I have (finally) moved all TacMov rulings to the wiki. This is pertinent because:
  1. Akane has TacMov 15, while the rest of us have TacMov 21.
    1. This means Akane will slow us down.
    2. Akane won't be able to take full advantage of the +min{20, TacMov level} bonus to disengaging.
  2. The relationship between time traveled and levels in TacMov gained is still under discussion, unless I missed a QM post when I updated the rulings this morning.
I was considering leaving Akane behind, but that just further widens the xp gap. Therefore, I'd really like to know if (1) we can use "trains like a maniac every single day" to get levels in TacMov before we head out and (2) how quickly she can train to TacMov 20 while we're traveling, thereby receiving the full disengagement bonus.

We're doing a mission that goes better the faster we can move so it would be beneficial to know how much we can improve that over the course of the mission.
Akane's sheet hasn't been updated for quite a while. She's a lot stronger now.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Can we have a list of the locations we're supposed to visit? Makes it easier to plan routes.
I'll get with the others on that. You're going to start in River and go clockwise around the EN hitting various places in multiple countries.

Zabuza is very likely dead,
Keiko tells you that her understanding of Jiraiya's report is that Zabuza is dead along with Mei and all the Mist jōnin. And, of course, Yagura is captured. Mist is going to be in chaos.
On another note, we are telling Jiraiya about Zephyr's Reach Rifle, yes? Is there anything else we could give him that would increase average deadliness of a Leaf nin?

Working under the assumption that Leaf would engage Akatsuki at least once more while we are away, is there anything we could do right now that would increase the chances of Leaf murdering them?
Have Kagome brief Jiraiya on Akatsuki. Note that Akatsuki seemed to go after the bijuu, then give probable locations of the bijuu as told by Kagome.
Our anti-skywalker ideas, some of them should work against flying enemies in general (which Akatsuki is). I'm not sure if we've told Jiraiya all of them.
The Vacuum Step murder-suicide technique, we can ask why it does/doesn't work with Shadow Clones.

Anything else?
Oh, might Mari know who Kisame is based on the description given? I mean, the dude is fairly unique and would be rather famous as one of Mist's seven swordsmen as well as being a missing nin in Mist's bingo book.
Note that the macerators are not able to chew up anything harder than softwoods like pine. Even oak is too much for them right now.
Hm? They're able to chew up granite, I would think that white hot metal would be softer than that, given that it can be deformed by a blacksmith, yes? Maybe we're talking past each other here, though.
How exactly does this work? LBF needs to be physically attached to the seal it's going to activate. If you move either of the two seals that make up the LBF then it will fail. If you move the seal that is attached to the LBF then it might still work if it's still properly in contact or it might not.
Use a disk; place the storage seal along the outside edge of the (spinning) disk, such that when the trigger mechanism is pulled it pushes the disk close enough to touch the LBF seal (which are positioned diagonally along the barrel), activating and sending the object flying. There'd need to be a fair bit of engineering to position the disk such that seals attached would send the object flying and not release it inside of the device, though.
Could you provide a citation on that? Her wiki page lists her as as a special jōnin but says nothing about being head of the clan. We've actually spent a fair amount of time digging around trying to find the clan head's name and I finally gave up and made up an OC. If you can provide a link I'm happy to change it.
*looks at wiki*

Huh, that's weird. Could have sworn...

Ah, I see. My evidence is that in Naruto Chapter 137 we see all the Clan Heads fighting the Sound/Sand invasion force and generally showing off; Tsume is one of those numbers. Not solid evidence, but I filled in the gap in my head.

Here you can see the beautiful work of art depicting how the LBF Sniper Rifle would work:

e: It may not be exactly correct from an engineering standpoint (I took some artistic liberties in my design document here), but from how I understand the seals to function, as long as we have some means to spin the disk to sufficient speed, this should be sufficient.
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Do we know anything about Kisame?
For that matter, are the Seven Swordsmen of Mist a thing in this universe?
The demon fox rampaged across Konoha approximately 12 years ago. There, confirmed (for like the third time).

It's eastern standard of Last Name, First Name.

And now for today's instalment of

Things your genderless genin thinks s/he knows about the Mist!

