So, If we want Keiko to take over as the Diplomacy specialist, I suggest that we don't frame it as her taking over the "face" role. Noburi's personality is better suited to that, and both of them know it. Instead, frame it as her taking over de-escelation and deal-making. She's proven good at that, while Noburi has consistently been good at making friends. Have her automatically take over if we need to scare some fuckers, or if we need to make a deal. Have Noburi handle the making friends type stuff. That's determined by personality, rather than dice rolls.

In addition, I think we should avoid typical missing-nin work in the future. It's dangerous and doesn't have many advantages over, say, selling ice. Instead, we should do ninja-type missions when we have something very significant to gain, or for Jiraiya. We need to get back in his good books, and that will take time and missions. We need money, but we can get that from selling ice, or from exchanges with Jiraiya.

EDIT: Well, somehow I managed to forget that Akane is the only one of us who can make ice.
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We really ought to figure out Kagome's chakra nature.

e: If any? Is it possible for someone to not have one?
Retrospective time.

I was going to do this claim-by-claim, but there are two major mistakes I've made that I feel I should address first.
  1. I (vastly) underestimated how much initiative Inoue would take.
  2. Kagome can speak fluently?

To start, why did I expect Inoue to take less initiative, and why were those assumptions wrong?

The first thing that comes to mind is her response to Mori's outburst, which I consider the other major mishap relating to bad word choices. In that scenario, we saw Inoue take remarkably little initiative; Hazō was the one to say "We need to keep moving", but even Akane took hold of the situation faster than Inoue. In fact, one part I remember fairly clearly is this:

"Inoue-sensei, can I talk to you for a second?"

Inoue-sensei's expression was sardonic. "Already doing your rounds, Hazō? Checking in with your team and managing their psychological states is important for a leader, but you do need to learn to be more subtle about it. Acting like you care about people only works if it doesn't look forced."

Hazō flinched.

"Sorry, Hazō," she said wearily after a second. "That wasn't fair. You're doing a great job for a thirteen-year-old. Honestly, you're doing my job. I should be grateful."

I also remember some fairly awkward conversation from her around Keiko, as well as the flawed response of telling Keiko to go away for a day without consideration of how that would affect her as phrased. And then there was this lovely dialogue.

"It's true. But the fact is, it shouldn't matter to us whether she's with us or not."

She registered the uncomfortable stares from the rest of the group.

"Sorry," she said quickly, "that came out wrong. What I meant is that we as a group need to learn to function without Keiko."

The stares didn't get any less uncomfortable.

"Agh, bad choice of words. What I'm trying to say is that we have to accept that we don't need Keiko in the first place.

"…I'll shut up now."

Finally, we're privy to her being outmaneuvered in debates several times recently, and this is meant to be her strong point.

So, basically, I didn't expect her to handle this as well as she did because she's shown herself to be a lot less good at it than she did in this recent update.

So why is it different this time? There are two primary points I should make, most of which should have been far more obvious to me than they were before the update.
  1. Inoue did make several good calls about managing the party during this crisis, several in exactly this vein, after time. This is pertinent here because she has had three days to plan, rather than the immediate reactions of before that favour Hazou's hivemind and Akane's spur-of-the-moment approach to life.
  2. She was dealing with a personal and sensitive topic. This new situation does not have her as the focus, and is a lot more amiable to her traditional stock of strategies.
I would appreciate other people giving more input on this matter.

Second, Kagome's handling of this was superb. We should remember to say such to him once this situation has blown over, because I am seriously proud right now.

Frankly, I think it's fairly obvious why I modelled him as I did. He has acted like a skittish, abandoned dog that grew attracted to a kind owner, and I feel justified in thinking that if he just got kicked it could go really badly.

That said, I have clearly underestimated quite how much his character has progressed. I don't even need to note this down as a learning experience; this is not something I'm going to forget any time soon. One thing I will note as a mistake, though, is me not predicting Kagome's paranoia would make him see our side wrt. our actions with the Leaf. I think this was just an oversight, rather than a general cognitive bias, but I'll keep it in mind to see if I make this mistake again.

In retrospect, I still think being cautious with regards to him was the right call. Should we have had the conversation as per the plan, I doubt Kagome would have considered that prediction to have been unjustified.

Now here's a more point-by-point breakdown.

Before leaving Jiraiya, ask Jiraiya

Yeah... not sure that would have worked given Inoue's actions. However, there's not enough in the post for me to decide whether this was a reasonable model of the situation. The same holds for my comments on Akane.

I think my model of Inoue was pretty much correct, except that I didn't expect her to take initiative. She has shown exactly the kind of level headed response I thought she would, and I stick by my claim "you can very well expect any bitterness she's expressing to be purposefully designed to push you in the right direction".

