Alright, so we're a little badder than the majority of the monsters out there (at least, that's how I interpret our rolls). We're probably ok to travel with just the three of us now. At this point, if we had a good disguise with an excuse to use ninja stuff, then I think we could potentially protect a caravan from basic threats. Not that I'm suggesting we go do that now (sealing is the clearly superior option), just that it's something to keep in mind. We're more dangerous than the majority of the threats facing average people.
So.... there might be some INCREDIBLY competent sealmasters out there somewhere. Or a hidden continent or something. Or maybe ninja on the moon (seal their continent to the moon?) Something to keep in mind, but probably not super relevant. Aside from the take-away: if we make advancements in anything powerful obviously (e.g. sealing, manufacturing, samurai), the ninja villages will unite and attempt to crush us, because they're paranoid.
On our course of action, I don't think we know enough about the city to really come up with a great plan of action, rather it's best if we clarify our priorities, and then suggest vaguely how we'll achieve them, maybe with some detail on how exactly to do that if we're feeling like doing a lot of work before Saturday. Here's what my list of goals are (in order of priority):
- Survive (should be pretty easy this update?)
- Remain relatively unknown
- So probably don't steal from people we buy stuff from
- Get the supplies we need for Kagome
- Steal if necessary or if we can get away with it long-term - note that if we steal paper, we should assume we won't be able to get more than just the one training session from Kagome, because it'd be harder to get the stuff next time (and he's almost certainly going to increase his demand)
- Gather information on Iron and Yuni
- Find out about bandit village
- Listen to hear about Samurai
- Lay groundwork for future trading/contracts
- Find out what specific suppliers need (probably just Ryo)
- Find out about maximum supply and how much market impact we will have (especially on paper)
- Determine how badly our skills are needed (mercenaries, hunters, messengers)
- Get force multipliers
- Ninja gear? Something nice for Keiko? Seals? I doubt we'll run across anything, but if we do, this is where I put it.
- Get valuable things
- Preferably in the form of Leaf Ryo & Iron Ryo
I suspect that to best do this, we either make one big robbery (steal from a noble?), work a dangerous job (hire ourselves out as mercenaries?), or steal stuff (and damn the consequences). Of these, I'm most on board with working a job, but would want to weigh what the job is specifically before committing to it. I think we should assume there are ninja in this town, because there likely are.