Your Kage is Yagura. Starting his rein in blood and tyranny, Yondaime Mizukage Yagura later became the host of the Three Tailed Beast. You heard about it when Hoshigaki Kisame famously killed his mentor and betrayed the Mist, and though Yagura's wrath was terrible at the time he seems to have mellowed out since then, ending the Bloody Mist graduation exams and generally being much more lenient. You're really not sure why. There was some trouble slowly building up between the clans and the civilians after the third war but the matter was resolved to everyone's satisfaction. Anyway, you're kind of terrified that they'll send captain Zabuza after you, that guy is scary and works in the hunter-nin division.
@eaglejarl @OliWhail @Velorien many more questions
  1. Are there rules for integrating multiple combat styles together? (If no I am currently working on some if you would like to see them)
  2. If multiple jutsu provide a bonus to a stat can they stack?
  3. If so is it limited to one jutsu per element?
  4. Are there rules for blind fighting (Also working on these)

Also have a proposal for Banshee seals and Hazou's macerator rings
Banshees provide a -2 penalty on all characters effected by them for there next action.
Macerator Rings provide Hazou a +6 bonus when using them and allow him to make taijutsu actions from mid range
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Hm. Akatsuki seems to hunt the Tailed Beasts, as it did in canon. Kagome has information about their probable locations; I'm reposting it here:

  • One-Tail: Sand?
  • Two-Tails: Demon?
  • Three-Tails: Mist.
  • Four-Tails: Is lost?
  • Five-Tails: Bear.
  • Six-Tails: No record for 50 years.
  • Seven-Tails: Unknown.
  • Eight-Tails: Cloud.
  • Nine-Tails: Leaf.
  • Note: one of the bijuu is definitely in Sand, but it may not be One-Tail.

Perhaps we should give that information to Jiraiya, so that Leaf could try and ambush them.
  • Crazy axe-chick.
You're seriously underestimating how painful and disorienting losing your hearing is. For comparison, Hazou's claws give him +3 dice.

yes and that is attribute capped. At equal dice a +2 bonus is a 15% swing in your favor. Also I'm going to try to low ball all my proposals. This makes them more likely to be approved which let's us know where we stand in regards to combat.
She's an Axe-Crazy Yandere, which fits Kagome's model of Jinchuriki.

Also the village's "cursed child." The village itself doesn't really add up as just designed to hide a summoning scroll, either. Considering how unhappy the Pangolin seem to have been with their last summoner, and their genocide-happy attitudes, it being intended to isolate the Pangolin might make sense, but basically cutting off a tailed beast from the world does as well.
She's an Axe-Crazy Yandere, which fits Kagome's model of Jinchuriki.
Also the village's "cursed child." The village itself doesn't really add up as just designed to hide a summoning scroll, either. Considering how unhappy the Pangolin seem to have been with their last summoner, and their genocide-happy attitudes, it being intended to isolate the Pangolin might make sense, but basically cutting off a tailed beast from the world does as well.

That's... not nearly enough evidence. Kagome did say that some of the bijuu are lost; it would indeed be fitting if one of them is trapped in Mountain. But still.

Also, she is not a yandere, @faflec. She got annoyed at Noburi and dumped him first, didn't go psychotic that one time when she noticed he had a crush on another girl. She likes messily murdering things and bathing in blood, yes, but that's no reason to call her names.
Also, she is not a yandere, @faflec. She got annoyed at Noburi and dumped him first, didn't go psychotic that one time when she noticed he had a crush on another girl. She likes messily murdering things and bathing in blood, yes, but that's no reason to call her names.
Whether she is or is not, in reality, a Yandere has nothing to do with the hivemind's perception of her, which is that of a Yandere.
[X] Proto-Plan : Burn Their House Down, With the Lemons.