I think my models of Keiko and Noburi were correct. Particularly, I feel vindicated in asking people to give the team more credit than they have, especially with Keiko recognizing parallels to her own mistakes exactly like I expected her to, and Noburi having the same complex as I expected.

Inoue's putting us on chores and letting the team vent how they wish is exactly what I was trying to do with the conversation with Keiko and Noburi. I think this is a positive sign with regards to the actions there, even if I can't be assured that the specific methods I suggested would have worked.

I think it's too early to be assured of my comment "I don't get why people are terrified of the Leaf escort", but at the same time I think this update does at least suggest that I am correct there.

I think that roughly wraps up what I wanted to say. There are some big updates to my priors for Inoue and Kagome, both in positive directions. I don't think either course of action was outside of what was planned for, though; I did consider the posibility that Inoue would take charge (though to a less effective extent) and I tried not to suggest any course of action which would cause problems had I underestimated Kagome's levelheadedness.

However, my models of Keiko and Noburi seem pretty solid, at least in this light.
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So... having it put in that perspective, I'm kind of leaning toward giving (well, not GIVING, but you know) Skywalker seals to J and Konoha. I've had enough of putting Noburi's desires and needs in the background, and we need to make effort to actively make amends with J and Noburi in particular, to say nothing of the rest of our team. Even if we didn't care about Jiraiya (and I know some of you do not), Noburi's happiness is important to me. I don't want out value for Jiraiya and Konoha to come with the missions we do for him as deniable assets -- that way lies eternally being pushed to the side. Instead, we need to prove ourselves as useful to him in other ways, and sealing creativity is one place we are uniquely suited to.

...setting aside that if J's smart (and he is), he could definitely figure out skywalker seals as a potential use of our 5SB method we gave him.

Ooh, point. It's possible that the engineering parts still take a lot of work, though, so it could still be good for us to speed up the research for him? (Especially given his previous comments on the value of ideas vs prototypes.)

And skywalker shoes seem potentially valuable enough for the team that we should get them even if they'd have no value as gifts to J.

Regardless, I think it's a good idea to have some sort of really sweet seal thing to give J by the time we finish our next mission for him.

Thinking about potential presents for Keiko, I stumbled upon an idea that may help her be more creative. What if we made her a fortune teller with prompts that encourage creative thinking? We could have different fortune tellers for different situations(social, recon, preparation, anything noncombat). I'm just not sure what would make for the best set of prompts.

This is interesting. We've already seen her take the initiative in games--maybe find her a game with a wider scope of complexity, requiring something closer to decision-making in real life?

That's right, we should QM a quest for Keiko.

(Another social possibility--getting her minions to manage. Specifically, recruits for that Naraka Rollers branch she's supposed to found for one of the Pangolins.)
I'm not in the mental or physical condition to create my own plan right now (I may tomorrow), but I'd like to bring this up regardless: We're out in the middle of nowhere. I, personally, NEED to know what Kagome's sealing ideas to research are. Pls.
Max level cap means we have Attributes that are limiting advancement in a skill (in this case, Dexterity).
Ahhhh ok. I thought that was some sort of temporary hardcap. Cool.

I'm sort of hesitant to say dump the rest of Hanzou's exp into sealing. While it has excellent support and noncombat oriented abilities, I am skeptical on its direct combat applications (without preptime). It might be worthwhile to put some XP into Taijutsu related areas so that we can Punch Things in the Face as a plan B if Being a Clever Bastard hits a snag.
I am honestly still full on stealth training, actually, because I think basic ninja skills are more important than anything else.

The last thing I wanted to do is end up in a situation in which we get screwed by poor stealth again.
Three days ago: "Hey, this looks interesting!"

Just finished binging the story thread. Would binge again. Still have no idea how I got here.

×resumes lurking×
I am a bit annoyed for Noburi needling at Hazou for having talents that Noburi doesn't have and thinking Hazou has it so easy and shit.


Extradoubleplus hard.
Let's get this party started.

[X] Action Plan: At Last, Free Time!


