+1 XP for GM laughter. Punchy McPuncherson's character sheet has been updated. Thank you. :>

Is that ever gonna be changed back? Or are we permanently punished with the spandex for the rest of our lives.

Also, at this rate, we may need to get a cash pool going and hire a comedian to regularly visit EagleJarl at his house and make Naruto-related one-liners. The sheer financial security of this will make the XP flow for generations to come.
Don't we already have a usable explosive tag, courtesy of Kagome-sensei?

We should stuff it inside some meat and sell it, then blow it up mid-meal.
You're pretty much stuck with it, I'm afraid. At least until your build changes and you start solving problems in ways that DON'T involve punching them in the face.

Hey, you can't make a Ninja Deathworld and then get annoyed when we prioritize physical ability and stealth for our starting stats. Personally, I would very much like it if our character sheet was titled with our actual name, though I don't actually care about the spandex. The name's gotta be confusing for people first seeing it, and the joke's grown old. Does anyone disagree?
Hey, you can't make a Ninja Deathworld and then get annoyed when we prioritize physical ability and stealth for our starting stats.

I'm not annoyed, I just find it funny.

Personally, I would very much like it if our character sheet was titled with our actual name, though I don't actually care about the spandex. The name's gotta be confusing for people first seeing it, and the joke's grown old. Does anyone disagree?

It's not that big a deal to me. Since you seem to care a significant amount, I've changed it.

EDIT: Note, however, that he will always be Punchy McPuncherson to me. He may try to mask his identity with this false 'Kurosawa Hazou' name, but we all know the truth!
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EDIT: Note, however, that he will always be Punchy McPuncherson to me. He may try to mask his identity with this false 'Kurosawa Hazou' name, but we all know the truth!

Hey, if everything works out perhaps one day we will punch people with explosions! Progress marches on!

Hn, thats an idea. Gauntlets with directional explosive seals slapped on. And a puppet style mechanism that automatically swaps in new seals after each strike! That would possibly be a way to eliminate the strength requirements for a Taijutsu style.

We also totally need to steal Pains Asura body so we can reverse engineer its micromissiles. Those are awesome.
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Kishimoto has a 'no guns' restriction, despite it not making sense, but then he gives the villain micromissiles? Ugh.

I don't suppose that was filler, was it?

No. Its seen multiple times during Pains fights against Jiraiya, Naruto and Kakashi. Pains Asura path allows him to replace parts of his or his corpse puppets body with mechanical parts, similiar to Sasoris human puppets, but far more advanced. Seriously, i am not sure if that one is filler, but i think he has a goddamn inbuilt chakra laser cannon. The parts just seem to... grow out of his flesh.

It's Rinnegan bullshit. I don't think you'll ever need to worry about anyone else using that attack. He can also revive the dead, absorb all ninjutsu and create an artificial moon, so that is not the worst or most esoteric of Pains abilities by far.
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So, I was trying to think of a good reason for Gai's spandex. Then I realized that (with his conditioning) he's basically the Flash.

While other ninja use external techniques to mvoe at super speed, he just enhances himself to the point where he moves super fast.

Understandably, this is hard on normal clothing. So, if he didn't wear the semi-frictionless suit, he would be constantly on fire and/or naked.
Hn, thats an idea. Gauntlets with directional explosive seals slapped on. And a puppet style mechanism that automatically swaps in new seals after each strike! That would possibly be a way to eliminate the strength requirements for a Taijutsu style.

Using explosives in melee would be hilarious but I'm a bit dubious how it would work.

Lets make an assumption and say that we can make an explosion that starts by going in to one direction and doesn't exert force back in to the gauntlet. Even in this case the explosion is not really safe for us since the shockwave will propagate through air and mess us up almost as badly as the intended target.

The way it would work is if the "explosion" seal worked more like a storage seal that opens a portal and then ejects shrapnel (or whatever payload you want) in one direction without exerting force back towards the gauntlet. It would look pretty much the same but it wouldn't nearly as lethal for the user.

In short term we are better off supplementing our taijutsu with something like flashbang seals if we can device a good way to make ourselves immune to the effect, even for a short while. Maybe glasses that have seals that block extreme light for a half a second when activated? Earplugs that would do the same but with sound? Even one of those would give us a huge edge in combat.

A seal that muffles sound would also be great for stealth. Put them on your feet and you could run without making the slightest noise. Or maybe that's something ninjas can already do well with chakra, who knows.

But really, our explosive seals will be way bigger boon for Keiko and her kunais in direct combat than us. It's hard to make a guy explode if you are standing right next to them. Unless you are a water clone. We could put explosive seals inside a really thin cast iron shell, maybe add some padding for buyoancy, and stick them inside Nobby's clones. Explosive hugs for everyone! :lol
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[jk] Plan Absolute Defence
Dye our hair and leotard black.
Cover our leotard in spikes.
Use makeup to draw scars on our wrists.
Use our musical skill to play that one Evervescance song.
Be so fucking edgy that any enemies who go too close to us get cut to ribbons.
Use our newfound invincibility to invade Mist and rescue Mum.
Tell her it's not a phase.
Fall into a coma.
Can't wake up.
Hey @eaglejarl let's... not... make that part of the Rinnegan.

Aw come on. Its not like anyone can reproduce it at the settings techlevel, so it's just a form of really strange and esoteric ninja magic, just like the rest of the Rinnegans abilities.

It's not even a setting breaker like the super resurrection jutsu, it just creates a tough bruiser with some ranged options. I really don't see no reason not to use it.
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Aw come on. Its not like anyone can reproduce it at the settings techlevel, so it's just a form of really strange and esoteric ninja magic, just like the rest of the Rinnegans abilities.

It's not even a setting breaker like the super resurrection jutsu, it just creates a tough bruiser with some ranged options. I really don't see no reason not to use it.
As an engineer, you would be amazed what it is possible to do with that ability. The implied levels of precision manufacture would allow one to essentially skip around 400 years of iterative technological progression, leapfrog over the industrial revolution and end up in... the 60's I think, but at very least the 20's. Mostly by building the tools capable of building the tools that build everything. It would take a while of course, but it's doable.
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As an engineer, you would be amazed what it is possible to do with that ability. The implied levels of precision manufacture would allow one to essentially skip around 400 years of iterative technological progression, leapfrog over the industrial revolution and end up in... the 60's I think, but at very least the 20's. Mostly by building the tools capable of building the tools that build everything.

Just because you can do that doesn't mean a war orphan boy from Rain that never had an education beyond how-to-ninja from Jiraiya can do so.

Plus, from what we've seen the Asura path only creates straightforward weaponry. For all we know it has a hard coded list of tech it can create, and all of it is reliant on the users body to work. Like a matter fabricator that is programmed to only produce missiles with a genetic firing lock.
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