

Oh that's wonderful.

So you all know the idea that you could run a computer by moving rocks around in the desert?

Hazou has an earth affinity and we were looking for high-INT ninjutsu.
@Cariyaga yup.


The below is a list of lists that we need to make and maintain, and is the most Hazou thing I've done in a while. Created lists will be hyperlinked.

  • Tech tree of seals.
  • List of seal machines, including which seals are still required to be researched to build them.
  • Tech tree of techniques.
  • Tech tree of engineering projects for Akane/pangolin workshops.
  • List of chakra organisms we know about, their locations, and possible uses.
  • List of tactics we've come up with.
  • List of contacts we've made, people we know about, their uses, their relationships to each other.
  • List of resources at our disposal.
  • List of secrets we know, who else knows them, and who might benefit or be hurt by their publicity.
  • List of factions, their relationships, and relative military and economic power levels.
  • List of short, mid, and long term projects.
  • List of omake ideas.

Meta List is updated. Now would be a good time for someone other than @Oilywhale or I to pick up a list to curate.
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Meta List is updated. Now would be a good time for someone other that @Oilywhale or I to pick up a list to curate.
Hm... I kind of want to pick up one but most of the ones that I'd like would better use a different format than "list"...

*pokes around in the list of tools @Jello_Raptor quite handily listed out*

e: Whoa. Those're way too programmatically intense for me when all I want is a small-ish program (I don't WANT to download GIMP, dammit!) that'd make things look neater than MS Paint when doing up a relationship tree, ahah.
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e: Whoa. Those're way too programmatically intense for me when all I want is a small-ish program (I don't WANT to download GIMP, dammit!) that'd make things look neater than MS Paint when doing up a relationship tree, ahah.

Yeah, that's a lot of my own preference flowing through. I good at programmatic stuff, to the point that it's faster for me to work that way than with a WYSIWYG editor.

However, I hear draw.io is pretty good for a lot of things though. Alternately LibreOffice Draw if you'd rather something that isn't a web-service that can arbitrarily put up paywalls or make it hard to download your work. Dia is another downloadable option that's a bit more targeted. Finally, way back before I started boycotting Apple OmniGraffle was my program of choice.
Yeah, that's a lot of my own preference flowing through. I good at programmatic stuff, to the point that it's faster for me to work that way than with a WYSIWYG editor.

However, I hear draw.io is pretty good for a lot of things though. Alternately LibreOffice Draw if you'd rather something that isn't a web-service that can arbitrarily put up paywalls or make it hard to download your work. Dia is another downloadable option that's a bit more targeted. Finally, way back before I started boycotting Apple OmniGraffle was my program of choice.
Ooh, draw.io is wonderful. I might see about converting both of our current tech trees to a more visual format, as long as @MadScientist and @OliWhail don't mind.
Hm, this could be a problem. I'm screwing around with it a bit, but it seems to only render well in draw.io; in the sharable link here, it's super small.

e: also still in progress, for reference, but I'm having fun with it.
Notice: Most of this post is correcting typos. Please tell me if you want me to stop.

Oops, forgot to mention this earlier:
he'd try making one of Hazō's experimental seals if at least some of those weren't yakuza property.
Bit confused by this sentence.

and prevent most melted fighters from approaching,
So... fighters not currently using the Frozen Skein? I suppose it makes sense, if the writer is a Mori.
(Yes I'm aware that was probably an autocorrupt of melee, it's just cooler this way.)

We have what? 2-3 separate omake continuities? @OliWhail's one, mine with the far future shenanigans, and @MadScientist's which are probably all from the same universe, it's just that the universe is nonsensical multiverse. Not to mention that Oli and I have both written stories in each other's settings.
You forgot the Fraidy-Cats continuity. Which I'm still hoping for another chapter of, by the way.
It would, but fortunately I already tore through the list I'd been maintaining when I posted three of em on Saturday :D

SOP: Learn How to DataViz
Cool. These were all towards the end of your post, presumably because you were writing for ages. Thank you, by the way.
compare to each other in ways that aren't just about lange area.
'lange' should probably be 'land'. Unless you meant 'lounge area', which is funnier.
Holding your move over a state or the total bar
You said 'move' where I assume you meant 'mouse'.
but it's easy enough only show some of them at a time.
There should be a 'to' between 'enough' and 'only'.
the colorblind blind folks
I imagine you weren't referring to blindsight. Perhaps you forgot a hyphen, and were referring to the people who forget colorblindness exists? :thereshouldbeasubtler'kek'smiley:

[2]: The 'Tex' part is pronounced "tech", and full thing is either "lay-tech" or "lah-tech" depending on who you ask. If you pronounce it "lay-tex" you are a heathen who deserves to burn for your sins.
"La-tay-eks." :V
someone other that @Oilywhale
Other than @OilyWhale?
Cool. These were all towards the end of your post, presumably because you were writing for ages. Thank you, by the way.
'lange' should probably be 'land'. Unless you meant 'lounge area', which is funnier.
You said 'move' where I assume you meant 'mouse'.
There should be a 'to' between 'enough' and 'only'.
I imagine you weren't referring to blindsight. Perhaps you forgot a hyphen, and were referring to the people who forget colorblindness exists? :thereshouldbeasubtler'kek'smiley:

Brilliant, thank you. All fixed now.

Hm, this could be a problem. I'm screwing around with it a bit, but it seems to only render well in draw.io; in the sharable link here, it's super small.

e: also still in progress, for reference, but I'm having fun with it.

See! This is why standards are important. Also why I like having everything output in PDF, PNG, or SVG.
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But... I made arts too... I even did one of the barrel... :( I feel kinda ignored.
Oh yeah, I friggin' adored your art! It was fantastic. :D

e: Hm... You know, it strikes me that it's really easy to copy seals. We should create a Non-Combat International Seal Repository for the Advancement of Sealmasters. We can create internationally respected seal patents! :D
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Hey guys, you know the oddly pleasant feeling of looking down on a physicist as they drink the last of their beer?

Ah, the strange charm of a top down bottoms up.