The point of that is so that the team's bodies are not sticky.
To the extent that our team would be able to use skywalkers to dodge goo bomb attacks.
The point of that is so that the team's bodies are not sticky.
Why 20m/s?Timed Macerators on shurikens result in an explosive-like aoe spread of the contents at 20 m/s.
Momentum of the wall is a nearly useless measure when one object is so much heavier than the other and stuck to the ground. More on this later.To be approximate, the momentum behind that is equivalent to 25 times that of a car moving at 60 mph (while boosting).
We can consider using chakra-adhesion triggered air domes as insta-shields, once that research is done. Might be too much of a giveaway, but quicker triggering is never a bad thing otherwise.
Assuming that doesn't change the energy output, and that we can focus them all, and that sound doesn't diffuse, and ignoring the disadvantage that it's no longer a general AOE effect, etc.By my estimates, restricting it to a directional 5 degree by 5 degree cone would net an additional 40 db.
This is not valid; the momentum cannot feasibly be measured from the pushing object. You need to measure from the pushed object, and multiply by velocity. Transferring all of the momentum from a heavier object would require the hit object to end up moving faster than the pushing one!Also mentioned this on Discord, but that quantity is given in momentum. To calculate force imparted you have to consider delta time as well; F = dp/dt.
Assuming we can transfer most of the momentum in about 0.05 seconds (time for MEW to traverse 1m) this yields a staggering 20 meganewtons.
Numbers given are assuming 36 chakra for the ability at level 12. About as much as a boosted Taijutsu punch for Hazou.
The idea is to use MEW in combination with Living Roots, smokescreens from Macerators, and gasmasks from the purifier seals. Or just in conjunction with Living Roots for long range assassination. Given that only high Jounin or S-class would have both the speed and awareness to avoid a MEW to the back of the head from 150m away, this seems rather strong.
Generally OK with this, mostly seeing as it has already been voted for and the watchtowers aren't really that vital to us. Also a useful stepping stone.{X} Action: Keiko 5SB Trading with Pangolins (Trades with Pangolins)
Bit iffy on this plan. I would make it clear that the points of reflection are not actually talking points, since some of them would go over really awkwardly.
They do, don't they?
He should practice drawing with normal ink behind an opaque cover, so he can check that his technique is safe.Hazou should discuss invisible ink with Kagome in more detail. Once both are satisfied that the idea carries only acceptable levels of risk, Hazou attempts to produce a prototype invisible seal.
This seems like a poor use of time, especially to prepare for a mere pantograph. Would much rather do zeppelintech.
We'll add it to the discussion list - I'd avoid making plans based on this for nowPlease let us know if this is correct for MEW or if it just managed to slip through TGR.
{X} Action: Combat Training
{X} Misc: Study Texts from Leaf
This seems like a poor use of time, especially to prepare for a mere pantograph. Would much rather do zeppelintech.
What should I do here? Vote
{X} Misc: Don't do "Alternative Carpentry Projects"
From the description don't think it's entirely clear if they explode out in a sphere or just a circle.To the extent that our team would be able to use skywalkers to dodge goo bomb attacks.
If we want a hot air balloon, there are much more direct things we should be doing. Focusing on minutiae is not the best way to get stuff done right now there. A basic hot air balloon does not need any fancy engineering outside of making a balloon casing, which is mostly a question of sowing.Why do you think this is exclusive to prepping for a pantograph?
Because that's the speed that they release at.
If we want a hot air balloon, there are much more direct things we should be doing. Focusing on minutiae is not the best way to get stuff done right now there. A basic hot air balloon does not need any fancy engineering outside of making a balloon casing, which is mostly a question of sowing.
I would make it clear that the points of reflection are not actually talking points
Vecht said:These should not be taken as any exact wording, but instead a rough outline of Hazou's thought process.
What should I do here? Vote
{X} Misc: Don't do "Alternative Carpentry Projects"
? This is my main criticism of the automated aggregation system, FWIW.
Assuming that doesn't change the energy output, and that we can focus them all, and that sound doesn't diffuse, and ignoring the disadvantage that it's no longer a general AOE effect, etc.
Not a bad idea, but not quite as free as you make it sound.
Vecht said:
Transferring all of the momentum from a heavier object would require the hit object to end up moving faster than the pushing one!
I know that I don't post much, but this line:
"Hazou realizes that Mari really does need the team as much as they need her. Hazou resolves to confront Mari with all this in mind. He can even be the one to break the news to the others if necessary. It is something that must be done, and if it comes to the worst, the practicalities of their situation will prevent the team from falling apart in the short term."
concerns me. This sounds like Hazou tells the group even if Mari is against it, which doesn't sound like a smart move. She did tell Hazou this in private because she apparently trusts him, not so that he can go around and tell everyone.
Maybe rewrite it so that this is only done if Mari can be persuaded to tell the others? Or do people want to force it?
Vecht said:{X} Action: Mari's Fugue (Support Mari)
- Reflect on Mari's wellbeing and the team's situation in general.
- Do this when he has free time, like during routine menial tasks or before bed.
