Finally, way back before I started boycotting Apple OmniGraffle was my program of choice.
Why'd you do that?
It's Kagome's equivalent of "I'll eat my hat if [X]"
An odd one, considering his character, but no. I was talking about the structure. The phrase "if at least some of those weren't Yakuza property" is really, really awkward. Pretty clear in its intention, but awkward.
Dammit, I fight about Kagome being buddies with Akatsuki!
The alternative being?
Oh, wait, you probably just fell victim to autocorrect. Anyone else tired of its carp?
But... I made arts too... I even did one of the barrel... :( I feel kinda ignored.
I thought it was strange that he mentioned someone else but not you.
Hey guys, you know the oddly pleasant feeling of looking down on a physicist as they drink the last of their beer?

Ah, the strange charm of a top down bottoms up.
I was born and raised LDS, and my religion basically prohibits alcohol as a drink. (I'm guessing it was looser before National Prohibition.) So I'm a bit ignorant of bar culture. Explain for the benefit of the Mormon kid?
Also, Hazou's character sheet, on the Chakra Regeneration dropdown sheet, has the following lines:
Size of his chakra reserves.

Each level gives 5 CP per 8h.
Keiko's sheet doesn't even have that dropdown, and the Capacity description still uses 'his'. Akane has both lists, and both misprints.
Pffff. Take your rating and leave!

Thank you, thank you. Just found that here, it was one of my hardest laughs in a while, and I knew this thread would like it.

I was born and raised LDS, and my religion basically prohibits alcohol as a drink. (I'm guessing it was looser before National Prohibition.) So I'm a bit ignorant of bar culture. Explain for the benefit of the Mormon kid?

What @Cariyaga said, and a "bottoms up" references tipping your glass up to drink the rest of your drink.
thought it was strange that he mentioned someone else but not you.
I was making a comment about the people who had most recently been posting images they made. I'll note that to my knowledge @Traiden is by far the winner in terms of amount of actual art produced for this quest.

Explain for the benefit of the Mormon kid?
Have never been to a bar, but in case the phrase "bottoms up" is what's confusing, it's an encouragement to take a drink, and fits into the names of the six types of quark that the joke is playing on (strange, charm, top, down, bottom, up). It gets used in other contexts too, so I'm not sure if something else was confusing..?

Anyone else tired of its carp?
Sigh. Yeah, should have been "forgot"
Bar culture's irrelevant, it's a quantum physics joke about the types of quark.
Ah, yes, I pounded the table about five times when I found out.
What @Cariyaga said, and a "bottoms up" references tipping your glass up to drink the rest of your drink.
Have never been to a bar, but in case the phrase "bottoms up" is what's confusing, it's an encouragement to take a drink, and fits into the names of the six types of quark that the joke is playing on (strange, charm, top, down, bottom, up). It gets used in other contexts too, so I'm not sure if something else was confusing..?
The "top down" part was actually what confused me. 'Look down on' has a different instinctive meaning, without the benefit of body language.
Also, you should probably add the Stealth component of traps to the 'rolls against' section. And the 'rolls against enemy combat roll if enemy is using explosives' to Tactical Movement. Probably good to add explosive rules to the 'Basic Explosive Note' in 'Seals Hazou Can Infuse', too.
At least if you're going to add the 'rolls against' section to all the skills. I imagine it's a bit of a headache.
And finally, at least for Hazou's sheet, the place he got his malus dice should be called the Hot Springs Incident, not the Hidden Springs Incident.
Damn, I totally missed the planning session.

We really need to push for the Team Stalky/Talky divide in the next training session. Akane and Kagome are serious liabilities here.

Earth Wall says 6 CP per 100 cubic feet, by the way.

But that's correct?

