We should probably think of an achievable sealing project that we can work together on, like we did with skywalkers. We should try to get one with high utility, but no immediate combat value (while everything can be weaponized, not all utility projects are as weaponizable as skywalkers were).

I want Kagome to see how his work can add value to the world, how he can contribute and is actively contributing to the uplift project. Right now, he is doubting his place in the team. We can certainly try to talk to him to reassure him of his value, but while describing his value has merit, demonstrating it has a whole extra kick.

I want the project to be a non-weapon as it may help kick him out of his rut where he only cares about seals that attack/defend (like in Snow when he didn't want to research the purifier.) I think Kagome is in a state, right now, where such an action is most likely to have a lasting, positive effect.

If people have similar thoughts, I have some ideas for utility seals/applications to investigate.

Defensive skywalkers would be a project I could get behind
We should probably think of an achievable sealing project that we can work together on, like we did with skywalkers. We should try to get one with high utility, but no immediate combat value (while everything can be weaponized, not all utility projects are as weaponizable as skywalkers were).

I want Kagome to see how his work can add value to the world, how he can contribute and is actively contributing to the uplift project. Right now, he is doubting his place in the team. We can certainly try to talk to him to reassure him of his value, but while describing his value has merit, demonstrating it has a whole extra kick.

I want the project to be a non-weapon as it may help kick him out of his rut where he only cares about seals that attack/defend (like in Snow when he didn't want to research the purifier.) I think Kagome is in a state, right now, where such an action is most likely to have a lasting, positive effect.

If people have similar thoughts, I have some ideas for utility seals/applications to investigate.

I've been a firm proponent of researching Purifier variants, since they have a lot of potential, especially once Hazou learns chemistry.

The first and easiest to justify variant would be a seal to separate salt and water. Not only can you now get fresh water from the ocean, but you also get an easy supply of salt, which is probably a luxury commodity in this world.
But we sent him with Akane if I recall correctly. It's cool though if you don't trust kagome
The moment Harada saw the two travellers entering his inn, he said goodbye to his plans for a peaceful afternoon restocking the inventory.

The woman was unremarkable in every way, dressed in ordinary farmer's clothes with her hair tied up in a simple but practical ponytail. He wouldn't have given her a second glance were she not a customer. The man, on the other hand…

The pot belly Harada could accept (and even sympathise with). The hooked nose was unfortunate, but people couldn't help the way they were made. But the clothes… The man looked like he'd heard how human beings dressed from rumours and hearsay, and then tried to imitate them by robbing one of those travelling entertainer troupes.

Harada looked him over from top to bottom. A rice farmer's broad-brimmed hat. Shoulder straps leading to a tanner's apron. Mercenary boiled leathers beneath the straps. The whole ensemble partially covered by a short-cut jacket that Harada thought might have been fashionable in his grandfather's time. Oversized blacksmith's gloves. Kabuki actor clogs.

Harada's examination was interrupted as the man raised a hand imperiously and pointed his index finger right at Harada's nose.

"Lowly peasant, I command thee-"

"Ahem!" the woman cut in quickly. "What my lor- err, my mast- err, my friend means to say is that he would like to ask you a few questions about the nearby hot springs. Unfortunately," she gave the man a pointed look, "he is recovering from an illness of the throat, and so I will have to speak on his behalf."

Harada nodded carefully. "Of course. What would your… friend… like to know?"

"Well," the woman began, "to begin with, can you recommend us a good resort?"

"Of course, madam. My cousin works at the Imomura Hot Springs, and I can tell you with confidence that it is the very-"

"Absolutely not," the man interrupted in a high-pitched, whiny voice. "Lord Kamachi patronises the Imomura Hot Springs. I refuse to-"

"Are there any other hot springs you can suggest?" the woman asked loudly.

Harada quickly went down the list.

"Mizuchi Hot Springs?"

"Lord Ijiwara."

"Mishima Hot Springs?"

"Lord Kimura."

"Mizutani Hot Springs?"

After a quick glance at the man, the woman gave him a happy smile. "Please, tell us more."

Harada considered. "Mizutani has a reputation for safety and security. It's where important people go to rest and re… resomething. Recuperate, that's it!

"They have real ninja guarding the place," he added, "and fierce guard dogs to keep out thieves and peeping toms."

