Alright, I am giving one and only one chance for this Black Hunter to become an ally, if only because he's fairly high-level and a probable sealmaster, but otherwise I seriously want to get the hell out of this village. Just too many updates spent here doing manual labor.
I am also extremely tired right now, but we don't really have any plan in the lead right now, or one that I'm fully satisfied with. I hope, if most plans are in the vein of "contact black hunter". that Velorien will at least do that using elements of the discussed plans.
Alright, the main differences between this and
@Icehawk78 's plan is that we don't do any dangerous or elaborate things to get the message to him, or call him a guardian of the villagers or whatever. We also let him completely avoid coming anywhere near us or our clone if he doesn't want to, and allow him to set the terms of the meeting. We really don't have much time left, so take a look at what I came up with.
[X] Plan Contact Hunter (Revised)
- Turn down the caravan offer.
- Go back to sight of explosion and pin a note to a tree, in a way it'll stay there for a while.
- Follow the instructions of the note, without deception.
- Note contents:
"We mean no harm, to you or anyone in the village, and we would like to discuss the possibility of a mutually beneficial arrangement between us and you.
To acknowledge this, we will send a clone to this location at noon of #{two days from the day we write this, whatever that is}. If you do not wish to come into contact with us, remove or destroy this note and do not approach the clone, and we will leave you be and stay out of this forest. If you are willing to talk, leave instructions on the other side of this note of where, when, and how you would like to meet within the next couple of days and we will do so.
We will not bother or approach you again if you do not wish it, but allies can be a scarce and valuable commodity for people such as us."
- Inoue obviously gets full editorial control on this plan and can veto it, especially if she knows a surer way to get a note to him through the villagers than hope he goes back to that site. If the BH is a hunter-nin, he could easily lead us into a trap that might TPK us.
- If Inoue vetoes, the note is left untouched, or the note is removed/destroyed, we move on to the next village, with someone else playing the sensei.