We also need an alternative to Mari's Fuge plan or Vecht improving it.
I've spent the past week begging people to help me put something more together. I don't trust myself to work on that portion of the plan any further because I've been on prescription painkillers for the past week.
Screw MechApt and the pantograph. We have seals. Make a one-to-many force distribution seal. We exert a force in one location and the seal duplicates it in five. Now you can punch five people or pick up five brushes.
i think a good strategy for dealing with Mari's depression would be pair her with Noburi. They both have been relegated to the background for the last couple updates. So why not have Noburi go do his medical research under Mari. He's good at the social stuff so as long as we tell him the score should be able to help her
Screw MechApt and the pantograph. We have seals. Make a one-to-many force distribution seal. We exert a force in one location and the seal duplicates it in five. Now you can punch five people or pick up five brushes.

I doubt it is that simple as you say.

In any case, there are things easier with MechApt, and there are things easier with Sealcraft. We should endeavor to take advantage of both. In which case, the pantograph is going to be likely the product of sealcrafts and MechApt anyway.
I doubt it is that simple as you say.

In any case, there are things easier with MechApt, and there are things easier with Sealcraft. We should endeavor to take advantage of both. In which case, the pantograph is going to be likely the product of sealcrafts and MechApt anyway.
Eh, we've got Kagome for MechApt. I mean, he won't be willing to do everything, but we really do not need MORE stuff to throw points at right now when we're playing catchup with chuunin.
Sounds like we need to research movable 5SB before the pantograph will be practical.
Another seal not likely to be possible. It sounds to me like 5SB works because it's earth-locked, likely by anchoring itself to the mass around it over a large distance, or something similar. I've seen no indication that this problem is fixable, as the setting seems to be full of people who'd quite like a movable variant and never get any.
It's time to start voting or writing plans now, folks.
How does the time pass so quick? I'll try to put some time aside tonight.
Problem I have with planning right now is so much depends on Kei's work in the summon realm. So some options we can do.
  • Noburi gets off his lazy ass and he and Mari go on a roadtrip to get him his medical training
  • We start looking for caravan or contacts that could start merchant empire.
  • Could also look for experts in various mechapt fields to consult on projects
  • Just seal research.
  • Just work on zeppelin
  • Self esteem bonding with Mari.
  • Talk to kagome about his seal ideas.
  • Political training with Mari
Another seal not likely to be possible. It sounds to me like 5SB works because it's earth-locked, likely by anchoring itself to the mass around it over a large distance, or something similar. I've seen no indication that this problem is fixable, as the setting seems to be full of people who'd quite like a movable variant and never get any.

How does the time pass so quick? I'll try to put some time aside tonight.
I don't see how it would be impossible to make it lock relative to the seals. The problem I could see is that moving the locked object without getting the seals to move in perfect unison results in Cthulhuing. I expect that would deter most people from using it, but I can imagine ways around it.
I don't see how it would be impossible to make it lock relative to the seals.
If my theory holds, then not only is that a completely different level of fidelity (you're locking onto a small, specifically shaped chakra-infused object), but suddenly your invincible object is merely as strong as a few pieces of paper.

Obviously my theory isn't proven by any means, but the question of "if it was easy, why hasn't it already been done?" is fundamentally important.
If my theory holds, then not only is that a completely different level of fidelity (you're locking onto a small, specifically shaped chakra-infused object), but suddenly your invincible object is merely as strong as a few pieces of paper.

Obviously my theory isn't proven by any means, but the question of "if it was easy, why hasn't it already been done?" is fundamentally important.
I think I agree with you on this. It would be absolutely useless in combat, which is why no one else has done it, but still be sufficient for the pantograph.
I think I agree with you on this. It would be absolutely useless in combat, which is why no one else has done it, but still be sufficient for the pantograph.
Oh, I see what you're going for. I doubt it'll work for a pantograph because you wouldn't want the brushes fixed relative to each other; you want to transfer position and rotation as completely independent measures. I suppose that's not strictly contrary to what we've observed, but I have strong doubts it works like that.
Top priority personal research projects for Hazou:

Timed Macerator v2, Tunneler's Friend, Banshee Slayer, Alarm seal (roughly in that order), damagingly-loud (and triggerable) alarm seals, roughly in that order. These will give the team large amounts of power for relatively little research time.

Reasoning is thus:

Macerators have SO many uses, from delivery of shotgun blasts of rock, to Shadow Shuriken Technique, to pepper spray, to napalm. 'Nuff said.

