So assuming we can overcome this issue... what is our counter to guns?
Really what we need to do is invent better armor. For that, maybe if we can miniaturize force walls down to 4 inches by 4 inches, or something of that scale, we can make scaled armor which would no-sell projectile weaponry. Otherwise... Hiding Like A Mole Technique. All the time.

This is why they should be categorized as A-rank or S-rank weapons and should have party trick seals all over them - if we make the mechanism clear that genin can kill Kages we're going to have a much bigger existential crisis.
Would black paper actually be useful? I think it'd stand out in this setting. And if the seal was taken by someone they'd just have to hold it near a bright light and the ink should be visible.
So assuming we can overcome this issue... what is our counter to guns?

I still don't think that Implosion Seals are the answer we're looking for, but counters to guns are somewhat less of an issue than skywalkers because it's not quite as versatile.

Armored vests and good helmets would help to an extent in stopping bullets. Stealth in general also helps avoid getting shot by not being noticed.

Also, do you think we could use a Macerator to make a shotgun? Might need to up the force a bit, but just adjust it so it'll direct things in the right direction.

A seal that continuously stores all things with a speed above a certain threshhold that enter its radius.

Kinetic energy threshhold might make more sense. Maybe add a size/mass condition as well, so only small enough objects get stored.
What happens if you try to seal a living person in a storage seal? Are they just forced in (and subsequently killed)?

Imagine a seal like that that's keyed to take in anything that isn't you. As long as you can approach your enemy, they're forcibly killed.
What happens if you try to seal a living person in a storage seal? Are they just forced in (and subsequently killed)?

Imagine a seal like that that's keyed to take in anything that isn't you. As long as you can approach your enemy, they're forcibly killed.
Yeah that's pretty much what happens. One of Kagome's this happen to him. Came up mangled up or something of that nature.

"Time? You think being out of time is a joke?" the ninja snapped, poking him with the knife again. "You think it was funny that time that Kawaguchi accidentally put himself in storage and came out all mangled up?" The knife jabbed Hazou lightly in the back.
Yeah that's pretty much what happens. One of Kagome's this happen to him. Came up mangled up or something of that nature.

Note that the above wasn't the result of a standard storage seal - living things (along with chakra constructs and Noburi's barrel) are not valid storage targets in the course of normal operations.
Note that the above wasn't the result of a standard storage seal - living things (along with chakra constructs and Noburi's barrel) are not valid storage targets in the course of normal operations.
Wait, so Kawaguchi invented a storage seal that works with living targets omfg please tell me Kagome kept his notes

Also, do you think we could use a Macerator to make a shotgun? Might need to up the force a bit, but just adjust it so it'll direct things in the right direction.
According to the update in which we finished Macerator v2 they're already directional.


Wait, so Kawaguchi invented a storage seal that works with living targets omfg please tell me Kagome kept his notes

My model of Kagome has a panic attack if you even remotely suggest anything like this.
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"Modular sealing?" Kagome said, in much the same tone that one might say 'bright orange camoflage?' "Sealing doesn't work that way. Chakra isn't that bright. You can't just take bits of one seal and plug them into bits of another. That would be like drawing the seal wrong in the first place. And you can't just make up a seal, you need to research it carefully. If you tried just plugging things together you could try to make a storage seal and end up making something that threw yellow acid everywhere."

Hazou cocked his head in interest. "Yellow acid? That actually sounds pretty cool. Maybe—"

"No!" Kagome snapped. "No trying to deliberately reproduce things that were disasters in the first place!"

TBF, a "spray yellow acid" seal does sound pretty cool.

Edit: at least until the chakra construct atoms dissapear and you end up with the rest of the molecules they made via reactions being turned into radicals.
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Anywho, guns... I'm still thinking that Kagome's shaped explosive seals are probably the right answer for our propellant. The seals are small enough to fit into a ring, so they're pretty small and could fit in the end of a gun barrel somehow. I'm not sure how small we can make our other seals that propel things. We would probably need Kagome to adjust the shape and force of the explosion, but I would think Kagome could do that since he invented the seal in the first place.

From there we just need to make a good barrel and loading mechanism. We don't strictly need a modern gun barrel, it just needs to be good enough to shoot somewhat accurately.
Also @HoratioVonBecker I think it would make more sense if ninjutsu can be used at close range but suffer extreme maluses (like -10 dice level maluses), but obviously Taijutsu doesn't do anything at long range.
Well, it depends on the ninjutsu - wait, you were actually talking about Ranged Combat.
Doylist Answer: No, it makes the system vastly uglier. Watsonian Answer: At standard Taijutsu ranges, modern ninja are actually trained to catch kunai and shuriken, and using them in close quarters effectively makes up a large part of the Academy style. (Particularly for short people, like everyone on Team Uplift except Kagome and Akane.)
It also has the neat side effect of making 'a decent supply of Standard Ninja Tools' a significant advantage to any non-jutsu specialist, if not actually necessary - I really don't see range specialists not being taught to find and throw stones if they run out of blades.
Anywho, guns... I'm still thinking that Kagome's shaped explosive seals are probably the right answer for our propellant. The seals are small enough to fit into a ring, so they're pretty small and could fit in the end of a gun barrel somehow. I'm not sure how small we can make our other seals that propel things. We would probably need Kagome to adjust the shape and force of the explosion, but I would think Kagome could do that since he invented the seal in the first place.

From there we just need to make a good barrel and loading mechanism. We don't strictly need a modern gun barrel, it just needs to be good enough to shoot somewhat accurately.
What if we attached a macerator to it with a timer? Don't storage seal variants release at the speed that the object they're attached to is moving? That'd turn it into a shotgun that releases its payload when closer to the target.