@ChronOblivion I like the new sheets, very spiffy. A few details on some of the skill descriptions:

Taijutsu - Rolled to dodge targeted attacks like Weapons

Awareness - Main defense against Genjutsu

TacMov - Rolled to dodge explosions

Thousand Yard Stare - Specifically gained from successes, not just general traumatic events
Keiko's equipment (And Hazou's, by the way) is missing Explosive Tags, PMYF, and all the storage scrolls they have. Keiko's is also missing her Kusarigama.
Chakra Affinity should probably not be plural.
Hazou, it turns out, doesn't actually have an equipment list.
Clothes should be listed.
I feel slightly out of place pointing these out instead of fixing them. Do you mind giving me access?
Cubic inches.
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What? The character sheets say 100 cubic feet, which is the correct amount according to System Rules Document.
System Rules Document said:
Doton: Multiple Earth Style Wall

Range 13m per level.
Chakra cost 6 per 2.85 cubic metres. Walls must be at least 30cm x 90cm in cross-section.
You can spread that 2.85 cubic metres (or about 100 cubic feet) over as many separate walls as you like, so long as they're at least 30cm thick and 90cm wide.

Where are you getting inches from?

EDIT: Here's some additional help in visualizing how big walls Hazou can make.
  • Hazou's current Multiple Earth Wall capabilities
    • Range 78 meters
    • 6 CP = ~10.5 meters of 90 cm tall, 30 cm thick wall
    • 100 CP = ~168 meters of 90 cm tall, 30 cm thick wall
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...Right, square/cube law. Still quite surprising to realize that he can make a hundred foot tall wall for *does some math* more than 50 CP, because of the width requirements. Nevermind.
Also, neither Akane or Hazou have their Righteous Face Punching levels noted in their character sheets.
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Keiko's equipment (And Hazou's, by the way) is missing Explosive Tags, PMYF, and all the storage scrolls they have. Keiko's is also missing her Kusarigama.
Chakra Affinity should probably not be plural.
Hazou, it turns out, doesn't actually have an equipment list.
Clothes should be listed.
I feel slightly out of place pointing these out instead of fixing them. Do you mind giving me access?

Cubic inches.

The equipment tables were never ever getting used by @eaglejarl or @Velorien. I recommended that we either delete it or they constantly kept it up to date, and they said to delete it. I kept Keiko's, to note her Pangolin scroll and Weapons, as well as Noburi's chakra kegs, but it was sorta irrelevant for the other guys. It might be a good idea to have some separate doc with our team's supplies and equipment, but that sometimes is pretty nebulously defined. We don't really have plans for Keiko to use the Kusarigama, and that would be more accurately listed as something the team has in storage.

Good catch of the "Affinities" thing. Don't know why that was different on three of the sheets.

@ChronOblivion I like the new sheets, very spiffy. A few details on some of the skill descriptions:

Taijutsu - Rolled to dodge targeted attacks like Weapons

Awareness - Main defense against Genjutsu

TacMov - Rolled to dodge explosions

Thousand Yard Stare - Specifically gained from successes, not just general traumatic events

I'll try to change them to fit, but I'm preferring to keep all of the notes small enough to fit in the default window size. And is Taijutsu confirmed to dodge targeted ranged attacks? I would've thought TacMove would be used.
I'll try to change them to fit, but I'm preferring to keep all of the notes small enough to fit in the default window size. And is Taijutsu confirmed to dodge targeted ranged attacks? I would've thought TacMove would be used.

Yes, dodging a thrown kunai is a Taijutsu vs Weapons roll. Explosives rules change the Taijutsu to TacMove though. The only in-text example of this is the snowball fight before we left Tea if I remember correctly.

Akane has that Way Too Long Of A Name style...

Come on people, just call it Youthful Fist. It makes sense and is about the same length (but way easier to type) than the acronym.

EDIT: Here's the "roll Taijutsu to dodge" quote I was talking about:
"I'm confused," Kagome called, ducking under Noburi's salvo of deadly ice missiles. "Why do you want to leave our nice safe camp with our beautiful sealing lab in order to go get stabbed by lots of stinking ninja stinker border patrols?" He twisted around, moving for a better shot on Noburi, only to screech in panic and kawarimi away as Keiko's barrage went through the space his chest had just occupied.