Tunneler's Friend is, admittedly, a selfish pick for Hazou. Stick it on the inside of a facemask, level up Living Roots a bit, and he'll be a perfect blind fighter. Can use charcoal with macerators to create a smokescreen, or any kind of noxious gas, though those would be better off with a more-airtight facemask.

Banshee Slayer/Eardrum-damaging alarm seals is crippling for literally anyone we come across. Very nearly an instant-win button, and better still are nonlethal.

After these, I would like to work on tacmove augmenting impulse seals, but I'm not sure how to go about that, so it may need to be done in collaboration with Kagome.

We might be able to develop silence mines that autodestruct after their duration is up so that we can just drop them as we move, though that WILL be hard on our paper supplies and not particularly good for E&E, though it will be good for ambushes and approaches.

Combat Training Plans:

This is NOT a skill training plan. We need to take the time to integrate all of these techniques into our fighting styles, and particularly Kei, as she otherwise would likely default to fighting as she normally did. As far as this goes, there are a few things to note.


Timed Macerators on shurikens result in an explosive-like aoe spread of the contents at 20 m/s. On Kunai, she can probably make it directional with practice. Do that. Also work on the specific formulation for macerators required to dissolve the glue sticking shuriken together without degrading ninja wire -- this shouldn't require research rolls, but if it does, we can instead use boxes. Not ideal, but either way, it works to replicate Shadow Shuriken Technique, as storage seals release their contents at the speed of the object they're attached to. She can also just release blocks of stone. I call that one Newton's Revenge.

If Kei's good enough, it might be possible to pin weapons so precisely as to be able to activate barrier or multiple-seal techniques attached to them. We can consider experimenting with this.


Air Dome seals will be immaculate for him in longer fights; develop a quick-deploy method. The QMs previously confirmed that if mist is existent before they're activated, he is able to drain through them, so we definitely need to test how much damage Air Domes can take, and, if he can drain through multiple of them, if that affects things. Presently, Vampiric Dew drains 20 chakra points per second. That's enough to drain Hazou dry in 5 seconds, Kei in 8.5, and Mari in, uh, probably like 30 or something; I dunno her chakra totals exactly. Still, if someone can't beat their way through the air dome, it's a win condition for us if we can keep them in the area.


Practice integrating macerators into his fighting style. I suspect he will get a set of rings for his birthday from Kagome; if not by then, ask for them, but until then he needs to work out how to use macerators most effectively in combat. A few around the waist for smokescreen production would work well, probably.

MEW moves at 5+level meters per second. The fastest recorded punch in this world was 19 m/s. At MEW 12, he can boost to "punch" someone faster than the fastest person in this world, and with a HELL of a lot more force behind it. To be approximate, the momentum behind that is equivalent to 25 times that of a car moving at 60 mph (while boosting). And this at range, and possibly without even needing to see them if he uses Living Roots. I doubt the handseals are particularly fast, but he can probably use it within an air dome, so... yeah.

As I mentioned before, blind fighting will be stellar for Hazou.


Can probably afford to integrate macerators into his own fighting style for use when less-than-lethal is appropriate. He won't like it, though. Depending on the power his shaped charge explosives have, they might be able to bust through air domes or earth domes; this would allow us to block them in with Kei and blow them up with him. Should discuss with him putting stupid boxes in PMYF, and safety ranges for that.


Air Domes are great for her too. They allow her to use genjutsu without having to worry so much about getting murced in the meantime. Although I doubt she will take to using macerators quite so readily as Hazou, she also has use for them in her fighting style. Surprises are always useful.

The Whole Team

Get utility belts for everyone. Misterators on them, smokescreens, whatever we can think of that'd be useful. Work out a way for everyone to use air dome seals quickly for defense; maybe a stick tied to some body part with the seals on both sides of it? Something. Everyone has something they can do from inside air domes. Kei can summon, Noburi can drain, Hazou can summon the fist of god from beneath people, Mari can genjutsu, and I don't even want to think about what Kagome could get up to if given time mid-combat to fuck around with explosives.

With these few simple seals, we will be immensely more survivable in combat.
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@Cariyaga Skywalkers are important too, and Kagome does them largely in parallel. I know this thread is really hesitant to use them, but given unlocking them could be months out, they are a major political component that would suck to lag on if politics moves without us, and they're also a get-out-of-jail-free card if any village wants us dead, we're much better off having them really soon. Plus, trackless movement, safe border crossings and all that jazz matter and won't spoil the game.
@Cariyaga Skywalkers are important too, and Kagome does them largely in parallel. I know this thread is really hesitant to use them, but given unlocking them could be months out, they are a major political component that would suck to lag on if politics moves without us, and they're also a get-out-of-jail-free card if any village wants us dead, we're much better off having them really soon. Plus, trackless movement, safe border crossings and all that jazz matter and won't spoil the game.
Yeah, I know, I just didn't want to include them because it wasn't Hazou's personal project at the moment; it's Kagome's. Also it would distract from the rest of it because I could write three times that much on Skywalkers.
Oh, thank Kami. Saved by the GM.