"My," the woman put a hand to her mouth. "How dangerous. Real ninja, you say?"

Harada nodded. "Oh, yes. They've got a full team of three Sannin there right now."

The man and the woman blinked simultaneously. "Sannin?"

"Oh, oops. I mean sennin."

The man and the woman looked at each other. "Three sennin?"

Harada frowned. "Does that not sound right?

"Oh, wait, genin. That's what they're called."

The woman gave him an unreadable look.

"That sounds terribly impressive," she said after a second's pause. "So, purely hypothetically, a place like that must be appropriate for travelling noblemen, then?"

"I'd say so," Harada agreed. "They get all sorts. Dignitaries, wealthy merchants, even the occasional injured ninja."

"Ninja guests?" the woman asked in surprise. "But isn't it terribly dangerous for injured ninja to be out in public? I thought they all went around killing each other all the time."

Harada couldn't help laughing. "You're really not from around here, are you? The Land of Hot Springs is an official de-somethinged zone, by treaty. Any ninja trying to ply their craft here is going to have Hidden Springs come down on them like a ton of bricks, and the other villages are supposed to help."

"So the ninja here don't go around getting in everyone's business the way they do back home?" the woman asked.

"They're pretty laid-back," Harada said. "They get the megalodon's share of the taxes here, and since Hot Springs gets so many wealthy visitors, far more than those wannabes in the Country of the Wave, not to mention having a wonderful climate for growing fruit, our ninja don't have to work as hard as, say, those butchers from Hidden Mist."

The woman raised her eyebrows.

"Everyone knows Mist wants to conquer Hot Springs and take away our freedom," Harada explained in a matter-of-fact voice (since he was stating the bleeding obvious). "If we weren't on such good terms with Hidden Leaf, who knows what might become of us, treaty or no treaty."

The woman, still listening attentively, reached back and tugged at her ponytail, adjusting the ribbon it was tied back with.

Suddenly, the man leaned back. "No, wait. Mizutani! That's where Lord Sagara goes for his old sports injury!"

The woman sighed. "Could you please tell us about some other hot springs, sir?"
"…and then we swapped roles over in the next town, and Kagome practised gathering information while I drew attention off him whenever he was having trouble," Inoue-sensei went on, luxuriating in a soft armchair after a day on her feet apparently pretending to be a variety of dubious individuals. It was long past dark, and by mutual agreement the team had decided not to say a word about their work until they'd been suitably filled with hot soup.

"'Oh, is it true that the hot springs are full of beautiful young women, frolicking about without a shred of clothing?'" Inoue-sensei asked in her best lecherous voice. Hazō and Keiko shivered involuntarily at the aura of naked lust that briefly surrounded her, while Noburi's face took on a dreamy expression for a second before he caught himself.

"What about you, kids?" she asked with a smug grin.

Hazō went first. "The Mizutani Hot Springs are surrounded by a wooden palisade fence about ten feet tall. At the south end, there is a large gate which sees regular traffic, with stables and an entry building. Behind the entry building is a large two-floor inn, probably with the actual hot spring baths further back. Outside, there are regular patrols – I counted four groups of three civilian guards armed with clubs and spears, and each group had a dog. There's also at least one ninja, on an irregular patrol schedule I couldn't work out."

"There are more than four groups of guards," Keiko added, "but only four are on duty at any given time. Two groups are replaced every hour. The dogs are Shiba dogs, and I speculate that the breed was chosen for its friendly appearance which appeals to visitors, combined with keen hunting instincts and its notorious ability to scream loudly when provoked.

"My second cousin had several Shiba dogs," she added thoughtfully. "They behaved in a reserved fashion towards me, but were never hostile the way other breeds have been in the past."

Noburi took over. "The inn does business with two main suppliers: Wakamoto and Sons, based out of Ijima, for food, and Imagawa, whose location I don't know yet, for sundries like linens and stuff. Wakamoto's delivers carts of fresh food at around 9 am every morning, and a bigger delivery every Saturday. Imagawa delivers every Sunday, plus various mid-week orders as necessary.

"Wakamoto's has done business with them for at least thirty years, but Imagawa got a contract only recently, after the previous supplier tried to cheat a ninja and it ended badly."