1. Make sure we're safe
2. Recuperate
3. Research and Train

  • Hazou will not mope around, nor whine or bitch.
  • Hazou will be productive.
  • Before doing anything else, discuss possible relocation out of Iron.
    • Hazou is worried about hunter-nins being in the area, especially Mist-nins who may be looking for them after Hot Spring and Rice mission.
  • Discuss with the team on whether or not to execute the Intel Checklist, and how to do so.
  • Activities are listed below in term of priority
  1. The team do an After Action Report on the Konoha clusterfuck and the Arikada mission.
    • Do it when Inoue Mari said so. Do not be pushy on the team.
    • Everyone will take their own notes individually.
    • Each member of the team will provide a full and detailed report from their own perspective. They will not talk to each other to avoid contamination of opinions and details. This is hugely important for avoiding bias, false memories, etc.
    • In a team meeting, combine and collate details, talk about how the missions go, what they did wrong or right, how they can do better, etc.
  2. Start on training plans.
    • If we are in Iron and If Noburi goes into Yuni to study medicine:
      • Express concern of Hashimoto's location being compromised by Mist Intelligence, unless this is already addressed in Phase 1.
      • Hazo still support Noburi's desire to study medicine, but he is worried for Noburi and the rest of the team's safety by going to a known location.
      • If the team decide to go for it anyway, prep a security plan with the team. An additional member of the team may be needed in-town to watch Hashimoto's location while Noburi train.
      • Be careful not to step on the toes of any agents of Jiraiya who may be residing in Yuni. Usually, this means reporting any suspicious persons, and letting Mari handle it.
  3. The team destress for one-two days other then camp maintenance and security.
    • Obviously, that mean Hazou is doing all the camp maintenance.
  4. Kagome and Hazou do some sealing research, to be decided by the hivemind.
  5. Hazou asks Mari-sensei for political and social training.

Planning thoughts:
[Not a direct response to your plan]

  • Get fresh water + firewood efficiently (ideally seal a bunch in one go) so we can do useful stuff when we're not serving or sleeping
  • Help Noburi - particularly w medical-related stuff
    • Sealing help? Preserve useful corpses, make equipment based on stuff he saw in Konoha (sterilization should be easy; purifying samples, centrifuging?)
    • If he goes back to Hashimoto, make that easier
      • If team wants someone to watch the location, volunteer
      • Help his relationship with her:
        • Say it was our fault he couldn't train elsewhere
        • Bring her nice stuff - sealed hot food, goods from market?
        • Give her some seals (if they wouldn't compromise opsec / let Z trace us if he found them) - even basic storage seals could be pretty useful
  • Improve Inoue relations if we see any low-risk chances to (get her nice stuff, pamper her)
  • Seal talk with Kagome
    • His research ideas
    • J's seals + potential mods (silence mine -> mobile version, or at least quietly self-destroying versions we can drop as we walk without leaving evidence. purifier -> digging rock, mining gold? )
    • Skywalker seals
      • Useful step along this path - distance activation? Makes research much easier
    • Med-relevant stuff we think up or hear about from Noburi
Re: your plan, I think we already kind-of got the AARs on the Konoha fiasco. Makes sense for Hazou to write up his thoughts, and at some point he should go over it with Inoue, to catch all the politics/diplomacy things he could be missing. I think that should wait a little, though. At the end of the 2 weeks might be a good time, to show that he's been thinking it over while serving his penance.
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  • We should thank Inoue for her handling of this. I feel she'd appreciate it, and she did a good job.
  • IIUC, Skywalker seals would make for amazing shields, and allow guns you can actually aim (alternatively, get some Chakra-reinforced steel tubes with one end sealed... in both meanings of the word).
  • Guns are genuinely OP. We should definitely investigate this. A couple of grams of gunpowder suffices for a handgun, so a wall of explosive seals will make a scary-AF flak cannon.
  • Shoes seem like a poor place to put Skywalker seals; you really want to maximize stride length which just screams Spiderman to me.
  • What's the plan with Macerator 2.0?
  • Skywalker seals + ninja wire + Zephyr's Reach = WIN
  • We should really discuss ideas like Banshee shoes with the team before deciding on a research path.
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Re: your plan, I think we already kind-of got the AARs on the Konoha fiasco. Makes sense for Hazou to write up his thoughts, and at some point he should go over it with Inoue, to catch all the politics/diplomacy things he could be missing. I think that should wait a little, though. At the end of the 2 weeks might be a good time, to show that he's been thinking it over while serving his penance.

It's not an after action report by any means as it's only a short description of how Hazou screws up and only that particular instance, as opposed to how everyone screw up and didn't screw up, what we learned about leaf, and so on. This is so that the team and the hivemind will do better next time.

An After Action Report is always a team effort. It's also not an event where you hand out punishment.
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It's not an after action report by any means as it's only a short description of how Hazou screws up, as opposed to how everyone screw up and didn't screw up, so that the team and the hivemind will do better next time.

Yeah, hence "kind of". I'm just not sure how much there is to say besides "Don't piss off any more Sannin" and their suggestions for Hazou's social protocol going forward. Like, I can see why AARs are useful in general, but this was a situation with a single key failure point. And I'm worried getting the whole team to discuss it more is going to do more harm than good right now. (Well, mostly Nobby and Inoue--Kagome and Keiko might be okay.)

What sorts of things can you imagine the team saying that would be useful?
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