There actually are at least two practical mechanical solutions to parallelized and even automated calligraphy certifiably indistinguishable from the original, but they're not getting posted here because the thread apparently needs to first learn an important lesson about not solving its opponents' limiting puzzles for them just because a clever answer occurred to it.

Problem I have with planning right now is so much depends on Kei's work in the summon realm. So some options we can do.
  • Noburi gets off his lazy ass and he and Mari go on a roadtrip to get him his medical training
  • We start looking for caravan or contacts that could start merchant empire.
  • Could also look for experts in various mechapt fields to consult on projects
  • Just seal research.
  • Just work on zeppelin
  • Self esteem bonding with Mari.
  • Talk to kagome about his seal ideas.
  • Political training with Mari

  • Return to Rice. Mari experiences catharsis and character growth by keeping her promise apologize to the innkeeper whose kindness she took advantage of. In the process, she solidifies the team's good relationship with the hypercompetent mayor they have worked together with and continues maturing their relationships with the missing-nin-friendly and EN-hunter-unfriendly lcoal ninja clans. The team then takes advantage of the ninja-friendly civilian populace and the relatively safe and merchant hub natures of their new base of operations to pursue every other way forward.
We still have no plan replacement for Action: Mari's Fugue (Support Mari)

Anyway, I am going to come up with my own based on what I heard from @Oneiros43 on Discord.

{X} Action: Fixing Mari (Support Mari)

  • Talk about how Mari didn't abandon the team.
  • Talk about how she tried to sacrifice for the team in Hot Spring.
  • Talk about doing what's right not what's easy WRT to the two points we just talked about.
  • Talk about getting Mari telling the team the truth so that it can't become blackmail material.
  • Convince Mari to help the team grow.
    • Start by getting Noburi medical training. He put it off long enough as it is.
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We still have no plan replacement for Action: Mari's Fugue (Support Mari)

Anyway, I am going to come up with my own based on what I heard from @Oneiros43 on Discord.

{X} Action: Fixing Mari (Support Mari)

  • Talk about how Mari didn't abandon the team.
  • Talk about how she tried to sacrifice for the team in Hot Spring.
  • Talk about doing what's right not what's easy WRT to the two points we just talked about.
  • Talk about getting Mari telling the team the truth so that it can't become blackmail material.
  • Convince Mari to help the team grow.
    • Start by getting Noburi medical training. He put it off long enough as it is.

Yes, "we" do. I just seem to have phased out into that weird parallel dimension where nobody can hear me again. I hope somebody remembers to feed my iguana until I get back.
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(Data from Page 1724, PostId 7969098) How to Use PlanBot
Voting ends on Wednesday, March the 1st​ at 12:00 PM (UTC), in 12.5 hours.
Plan Name: Hivemind Aggregation Initiative Author: Vecht Voters: Kiba Num Votes: 2 Plan Name: Hazou Training: Seal-augmented Combat Author: Vecht Num Votes: 1 Total Voters: 2
[X] Hivemind Aggregation Initiative
Ignore all other plans! Disclaimer: -- This plan is an automated aggregation of input from multiple players. -- The most up-to-date version of this plan can always be found here.
  • Trades with Pangolins
  • Support Mari
  • Increase Combat Ability
Misc: (To be done as time permits, or offscreen)
Contingency Plan:
Contributed Plans by Goal:
Plan Name: Action: Mari's Fugue (Support Mari) Author: Vecht Num Votes: 1 Plan Name: Action: Fixing Mari (Support Mari) Author: Kiba Num Votes: 1
Plan Name: Misc: Study Texts from Leaf Author: Vecht Num Votes: 1 Plan Name: Misc: Alternative Carpentry Projects Author: Kiba Num Votes: 1
Plan Name: Keiko Training: Continue from last plan Author: Vecht Num Votes: 1
Plan Name: Noburi Training: Continue from last plan Author: Vecht Num Votes: 1
Plan Name: Hazou Training: Seal-augmented Combat Author: Vecht Num Votes: 1
Plan Name: Contingency: Same as Always Author: Vecht Num Votes: 1
Total Contributors: 2
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