Everyone looked at Noburi. "Wow," Hazō said. "How did you manage to get all that?"

Noburi shrugged. "I followed a couple of servants out on errands, waited for the right opportunity, then talked to them while they picked things up in town. They also told me that the proprietress's daughter is pregnant, father unknown, there are two nobles fighting over the attention of a female ninja with a hurt leg, and there's a creepy guy with hollow eyes and a big curved sword staying on the second floor. Oh, and someone really important is coming soon, but they don't know who."

"Huh," Hazō said. "What about you, Akane?"

"I mostly ran interference," Akane said cheerfully. "Somebody had to keep the boys busy while Noburi chatted up the girls."

All eyes turned to Noburi again.

"It wasn't like that!" he insisted after a brief glance at Keiko and her sceptical expression. "I was only buying them lunch so they'd open up to me! Stop looking at me like that!"

"They grow up so fast," Inoue-sensei sighed, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye as Kagome looked on in bemusement.
You have earned 3 XP.
Noburi reports that walls are not relevant to Vampiric Dew's sensory powers.

Research on the Macerator is complete, with only a couple of close brushes with Hazō's mortality.

What next?​
Voting closes on Saturday the 23rd​, 9 am New York Time. Note the changed time.
Fuuton: Aerial Redirection

Attributes: Dexterity x 2, Control x 2, Wits x 3

Chakra Cost: 20(?)

Description: This technique is used after throwing weapons to redirect misses -- or hits. Wind chakra surrounds the thrown weapons and unexpectedly changes their flight path mid-throw. Users of this technique particularly good at it may even be able to reverse the direction of thrown weapons.

Mechanics: The technique user may choose to reroll their weapons dice with a dice bonus equal to ¼ of the Aerial Redirection level. This is not a best-of-the-two reroll; if the technique chooses to use this reroll, they discard their previous roll. This may result in a worse dice roll, depending on how lucky they turn out. When used in this way, it does not take their combat action for the round.

Alternatively, they may use this to turn aside enemy thrown weapons -- this follows the same dice reroll rules, though the user may use their judgement to determine if they or their teammate would be hit with the weapons before choosing to use this. This usage does not function on weapons imbued with foreign chakra, and prevents the user from making an attack that round, though they may still Tac Move to avoid attacks or change range.

Notes: This technique may have a variant to be used in a support capacity to improve a teammate's Tac Move. This variant would likely require higher Control, but provide ⅓ instead of ¼. Additionally, this technique may be used to improve a team mate's thrown weapons instead.


I made a technique proposal list available in my sig or here.
Good point. But we need to extend kagome trust. So I think this is a reasonable risk to take based on its potential payoff. Though I don't expect to be able to persuade you.
Minami would veto it out of hand because Kagome's poor social ability could jeopardize the mission unnecessarily. She's still team leader, we aren't overruling this.

I would not be wholly against it (for the far-out places, at least), but Minami would see no logical reason to do this.
Minami would veto it out of hand because Kagome's poor social ability could jeopardize the mission unnecessarily. She's still team leader, we aren't overruling this.

I would not be wholly against it (for the far-out places, at least), but Minami would see no logical reason to do this.

We would tell Minami our reasoning behind it and get her permission. Every thing has to br out in the open for this to work
Defensive skywalkers would be a project I could get behind
The thing with skywalkers is that they are, at heart, a utility seal - they enable 3D movement. Because there is nothing inherently offensive or defensive about them, the ability to apply them in offensive or defensive ways is a matter of strategy and tactics. Talking strategy and tactics is actually pretty fun to me, but it doesn't seem like something Kagome would sign up for in his current mood. Also, trying to solve a defense problem, while notionally better than an offense option, is still going to put Kagome in the rote of attack/defend, which I want to start breaking him from (if at all possible)

As a part of Hazo's aberrant brain, however, we can carry on the discussion...
Known or theorized offensive uses of skywalkers:
High altitude bombardment
Infiltration - can emplace a spy/saboteur/attacker within enemy borders
Surveillance/Reconnaissance - can see enemy movement
Improved Tactical Agility - can attack more quickly from more directions

Known or theorized defensive uses of skywalkers
Complicate Base Access - bases high off ground
Surveillance/Reconnaissance - can see enemy movement,
Improved Tactical Agility - can escape more quickly, in a direction the foe might not be able to follow
Break Siege - encirclement on land insufficient to prevent re-supply

Seems reasonable. What was your idea?

