I had tried to make it clear that I didn't know why it was less-good-than-normal, and that it was almost certainly not his fault, but I'm relying on nonstandard fundamental assumptions, aren't I? I'm assuming that 'it was/wasn't your fault' is what people care about, instead of 'the work is/isn't good'. Blarg. Sorry.
It's fine, it was clear to me at least that you didn't mean anything bad by it, I just wanted to clarify for the future.
Clearly we need to lead by example here. This means we should develop clan secrets of our own, then share them with everyone to demonstrate how the world is a better place when we don't kill innocent people to protect secrets. I suggest we start with implosion nukes.
Clearly we need to lead by example here. This means we should develop clan secrets of our own, then share them with everyone to demonstrate how the world is a better place when we don't kill innocent people to protect secrets. I suggest we start with implosion nukes.
I can see no way that this could go wrong and it is clear to me that you have no ulterior motives here.
"Any explosives 'big enough to change warfare', you forget right now. Scrub them out of your mind. If we could trust the Yamanaka to do it, I'd ask them this minute, but they would quite rightly think it was safer to kill you instead. Think for a second about the kind of people who would want that technology. Enemy agents. Hostile factions, domestic and foreign, who'd want to hold villages to ransom as leverage. Oh, and those wacky ninja who want to end the world. Those pop up every now and again.
Welp. Focused implosion nukes? Not technically a bomb big enough to change warfare, just a drill that's going to pierce the heavens! wrong shounen anime, I meant nigh infinite range killing machine that's noisy and roasts everything less than a literal god alive.
Hold on now--this might not actually be a bad idea. We might actually stand a chance of lasting peace with MAD.
It'll be hard to get this started though. It seems likely that 1) our teammates would shut it down if we brought it up with them, and 2) the initial response people would have would be to eliminate everybody with nukes/stop the flow of information. So, either we need to get pretty much everybody on board with it (in which case I think we've already won?), or we need to somehow distribute the information in a way that our teammates don't stop and the authorities cannot rescind or easily stop the flow.
@Velorien @eaglejarl @OliWhailOr more broadly, despite this being a rational quest do you still deliberately write many characters as believing things that even you think are total horse shit, as long as you can find some chain of reasoning that would allow them to plausibly rationalize it?
I think it would be most concise to say, "Kagome", and leave it at that.

Man I wish we were talking to our team for this hypothetical exercise, because for the second paragraph I could point to Chapter 20 where everyone got rich and no one was hurt (cept the douchebag merchant, he earned that) and for dangers of autoviolence point to Kagome.
You're offering handing over your client to be killed by the yakuza as an example of why avoiding violence leads to better outcomes. That's almost beautiful in a way.

Put another way, if Hazou had had a more profound impact on the events of the update I suspect we would have gotten much more XP.
The fact that the update covered only a brief time period was a factor, and I try to avoid giving the party fractional XP. But yes, the plan had some key flaws which held it back from the possibility of higher XP.

Another note about murder as information control we know that there is resurrection in this universe. So killing people is not a guarantee to cover up your secrets.

Also we know memory editing is possible. That seems like a much more humane way to protect our secrets
How do you know either of these things?

It just... tchs[1]​ me the wrong way. Like, really, really, the wrong way. If my mind can be artificially altered to remove the value I hold for things against my will - if I go my whole life believing that it is good to fight for x, then someone comes along and taps my forehead and all of a sudden it is good to fight for y, that is worse than if I had been killed. It is like killing me, and adding one unit to the enemy's side.

It's like Necromancy.

[1]: Irks, rubs, affronts, the closest words I know to describe this feeling all feel inadequate next to the complete and utter wrongness of this feeling. This sentence is how I would say it verbally.​
I can see where you're coming from, but I've always felt this was a tricky position. Are you still being "worse than killed" if somebody persuades you to change your beliefs? What if they do so through trickery, so that they make you a slightly different person in a way you wouldn't have consented to had you known? What about brainwashing versus subtle manipulation? Big beliefs versus small ones? It seems to me that you end up with a sliding scale of personality alteration, which doesn't mesh well with absolutes like "worse than killed".

Everyone, we should extend our gratitude and sympathies for @Velorien, who was either very distracted/tired/sick-or-something this week, and wrote an update for us anyway, or who fell afoul of technical difficulties during the posting process, and may have lost quite a lot of work. This update may not be up to his usual standard, but I'm glad he wrote it anyway.
I do think this came across less diplomatically than you intended: "This update was terrible - only somebody in truly dire straits could have written it like this".

Um. I think you must have gotten these mixed up between two drafts? The latter quote should clearly come before the former in this conversation, but it didn't.
I don't see how. The first quote says nothing about the team being from Mist, only that they implicitly dealt with Mist in a mercenary capacity. In fact, if you believe the latter, you'd be less likely to believe the former, since Mist is notorious for not being the kind of village its own missing-nin would want to deal with.

This whole section feels too drawn out. What are the other actors (particularly Kagome) doing while Hazō rants? Why does Hazō launch into his tirade against Kagome without buildup? It doesn't flow properly.
There's a certain element of truth to that. However, the plan literally said "get mad" as its sole instruction before launching into this rant. That felt as strange and abrupt to me as it does to you.