  • Don't Die.
  • Gather Information.
  • Get Prepped to Leave.
  • Keiko, Minori, Jiraiya, and Inoue get vetos over everything. If they object to something, drop or modify it.
  • Immediate questions for Jiraiya and Mizumi
    • General Style:
      • Initially Hazou should refer, somewhat questioningly, to Jiraiya as "Hokage-Sama". Choose form of address from there on based on the response.
      • If Jiraiya chooses not to answer a question don't elaborate and move on.
    • We need to optimize our routes. Can we have an hour of a Nara's time to do this?
      • Someone who has context and knowledge we don't, and can choose to divulge pertinent information.
    • Who survived?
      • Kakashi?
      • Was Hana there?
    • What are the abort conditions for the mission?
    • Do we have leeway to use Skywalkers? Are there conditions we are barred from using them? Considerations on use?
    • Is there any fast communication mechanism for urgent messages back here?
      • Possibly by summon?
    • Implications for the Condor Scroll thing? There's a good chance at least one of the parties is dead.
    • Also how many of the chunin accompanying Akatsuki were killed?
    • Did Jiraiya store any of the enemy bodies?
    • Were any of the Mist jonin obviously from the Mori, Wakahisa, or Kurosawa clan?
  • If he's willing, we should have Kagome write up any speculation he has on all of this.
    • Ask him in private, if he does not want to do it, don't pressure him.
    • Ask him to be precise about what evidence he's directly seen and what is speculation.
    • Hand whatever he manages to get done before we leave to Inoue.
  • Chat with Inoue.
    • Give her a hug. If we feel it's needed, make it clear that what she's doing is very important, and we'll stay safe.
  • Resource Gathering
    • Supply of sealing paper and ink
      • One large supply for Kagome and Hazou (we'll be creating seals as we run)
      • Small supplies for each target, enough to write a few messages. We don't want to have to wait for them t get stupid shit like that.
    • A basic go-bag for each target. Something we can hand to each of them that can let them high-tail it immidiately.
    • General long-term mission supplies.
    • Floating platform kit.
    • A pile of variant macerator payloads in storage scrolls so that we can create them as needed.
      • Very fragrant things, ideally very fargrant oils for scent bombs. Something that clings to people would be best.
      • Some irritants (like pepper or chillis) for irritant bombs.
      • Very fine ash or talk for smoke bombs.
      • Iron that we can heat for a flash-bang.
    • A few normal barrels of water in a storage seals.
    • Drop one of Nobby's spares with the pangolin if there isn't one already.
    • Keiko should ask the Nara if they have any resource they're willing to give us (we promise not to reverse engineer it), seals, etc... That would help us.
    • Kagome and Hazou ask Jiraiya if there's any resources he's willing to give us that might help us, seals, etc..
    • Anything else?
  • Planning
    • If we are going into Mist, and she didn't die in the battle, brief Mizumi on our mom.
    • Along with Keiko, MIzumi, and possibly a Nara, work out an order of attack.
    • Ideally the update would end at this point so that we can suggest actual plans with the additional information gained.
QM Stuff:
  • It would be nice to get a list of the actual stuff we learned in the recent past. Especially seals.
  • It would be nice to have more concrete mechanics for all the new shit we got since our last fight. The pangolin things, new seals, etc..
    • Is there some way we could help? What sort of mechanics are you looking for? What should we try to achieve with various mechanics.
@Jello_Raptor - That seems like a lot. We have only two hours to get ready for our mission, and then we're going.

Also, I don't think we want the rest of the team getting confirmation on family deaths just before the mission - that could put them in a shitty emotional state.

Further, our team has a lot of our supplies already, and we definitely have plentiful sealing ink and paper since Kagome just got some this very update, and a lot of things can be procured as we travel.
If he's willing, we should have Kagome write up any speculation he has on all of this.
In particular, Akatsuki's probable goals and ways to circumvent them.
They weren't exactly subtle about their desire to capture jinchuuriki, and Kagome has information about bijuu's probable locations, which could allow Leaf to ambush Akatsuki. If we're going to tell Jiraiya anything at all, we shoud tell him this.

Also, give Jiraiya succinct summary of our Zephyr's Reach rifle idea. It could prove useful in further conflicts with Akatsuki.
  • Who survived?
    • Kakashi?
    • Was Hana there?
  • Implications for the Condor Scroll thing? There's a good chance at least one of the parties is dead.
  • Also how many of the chunin accompanying Akatsuki were killed?
  • Did Jiraiya store any of the enemy bodies?
  • Were any of the Mist jonin obviously from the Mori, Wakahisa, or Kurosawa clan?
These questions have no bearing on our mission and are several orders of magnitude below our clearance level. Don't ask them.

OTOH, we could point out that a blue-skinned swordsman with Water Release fits Kisame's profile from what we know...Chances are Leaf can figure this out pretty fast but it saves them a bit of time. Don't mention the other missing-nin, though; we haven't gotten clues on any of them save Kakuzu and "taijutsu god" isn't specific enough IMO.
If he's willing, we should have Kagome write up any speculation he has on all of this.
  • Ask him in private, if he does not want to do it, don't pressure him.
  • Ask him to be precise about what evidence he's directly seen and what is speculation.
  • Hand whatever he manages to get done before we leave to Inoue.

We have neither Mari-sensei nor anti-spying seals, we should wait.
Make Skywalkers, pool abilities with Minami.

If we are going into Mist, and she didn't die in the battle, brief Mizumi on our mom.
Not relevant to the plan, there's no way in hell we are taking time out of our mission for a personal objective that has no bearing on our job.

Nitpicky shit:
  • It's Minami. Not Mizumi, not Minori.
  • It's Mari-sensei, not Inoue.