Impulse seals could be used to power mills.

I've been a firm proponent of researching Purifier variants, since they have a lot of potential, especially once Hazou learns chemistry.

The first and easiest to justify variant would be a seal to separate salt and water. Not only can you now get fresh water from the ocean, but you also get an easy supply of salt, which is probably a luxury commodity in this world.

My thinking is that the highest utility, non-combat item is going to be something that can make civilian/ninja lives easier, without enabling some totally ground-breaking thing in the process that will get people killed. Fortunately/Unfortunately, having traded skywalkers means that space is much more open than it was previously.

I think large-scale engine-like seals that enable conventional vehicles (land/air/sea) would be our best bet. Still weaponizable, generally, but more in the matter that it enables bigger cargo holds and maybe faster travel. Food preservation, availability of potable water, shelter are other options to consider

So, my first idea is sort of a combination of the above from Cariyaga and InfernoVulpix. I wanted to experiment with applications of Usamatsu's purifier to see if we could get one to power conventional motion. I'm pretty sure that timing of 2 or more seals could be set up to achieve an effective vacuum at a vehicle's surface, preventing surface collisions on one side of the system, leading to pressure differential that causes motion.

My second idea was to slightly alter the way the purifier worked: I would want to change it so that it stayed in its intake mode for longer periods (with consequently longer output cooldowns), covering a small disk centered on the seal. Imagine it as a hungry void that takes all gas particles that enter its volume, preventing surface collisions within the disk. Again, the systems moves through pressure differential.

Food preservation is handled by storage seals, though civilians could use ice/salt/seal triggers to make their lives easier.

Instant shelters from seals are a cool idea, but I don't think we have any seals that replicate earth jutsu (or other jutsu, for that matter) to work off of (seems infeasible at the moment)
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My thinking is that the highest utility, non-combat item is going to be something that can make civilian/ninja lives easier, without enabling some totally ground-breaking thing in the process that will get people killed. Fortunately/Unfortunately, having traded skywalkers means that space is much more open than it was previously.
What about something like a refrigeration seal? Granted, doing this would, to greater or lesser extent, devalue the ice Akane can provide.
What about something like a refrigeration seal? Granted, doing this would, to greater or lesser extent, devalue the ice Akane can provide.

I don't think Akane would be over concerned if we can get such a thing working.

On the other hand, this would be a time to bond with her, as we wrap her into our thought process in how to replicate jutsu in seal form - something we have no background in doing. Kagome could take it as an opportunity to teach us a new aspect of sealing (or, maybe, learn it himself?)
Watered down explosive seals, or slower burn explosive seals. You can trigger them by ripping them up. setting them on fire, etc. , and there's no way in hell any self-respecting ninja would ever use a seal based fire starter, but if you water down an explosive seal enough you could basically have a foolproof fire starter at a far lower difficulty to seal than making explosive seals, thus increasing the proportions of sealmasters and creating a useful civilian tool.

Scale up the Party Trick seal and make it activate when ripped or damaged to create a SOS seal, maybe including a banshee mine for further SOSing (flashbangs are notoriously difficult)

Actually, just a hell of a lot seals that fail-active rather than failsafe. One time use storage seals that release contents when ripped open.

And of course, hardest of all, a seal based piano. You remember how we wanted to play Tears Of Red? Well, Kagome might help with trying to integrate it all together into a music player, see if he can't help with minaturizing the tone seals that make the seal based piano work.
Seal-based structural health metrics:
Connect an LBF to a Party Trick seal/alarm seal. Have a protrusion built into a body that trips the LBF when a certain compression/tension threshold is reached (as determined by system strain - contraction/elongation).
Why? Bridges - surely bridges fail in the elemental nations, causing possible death and reducing flow of commerce. Having visible/audible markers alert users would reduce this/allow the issue to be fixed before it is catastrophic.
I don't think Akane would be over concerned if we can get such a thing working.