- Hazou is concerned that Mari-sensei is obviously under a lot of stress, and that allowing that to simmer and for her internal tension to build is not healthy. Additionally, she may decide to do something drastic soon if we don't intervene.
- Points to consider during reflection. These should not be taken as any exact wording or talking points, but instead a rough outline of Hazou's thought process.
- Mari very clearly doesn't think much of herself right now. She thinks she's a worthless teacher, and that the team would have been better off without her.
- However, In spite of his misgivings with what she's done, Hazou thinks he's probably better off and happier now than he would have been in Mist. Sure, he'd have been safer there, but under someone like Yagura, he'd have inevitably ended up on the asswipe's shitlist, much like she did. Not to mention his grander ambitions...
- Still, Hazou understands that Noburi and Keiko lost much more than him, and they may not be as forgiving as he is.
- He realizes this is likely the source of much of Mari's inner turmoil; having to deal with the reality of her actions while the genin look up to her as if she were a saint. And she doesn't feel like she can "come clean" because it really isn't a certain thing that Noburi or Keiko would forgive her.
- (Thinking back to their previous conversation...) Not to mention, Mari probably doesn't want to influence them to do so for her own ends. She knows well that she can, and she probably doesn't know how to not be manipulative in a situation like this. She might even believe that she has unduly influenced Hazou in that regard. He probably can't do much to dissuade her from that...
- ...However, Hazou does believe the rest of the team would come around eventually, of their own volition. And even both of them hating her now is better than Mari doing something drastic.
- Besides, the team needs her. Not just as Mari the incredible jounin, or as Mari the infiltration specialist, or as Mari the teacher, but as Mari the den mother and protector, Mari the friend and sister.
- Furthermore, pity party aside, Mari is highly competent. She's a high level jounin at... however the heck old she is. Give it ten years and Hazou bets she can give Jiraiya a run for his money. Especially with his [Hazou's] seals!
- Sudden sense of the world twisting on its head as Hazou realizes how young Mari really is. Whoa! He'd never really thought about it before, because she'd always seemed so strong and... not unapproachable, but kind of above it all.
- But she's not. And that was as much for her benefit as it was for the team's. And that's okay. She's tired because she's so young, yet she's had to deal with all this crap, and still hold the team up by herself for so long. So he understands why she feels like she needs a break.
- And he kind of agrees, honestly. But only kind of. She does deserve a break -- but just that. A break. Hazou will never be able to think of her as anything but Mari-sensei, and she's done a damned good job at teaching no matter what she thinks. It isn't like she's been in a village with people to back her up. She's been all on her own this whole time, and she's kept the team alive and together. Not to mention Kagome...
- Hazou realizes that Mari really does need the team as much as they need her. He resolves to confront Mari with all this in mind, and persuade her to "come clean" to the team. He can even be the one to break the news to the others if necessary, and in the worst case, the practicalities of the situation will keep the team together in the short term.
- Confront Mari after he has had time to reflect, and when it is most opportune.
Vecht said:{X} Action: Seals Solve Everything (Increase Combat Ability)
- Take the time to:
- Complete all voted for training plans.
- Do all the training and seal integration specified here.
- Do all (applicable) testing.
- Allow time for Kagome to complete the Skywalker research.
- Hazou should discuss invisible ink with Kagome in more detail, particularly for opsec applications with Skywalkers.
- Emphasize that his Iron Nerve abilities really will let him produce exact replicas of the seals without having to see what he draws.
- Once Kagome is satisfied that the idea carries only acceptable levels of risk, Hazou attempts to produce a prototype invisible seal.
- The prototype should be a seal that Hazou has mastered, to minimise risks.
- If this works successfully, Hazou can create all of Kagome's seal blanks for Skywalkers (though leave Kagome to infuse them).
- Afterwards, get Kagome to look over the notes for Jiraiya's seals. Get rough estimates for research time for these based on how difficult they seem.
- Meanwile, each member of the team focuses on their training and incorporating the new seals into their combat styles.
- Once Hazou's training is complete:
- Work on a Timed Macerator v2 variant using the same principle as PMYF.
- This is mostly for Keiko, but will hopefully prove useful for other applications.
- (If time permits) Work on another Macerator v2 variant that spits out projectiles with different varying spread angles. At least two would be great: One highly focused in a small area, and one with a much wider area.
- Do not spend too much time on this one. If it takes more than a couple days after producing the timed variant, leave this for later. Or if everyone is done with training, don't even bother.
- Practice integrating macerators and skywalkers into his Roki style. Spar with other members of the team to work out kinks, using nonlethal ammo (or just colored dye).
- A few Macerators around the waist for a quick smokescreen production would also work well. Practice using this to facilitate escapes.
- He might get something like Kagome's rings for his birthday. If he doesn't, make sure to ask for them.
- Produce a large quantity of all appropriate seals, as well as a couple sets of air domes for everyone.
- Keiko in particular should not be throwing anything that doesn't have SOME kind of seal on it unless she explicitly doesn't need to for tactical purposes.