I think you meant to say village instead of ninja, but I'm not sure.
Fixed, thanks.

I'm quite confused by this - wouldn't the Hyūga be in trouble for teamkilling anyway?
See above under "no witnesses". The Hyūga would still be the top suspects, but the Hokage isn't going to move against the village's strongest clan on suspicion alone, especially given the non-trivial possibility that one of their rivals was framing them. (Ninja make everything complicated.)

Again, this outburst doesn't flow very well because we haven't seen enough buildup.
Spontaneous emotional outbursts seem entirely in keeping with Kagome's character, especially in a crisis situation where he's had to exercise willpower to stay silent.

This is very verbose, for Keiko. Very, very verbose.
Still in character. Keiko can get verbose when she's angry, although it's usually at herself, and at this point she is both angry and choosing to apply that anger instrumentally. Conciseness is not going to be uppermost in her list of values given what she's trying to accomplish and with whom.

I'm not sure why this part bothers me - I think it might have something to do with the formatting? It also doesn't fit my model of Kagome, who might happily trade his dignity for the team's safety, but doesn't even realize that groveling in front of enemies is an option. He'd do anything, but he just has no idea what to do.
That's one reasonable interpretation.

That initial phrasing doesn't mesh with my model of Nikko, who wouldn't necessarily be kind but also wouldn't use phrasing that technically implies sexual favors even in jest, but especially not to a non-friend.
Honestly, the sexual interpretation didn't even occur to me when I was writing this. In fact, I'm not entirely certain what it is. I am open to alternatives if you have any to suggest.
Honestly, the sexual interpretation didn't even occur to me when I was writing this. In fact, I'm not entirely certain what it is. I am open to alternatives if you have any to suggest.
And Kagome, just so we're clear... you're my bitch now.
there's going to be a lot of making up involved.
It is suggestive if you squint and ignore the context of the discussion. You could use different phrasing but I don't really think it needs to be changed.
I am fine with Kagome becoming Minami's sex slave.

Anyway, less than one week with Team Uplift Collateral damage and we broke Minami. I seriously thought it would take longer.
I've read a lot of stuff by alexanderwales, and haven't exactly liked most of it. I assume he's grown as a writer?
I enjoyed it, but then I also enjoyed his Superman fanfic, and I don't know what features of his writing you find objectionable.

Any particular stories you think helped? I credit Erfworld for a surprisingly large fraction of my thinking skills (mostly how social stuff works), a few blog posts I read some time ago for most of my understanding of game design, and my religion's scriptures for resolving at least a couple fallacies before I knew said fallacies existed. Also MfD, for helping me understand 'high level social' (mostly that Interlude with Hazō's aunt), and finally giving me a satisfying model of medieval-ish societies.
Honestly, I don't know. Keeping conscious track of this kind of thing is a relatively new development for me.

I also find it mind-boggling that MfD has given you the things you list. I can't speak for @eaglejarl or our other worldbuilders, but I am far from being either a social or a medieval expert, and my only personal advantage with the latter is a medievalist partner with whom I can fact-check when she's around.

Didn't Noburi break her about 10 minutes into our mission?
What are you referring to?
So, we still need some kind of plan for the next update. A couple suggested scenes...

- Apology to the team, Noburi specifically, for our big mouth. Hazou is probably responsible for camp chores for the duration of the mission, at the very least. We should also promise to get Jiraiya to put Hazou through some remedial OPSEC training when we get back to the village.

- Talk to Minami about how Leaf clans handle clan secrets being exposed to other members of the village. It's bound to happen every now and then since ninjas will have to use them in self-defense and defense of their comrades, so there's got to be some method by which they don't all kill eachother over it and have the village go into civil war. It might just be considered the polite thing to do to pretend they didn't see it and never mention it to anyone, or there might be some exchange of political favors, or even arranged marriages.

What are you referring to?

The whole "this is how experienced we actually are" thing, I believe.
So, we still need some kind of plan for the next update. A couple suggested scenes...

- Apology to the team, Noburi specifically, for our big mouth. Hazou is probably responsible for camp chores for the duration of the mission, at the very least. We should also promise to get Jiraiya to put Hazou through some remedial OPSEC training when we get back to the village.

- Talk to Minami about how Leaf clans handle clan secrets being exposed to other members of the village. It's bound to happen every now and then since ninjas will have to use them in self-defense and defense of their comrades, so there's got to be some method by which they don't all kill eachother over it and have the village go into civil war. It might just be considered the polite thing to do to pretend they didn't see it and never mention it to anyone, or there might be some exchange of political favors, or even arranged marriages.
Doing our frickin' job, too.
So, re: Noburi:

"I have three ideas for you, one of which will allow you to work out your aggression on me safely. One: Draining techniques (or chakra boost) as they are used. Two: Utilizing Medical Ninjutsu -- or ninjutsu otherwise -- through water. Three: I realized recently that it's possible that the Wakahisa might be able to allow civilians' chakra pools to grow by draining miniscule amounts. We can test this by having you drain me near-dry as would be done for chakra capacity training. I would suggest the same for testing draining techniques, but I'm not entirely sure of the theory on that and experimenting with ninjutsu that way without checking with someone who knows the theory first strikes me as very stupid."

