounds. So I wouldn't say we are unbalancing the world at all.
Over all the only thing that really changes is that we are on an S-Rank trajectory like Naruto and Sasuke in canon