Keiko, Weapons: 884
Noburi, Weapons: 191
Akane, Weapons: 192
Kagome, Weapons: 43 Seriously? With this many dice, how do you roll a 43?!

Keiko, Taijutsu (dodge, because parrying snowballs works poorly and is cheating): 114
Noburi, Taijutsu (dodge): 176
Akane, Taijutsu (dodge): 854
Kagome, Taijutsu (dodge): 781

"I'll save you, senpai!" Akane called, laughing. "Fear the flames of my—I mean, dodge this!" she called, firing a storm of snowballs at Keiko with both hands while using the sling on her ninja wire to fire one towards Noburi, who was facing away looking for Kagome's next attack. Keiko barely leaped aside from everything headed towards herself before grabbing her teammate and pulling him out of the path of Akane's cowardly attack.
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Yes, dodging a thrown kunai is a Taijutsu vs Weapons roll. Explosives rules change the Taijutsu to TacMove though. The only in-text example of this is the snowball fight before we left Tea if I remember correctly.

Come on people, just call it Youthful Fist. It makes sense and is about the same length (but way easier to type) than the acronym.

EDIT: Here's the "roll Taijutsu to dodge" quote I was talking about:
Wait. Salvo of deadly ice missiles?

E: Oh, never mind, snowball fight, now I remember. I feel dumb now.
Actually it was. Or @Radvic proposed one, at least, and Kouta's introduction said that Akane was good at it, even if it was originally a joke.

And with that, I need to go sleep. See you guys later.
Yep, kinda. Righteous Face Punch was a style I jokingly proposed way back when that the QMs approved. It basically replaces both tac move and Taijutsu with a single skill, but doesn't allow one to use that skill to disengage or travel normally. As far as I understand, it's exactly as suicidal as it sounds, and nobody in their right minds would use it. In Kouta's introduction, Akane describes her flavor of Taijutsu as Righteous Face Punching, but it's not technically the skill Righteous Face Punching. Presumably Rock Lee might have RFP as a skill (it would allow his Taijutsu level to scale with other ninja without needing a chakra boost, but would mean he couldn't run away or disengage ever).

Hm. Speaking of @Radvic, wasn't his journey supposed to be coming to an end soon? Toward winter, If I'm not entirely mistaken.
Yep. I'm currently in Damascus, Virginia, about to enter Tennessee (in ~10ish hours). Have walked ~1700 miles thus far (Maine to southern Virginia), ~470 miles to go (Tennessee to Georgia). Trying to finish by November 15th to be home for turkey (Thanksgiving) and hopefully avoid frostbite (because it's getting cold, and I hike in sandals). I expect to return to regular analysis, plan writing/critiquing, and general thread participation shortly after I finish (so around mid-late November). Unless I get Lyme's disease, or break a leg, or get frostbite, or give up, all of which would have me "finish" sooner. For now I just check the thread whenever I have internets and electricity (like now). Generally I'll respond to a ping within a week.
That or I realise I have no idea whats going on and check the threadmarks to see Velorian has been sneaking updates in behind my back.
Crud, I need to remember to ping people after he posts.

*pokes @eaglejarl for when he gets online this evening*

But... I made arts too... I even did one of the barrel... :( I feel kinda ignored.

That reminds me, we absolutely need to link those in post #2. Could you give me the links again?

@Radvic: do me a favor and vote by absentee ballot. Without wanting to introduce spiders, what I heard at the debate last night was terrifying, and I want to make sure that the margin of victory is as high as possible. The popular vote will matter a lot, for once.
@Radvic: do me a favor and vote by absentee ballot. Without wanting to introduce spiders, what I heard at the debate last night was terrifying, and I want to make sure that the margin of victory is as high as possible. The popular vote will matter a lot, for once.

Okay, I admit that I freaked out for a second there. I thought you were talking about MfD voting process, and that our last planning session was somehow exceptionally horrible. (Maybe the idea to start murdering pregnant ladies got re-introduced or something?)

Then I realized that you were talking about the US elections.

Wait, shouldn't that freak me out even more?