@Velorien Great chapter! I really enjoyed seeing Kei be a badass again.

Speaking of which, we need to tell her how badass she is.
Also, these.
Chapter 129.1: Kagome's Apology

It happened at breakfast, after Noburi had finished helping Kagome-sensei recover from morning exercises with Minami.

The sealmaster rose shakily from his seat, and stood so that the rest of the group was facing him in a rough semicircle.

"I…" he mumbled. "I just wanted to… I… I wanted to say…"

He trailed off. His mouth opened and closed helplessly as if he was a hooked fish gasping for water.

Finally, his eyes lit up as if he'd hit on an idea. His gaze snapped into the middle distance.

"I mishandled a risk assessment and implemented a personal project without seeking feedback from the rest of the team," he pronounced like a Leaf printing press stamping words onto paper line by line. "I… how'd it go… I humbly apologise for this violation of procedure and am prepared to accept any disciplinary measures my supervisors deem appropriate."

His eyes refocused again. "I thought I was doing the right thing," he said quietly but clearly. "I really did. I thought getting rid of Dumbbutt, uh, I mean Minami, was just eliminating another risk, like we do every day. But I guess in all my years alone, I forgot that… there's a reason sealmasters work in groups. It means if one person screws up, somebody else might notice before the trial phase.

"I… Despite everything, when it counted, I forgot what it meant that we were a team.

"Back at the lab, they'd put me on meatbag duty for this—if I was lucky. I don't… I don't know what I'm supposed to do now, but I swear I'll find some way to make it up to you."

Kagome-sensei bowed, and bowed deep. The gesture of abject submission from Hazō's master made Hazō feel a little sick inside.

"I'm so sorry," Kagome-sensei said to the skytower floor. "Please don't hate me. Please don't kick me out."

The team exchanged glances. Nobody knew what to say—or, in Hazō's case, even how to feel.

Noburi was first to recover from his stupour, using the time-honoured technique of deliberately missing the point.

"Meatbag duty?"

Kagome-sensei took this as his cue to unbow.

"Front-line tester," he explained matter-of-factly. "Means that when there's a sealing failure you get blown up first, and everyone else either takes notes or runs like hell, depending."

"Apology accepted," Keiko said seriously, but Hazō recognised an ironic smile dancing somewhere behind her eyes without quite making its way to her mouth. "While we do not intend for you to atone for your act of unimaginable folly with your life, understand that there will be consequences, and I am not speaking only of the slow, laborious and painful process of rebuilding trust with those you have wronged.

"On which note," she turned to Akane, her tone changing not a jot, "I believe it is now your turn to carelessly place the team in mortal peril. I ask only that you do so after I have gained access to the Nara Clan Library."

Minami just looked between them, taking in everyone's expressions of calm acceptance. "You people really are weird."
"On which note," she turned to Akane, her tone changing not a jot, "I believe it is now your turn to carelessly place the team in mortal peril. I ask only that you do so after I have gained access to the Nara Clan Library."
Didn't she do that with nearly dying to her own stubbornness and chakra exhaustion? I thought it was Noburi's turn? :p
1. Nobby nearly getting married
2. Kagome ignoring orders
3. Keiko yelling about her feelings
4. Akane collapses because of chakra exhaustion
5. Keiko abandons Team for 10 days
6. Hazou library incident
7. Hazou threatening Dr. Yakushi
8. Kagome blowing up Minami

Sounds like it's Barrel boys turn next.

It happened at breakfast, after Noburi had finished helping Kagome-sensei recover from morning exercises with Minami.

How do you know either of these things?
We can assume a strong probability that resurrection is at least possible in the MFD universe. We first have scary sealmistress in rice who had zombies. So to a limited degree we know that people can come back from the dead from direct observation. One might argue that zombies are not people which I would agree. We then have Kagome's speech about the sage killing people and them back after manipulating their minds. Finally we have the Naruto canon which has true resurrection. All of these things have increased the probability that resurrection tech is real enough to act as if it exist.

As for memory editing we have direct textual evidence that it exist with Truth Lost in the Fog. It might be a limited but it is a memory editor without question. Add an entire clan of mind readers to the setting and I don't see any way better memory editors don't exist
As for memory editing we have direct textual evidence that it exist with Truth Lost in the Fog. It might be a limited but it is a memory editor without question. Add an entire clan of mind readers to the setting and I don't see any way better memory editors don't exist

I mean, if you want to get real world, the technology to prevent someone from turning short term memories into long term memories and thus ensuring they forget something immediately after it happens (Truth Lost in the Fog) is a lot more obvious and within reach than editing long term memories. Of course I can't say what's possible with magic, but "I don't see any way better memory editors don't exist" seems to me to be over-stating the case.

Maybe memory editing is really hard to do! An entire clan of mind-readers sounds like a lot, but it's actually a pitifully small research pool for a really tough problem.