- Write out all the seal blanks ahead of time and then get Noburi to stand by while he infuses them. Noburi is there to provide emergency medical assistance and spare chakra water if needed. Offer him something nice in exchange for his help.
- Do infusions in a seal bunker with clones nearby to immediately Kawarimi with at the slightest sign of trouble. Do not take any risks. If something unexpected happens, de-ass the area posthaste and MEW it up.
- Use timed Macerators on shurikens for an explosive-like aoe spread of the contents.
- Do the same with Kunai; she can probably make it directional with practice.
- "Poor Man's Shadow Shuriken"
- Try connecting lots of shuriken with ninja wire, and using weak adhesive or just putting them in a fragile box to seal up in Timed Macerators. Practice using these as well.
- She can also just release large blocks of stone (MEW?) from Kunai with regular PMYF seals.
- Highly situational, but if she thinks an enemy will try to just deflect or sidestep a Kunai, she can surprise them with a massive boulder zooming at their face with Kunai speeds.
- If Kei's aim is good enough, it might be possible to pin weapons so precisely as to be able to activate barrier or multiple-seal techniques attached to them. We can consider experimenting with this -- try using Zephyr's Reach, too, for greater control.
- Air Dome seals will be immaculate for him in longer fights; develop a quick-deploy method. Use these in conjunction with high-powered Misterators.
- If mist is present before they're activated, he is able to drain through them, so we definitely need to test how much damage Air Domes can take.
- If someone can't beat their way through the air dome quick enough, it's close a win condition for us. We just keep them in an enclosed area while Noburi drains.
- Work on developing and coordinating tactics like this with the rest of the team.
- Get utility belts for everyone. Put misterators on them, smokescreens, and whatever we can fit on them that might be useful.
- Work out a way for everyone to use air dome seals quickly for defense; maybe a stick or wooden shield tied to some body part with the seals on both sides of it?
- Practice using everyone's new combat strategies on concert with one another.
- Determine if Macerator v2s work better for Misterator applications.
- Test using ice in Macerators.
- This could be a powerful weapon as it would leave no trace or indication as to what did the damage.
- Further test using poisoned ice (or ice laced with paralytic) against chakra beasts to determine effectiveness. Ask Noburi for assistance here.
- One they are complete, have everyone practice using Skywalkers in combat, particularly to enhance their TacMov and evasion capabilities.
- Have Keiko teach Vacuum Step to Mari.
- Have Mari use a clone to test using Vacuum Step to escape up in the air, and then using Skywalkers to stay there. If this works, we may want to invest points in everyone getting Vacuum Step for quick escapes with Skywalkers.
- Test using masses of Goo Bombs to slow down enemies while avoiding the same using Skywalkers.
- Practice enhancing stealth and evasion by skywalking two inches off of the ground.
I appreciate that your trust in me is so great that when I say stupid things you assume I'm just being difficultVeedrac I really do appreciate your criticisms, but it feels like you are just being deliberately dismissive here.
I don't mean to say that you hadn't said this, but without any content under "Confront Mari", it's nontrivially likely the QMs would default to the previous idea, even if they weren't directly intended otherwise. Saying "x is intended for y" isn't the same as saying "x is intended exclusively for y". That said, I do appreciate the improvements you've made since.
{-} Misc: Don't do "Alternative Carpentry Projects"No, if you don't like a plan you can use {exclaimation point} Veto <planname>
That sounds like a bad idea in the other direction. Perhaps make it so with more than one veto they only count for one vote each?Note: Every person gets exactly one veto per voting round to prevent abuse.
Hard to give feedback before I've finished trying it out! I'm actually impressed at how well it's working, bar a few niggles. Will put it on my list of things to write about.And also, this isn't by any means set in stone. This is really the first voting round people have made use of it. I'm more than willing to put in additional work to make it better. I can't do that if people don't give me feedback.
I don't consider those valid simplifications, though. Kagome's shaped charge seals aren't sniping people from half a mile away, so why would you assume applying the same technique to sound would produce that level of amplification?[On alarm seals in a restricted cone] Yes, simplifying assumptions; proof of concept.
I phrased my objection pretty stupidly, I admit, but I'm still sticking by the point.
People fly out of windows by preserving their momentum, not by adding to it.It's also why people can go flying out of windows in a car crash under the right conditions if they aren't wearing a seatbelt. I would link that too, but I don't think it would be appropriate.
What a disappointing turnout. I told people to vote, and they didn't vote!Voting is over.
Action Plan-like thing: Hivemind Aggregation Initiative is victorious.
4 voters this week. You guys are lucky that @Dark as Silver wasn't around.
Keep it down to the Pangolins scene and the Mari scene(s)? That could work. Potentially we could have the Mari scene where we confer with Keiko and Noburi happen as we're incorporating the seals, but we could make dropping the scene altogether work.
However, as much as I'm not in a position to push through modifications unilaterally, I'm in even less of a position to decide what actions get made, since they were (technically) voted on. If anyone else has thoughts on the matter, I encourage them to share.