Handsome Gentleperson
- Location
- United States
The only reason I don't wanna see the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny is it'll put off us (hopefully; god I'd lose my mind if we didn't) getting to see Akane's new sheet 
--- When I brought this up, I intended it to be something like getting a smith (yes I know it's 1 AM but this is by Kage order) to heat up some iron to white hot level, putting it in a box, and sealing it in macerators right then. Akane could probably help with that by using Elemental Mastery, actually.
--- Probably best the team split up to do this. Hazou needs briefed on Minami and Akane's capabilities, true, but we would be foolish not to pull on the Nara resources that were just pledged to Jiraiya -- Kei can address that.
Instead, say that Hazou knows what it's like to lose a dad and that he'll be there when he gets back. I'd say offer a hug, but that's not the kind of thing to do in the context of the Hokage's office.
- Say that you're sorry for his loss, in Hazou-speak. Something simple like "I'm so sorry for your loss".
--- I would strongly prefer we ask him for at least defensive or GTFO seals. Also, you never actually say that we ask for authorization to use Skywalkers, you just imply it later.Mostly copied from @Jello_Raptor. Mostly just changed the formatting and cut out some stuff I didn't like.
[X] Action Plan: Leaf Leaf
- General policies:
- Refer to Jiraiya as Hokage-sama unless he says otherwise.
- Minami is our squad leader. We defer to her plans, but give well thought-out advice (i.e., the plan).
- That being said, don't overburden her with too much information.
- Some quick things for Hokage-sama before he goes to bed.
- Note that the blue skinned swordsman from his reports matches up with Hoshigaki Kisame.
- Ask the team, especially Kagome, if they recognize any of the rest of the group of unknown assailants from their descriptions, either individually or based on their uniform.
- Do we have authorization to use Skywalkers for speed/stealth purposes?
- Say that you're sorry for his loss, in Hazou-speak. Something simple like "I'm so sorry for your loss".
- Talk with Minami.
- Do this while we're moving to get gear/prep.
- Trade intel on general abilities/seals/protocols.
- Make note of how we use Noburi's bloodline to boost our border crossings with chakra (without the risk of running out).
- (If authorized) Brief Minami on Skywalkers.
- Get/make supplies:
- Kunai & shuriken.
- Rations.
- Seal-quality paper and ink(stones).
- Specialized things:
- Water supply (for Noburi's jutsu).
- Macerator payloads:
- Very fragrant things, ideally very fargrant oils for scent bombs. Something that clings to people would be best.
- Some irritants (like pepper or chillis) for irritant bombs.
- Very fine ash or talk for smoke bombs.
- Iron that we can heat for a flash-bang.
- Portable Skybase.
- Make Skywalkers (if authorized).
- Leaf Leaf.
- Defer to the Hokage and head to Rivers first.
- Use Skywalkers if authorized.
--- When I brought this up, I intended it to be something like getting a smith (yes I know it's 1 AM but this is by Kage order) to heat up some iron to white hot level, putting it in a box, and sealing it in macerators right then. Akane could probably help with that by using Elemental Mastery, actually.
--- Probably best the team split up to do this. Hazou needs briefed on Minami and Akane's capabilities, true, but we would be foolish not to pull on the Nara resources that were just pledged to Jiraiya -- Kei can address that.