On the other hand, this would be a time to bond with her, as we wrap her into our thought process in how to replicate jutsu in seal form - something we have no background in doing. Kagome could take it as an opportunity to teach us a new aspect of sealing (or, maybe, learn it himself?)
I'm less concerned about what Akane would want and more concerned about what Jiraiya would want when he realizes that Hazou's girlfriend can corner the market on ice.
Seal-based structural health metrics:
Connect an LBF to a Party Trick seal/alarm seal. Have a protrusion built into a body that trips the LBF when a certain compression/tension threshold is reached (as determined by system strain - contraction/elongation).
Why? Bridges - surely bridges fail in the elemental nations, causing possible death and reducing flow of commerce. Having visible/audible markers alert users would reduce this/allow the issue to be fixed before it is catastrophic.
That might take more engineering knowledge than what is available for a decidedly pre-Renassaince society, but the fundamental idea of a LBF paired with an alarm seal might be quite valid.

Honestly though, the bigger problem with making uplift seals is they have to be really dumb and super easy to make so that there's still stuff to give to civilians after the ninja requisition everything.
I'm less concerned about what Akane would want and more concerned about what Jiraiya would want when he realizes that Hazou's girlfriend can corner the market on ice.

We could still get the seal working - releasing to the public (which is sort of the point on this one, admittedly) would need to be vetted by Jiraiya as clan head, regardless.

Also, seals would much more reliably allow us to corner the market - if that is a thing that can be done at all. Remember, Akane is not the only user of that jutsu, and we are most likely not the first to research cooling seals. That other people haven't made use of it yet is not an indication that those people cant do so, just that they haven't yet chosen to if they have the power.

That might take more engineering knowledge than what is available for a decidedly pre-Renassaince society, but the fundamental idea of a LBF paired with an alarm seal might be quite valid.

Honestly though, the bigger problem with making uplift seals is they have to be really dumb and super easy to make so that there's still stuff to give to civilians after the ninja requisition everything.

I dunno, there are some pretty old, impressive feats of architecture and engineering. They probably don't know the strict mechanisms or relationships, but likely have heuristics like - if it compresses too much, it is likely going to buckle/fail with much more load. That said, I don't know where to begin with historically accurate engineering, so I'm arguing from a weak point here.
I'm less concerned about what Akane would want and more concerned about what Jiraiya would want when he realizes that Hazou's girlfriend can corner the market on ice.

It occurs to me that if cooling seals are simple enough, any ninja village would be able to commission enough cooling seals to make their own ice. It wouldn't be free ice if you're paying for the seals, but it means there would be a pre-existing ice market in Leaf from cooling seals to compete with.

That said, Akane can make a lot of ice. Like, literal metric tons at a time. 8m radius means about 2,000 cubic meters of ice means about 2,000,000 kg of ice, so even 10% efficiency is hundreds of tons of ice at a time. No way cooling seals can compete with that.
It occurs to me that if cooling seals are simple enough, any ninja village would be able to commission enough cooling seals to make their own ice. It wouldn't be free ice if you're paying for the seals, but it means there would be a pre-existing ice market in Leaf from cooling seals to compete with.

That said, Akane can make a lot of ice. Like, literal metric tons at a time. 8m radius means about 2,000 cubic meters of ice means about 2,000,000 kg of ice, so even 10% efficiency is hundreds of tons of ice at a time. No way cooling seals can compete with that.
Marked for Death: In which a "useless" air conditioning technique may simultaneously be used to crash the economy and destroy villages.
It occurs to me that if cooling seals are simple enough, any ninja village would be able to commission enough cooling seals to make their own ice. It wouldn't be free ice if you're paying for the seals, but it means there would be a pre-existing ice market in Leaf from cooling seals to compete with.

That said, Akane can make a lot of ice. Like, literal metric tons at a time. 8m radius means about 2,000 cubic meters of ice means about 2,000,000 kg of ice, so even 10% efficiency is hundreds of tons of ice at a time. No way cooling seals can compete with that.

Why wouldn't a seal be capable of the same? I think, as a rule, we can typically encode jutsu as seals. Without trying it, I wouldn't predict drastic underperformance.

I'd rather not require a human element in a job that should be automatable.

Of course, new capabilities should take priority over convenience, and that (the cooling seal) doesn't offer something particularly new, or specially useful.
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